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> SR4 Eratta 2nd Printing and PDF v1.3
post Feb 18 2006, 07:40 AM
Post #1

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Ok, the old thread was full of mostly outdated info that can now be found in the updatted Eratta, I'm starting up a new thread. This is specifically for errors found in the SR4 Second Printing and the SR4 PDF version 1.3.

Please note which version you are posting eratta for. If you do not have the latest version of the print book or the PDF, check the eratta posted to shadowrunrpg.com to see if the item has been eratta'd already before posting please.

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post Feb 18 2006, 11:27 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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Compared to the actual PDF (which is partly hardly readable :-()
There are still some errors which aren't correct (some of them taken from the german errata):
means added text means removed text

B - the Backcover is off by a few pixels
60 - There are twelve thirteen attributes in Shadowrun, though each character has just ten eleven or sometimes eleven twelve.
74 - Altogether, Michelle has spent 255 245 BP.
89 - The Bow should have a rating of only 8.
96 - The Hacker is still missing Exploit.
98 - Spirit Bane (Fire Spirits) (+20 BP) (+10 BP)
103 - Active Skills (133 BP) (134 BP)
110 - Biotech (Usually Logic)
120 - Remove the point in front of “Quickened spells add extra dice equal…”
168 - The Force of a lodge must be at least equal to the skill rating being learned or the force of a spell being cast (in the case of Ritual Spellcasting) or learned.
218 - Simrig—A device for recording simsense (see p. 320 318).
230 - (with a hefty –4 -6 dice pool modifi er because you’re still bombarded with VR signals)
232 - Defense: Response + Stealth Firewall
235 - The only way to keep a sprite around for longer is to task register it.
245 - Nephritic Screen All toxins, diseases +Rating
254 - Cyberware Scanner Table: Change the Modifers header to “Dice Pool Modfiers”
332 - Ocular Drone Availability 6 Price 3,000¥
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Feb 18 2006, 12:08 PM
Post #3

Hoppelhäschen 5000

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p. 254 Cyberware Scanner Table
Change the Modifers header to “Dice Pool Modfiers”

Not included in PDF 1.3.

General Issue with PDF 1.3:

Most background tribal images are on top of the text instead below it - that part mutated into a low resolution image.
This problem seems to stem from a try to flatten layers for compability.
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post Feb 19 2006, 05:48 PM
Post #4

Running, running, running

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QUOTE ( p.168)

Drop Sustained Spell...(see page 174]

The rule for actualy dropping a sustained spell actually looks to be on page 173, under Step 1: Choose A Spel, while on the page referenced, is a rule for being froced to drop a spell.
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post Feb 21 2006, 12:49 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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Some of these have already been mentioned in the eold threat, but they are still not corrected.

Bold is the old wrong text.
Italic is the new corrected text.
Underlined are my comments.

P. 36, 2nd column: You are what you eat
Wrong: Sure, the texture can get a little monotonous after awhile, but the stuff is clean, nutritious, cheap, and for the most part tastes pretty darn good with the right flavorings, even when compared to the real thing.
Right: Sure, the texture can get a little monotonous after a while, but the stuff is clean, nutritious, cheap, and for the most part tastes pretty darn good with the right flavorings, even when compared to the real thing.

P. 56, 2nd column: Different types of tests
Wrong: SuccessTests, Opposed Tests, and Extended Tests.
Right: Success Tests, Opposed Tests, and Extended Tests.

P. 60, 2nd column: Attributes
Wrong: There are twelve attributes in Shadowrun, though each character has just ten or sometimes eleven.
Right: There are thirteen attributes in Shadowrun, though each character has just eleven or sometimes twelve.

P. 62, 1st column: Attribute ratings
Wrong: During gameplay, players can spend Karma to improve character attributes (see Character Improvement, p. 263).
Right: During gameplay, players can spend Karma to improve character attributes (see Character Improvement, p. 263).

P. 64, 2nd column: Implant grades
Wrong: Alphaware is more Essence friendly than standard cyberware, but is more costly as well. Betaware and deltaware are even more Essencefriendly and expensive, but are also harder to acquire and are not available to starting characters.
Right: Alphaware is more Essence friendly than standard cyberware, but is more costly as well. Betaware and deltaware are even more Essence friendly and expensive, but are also harder to acquire and are not available to starting characters.

