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post Sep 11 2011, 12:42 AM
Post #1976

Moving Target

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* Tip_OtherCMPhysical and Tip_OtherCMStun
Both tips comes from the english version of the translation no matter the language.

* Please, pretty please expend those buttons :

* No tip for
Label_OtherCareerKarma (tip displayed = nuyen tip)

* In carrier mode, swaping from technomancer to magician (yeah I know) didn't put the initiation tab. Then I removed the magicien, put a magician and that was ok.
I tried to initiate. It seems that metamagic don't remove karma.

* Please pre-select "Human" when making a new character. The user will just have to click on Ok if he's agree (very usefull when creating PACK ou Cybersuit or restarting Chummer each 30 seconds for translation)

* 60%, my bed is calling me.
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post Sep 11 2011, 08:19 AM
Post #1977

Running Target

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I don't suppose you could post your to do list again just to see what stuff you already have in the works?
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post Sep 11 2011, 01:21 PM
Post #1978

Moving Target

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New things. As we say in french "A little sketch is better than a long explanation" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Download jpg

This include the 60% translation fr.xml I'm working with, for testing purposes (Nebular, I apologize big times for all the "spam" and that spaghetti todo list, but I'm bug hunting these days).
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post Sep 11 2011, 05:41 PM
Post #1979

Moving Target

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Got two ideas :
- A new weapond nammed "Akimbo" for characters that shoot with two pistols at the same time where you can put two weapons, one for left hand, one for rigth hand. It should have two ranges, two fire buttons and so on.
- Gremlins in dice roller.
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post Sep 11 2011, 07:46 PM
Post #1980

Old Man Jones

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 11 2011, 01:41 PM) *
- A new weapond nammed "Akimbo" for characters that shoot with two pistols at the same time where you can put two weapons, one for left hand, one for rigth hand. It should have two ranges, two fire buttons and so on.

You'd need to have a place to indicate how your dice pools are split, as dual-wielding does not require evenly split pools.

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post Sep 11 2011, 07:56 PM
Post #1981

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 10 2011, 07:42 PM) *
* Tip_OtherCMPhysical and Tip_OtherCMStun
Both tips comes from the english version of the translation no matter the language.

* Please, pretty please expend those buttons :

* No tip for
Label_OtherCareerKarma (tip displayed = nuyen tip)

* In carrier mode, swaping from technomancer to magician (yeah I know) didn't put the initiation tab. Then I removed the magicien, put a magician and that was ok.
I tried to initiate. It seems that metamagic don't remove karma.

* Please pre-select "Human" when making a new character. The user will just have to click on Ok if he's agree (very usefull when creating PACK ou Cybersuit or restarting Chummer each 30 seconds for translation)

* 60%, my bed is calling me.

The CM ones are bound to the wrong controls. I'll have that fixed in the next update.
There should not be a tooltip for the Initiation/Submersion field - it doesn't follow a fixed formula. It's just how much Karma has been spent on Initiation or Submersion.
No, there will be no default Metatype selected.
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post Sep 11 2011, 07:56 PM
Post #1982

Moving Target

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(sorry for the spam, again, but if I don't do this, I forgot)

* Label_DiceRoller_Result
Only shows on Glitch. I wonder if this text is required.

* Label_LifestyleNuyen_Description
Could add an option to fill results from the dice roller at that point (same for Cyberzombi)

* There should be the language settings of the character uploader to display in Omae's list, for the purpose to have readable notes for the user. Maybe a new filter with options "show the characters in my language", "show the characters in my language and english", "show them all".

* Right clic on an ammo item, clic "buy more" (especially when Ammo is depleted)
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post Sep 11 2011, 07:59 PM
Post #1983

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Shortstraw @ Sep 11 2011, 03:19 AM) *
I don't suppose you could post your to do list again just to see what stuff you already have in the works?
This isn't necessarily stuff in the works, but stuff on my list of things to evaluate.

Outstaing Items
    House Rule: Metatypes Cost Karma 2:1
    House Rule: Reduce Essence Cost of Cyberware/Bioware Checkbox
    Hacked Programs
    Support for Cyborgs
    Vehicle Underbarrel Weapons
    Gear Cost % Adjustment
    Omae Character Feedback
    GM Character Management/Karma/Nuyen/Gear Distribution
    Multiple Clips and Different Ammo
    A.I. Inherent Programs
    Cheat Sheets?
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post Sep 11 2011, 08:04 PM
Post #1984

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 11 2011, 07:56 PM) *
There should not be a tooltip for the Initiation/Submersion field - it doesn't follow a fixed formula. It's just how much Karma has been spent on Initiation or Submersion.

