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> CAS Rangers -- Chuck Norris Mullet Police!, An introductory adventure
Wounded Ronin
post Feb 27 2006, 01:20 AM
Post #1

Great Dragon

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Although I've GMed Shadowrun for at least 4 years or so by now, I don't have any of my sourcebooks with me right now. This is because I'm doing Peace Corps service right now and the sourcebooks were impractically heavy for me to bring with me to a place where no one plays SR in the first place. Therefore, there may be some errors and omitions in the statistical portions of this writeup since I had to do everything from memory. As always, feel free to correct or adjust any stats as needed should you run this campaign.


Chapter I: Swearing In
Chapter II: MILES Training
Chapter III: First mission
Chapter IV: Second Mission
Chapter V: Third Mission
Chapter VI: Fourth and Final Mission
Appendix 1: Gear Issuance
Appendix 2: Mook and enemy stats
Appendix 3: Recurring NPCs


I have spent the last week or two preparing this adventure which is specially designed as an introductory campaign for new players. It is quite different than most introductory adventures, though, in many ways.

Firstly, the adventure is based on "Walker: Texas Ranger". Chuck Norris is a NPC in this campagin. Shadowrun differs from many other role playing systems in that the player characters start out powerful but are still very fallible. And who could better drive home the message of your character's own fallibility than Chuck Norris being unstoppable as usual whenever you screw up?

Secondly, the player characters are not shadowrunners but rather rangers. Not Army Rangers, but rather high-octane mullet police in the tradition of "Walker: Texas Ranger". This means that they have a support structure; they have life insurance, emergency medical facilities, and plenty of weapons and ammunition which is issued to them by the government. My intention with this is to set up a harsh contrast with future campaigns in which the players will probably play shadowrunners and be without these support structures. I think that knowing that most official operatives get all kinds of resources which are difficult for shadowrunners to maintain for themselves will make it a lot easier to roleplay being SINless and downtrodden. I've decided to set things up like this because in my experience as a GM I think that a lot of players don't grasp how being a mercenary generally sucks compared to being a regular precisely because of issues like the lack of a reliable medevac, ammunition and resources basically coming out of your profit, and the fact that if you die no one cares that much since you can't even hit your employer from beyond the grave with life insurance payments. Usually, people act like being SINless is no big deal even though they shouldn't. Perhaps a first campaign as upstanding citizens with SINs will help new players understand more what a SINless mercenary is risking.

Thirdly, this campaign is also a loving tribute to Damage Incorporated. Damage Incorporated was a 1997 3d FPS game which was actually just a gigantic patch of the Marathon engine. The creator of the game, Richard Rouse, tried to be contemporary and philosophical by making the game be about the USMC going and utterly lighting up a bunch of befuddled militia groups while drawing superficial comparisons between social conflicts the Vietnam War and the social conflicts of the nineties. At the same time, Rouse did a little bit of research into NATO and USMC weaponry but never did quite enough, so that you get things like 40mm grenades having the explosive radius of a pinata, curiosities like "acid rounds", and M16A2s that the Marines fire from the hip in full auto mode as though they just jumped out of a time portal from the Vietnam War. In other words, it was one hell of an awesome game, and it is my humble wish that I may have managed to do its awesomeness some justice in my tribute.

Fourthly, I decided to take some pointers from Deus Ex to help enhance the "role playing" aspect of this game; my intention is that this campaign may introduce new players not only to consistient and tactical "roll playing", but also to reasonably solid "role playing". In order to create an immersive feeling of a game world and promote character continuity, I've set up the campaign so that after each mission the PCs return to the same place, the CAS Ranger headquarters. This is a direct borrow of how JC Denton would return to the UNATCO office after completing a mission time and time again, because I feel that it was a very effective way of creating an immersive feeling of belonging to an organization. Another element that I am trying to use to good effect is recurring NPCs which have personalities and histories. Even though theoretically all RPG campaigns should have recurring NPCs with actual personalities and histories I think that in practice a lot of times that just dosen't happen. In Shadowrun, with everyone picking two level one contacts, the GM cannot possibly develop a great backstory for each NPC contact. At the same time, even if the player does develop a backstory and personality for each contact, it's the GM and not the player who is expected to control that contact, and in the end the contact basically needs to act according to the rules. Fixers must behave according to the rules for selling loot if you want to sell them something. Street Docs must charge you the medical fees listed in SR3 for various treatments. In the end, you have an army of algorithmic two dimensional contacts because Shadowrun basically demands that each PC grab two contacts. Since I have tried to overcome that in this campaign, though, it's my hope that there's going to be more red meat than usual for those people who want to fool around with character development and things like that.

Fifthly, there's a certain element of morality-centric cause and effect in this campaign. It's a tribute to both Deus Ex and Damage Incorporated at the same time. Since the players are police there is a possibility that they will get in trouble if they do something that's obviously and blatantly evil. So, in the first place, it's my hope that this will set up a memorable contrast with later normal campaigns where no one expects anything, morality wise, of shadowrunners. Once again, by driving home how expectations of shadowrunners differs from the norm, I think that the players will be better able to role play when they are more aware of this difference in expectation. Secondly, though, it's also supposed to articulate the morally grey nature of established institutions, since the players won't get in trouble for doing something evil unless they also do something which displeases their boss. If nothing else, it's a tribute to two dear FPS games. I'm sure everyone remembers how Manderley would high five you and pay you for killing Lebedev while Carter would passive aggressively try to make you feel guility in Deus Ex. And one of the funniest parts of Damage Incorporated was how if you sociopathically massacred one of the Carolina militia groups which was trying to surrender to you afterwards Colonel Grey would go apoplectic and chew you out for being a total loose cannon nutcase. But then nothing bad would actually happen because the government still needed you. And if you brought Johansen in your squad he'd go, "Give us your worst, you inbred mutants!" while spraying from the hip into the onrushing militia members, which is so funny I still smirk when I think of it.