P. 65, 1st column: Metahumanity
Wrong: Though humans retain the majority, each of the others comprises a significant percentage of the worldwide population
Right: Though humans retain the majority, each of the others comprises a significant percentage of the worldwide population.

P. 78, 1st column: Exceptional Attribute
Wrong: This also increases the augmented maximum for that attribute as appropriate This quality may only be taken once.
Right: This also increases the augmented maximum for that attribute as appropriate. This quality may only be taken once.

P. 86, 1st column: Complex Forms
Wrong: The maximum number of complex forms your character can learn during character creation, regardless of rating, is equal toyour character’s Logic x 2.
Right: The maximum number of complex forms your character can learn during character creation, regardless of rating, is equal to your character’s Logic x 2.

P. 106, 2nd column: Using skills
Wrong: As an adventure unfolds, players are going to want to use their characters’ skills and attributes to get things done: to con their way past a guard, fix a broken detonator before the trolls find their hiding place, orunderstand what the corp suit is saying to them in Japanese.
Right: As an adventure unfolds, players are going to want to use their characters’ skills and attributes to get things done: to con their way past a guard, fix a broken detonator before the trolls find their hiding place, or understand what the corp suit is saying to them in Japanese.

P. 110, Skill groups box:
Biotech (Usually Logic): All three skills are based on Logic, no reasson for "Usually"
Stealth (Usually Intuition): Half the skills are based on Agility, the other half on Intuition, no reason for "Usually Intuition"

P. 115, 1st-2nd column: rappelling
Wrong: Only one of the two Simple Actions available in an Combat Phase can be expended in this manner.
Right: Only one of the two Simple Actions available in a Combat Phase can be expended in this manner.

P. 130, 1st column: Composure (WIL + CHA)
Wrong: Certain situations are bound to become routine to shadowrunners (getting shot at, attacked by a angry spirit, or seeing the remains of a ghoul’s meal); in these cases, gamemasters should no longer ask for composure tests.
Right: Certain situations are bound to become routine to shadowrunners (getting shot at, attacked by an angry spirit, or seeing the remains of a ghoul’s meal); in these cases, gamemasters should no longer ask for composure tests.

P. 130, 2nd column: Lifting and Carrying (STR + BOD)
Wrong: A character can lift off the ground 15 kilograms per point Strength without making a test... A character can lift 5 kilograms per point Strength over her head without making a test.
Right: A character can lift off the ground 15 kilograms per point of Strength without making a test... A character can lift 5 kilograms per point of Strength over her head without making a test.

P. 132, 1st column: A. Declare Actions
Wrong: The character may also declare one Free Action during either this Action Phase or on any subsequent Action Phases in the Combat Turn .
Right: The character may also declare one Free Action during either this Action Phase or on any subsequent Action Phases in the Combat Turn.

P. 132, 2nd column: 5. Begin next initiative pass
Wrong: Once all of the characters have acted and the all of the actions have been resolved for the first Initiative Pass, Steps 2 through 4 are then repeated for characters who get a second Initiative Pass due to implants, magic, or other abilities.
Right: Once all of the characters have acted and all of the actions have been resolved for the first Initiative Pass, Steps 2 through 4 are then repeated for characters who get a second Initiative Pass due to implants, magic, or other abilities.

P. 136, 1st column: Simple actions
Wrong: An extra Free Action may be taken in place of a Simple Action (so the character would get two Free Actions and one Simple ction, or three Free Actions, instead of one Free and two Simple Actions).
Right: An extra Free Action may be taken in place of a Simple Action (so the character would get two Free Actions and one Simple Action, or three Free Actions, instead of one Free and two Simple Actions).

P. 145, 1st column: Not enough bullets
Wrong: If the attacker is a bullet or two short, reduce each of the modifiers applied by 1 (one bullet short) or (2 bullets short).
Right: If the attacker is a bullet or two short, reduce each of the modifiers applied by 1 (one bullet short) or by 2 (two bullets short).