Forget about what I said about metamagic cost. It's an optional rule I messed with.

QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 11 2011, 07:56 PM) *
No, there will be no default Metatype selected.

Why that ? I was not speaking about "human selected by default and have to change metatype in the creation process", I was speaking about just the human item highligthed in the list, so the user just have to clic on ok if he agrees on creating a human or clic elsewhere if he wants to create something else.

ATM, the user have to clic on the metatype list anyway, that would make one clic less for the majority of the uses and same as today for others...

I understand if that's by design, no problems. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

-edit- somewhere near 85%. Eat. Maybe alpha v1.0 tonight, I'd like to make this tested by french guys first.
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post Sep 11 2011, 08:07 PM
Post #1985

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 11 2011, 03:04 PM) *
Forget about what I said about metamagic cost. It's an optional rule I messed with.

Why that ? I was not speaking about "human selected by default and have to change metatype in the creation process", I was speaking about just the human item highligthed in the list, so the user just have to clic on ok if he agrees on creating a human or clic elsewhere if he wants to create something else.

ATM, the user have to clic on the metatype list anyway, that would make one clic less for the majority of the uses and same as today for others...

I understand if that's by design, no problems. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

-edit- somewhere near 85%. Eat. Maybe alpha v1.0 tonight, I'd like to make this tested by french guys first.

This is by design. The intention is to force someone to consciously choose their Metatype instead of clicking OK by mistake or hitting Enter one too many times from the Select BP window and discovering that they're now creating a Human when they really wanted something else. It's not like it takes much effort to hit Change Metatype or close the character and select the proper Metatype, but it can be annoying, especially if you're a GM creating a handful of NPCs at once.
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post Sep 11 2011, 10:38 PM
Post #1986


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I've just noticed that natural qualities (i.e. Low-light Vision for Elves) don't appear, neither on the UI, nor on the charsheets (but are not available when adding new qualities, which is correct).

I've tried to add them into metatypes.xml (<qualities><positive><quality>Low-Light Vision</quality> </positive></qualities>) and they are well-managed (qualities by default without cost), except that they appear twice when choosing a metavariant.

(By the way, you've done a great work with Chummer (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) )
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post Sep 12 2011, 12:08 AM
Post #1987

Moving Target

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French version 100%, entering beta after french volunteers makes quick display checks and adjustements until late tuesday I think.

A few bug more :
* String_SelectBP_BPSummary
Initialised in english if you don't move BP->Karma->BP.

* Some things are created via language .xml. I'm thinking about Nexi (Personna limit comes from language file) and maybe sides of cyberarms

* I'd really like the attributes names in french on the UI and at the splash creation screen when selecting the metatype. Some "BP" left in that Select a metatype screen also. These are nearly the only important elements left in the UI.
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post Sep 12 2011, 01:33 AM
Post #1988


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the PPP securitech armor mods are not in the armor mod selection area anymore.. is this intentional.. and if so why? Thanks

Never mind,. i found it.. it is not an Armor mod now it is Armor.. but in Arsenal it takes up Slots so it is actually a mod.
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post Sep 12 2011, 07:53 AM
Post #1989


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QUOTE (Shortstraw @ Sep 11 2011, 01:50 AM) *
I believe the max modified rating is 1.5x unmodified rating (rounding down).

You're right, I've missed that one. It's position in the french book is easy to miss. My bad.

QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 12 2011, 02:08 AM) *
French version 100%, entering beta after french volunteers makes quick display checks and adjustements until late tuesday I think.

Pretty good so far, I've answered you on the Shadowforums.
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post Sep 12 2011, 09:28 AM
Post #1990

Moving Target

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* When a Skill specialization is " " (any empty space ammount) Chummer considers it's a specialization. Chummer should reset that Specialization to "" (nothing) and consider that cost 0
(spoted due to one crying PC that told me "Oooh... Starting characters in Shadowrun are real newbies, man" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Of course that fat fingers put +/-40BP in specialization using empty spaces (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

* At the Title_SelectBP screen, the tooltip of Checkbox_SelectBP_IgnoreRules is in english and seem to be hardcoded : "When checked, all BP and attributes/skills..."...

* In the add quality screen, somebody tells me it would be better that if the OK button were labeled "Add".

* Icon tootips ("New", "Open", "Save character", "Print Character") are in english (those little icons under the main menu bar)
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post Sep 12 2011, 10:07 AM
Post #1991

Moving Target

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Suprathyroid Gland seems to be counted as an Initiative modifier because it gets ignored for Reaction total when cumulated with a Synaptic Booster (SR4A 347).
The gland only modifies the Reaction attribute directly and not the Initiative unlike the booster or any wire system.