There are a few "global" rules which apply in this campaign.

1.) If a character either dosen't spend any points on Pistols, or only buys Pistols 1, he or she gets Pistols 2 for free. This represents the basic training on the range
2.) The two level one contacts which each character gets "for free" must be designated as Rufus Fontaine, the CASR medical officer, and Ronald Hemoptysis, the CASR quartermaster. A PC may purchase additional contacts during chargen as per normal although if they pick underworld contacts like a fixer the GM should demand that the contact be justified in a well-written character background.
3.) Because the PCs are all police they may purchase concealed carry permits for any weapons that are not obviously military grade. Since they can just go to Wal Mart and pick up a pistol or rifle they don't need any special contacts to purchase the weapons at MSRP if they have the appropriate permit.
4.) The GM should inform the players that as police their characters will be issued armor, guns, and bullets by the government. They don't need to use their starting resources to buy weapons and armor unless they want items which are the personal property of their character rather than being government issue.
5.) No one is allowed to start with a Street or Squatter lifestyle. Each character must have at least 1 month of Low lifestyle when gameplay starts.
6.) As government employees all PCs get a monthly salary of 2,500 nuyen. Their first payment will be given 1 month into game time, and NOT during chargen.
7.) I don't know that much about police or military command structures so these things are very simple within the CASR anyway. There's a Chief, who commands the organization. The PCs are all Rangers, aka mooks/grunts. Then there's one Quartermaster and one Medical Officer. That's it. I mean, what do you want in something based on "Walker: Texas Ranger"?
8.) Each character must take a Police Procedures knowledge skill at level 2 so that the GM can tell them things like, "Using a white phosphorous grenade to light up that crowd of militia group members might be illegal, since they appear to be having a picnic."
9.) This is designed to be an introductory campaign and yet I believe very strongly in GM consistiency and letting the dice fall where they may. This is where Chuck Norris comes in. If the PCs are being utterly annhilated at any time in the campaign other than the very last mission, Chuck Norris will erupt from a place of concealment and save as many of the PCs as he can. It's recommended that should this happen the GM put a tape recorder on the table which is playing an endless loop of the "Walker: Texas Ranger" theme so that the PCs realize that they're totally being saved by Ranger Walker. Guidelines for Chuck Norris' stats can be found in the DSF Thread "bored": http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?show...opic=11851&st=0

The only guideline I have is to give Chuck Norris a karma pool of 30 to simulate the effect of his facial hair and mullet on reality.
10.) Each PC is issued a Deputy revolver and 12 rounds of regular ammunition (but no loader) just before gameplay starts. This is the standard CASR sidearm that is being given to the PCs to carry around with them for self-defense purposes while off duty and as a sidearm while on duty. Naturally, it comes with a concealed carry permit.

Chapter I: Swearing In

The campaign opens with all the PCs being sworn in to the CASR by the chief, Rebecca Bellamy, in the CASR headquarters. For ease of reading, all NPC profiles will follow at the end of this document; please find Bellamy's background and statistics there.

I don't believe in pre-writing speeches for NPCs. I feel that if I write a speech using my narrative voice but the rest of the dialogue coming from that NPC has to be made up on the fly by someone else it will just make any pre-written speeches I insert sound that much more recited and artificial. Therefore, the details of the swearing-in speech, along with any specific dialogue or other speeches made by NPCs, are entirely up to you the GM.

The important thing to establish during the first stage of the game is how the CASR headquarters looks and feels. It is a multi-story building in an affluent Southern city of your choice. Inside the building underground there are various ranges and courses for infantry training. The building houses a fully functional hospital area complete with a pharmacy, surgery bays, and infirmary beds. It contains a veritable armory from which a quartermaster keeps the 100 or so elite CAS Rangers armed and dangerous. On the ground floor there's a vehicle pool stocked with Roadmasters that have been modified to be able to transport handcuffed prisoners in the cargo area. There's an opulent full-floor lounge area with a large "cafe" serving up chili, baked beans, corn bread, hot dogs, assorted salads, small hamburgers, chicken legs, and fresh-brew coffee 24/7. The lounge area has two big-screen TVs and many couches and armchairs so that it may accomidate both everyday relaxation as well as large informal conferences. There's an underground wing of temporary holding cells where prisoners arriving by Roadmaster may be held until they can be processed and sent elsewhere, and at the top of the building is a massive air conditioned office for Rebecca Bellamy.

The entire CASR headquarters is decorated with a southwestern/cowboy theme. Decorative cattle skulls hang over the doors in the lobby. The walls tend to be painted the color of sand, and the tables are all made of a cool orange and black marble. American Indian textiles are draped over the couches and things like rattlesnake skins and Colt Single Action Army revolvers sit in frames on the walls. Strong airconditioning billows through the entire building in order to complement an overall sense of stately elegance which falls only slightly on the side of the gaudy.

In order to give the players an immersive experience it's important that the GM effectively describe this headquarters each time the PCs return to it after a mission. This means not only describing the building verbally but also having the PCs encounter NPCs who are Rangers like themselves and having conversation and other interactions with them. In fact, to emphasize "role playing" I'd recommend setting up a little bit of interpersonal drama between some PCs and NPCs in between missions.

Therefore, I've included two sample Rangers at the end of the document in the NPC section for the PCs to interact with. Since you as the GM would know better the characters your players are bringing to the table I'd urge you to make up a few of your own Rangers to act as foils to the PCs. One thing to remember is that even though the CASR office is opulent the Rangers are still mullet and beard fuled cowboys. Strict professionalism and rationality by no means must be present; there can be plenty of loose cannons and nutcases to keep things interesting.

Lastly, don't forget the inherent awesomeness of Chuck Norris. Whenever a PC goes into the lounge Chuck Norris will be there exuding awesomeness.