P. 154, 1st column: Acid damage
Wrong: This continued corrosion stops when the acid is washed off or a base is applied.
Right: This continued corrosion stops when the acid is washed off.
You do not add base to neutralize acid, since it's to difficult to add the right amount of base. To much base and you will make an even bigger mess. Just add plenty of water to neutralize/dilute the acid.

P. 159, 1st column: Accelerating
Wrong: A drive or drone can attempt to move a greater distance by making a Vehicle Test (see below).
Right: A driver or drone can attempt to move a greater distance by making a Vehicle Test (see below).

P. 161, 2nd column: Vehicle damage
Wrong: Your average tank, for example, will automatically get 4 hits on a Body Test by trade in, so there is no point in rolling unless the hits needed are higher than 4.)
Right: Your average tank, for example, will automatically get 4 hits on a Body Test by trade in, so there is no point in rolling unless the hits needed are higher than 4.

P. 167-168, 1st columns: Magical lodges
Wrong: In order to progress in her studies, a magician must have a collection of symbols, writings, tools, and other material that allows him to record her progress, gives him room to expand her knowledge, and assists him in her magical endeavors.
Right: In order to progress in her studies, a magician must have a collection of symbols, writings, tools, and other material that allows her to record her progress, gives her room to expand her knowledge, and assists her in her magical endeavors.

P. 168, 1st column: Magical lodges
Wrong: The Force of a lodge must be at least equal to the skill rating being learned or the force of a spell being cast (in the case of Ritual Spellcasting) or learned.
Right: The Force of a lodge must be at least equal to the skill rating being learned or the force of a spell being cast (in the case of Ritual Spellcasting).
Spells are learned without a force.

P. 190, 2nd column: Metamagic
Wrong: • Quickened spells add extra dice equal to the Karma used to quicken them for any tests they must make, including against dispelling (an initiate may even spend extra Karma on a quickened spell—up to the Force extra—to make it harder to defeat).
Right: Quickened spells add extra dice equal to the Karma used to quicken them for any tests they must make, including against dispelling (an initiate may even spend extra Karma on a quickened spell—up to the Force extra—to make it harder to defeat).
No bullet point "•", as this is not a new metamagical technique

P. 191, 1st column: Activation
Wrong: A projecting magician must activate any foci she wishes to take with him in advance (though she can deactivate them at any time).
Right: A projecting magician must activate any foci she wishes to take with her in advance (though she can deactivate them at any time).

P. 214, 1st column: Accessories
Wrong: A few deserve specific mention here:
Right: A single device deserves specific mention here:
Since only the "Sim module" is mentioned, you can't really call it "a few".

P. 218, 1st column: Matrix Jargon
Wrong: Simrig—A device for recording simsense (see p. 320).
There is no description of a simrig on page 320, nor anywhere else.

P. 218-219: Edit
Wrong: You may also copying some or all of a file, or insert pre-readied material.
Right: You may also copy some or all of a file, or insert pre-readied material.

P. 219, 1st column: Track
Wrong: This is different from a Data search action (which is like looking up someone’s com-mcode in a directory)
Right: This is different from a Data search action (which is like looking up someone’s comm-code in a directory)

P. 220, 1st column: Using data search skill
Wrong: The gamemaster may also modify the dice pool or thresh-old to account for additional factors, such as familiarity with the target, or how secret/protected the data is.
Right: The gamemaster may also modify the dice pool or thres-hold to account for additional factors, such as familiarity with the target, or how secret/protected the data is.

P. 223, 1st column: Using hacking skill
Wrong: If you are utilizing a hacking program, makes tests using Hacking skill + program rating.
Right: If you are utilizing a hacking program, make tests using Hacking skill + program rating.

P. 224, 2nd column: Spoofing the datatrail
Wrong: Any hacker worth his name will either spoof his commlink’s access ID on a regular basis; this requires a Hacking skill + Spoof program (2) Test.
Right: Any hacker worth his name will spoof his commlink’s access ID on a regular basis; this requires a Hacking skill + Spoof program (2) Test.
"either" deleted as there is no alternative.