Could you correct that please?
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post Sep 12 2011, 11:15 AM
Post #1992

Moving Target

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* In the tab "Karma cost" via options, there's a ( between Initiation/Sumersion cost and the box. It shouldn't be here I think (the betatester team is heartless (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )

* Texts above condition monitors ("Physical" and "Stun") stayed in english.
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post Sep 12 2011, 12:47 PM
Post #1993

Moving Target

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English and french versions diverges, as seen in thoses screens :

If you don't create a new character, when you clic on file you have
- New character
- New critter
- Open
- Print multiple

When you create one, you have :
- New character
- New critter
- Open
- Save
- Save as
- Print
- Print multiple

If you don't create a new character, when you clic on file you have, translated from french :
- New character
- New critter
- Open
- Print multiple

When you create one, you have :
- New character
- New critter
- Open
- Print multiple

Misses Save, Save as, Print.
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post Sep 12 2011, 01:56 PM
Post #1994

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Sep 12 2011, 05:07 AM) *
Suprathyroid Gland seems to be counted as an Initiative modifier because it gets ignored for Reaction total when cumulated with a Synaptic Booster (SR4A 347).
The gland only modifies the Reaction attribute directly and not the Initiative unlike the booster or any wire system.

Could you correct that please?

There have been a number of discussions on this in the past. The short version is no, this will not be changed. Everything that modifies REA affects INI and Suprathyroid Gland is the only one that does not say it does not stack with other items that provide INI enhancements. Given that it affects INI through REA, this would exclude it from working with other items like Synaptic Booster which states it does not stack with other INI enhancers.
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post Sep 12 2011, 01:59 PM
Post #1995

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (EpicSpire @ Sep 11 2011, 08:33 PM) *
the PPP securitech armor mods are not in the armor mod selection area anymore.. is this intentional.. and if so why? Thanks

Never mind,. i found it.. it is not an Armor mod now it is Armor.. but in Arsenal it takes up Slots so it is actually a mod.

I forgot to move these out of the Mod section when I moved Helmets and Shields since they stack like them. They can be worn separately and do not need to be attached to a piece of armor, just like Helmets and Shields.
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post Sep 12 2011, 02:16 PM
Post #1996

Moving Target

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From: Paris, France
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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 12 2011, 01:56 PM) *
There have been a number of discussions on this in the past. The short version is no, this will not be changed. Everything that modifies REA affects INI and Suprathyroid Gland is the only one that does not say it does not stack with other items that provide INI enhancements. Given that it affects INI through REA, this would exclude it from working with other items like Synaptic Booster which states it does not stack with other INI enhancers.

I see what leads you to this. You see in this sentence that anything that will have an impact, may it be direct or indirect, on the Initiative cannot stack.
My opinion would be more to not allow anything that will impact Initiative directly, like wiring cybernetic. I think that is a point where interpretation can't be unique.

Could you please then consider adding it to the house rules options?
Maybe something labelled "Allow indirect INI enhancement through REA when INI enhancement is prohibited" or whatever you could state clearer?

Side note:
I've been using Chummer for the past week and I am (as many others, seing the popularity of this topic) very impressed with the work done.
Thank you for your time and effort on this. Jazz, a few FR guys and I are trying to help a bit by providing bug reports and french translation in return.
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post Sep 12 2011, 02:19 PM
Post #1997

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 11 2011, 07:08 PM) *
French version 100%, entering beta after french volunteers makes quick display checks and adjustements until late tuesday I think.

A few bug more :
* String_SelectBP_BPSummary
Initialised in english if you don't move BP->Karma->BP.

* Some things are created via language .xml. I'm thinking about Nexi (Personna limit comes from language file) and maybe sides of cyberarms

* I'd really like the attributes names in french on the UI and at the splash creation screen when selecting the metatype. Some "BP" left in that Select a metatype screen also. These are nearly the only important elements left in the UI.

String_SelectBP_BPSummary will be correctly initialised in the next update. I thought it was automatically changed when the window loads because the BP/Karm list is populated. I was wrong.
I'm going to need to figure something out for the Attributes.

QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 12 2011, 04:28 AM) *
* When a Skill specialization is " " (any empty space ammount) Chummer considers it's a specialization. Chummer should reset that Specialization to "" (nothing) and consider that cost 0
(spoted due to one crying PC that told me "Oooh... Starting characters in Shadowrun are real newbies, man" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Of course that fat fingers put +/-40BP in specialization using empty spaces (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

* At the Title_SelectBP screen, the tooltip of Checkbox_SelectBP_IgnoreRules is in english and seem to be hardcoded : "When checked, all BP and attributes/skills..."...