Chapter II: MILES Training

Shortly after being sworn in the PCs will be asked to participate in MILES training. Basically, in MILES training you're given various weapons which are loaded with blanks and transmit a laser beam every time a round is being fired. At the same time you wear a vest and hat which will keep track of the beams hitting you so that you can practice small unit tactics with real firearms and know whether or not you would have been shot by someone else.

What this translates to in game terms is that PCs may request any weapon normally issued by CASR and during the MILES training they get to use it to battle with their fellow PCs. No damage is ever done, so wound modifiers never get applied, but everyone can get practice shooting at the other PCs and everyone knows how much damage everyone has since the MILES equipment keeps track of that. (If someone has taken a D wound they're "out" until the next scrimmage.) Therefore, this is an ideal way to teach new players the combat system. (Please see Appendix 1 to see a list of equipment normally issued by CASR; limits on the amount of equipment given out are suspended for MILES training so that everyone can get a chance to work with their weapon of choice.)

Each PC should get 1 karma point each time he or she plays in a mILES scrimmage to represent the practice. After each scrimmage ask the players if they want another practice round, or if they'd rather continue with the story, so that they can get as much practice as they feel they need to feel comfortable with the combat system.

The MILES training takes place outide of the city on an outdoor practice field populated with temporary training structures which can easily be modified or moved about. Use the McKenna MOUT map from America's Army: www.americasarmy.com/intel/map_mckenna.php

For this map or any other America's Army map all the GM must do is print out the picture, assign distances, and then let the PCs fight it out. Issues like line of sight and the precise placement of objects are all taken care of by the map. As a rule of thumb, I recommend making distances great enough that pistols and submachineguns are at a disadvantage at least some of the time against rifles.

Chapter III: First mission

What Bellamy Says:

About a week after having been sworn in the PCs will have their chance to taste combat. When they come in to work in the morning they will be immediately briefed by Bellamy. A number of metahuman families have been abducted during the night by the Humanis Policlub and the PCs are being sent to the HP compound where the families are being held in order to rescue the families and to arrest the ringleader of the group staying there, since he's the only individual who has been proven to have been involved in the abductions. Bellamy warns that she dosen't know exactly who will be at the compound and that the ringleader, a local preacher named Burns, may be magically active. Furthermore, since the PCs are going in as police, they cannot simply show up and open fire on everyone. They may only open fire in self defense if they are attacked first or if they must open fire to stop the execution of a hostage.

What Bellamy actually cares about:

The truth is that Bellamy only cares that 1.) all the hostages make it out alive, 2.) neither of the Roadmasters get destroyed and 3.) none of the PCs take Deadly wounds. As long as none of those conditions are violated she won't get them in trouble for anything they do at the compound, even if they mercilessly slaughter everyone but the hostages. She'll warmly praise the whole team with carefully worded glowing politician-speak. If any of these conditions are violated, though, Bellamy will be very upset. She'll scold the PCs for everything they may have done incorrectly and she'll exhibit poor leadership by crossing the line into making personal attacks. When it rains it pours.

Scenario details:

The families are being held at a farm high on a mountain which is owned by the HP preacher in some farm houses. The preacher has a core of devoted armed followers who are ready to fight the PCs, but there are also many women and children (family members) who live on the farm and who basically represent innocent casualties waiting to happen.

The PCs are "inserted" by two roadmasters; however, they don't get drivers. I hope at least 2 PCs have the Car skill. Although the roadmasters could be used tactically the PCs will catch flak from the boss if the vehicles are destroyed since they're quite expensive.

Adopt the following map to represent the farm: www.americasarmy.com/intel/map_jrtc_farm.php

Make sure that the total distance north to south is "realistically" long; a pistol should not be able to shoot from one end of the map to the other.


The ratio of the number of armed opposition to the number of PCs should be 2 to 1. Use the HP Hick/Militiaman NPC listed at the end of this document. Each armed HP Hick will be equipped with a sport rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition as well as their white HP costumes.

However, there's an equal number of unarmed men, women, and children. They represent family members of the crazed HP people who are living on the farm but who aren't driven enough to take up arms. If their relatives are killed by the PCs they'll scream and cry over the bloody torn up bodies, but they won't resist.

Finally, there's one HP Preacher, who is magically active. He's detailed in the NPC section below.


This is an introductory battle with relatively low-key enemies. If the PCs would like to emphasize role-playing they may negotiate with the HP preacher to turn himself in and release the families on the basis that doing so would be more likely to preserve the lives of the innocent family members around the farm.

If, on the other hand, the PCs decide to pull a Pol Pot and massacre everyone nothing is stopping them from doing so. If they make snarky Damage Incorporated comments while doing so I'd even give them a bonus karma point. There will be no immediate negative consequences for doing this but it will affect how the enemies in the next scenario react to them.

A middle of the road solution could be to convince the HP that resistance is futile and arrest everyone. Because the PCs drove up in 2 Roadmasters they have the ability to take back many prisoners.

Finally, remember that if it looks like he party is going to be annhilated Chuck Norris will erupt out of concealment and save as many PCs as he can.

Chapter IV: Second Mission

What Bellamy says:

Well, the paperwork and politics from the first mission have all been cleared up and any prisoners have been transferred to a federal prison where they have no sympathizers. There's another routine mission come up, though, which the PCs must handle. There's a paranoid militia group which has stockpiled illegal weapons in their rural compound because they're afraid that the CAS government is going to crack down on society as a whole and become a totalitarian state. The PCs' job is to go and confiscate this illegal weaponry. Arrests would be nice but all that CASR cares about the most is getting that weaponry so that it can be traced. As per usual the PCs aren't supposed to open fire except in self defense.

(This mission takes place one full month after the completion of the first one.)

