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> SR4 Conversion of Rigger 3 vehicles, I got bored.
post May 3 2007, 09:33 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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So, I got a hold of an old copy of rigger three, and since I had some spare time on my hands, did a complete conversion of all the cars, vans, suborbitals, drones, and aircraft carriers your heart could desire. It doesn't include the descriptions, and a lot of the values are rough approximations based on the few vehicles that appear both in Rigger 3 and the SR4 BBB. I still have to add the alternate names for most of the vehicles, which will get done tomorrow, but in the meantime if someone could tell me how to link to an excell file in here, y'all can have the file too. It's an OpenOffice file, which should open just fine in excell, and it consists of the estimated SR4 values page, a page with the vehicles that appear in both editions so you can see where I got my data, and a page where I listed my assumptions.

Anywho, if anyone with more forum-fu than myself wants to tell me what to do, It'll be completely finished by tomorrow, or at least ready to be tweaked to your own preferences once you get ahold of it.

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post May 3 2007, 10:14 AM
Post #2


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I'll be very interested in seeing how your conversion comes out, as i've just done this my self in the last couple of days.

It'll be nice to get some one else's veiw.

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post May 3 2007, 11:31 AM
Post #3

Great Dragon

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to the conversions sticky!

(as far as linking to your file, you should be able to link to a page with the file on it, i should think)
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Kyoto Kid
post May 3 2007, 06:09 PM
Post #4

Bushido Cowgirl

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..I have received a copy Crackkerjakk's Rigger 3 Conversion and will look it over this evening after I am off work.
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post May 3 2007, 06:29 PM
Post #5

Shadow Cartographer

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QUOTE (Crakkerjakk)
So, I got a hold of an old copy of rigger three, and since I had some spare time on my hands, did a complete conversion of all the cars, vans, suborbitals, drones, and aircraft carriers your heart could desire. It doesn't include the descriptions, and a lot of the values are rough approximations based on the few vehicles that appear both in Rigger 3 and the SR4 BBB. I still have to add the alternate names for most of the vehicles, which will get done tomorrow, but in the meantime if someone could tell me how to link to an excell file in here, y'all can have the file too. It's an OpenOffice file, which should open just fine in excell, and it consists of the estimated SR4 values page, a page with the vehicles that appear in both editions so you can see where I got my data, and a page where I listed my assumptions.

Anywho, if anyone with more forum-fu than myself wants to tell me what to do, It'll be completely finished by tomorrow, or at least ready to be tweaked to your own preferences once you get ahold of it.

You need to either post a long cumbersome thread with lots of CODE formatting for the tables, or else link to it on a website somewhere.

If you need somewhere to host it, email me the file and I'll put it up for you as a PDF (or OpenOffice or Excel file if you prefer). I have plenty of space and bandwidth and I can put it on my Shadowrun page if you like.

My email address is on my site (link in my sig) if this is any help. Can have it up in ten minutes if you like.

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post May 3 2007, 07:28 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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this would be sweet!

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Dread Polack
post May 3 2007, 07:43 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Yeah, can't wait to get my mitts on it!

Dread Polack
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post May 3 2007, 11:35 PM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Okay, I just e-mailed to Knasser a complete version of the file including alternate models for each type of vehicle. So whenever he has a chance to get it up, it'll be available at his site.

A word on how I chose the values for some of the stuff. For vehicle categories that had an example in SR4, I changed some stats by the same percentage, e.g. if the growler had a 32% speed boost and a 45% cost reduction, I applied that to all off-roader motorcycles. Handling was roughly based off of the table in the vehicle combat section of the BBB, with slight tweaks up or down based on the individual model. Body and armor rating should be fairly good for the smaller vehicles, but for the security and military vehicles, as well as really big things like ships and sub-orbitals, the values are probably gonna be off. However for most of the entries, including bikes, cars, small boats, drones, light planes, and helos, the values should be fine. Please feel free to tweak whatever you think should be different, and if you'd like, please shoot me an e-mail if you make any changes, and if I agree with your reasoning, I'll change my version of the table too.

I reserve the right to tweak the table in the future, until the release of Rigger 4, and to proclaim the continued superiority of the United States Marine Corps over all other military branches.

That is all.
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post May 4 2007, 12:04 AM
Post #9

Shadow Cartographer

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Okay. I have put the file you sent me on the site. It's in the Shadowrun section under your name, but I've put a direct link below this. It spread over quite a lot of space for printing, so I also did a pared down printable PDF version, which lacks the SR3 -> SR4 conversion information, but is only the vehicles themselves and none of the maths and reasoning. I also narrowed things down a bit so that it would print out on opposite pages. Hope this is all okay.

I didn't know if you wanted to be called CrakkerJakk or by the name in your email, so it's currently using CrakkerJakk. I'll change that over if you want. Any updates you want on there, just email them and I'll try to get them up as soon as I can.


SR4 Vehicles - Excel Spreadsheet

SR4 Vehicles - Printable PDF

EDIT: Very nice job, by the way. :)
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post May 4 2007, 03:23 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Thanks Knasser, I think we'll keep using the Crakked Jakk for now, if everyone knew my true identity, I couldn't fight crime nightly. And thanks for the complements, that thing was a fair amount of work.

Also, Thufar, take a look, and tell me what you think. And remember, fear is the mind killer, the little death that brings total obliteration.