* In the add quality screen, somebody tells me it would be better that if the OK button were labeled "Add".

* Icon tootips ("New", "Open", "Save character", "Print Character") are in english (those little icons under the main menu bar)

I forgot about the tooltip on the checkbox. I'll add the string for this in the next update (Tip_SelectBP_IgnoreRules).
The OK button in the Select Quality window will stay as it is since this is how it appears in all of the other windows. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
The tooltips for the tool bar items will be fixed up in the next update. I've finally figured out how to change their text at run time (it's stupidly easy and obvious, but I hadn't done it for ages and forgot how)

QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 12 2011, 06:15 AM) *
* In the tab "Karma cost" via options, there's a ( between Initiation/Sumersion cost and the box. It shouldn't be here I think (the betatester team is heartless (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )

* Texts above condition monitors ("Physical" and "Stun") stayed in english.

The "(" should be there as it shows a formula: ([your value] x New Rating) + 10.
There's a logic problem in the Language Manager that is preventing these from being translated (it avoids translating the buttons since they have no language-dependent content), but it instead just doesn't translated anything in those CM areas. This will be fixed in the next update.

QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 12 2011, 07:47 AM) *
English and french versions diverges, as seen in thoses screens :
... menu stuff ...

Edit: Found the problem. I was translating the menu names in the main window but not in the Create or Career windows, so the menu names never matched up which prevents .NET from merging the menus together. This will be fixed in the next update.

I'll also be fixing up a number of the text alignment issues. These have been bugging me for a while but I wanted to get the translation stuff out of the way before I addressed it. The buttons will also resize and move to fit accordingly. The "unused space" you point out in the screen shots isn't necessary unused space - they're hidden controls (at least in the case of the Vehicle tab). Just because you don't see the 40 boxes for a Vehicle's Condition Monitor doesn't mean they're not there. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) That lone box you point out is because the selected Vehicle has 11 boxes on its Condition Monitor and they are rows of 10 boxes each to make counting them out easier. (it's amazing how confusing it becomes when you try to do 12 - 15 boxes on a line and try to quickly figure out its current health)
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post Sep 12 2011, 03:19 PM
Post #1998

Moving Target

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* for the tootips of "Equipped" (armors - checkbox's name is Checkbox_Equipped) and "Installed" (weapons mod and accesories, checkbox's name is ...Checkbox_Installed), the two tooltips comes from hardcoded messages in english.

(Nebular, please don't hesitate to tell if you want me to stop spam, I don't know if you'll correct all of these or if I bother you, or if each time you finish something I've got a new thing... Things should calm down a bit very soon, I think.)

btw, somebody with a computer at a low resolution (said as 1366x768) reported too long tooltips that made unfinished sentences at the end of the tooltip's bubble. I fixed that by \n some tooltips in the middle of the sentence.

That was :
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post Sep 12 2011, 03:23 PM
Post #1999


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First-time poster here.

Chummer is awesome! I'm impressed by the ease and polish of this great app, and it's made a huge difference in my new SR game. Thanks so much for making it available for us.

We use Maptools for our game. I'd like to request a feature to use Chummer to create a Maptools icon compatible with Veggiesama's SR 4 framework. It would help us out a lot.

Thanks again for the great application,

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post Sep 12 2011, 03:46 PM
Post #2000

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 12 2011, 03:19 PM) *
The OK button in the Select Quality window will stay as it is since this is how it appears in all of the other windows. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Not for equippement, armor, etc. The guys told me that was the same spirit, since there's an "Add & more" button.

QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 12 2011, 03:19 PM) *
(...loads of fixes...)

You're amazing.

The french xml is quite clean now but I think I've got to wait for it to be finished after the next update. Loads of changing labels there and we may have a half en/half fr translation (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

If you want our curent file for testing purposes, it's here :

(there's new fixes since that one but anyway this one is 100% complete and made 3 hours ago)

edit - if you want the x language, also for testing purpose, here's one. With that one everything left in english is easy to spot.

How to make one with your current language file :
- copy the en-us.xml
- rename the new file to something like x.xml
- in the new one with notepad++, change the language name to "X"
- control+H, replace all "</text>" by " -->" without the " characters but with the space before -->
- control+H, replace all "<text>" by "<text>X</text> <!-- " without the " characters but with the space after <!--
- save, you're done.

(comes from dirty working tricks (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )
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