What Bellamy actually cares about:

Bellamy only cares that the PCs seize a lot of illegal weapons, and that none of the Roadmasters are destroyed. Although Bellamy dosen't care about it initially, under the circumstances of what's coming up she'll be very mad if anyone on the team takes a Serious wound or worse.

Scenario Details:

This mission takes place one full month after the completion of the first mission. This gives the PCs a chance to heal up from their injuries, especially since Rufus Fontaine will be healing them with magic and medical care for free. It also provides them with a lot of time to engage in social drama and thus reinforce the immersiveness of the role playing experience.

The team will be given Roadmasters as usual so that they can drive up to the compound. Use the following map: www.americasarmy.com/intel/map_camp.php.

The weapons present which are illegal are barrets, MMGs, and offensive hand grenades, but the usual sport rifles will also be present. The militiamen (use the HP Hick/militiaman NPC) are only skilled in the use of rifles and therefore the MMGs will only be used for suppressive fire. That being said the MMGs are still dangerous; ever seen three machine gunners suppress the same small area at maximum rate of fire? All the ammunition being used will be regular ammo.


The ratio of the number of armed enemies to the number of PCs will be 4 to 1. 1/4 of OPFOR will be fortified in the building and covering the camp site with barrets. 1/4 of OPFOR will be fortified in the building and covering the camp site with MMGs. 1/2 of OPFOR will be living in the camp site and equipped with sport rifles and offensive hand grenades. If the PCs try and storm the camp site they'll probably be utterly lit up. However, at least one PC will have to approach the campsite to talk with the militia leader if the PCs would like to resolve the scenario peacefully.


The militia leader genuninely belives the CAS government is gearing up to massacre dissidents. If the PCs can convince him that keeping the weapons is the only thing that makes him a target and that the weapons themselves endanger the lives of all his followers he might be persuaded to give them up.

However, the militia leader also is very plugged in to the conspiracy theory rumor mill. If the PCs pulled a gigantic Pol Pot during the first mission he'll think that the PCs are just trying to trick him so as to better massacre him. In that case, it should be unlikely that the PCs can talk him into surrendering the weapons, and he will be quite jumpy with regards to telling his followers to open fire.

(The militia leader is just like a regular HP Hick/Militiaman NPC with a couple extra points of mental attributes.)

Finally, the next engagement that the PCs will be involved in will occur within hours of this one. If they all get hurt in this scenario they could be in for a real hurting come the next one!

Chapter V: Third Mission

What Bellamy says:

Immediately after the PCs return to the CASR headquarters Bellamy calls them into the office. She looks pale, stressed out, and shocked. Her speech is a little bit erratic, just enough to make the PCs doubt her rational leadership abilities. While the PCs were out on their last mission the Humanis Policlub launched a guerilla offensive on police stations across CAS, and people have been disappearing. The team is immediately rushed out to reinforce a police station which is under seige. They are sent out in 2 fresh Roadmasters. There's no time to rest up or heal, although they can grab new equipment from the Quartermaster. Because of the urgency of the situation Bellamy will poop a brick if any of the PCs has a Serious wound or worse. What comes to mind is the lieutenant from Alien 2 being dazed and useless in the APC as he watches the Marines getting eaten en masse by the aliens.

Since the PCs are reacting to an attack in progress they're authorized to shoot first and ask questions later, finally!

What Bellamy actually cares about:

Bellamy is in shock. She only cares that the PCs make it out to the police station, get some frags (as evidenced by enemy gear being brought in), and that no more than half the party come back with D wounds.

Scenario Details:

Part I:

This one is a doozy. While the PCs are driving out to the remote police station along a mountain road they themselves are ambushed by the HP. HP snipers equipped with Barrets will take shots at the moving Roadmasters until they're disabled, and the PCs will probably take some damage as the Roadmasters crash.

Use the following map for the ambush: www.americasarmy.com/intel/map_mountain.php. I'm thinking that the HP guerillas could be firing prone from the central mountaintop while the PCs are driving in the winding gulley road.


In the ambush there will be 2 OPFOR for each PC. Half of the ambushing HP will be equipped with barrets and while they take their shots the other half of the HP will be continually laying down suppressive fire on the PCs with MMGs. The destroyed Roadmasters can provide some cover for the PCs who are otherwise in a disadvantageous position.

Part II:

The PCs will have to walk the rest of the way to the beseiged police station since their vehicles have probably been destroyed. By the time they get there all the officers have been killed and HP is busy looting the station and loading up guns, armor, and ammunition into some Chrysler-Nissan patrol cars (police cars).

Use the following map: www.americasarmy.com/intel/map_basin.php. Objective Alpha is the police station, and "Assault" is the entry point.


Once again there's 2 HP for every PC. 1/2 of the HP are equipped with barrets and 1/2 with sport rifles. The PCs have the advantage in this case because they're approaching a building where OPFOR is busy looting, so the PCs basically get to ambush the HP. Even if the PCs are badly hurt a couple coordianted and well-placed spells, barret shots, and grenades should end it all very quickly.


Even though the action is fast and furious there's still a lot of potential for role playing here. Because the Rangers are being drawn out and ambushed en masse the hospital floor is filled with the dying and wounded. Fontaine looks pale and exhausted, and he's in a surgical gown covered in blood. Some of the recurring Ranger NPCs should be killed here to be more dramatic. Ranger Jones should be here with most of her head blasted off by a .50 cal round, and Ranger Elmore is also dead having recently bled out painfully while in transit from a 7.62 gutshot. Don't forget to have some people with missing limbs writhing around.

Chapter VI: Fourth and Final Mission

What Bellamy says:

It one week after the devastating guerilla offensive that decimated the ranks of the CASR. It turns out that the whole offensive was orchestrated by a shadowy and nefarious organization behind HP known as Alamos 20K! CASR has one chance to recover from its reeling drubbing last week and protect the credibility of law and order in CAS. The team is being sent in to a remote secret Alamos 20K hideout in a black ops mission to destroy HP weapons stores and assassinate the local leader, Mimi Grendel. This mission is strictly unofficial so weapons are free. In fact, the PCs are being given 2 lasher disposable missile launchers and 5 10kg satchels of C4 with radio detonators "under the table" from the CAS military.