*EDIT* Also, for those looking at it, I would suggest the excell file unless you really want a paper copy. I never liked the way excel converts to paper without using legal size or 11x17. Plus it's a lot easier to see WHY I chose certain values. Although I still don't understand why a chopper has better handling than a offroad bike.
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post May 4 2007, 12:40 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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because its the future thats why.... :rotfl:
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post May 4 2007, 07:23 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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Oh boy - I've never read Rigger 3 but among that list of alternate model names there's a lot of creative German ("Der Nachtmachen" comes to mind)... And some typos.
  • "Biohm & Voss Seneschal" (Zemlya-Poltova Swordsman) - The company is named Blohm & Voss.
  • "Volkswagon Wildnis" (GMC MPUV) - VW is spelled Volkswagen. And "Wildnis" means wilderness in English. Actually a vehicle name I can accept (like the VW Sandstorm).
  • "Saab Auslander" (Land Rover Model 2046) - If, as I assume, this is meant to be the German word "Ausländer" it's a rather strange name for a car as it means foreigner in English. Double so as Saab is a Swedish company...
  • "VW Uberwachen" (Ares Mobmaster) - "Überwachen" is a German verb that means to observe, to monitor or to keep under surveillance. The appropriate noun would be "Überwachung". But that's still a name no German company would give to a vehicle!
  • "VW Brullen" (Ares Roadmaster) - "Brüllen" means to shout or to roar. See "Uberwachen" comment...
  • "SK Flugzeug" (Hawker-Ridley HS-895 Skytruck) - "Flugzeug" simply means plane/aircraft in English. Not exactly an exiting choice of name...
  • "IFMU Einbruch" (Moonlight Aerospace Avenger) - "Einbruch" is housebreaking or breaking and entering in English! What company would name a vehicle like that? (BTW, in the SR4 timeframe IFMU doesn't exist anymore. The company went down in 2065.)
  • Most of the ATT drones' names are correct German at least - tough not exactly well-sounding or -fitting...

In other news - that conversion is some nice work, CrakkerJakk!
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post May 4 2007, 08:30 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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*EDIT* Removed for doublepost.
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post May 4 2007, 08:39 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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-All Biohm & Voss entries will be changed to Blohm & Voss.
-All Volkswagon entries will be changed to Volkswagen.
-Saab Auslander will remain the same, as it is odd, but grammatically correct.
- In deference to our German friends(who have helped keep Shadowrun alive), the VW Uberwachen will be the VW Uberwachung.
-For the VW Brullen, would the appropriate noun be Brullung?
-While the SK Flugzeug may be unimaginative, so long as it is not grammatically incorrect, we'll stick with the SK Aircraft.
-The IFMU Einbruch alternate model will be removed, as Rigger 3 was created before IFMU went out of business.

Thank you VERY much for the help, MYST1C. I appreciate every little bit of help I can get. Is Brullung correct grammatically?

By the way, as far as the creative german goes, I'm merely converting directly from Rigger 3. If there's obvious errors, I'm fine with changing it, but if it's merely weird, we'll stick with what is in Rigger 3 as it is cannon.
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Kyoto Kid
post May 4 2007, 09:04 PM
Post #15

Bushido Cowgirl

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....looks very good, I especially like the conversion table with the comparison values. This will help with trying to backwards engineer some kind of vehicle design/customisation framework since I have a number of the SR3 stock vehicles broken down into design point values already.

...Just a couple more name corrections.

Hawker Ridley is Hawker Siddeley
Bac-Dessault is BAC-Dassault
Embraur-Dassault is Embarier-Dassault
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post May 4 2007, 09:23 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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Everything has been updated(including KKs fixes) except for the Brullen, which will not be fixed until I receive official verification from a native german speaker that Bullung would be more appropiate.
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post May 5 2007, 06:19 AM
Post #17

Moving Target

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From: Braunschweig, North German League, Allied German States
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QUOTE (Crakkerjakk)
-For the VW Brullen, would the appropriate noun be Brullung?

"Brüllen" in fact already is a noun - brüllen = to roar, das Brüllen = the roaring. Most German verbs can be used as nouns without spelling changes except, of course, our beloved capitalization...

It's just that that is a really stupid name for a vehicle.
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post May 5 2007, 06:20 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kyoto Kid)
Embraur-Dassault is Embarier-Dassault

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post May 5 2007, 08:34 AM
Post #19

Shadow Cartographer

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Okay. I received an updated version I've re-uploaded to the site. The links earlier are still valid. Both the proper Excel sheet and the mini printable pdf have been amended.

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post Aug 29 2008, 12:31 AM
Post #20


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Not to be a necromancer or anything, but are Crakkerjakk's Rigger 3 to SR 4 conversions still being hosted somewhere?


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post Apr 25 2010, 06:15 PM
Post #21

Shooting Target

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some Chummers in Germany are still interested, but the Link doesn't work no more. is there a new Link ?

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post Apr 25 2010, 08:59 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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i'd love to see the conversions, i just wasn't playing shadowrun back then and now the link appears to be dead
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post Apr 26 2010, 08:19 PM
Post #23

Running Target

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Help us Obi-Knasserwan, you're our only hope!
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post Apr 26 2010, 08:19 PM
Post #24

Running Target

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Help us Obi-Knasserwan, you're our only hope!
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post Apr 26 2010, 10:19 PM
Post #25

Moving Target

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Yes Knasser, pleaze re-up the files.
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