Bellamy points out that there is likely going to be special-forces grade physical security and astral security because Mimi Grendel is a powerful mage. A guns-blazing approach will amost certainly be suicide; stealth will be key. This is especially true because Ranger Walker is busy killing all the other Alamos 20K operatives all over CAS all by himself; he won't be able to pop out of concealment and save the party from annhilation this time. A TPK is a TPK this time around.

What Bellamy actually cares about:

Bellamy has actually used political influence to take a job from the military that would normally be reserved for special forces veterans. She has done this because she thinks that if CASR can succeed in this mission it can recover from the political "black eye" it recieved over its humiliation one week ago. She has effectively staked her own career and the credibility of CASR on the success of this mission.

Therefore, Bellamy only cares about one thing. That all the mission objectives are met. That is to say that Mimi Grendel is assassinated and that all the weapons caches must be destroyed. If a single objective is missed Bellamy's career is over and she's furious. If the whole party dies horribly but all the objectives are met then Bellamy is a happy woman.

Scenario Details:

Use this map: http://www.americasarmy.com/intel/missions.php

Click on the Assault version of the map to zoom in.

The PCs may choose to enter the secret village by any of the "extraction points". The "mission objectives" are where the PCs mission objectives are located. One of them will be the private hut where Mimi Grendel is sleeping. If Grendel wakes up, or is awakened by one of her watcher spirits, it will probably be hell to pay so a stealth assassination is probably best. The remaining objectives will be empty huts filled with weapons and ammunitions which Alamos 20K is distributing to HP cells around CAS. They must simply be blow'd up with either a lasher shot or satchel'd. Since they're filled with explosive their destruction with explosives is automatic. Tactically, using the satchels is probably better than using the lashers because of stealth issues.

Unlike previous missions the PCs are not going to have to drive in by Roadmaster. Since the PCs are basically stealing this mission from the military they're actually being paradropped into the area. Since probably no one took the parachuting skill this will be a high altitude jump with the "automatic" parachuting configuration with a very low probability of failure. (See the section on parachuting in Cannon Companion at the end of the book.)

Extraction will be by military helicopter after the PCs have radioed in and have successfully escaped from the map.

The insertion takes place at night. Because it's a very rural area and no one is using flashlights or artificial light everyone suffers from "minimal light" penalties. Nightfall is the best time to accomplish the mission so the Pcs shouldn't get any "clever" ideas about delaying the mission in the hopes of accruing of some kind of advantage.

VERY IMPORTANT: At the start of the scenario, Mimi Grendel is asleep and can be easily killed. If she is awakened by one of her watcher spirits or by loud noise she will represent a powerful magical threat entering the equation. For a "fair" quantitative measure of whether or not Mimi wakes up let her make Perception tests every time there's a loud noise at a base +8 TN penalty since she's asleep.

To make things easier while Mimi is asleep she's wearing a cotton nightgown. After she wakes up she spends 4 combat turns putting on armor and grabbing guns before she takes any combat action unless she's directly attacked within those 4 tuns in which case she'll defend herself, cast spells, and/or call on her elemental.


OPFOR is designed to eat the PCs alive if stealth is compromised. In each hut there's 1 Alamos 20K operative for each PC. The exception is the huts containing objectives. Instead, they just get one Alamos 20K operative standing outside as a guard.

In addition to all of these forces there's one fire team of Alamos 20K operatives in numbers equal to the party which walks a regular circuit about the camp to maintain security.

Astrally, there are 2 rating 3 watcher spirits under Mimi Grendel's control which fly an astral patrol route.

Should Mimi Grendel wake up she has a rating 8 fire elemental on call which she won't hesistate to sic on the PCs.


This really is the last "battle" of the campaign so it's okay if the PCs get annhilated here for compromising stealth. Basically the best strategy would be to avoid the patrols, work as a team to silently eliminate all the sentries standing outside the objectives, knife Mimi in her sleep, lay satchel charges, sneak out, and detonate them from a safe distance away before the patrol can come back around and notice all the sentries are missing.

If the PCs succeed at all the mission objectives, Alamos 20K will be badly hurt in terms of its credibility and ability to scare people. Bellamy will be promoted up and out of CASR as a political appointee, and Rufus Fontaine will take over CASR and provide some good leadership at long last.

If the PCs fail then Bellamy's career is ruined because she took a specops job away from the military and made a bunch of untrained cops try to do it. CASR's reputation is forever damaged because it's seen as a bastion for crazy loose cannon mullet police. Ronald Hemoptysis is promoted to Chief after Bellamy is fired and he ruins everyone's life by micromanaging every aspect of work and demanding elaborate games of respect and deference from everyone.

Mimi Grendel in this mission is the direct descendant of the Mimi Grendel from Damage Incorporated whom some say was stabbed to death with a SA-80 by a mysterious Marine sergant back in the days of the USA.

Appendix 1: Gear Issuance

The following gear may be issued to the team by the quartermaster:

-Deputy revolvers without speed loaders may be issued if the PC requesting one has lost the one which was issued at the beginning of the campaign. The PC is allowed to keep the revolver. A PC is only allowed to have one at a time.
-One armor jacket with "CASR" clearly printed on the back may be issued to each team member.
-One Walther sniper rifle may be issued to one team. It will only be provided if a team member specifically asks for a "sniper rifle" and claims that a "sport rifle" is inadequete.
-One sport rifle (any type) from SR3 may be issued to each team member.
-One M590 pump action shotgun may be issued to each team member. The M590 is exactly like a Defiance T-250 but it may hold up to 9 rounds and it requires a Simple Action to "pump" after every shot since unlike the Defiance it's not an autoloader.
-One Sandler TMP submachinegun may be issued for every two team members if submachineguns are specifically requested.
-One AK assault rifle may be issued for every two team members if an assault rifle is specifically requested.
-Five flash grenades may be issued to each team member.
-A rating 3 radio may be issued to each team member.
-Five plastic restraints may be issued to each team member.
-A maximum total of 300 rounds of regular ammunition may be given to each team member for the various weapons which have been issued to that team member.
-One cowboy hat may be issued to each team member. Yeehaw!

Any time that equipment is lost or destroyed the PC responsiblefor it must fill out some paperwork. If the team loses too much equipment the quartermaster will get angry and chew them out.

Furthermore, any enemy weapons and equipment must be turned over to the quartermaster after each mission. Of course, it may be possible for a PC to lie to the quartermaster or otherwise keep some weapons and equippment for him or herself, although this can lead to complications later if the PC gets caught.

Appendix 2: Mook and enemy stats

HP Preacher

This man is the leader of the HP in mission one. He's a provincial and narrow minded individual who sincerely believes that metas are devils walking the earth. However, what he values the most are the lives of his family and followers.

B 4
S 4
W 6
I 6
Q 4
C 6
R 5
Init 5 + 1d6
Magic 6
Karma Pool: 3

Sorcery 6
Conjuring 6
Shotgun 4
Rifle 4
Sniper Rifle 4
Unarmed Combat 3
Car 2
Leadership 6
Intimidation 6
Stealth 4

Knowledge Skills:
Scripture 3
Politics 4
Hunting 6
Psychology 6

Control Thoughts 7
Fireball 7
Heal 6
Manabolt 6
Mind Probe 7

HP Hick/Militiaman

This is a hick with a gun who is a member of either the HP or a militia.

B 4
S 4
I 2
W 3
Q 3
C 2
R 2
Init: 2 + 1d6
Karma Pool: 0

Rifles 4
Sniper Rifles 4
Stealth 4
Unarmed Combat 2
Thrown Weapons 2
Shotguns 4
Car 2

Knowledge Skills:
Politics 2
Hunting 2
Agriculture 2

Alamos 20K operative

This is a man who was recruited as a disconsolate youth and trained to a special forces level by Alamos 20k. At the same time he has been ideologically shaped his whole life until he fights like a fanatic.

B 6
S 6
W 5
I 4
Q 6
C 2
R 5 (9)
Init 5 + 1d6 (9 + 3d6)
Karma Pool 1

Assault Rifle 5
Shotguns 5
Rifles 5
Sniper Rifles 5
Pistols 5
Athletics 6
Stealth 5
Edged Weapons 3
Unarmed Combat 3
Thrown Weapons 5

Knowledge Skills:
Small Unit Tactics 5
Shadow Organizations 3
Politics 3

Wired Reflexes II
Cybereyes with dampening and thermovision

Woodland camo full suit
Ares Alpha assault rifle
5 offensive frag grenades
Cougar Fineblade long knife
210 rounds EX-EX ammo

Mimi Grendel
B 4
S 4
W 7
I 6
Q 4
C 6
R 5
Init 5 + 1d6
M 8
Karma Pool 10

Sorcery 6
Conjuring 6
Shotgun 6
Rifle 6
Assault Rifle 6
Sniper Rifle 6
Pistol 6
Athletics 6
Stealth 6
Edged Weapons 6
Unarmed Combat 6
Thrown Weapons 6

Slay elf 8
Slay dwarf 8
Slay orc 8
Slaw troll 8
Control thoughts 8
Manabolt 8
Toxic wave 8
Ball lighting 8

Initiate powers:

Knowlege Skills:
Metaplanes 5
Magical Theory 6
Politics 6
Shadow Organizations 6
Reciting conspiracy theories 6 (used for centering)

(This gear is lying around Grendel's cabin; she has to pick it up first to use it after waking up)
Woodland camo full suit
Defiance T-250 shotgun
100 EX-EX shotgun rounds
Cougar Fineblade long knife
5 offensive hand grenades
100 barrett rounds

Appendix 3: Recurring NPCs

Chief Rebecca Bellamy

Bellamy used to be an administrator for Lone Star who was responsible for balancing salaries and controlling the rate of hiring. Because of her credentials as an administrator she was put in charge of CASR as a political appointee. An avid student of European history and an enthusiastic player of military sim games (especially Rainbow Six) she knows just enough about military operations to be a god-awful second-guessing leader. She unites the qualities of armchair warrior and political climber. She gives the PCs their monthly salary of 2,500 nuyen per month.

B 3
S 3
I 5
Q 3
S 4
W 6
R 4
Init 4 + 1d6

Negotiation 6
Leadership 2
Ettiquette 6
Intimidation 4
Pistols 2
Video gaming 6

Knowledge skills:
Small unit tactics 2
CAS politics 6
European history 6
Criminal organizations 4
Human resources management 4
Rainbow Six games 12
Police procedures 4

Ranger Jones

Ranger Jones is a short, skinny woman with thin red hair. As a child and teenager she lived in the shadow of a domineering mother and bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend because of her emotional insecurities. She eventually faced up to her own problems and decided to become more independent. She studied martial arts at first and scraped by living on her own working in minimum wage jobs. She became a very dedicated martial arts student and became quite good but unfortunately because she is skinny and small it's still hard for her to do any actual damage with her skills. Eventually Jones decided to move up in life by signing on with CASR during a hiring stint so as to get a relatively good salary and benefits and to continue with her personal quest of becoming a tougher individual.

B 2
S 2
I 4
Q 6
W 4
C 3
R 5
Init 5 + 1d6

Pistol 2
Unarmed Combat 6
Rifle 3
Shotgun 3
Sniper Rifle 3

Knowledge skills:
Martial arts theory 6
Psychology 3
Police procedures 4

Ranger Elmore

Ranger Elmore is a fat obsessive compulsive man. He is more intelligent than average and constantly stresses this to everyone because deep down inside he feels insecure about his physicality. Whenever he has a discussion or argument with someone he likes to throw around big vocabulary words and claim that the other party is using any number of logical fallacies which he always refers to by their latin names. He joined up with CASR as part of an elaborate psychological coping mechanism to make himself feel more empowered and dangerous. Nevertheless, to this day he is still deeply suspicious of any poor-looking person he meets on the street and is convinced that he'll get a horrible disease if he gives money to the homeless. He's also convinced that if he actually does any martial arts sparring he'll contract a blood borne disease or suffer from a detached retina.

B 2
S 2
I 4
Q 2
W 3
C 2
R 3
Init 3 + 1d6

Pistol 3
Rifle 3
Assault Rifle 2
Shotgun 3
Sniper Rifle 3
Unarmed Combat 2

Knowlege skills:
Martial arts theory 3
Psychology 3
Guns 4
Police procedures 2
Medicine 2

Medical Officer Rufus Fontaine

The CASR medical officer is an elderly man, a hermetic mage, who gained his power in the tumultuous time following the Awakening. Finding social prejudice on all sides, he left North America to join the French Foreign Leigon, where he fought in numerous classified engagements. As knowledge of magic expanded he was trained as a combat mage. After serving in the FFL for a number of years he'd seen enough of combat and went to medical school in France, eventually becoming a surgeon. He finally returned to the South and decided to sign up with CASR as a kind of retirement job. If a PC gets injured and needs treatment he will give the PC advice about tactics. He is supposed to be a supportive coach type figure and the only competent leader figure around.

B 2
S 2
I 6
W 6
C 6
Q 2
R 4
M 8
Init 4 + 1d6
Karma Pool 20

Sorcery 7
Conjuring 7
Pistols 3
SMGs 3
Rifles 3
Sniper Rifles 3
Launch Weapons 3
Thrown Weapons 3
Assault Rifles 3
Biotech 7
Surgery (emergency) 6 (8)
Medicine 7
Instruction 4
Counseling 3

Knowlege skills:
Medicine 7
Nursing 7
Psychology 4
Surgery 7
Small Unit Tactics 5
World militaries 3
criminal organizations 3
baseball stats 7 (used for centering)
Police procedures 3

Initiate powers:

Quartermaster Ronald Hemoptysis

Ronald Hemoptysis was the son of a well to do family who decided to do ROTC in college. However, he was a rather poor leader and ended up being one of those especially laughable 2nd lieutenants whom no one listens to. Frustrated, Hemoptysis quit the military and signed on at CASR. Hemoptysis feels insecure about his leadership abilities and intelligence and constantly suspects that people are disrespecting him behind his back. Therefore, he exerts as much power and authority as he can and gives everyone who comes to him for equipment difficulty based on any technicality that comes to mind.

B 4
S 4
I 3
Q 4
C 1
W 3
R 3
Init 3 + 1d6

Skills (assume a B/R skill equal to each weapon skill listed for Hemoptysis)
Rifle 3
Assault Rifle 3
Sniper Rifle 3
Pistol 3
Shotgun 3
Launch Weapon 3
Thrown Weapon 3
Leadership 1

Knowledge skills:
CAS military 5
small unit tactics 3
munitions 6
ROTC programs 2
Police procedures 3

Ranger Walker

See http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?show...opic=11851&st=0
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post Feb 27 2006, 02:00 AM
Post #2


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Just wow.
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post Feb 27 2006, 02:51 AM
Post #3

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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Even though I doubt I'll ever get the chance (or a crazy enough group) to try this campaign out, I did truly enjoy reading it. Another excellent job, Ronin. I only wonder why you don't apply your skills where they'll be more fully appreciated (such as the Drop Bear thread).
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post Feb 27 2006, 05:07 PM
Post #4

Ain Soph Aur

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Wounded Ronin
post Feb 28 2006, 12:29 AM
Post #5

Great Dragon

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One thing I'd like to ask about is if people on this forum think that there's enough room for "role playing".

I think that in the past I've been accused (not on this board but in the context of actual gaming sessions) of not emphasizing "role playing" enough and overemphasizing the tactical. Granted, this was from someone who liked to "free form" role play, so that person's preferences were more on the "role playing" side. (Heh, incidentally, I can't stand "free forming" precisely because there are no rules that define what you can and can't do.)

So, I'm curious to see if people think that I'm having an adequete amount of "role playing" to interest all types of players, or if I'm still pumping the tactical and urinating on the character-driven.
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post Feb 28 2006, 12:41 AM
Post #6


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Dammit, I want to point and laugh at this, but I'm finding myself tempted to run it.

I think that roleplaying is what you make of it. If your group likes to RP, then they will regardless of the game itself. And players that don't won't.
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Wounded Ronin
post Feb 28 2006, 12:52 AM
Post #7

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (TinkerGnome)
Dammit, I want to point and laugh at this, but I'm finding myself tempted to run it.

Well, if you did, I'd be delighted. All the time I spent working on it would have gone to a good use.


I think that roleplaying is what you make of it.  If your group likes to RP, then they will regardless of the game itself.  And players that don't won't

See, but I've had one person complain to me that he felt like he didn't have many chances to role play effectively as the tone of my campaigns became more tatical and strategic with time. He also felt like the possibility of him failing as a wargamer and using dumb tactics was undermining how his characters were supposed to be super powerful.

To a certain extent some groups will RP and some won't, but I think that it's possible to make certain types of players uncomfortable if, say, none of your story arcs have anything to do with specific characters and the emphasis is how you're presenting a tactical riddle each week.

(In my gaming group people frequently changed characters so it was tough to make up storylines that were character-specific as seems to be recommended in a lot of the SR sourcebooks.)
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post Feb 28 2006, 12:56 AM
Post #8

Midnight Toker

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There is room, certainly, if you play it correctly. Giving some attention to the downtime and the interaction with the NPCs is necessary for good character devolpment but the possibility to come to a nonviolent solution in the first two missions does give the characters a chance to develop their personalities.

The scenario itself limits potential character concepts but not moreso than many campaigns.

But, in the end, it depends on the players and the GM more than the scenario. Any adventure has space for character development if the players put in the effort and the GM doesn't set an impossible pace.

The first three missions, with Walker there, even provide an oppertunity to express dangerous roleplaying quirks during combat. Some players think that combat is a good place for roleplaying quirks, I have used quirks in combat from time to time. However, some of these players will get upset when their roleplaying gets them killed. This is a mistake on the player's part. Quirks that leave a character vulnerable should get him killed. Combat Monsters should go down in blazes of glory. Total Pacifists should get their brains blown out before and after being sodmized by characters who aren't pacifists.

That being said, one can always use free actions for cinematic fluff during combat and that fluff is as much roleplaying as anything else is.
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post Feb 28 2006, 06:07 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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i'm just stoked that he linked to my post...

you like me, you really like me!!!

uh... anywho...
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post Feb 28 2006, 02:37 PM
Post #10

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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I do think a few encounters which involve meeting people who DON'T want to kill the PCs almost 'on sight' might help. Maybe some office politics, for instance, some directors want your help on an ad for excercise equipment or maybe discovering a downed UFO. I don't know.
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Wounded Ronin
post Mar 1 2006, 04:01 AM
Post #11

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)

But, in the end, it depends on the players and the GM more than the scenario. Any adventure has space for character devolpment if the players put in the effort and the GM doesn't set an impossible pace.

Hmm. Pacing. Maybe that's what I messed up in the past. I would try to get the PCs from point to point in the given adventure, from scenario setup to scenario setup. In fact, though, perhaps the fabled "role play" occurs when the game drifts for a short while and the PCs basically have time to screw around.
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post Apr 10 2007, 02:36 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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How much of police work involves raids

Why not have the characters escort a prisoner to a court somewhere? The prisoner is not "dangerous"...make her an LoL...Little old Lady. The "danger" comes not from her ubercombattacticoolness, but from her mouth. She has some magic power to control minds or some such. Keep it subtle; just little things that "seem" to go wrong.

Somehow, she'll escape. Maybe revealing video shows one of the PCs letting her go...or a waitress drops a razor blade on the floor nearby....you get the idea.

Don't even make her a murderer...a gambler or someone who embezzled a few million nuyen from the nursing home....
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Wounded Ronin
post Apr 10 2007, 09:49 PM
Post #13

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (cREbralFIX @ Apr 10 2007, 09:36 AM)

Somehow, she'll escape.  Maybe revealing video shows one of the PCs letting her go...or a waitress drops a razor blade on the floor nearby....you get the idea.

Don't you think that railroading in that manner would anger all the players at the table?

GM: "OK, the video camera footage reveals Ranger Oshkosh letting the little old lady go! This leads to internal conflicts within the agency and all this roleplay potential..."

Player: "What the hell? I thought we had astral overwatch on her!"

GM: "No you didn't! Your CHARACTER had no reason to do that so it didn't happen and now she escaped!"

Player: "For my character astral overwatch of prisoners is standard policy! You never know when someone might be a mage!"

GM: "Yes, but she must escape for my masterplan scenario to work SO SHE ESCAPED DAMMIT!"
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post Apr 11 2007, 05:34 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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GM: "Yes, but she must escape for my masterplan scenario to work SO SHE ESCAPED DAMMIT!"


Well, she does have mind control and 84+ years of experience with feminine wiles...doesn't have to be magically based :) Maybe the characters just get sick of hearing her talk....
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Wounded Ronin
post Apr 12 2007, 12:34 AM
Post #15

Great Dragon

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GM: "Yes, but she must escape for my masterplan scenario to work SO SHE ESCAPED DAMMIT!"


Well, she does have mind control and 84+ years of experience with feminine wiles...doesn't have to be magically based :) Maybe the characters just get sick of hearing her talk....

84 year old feminine wiles?



*runs to the restroom to vomit up gameday pizza and mountain dew*
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post Nov 17 2008, 08:50 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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Cut and Paste. Hope you don't mind. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Nov 17 2008, 02:28 PM
Post #17


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It lacks Ninjas and OICW, but other than that it's quite what I'd expect from you. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

As for the roleplaying, the missions clearly leave little room to roleplaying, so you should focus on downtime for this (but don't downplay the roleplaying possibilities in the missions). A good idea would be to play the debriefing, with players/NPCs congratulating each other or getting angry because of how someone handled something. You could also play their celebration at the local bars, with some recurring NPCs, such as the old veteran, the guy who hates the rangers and picks up fights with the PCs... And you also definitely need to add some downtime plots. Romance/conflicts between people at the CASR HQ (both PCs and NPCs), for example. Start with subtle hints, then make the situation evolve, sometimes involving the PCs ("Could you do me a favor and try to find out how ... really feels about me?"). And don't hesitate to add a lot of details, big and small events ("We're celebrating the ... years of the CASR!", "The air conditioner is broken? Again?!") and minor NPCs ("Hey Janitor Dan! Did you watch the last game?") to make the world more lively.
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Wounded Ronin
post Dec 25 2008, 06:12 PM
Post #18

Great Dragon

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Here's some YouTube clips showing examples of how Chuck Norris can save the player characters if they plan something poorly:



(Edited because original videos were taken down)
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Wounded Ronin
post May 24 2014, 09:08 PM
Post #19

Great Dragon

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Awesome. The "Shadowsearch" promoted at http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?show...=0#entry1292412 has pulled this thread up from the negaverse.
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