P. 225, 1st column: Hackers & editing
Wrong: Hackers are fond on making back doors (hidden accounts) into systems they have hacked this way, so they can get inside later with having to hack in again.
Right: Hackers are fond of making back doors (hidden accounts) into systems they have hacked this way, so they can get inside later with having to hack in again.

P. 225, 1st column: Detecting Wireless Nodes
Wrong: If you’re just scanning for hidden nodes in general, or trying to pick the hidden nodes out from the non-hidden one, make the same Extended Test noted above but with a much higher threshold: 15+.
Right: If you’re just scanning for hidden nodes in general, or trying to pick the hidden nodes out from the non-hidden ones, make the same Extended Test noted above but with a much higher threshold: 15+.

Wrong: More proactive IC programs may be loaded with additional utilities such as Exploit or Stealth, and may actively pursue intruders if they leave the node or even track the intruder back to his originating node and attack him there.
Right: Most proactive IC programs may be loaded with additional utilities such as Exploit or Stealth, and may actively pursue intruders if they leave the node or even track the intruder back to his originating node and attack him there.

P. 229, 2nd column: VR MATRIX PERCEPTION
Wrong: While certain systems usually have their iconography based on a specific metaphor (a medieval castle, for example, where background programs appear as serfs, IC appears as guardian knights, and the email server is represented by a falconer whose raptors send and receive messages), it is also possibly for the user to establish his own “reality filter” and to experience the data in whatever way he sees fit (see Reality Filter, p. 226).
Right: While certain systems usually have their iconography based on a specific metaphor (a medieval castle, for example, where background programs appear as serfs, IC appears as guardian knights, and the email server is represented by a falconer whose raptors send and receive messages), it is also possible for the user to establish his own “reality filter” and to experience the data in whatever way he sees fit (see Reality Filter, p. 226).

P. 230, 1st column: Cybercombat
Wrong: Whether you run afoul of Matrix gangers or trigger an intruder alert and sic IC or a security hacker on your tail, cybercombat will inevitably ensue.
Right: ???
What is "and sic IC"?

P. 230, 2nd column: Virtual initiative:
Wrong: If you want to interact with the physical world rather than the VR Matrix, you need to either go offline or concentrate on your meat body and spend a turn using physical Initiative (with a hefty –4 dice pool modifier because you’re still bombarded with VR signals).
Right: If you want to interact with the physical world rather than the VR Matrix, you need to either go offline or concentrate on your meat body and spend a turn using physical Initiative (with a hefty –6 dice pool modifier because you’re still bombarded with VR signals).
-6 according to the errata.

P. 232: Matrix combat summary
Wrong: Defense: Response + Stealth
Right: Defense: Response + Firewall
Firewall according to pages 208, 230 and 231.

P. 233, 1st column: The living persona
Wrong: This living persona has attributes just like a regular persona, each based on the otaku’s personal attributes and Resonance.
Right: This living persona has attributes just like a regular persona, each based on the technomancer’s personal attributes and Resonance.

P. 235, 1st column: Sprite tasks
Wrong: The only way to keep a sprite around for longer is to task it (see Registering Sprites).
Right: The only way to keep a sprite around for longer is to register it (see Registering Sprites).

P. 236, 1st column: DECOMPILING SPRITES
Wrong: The technomancer rolls Software + Decompiling versus the targets sprite’s rating (+ its compiler’s Resonance if registered).
Right: The technomancer rolls Resonance + Decompiling versus the targets sprite’s rating (+ its compiler’s Resonance if registered).

P. 237, 2nd column: Matrix signatures
Wrong: This Matrix astral signature is a digital “fingerprint” of the technomancer or sprite that created it.
Right: This Matrix signature is a digital “fingerprint” of the technomancer or sprite that created it.

P. 239: Rigger actions
The Issue Command, Observe in Detail, Jam Signal and Spoof Command actions are not described, although Observe in Detail is described on pages 136-137

P. 252, 1st column: Wires
Wrong: Characters that fail to spot the wire with a Perception Test (see the Fence Table) run into it and take damage.
Right: Characters that fail to spot the wire with a Perception Test (see the Fencing Table) run into it and take damage.
Fence changed to Fencing, as the table is called Fencing Table. Otherwise rename the table to Fence Table.

P. 254, 2nd column: Sensors
Wrong: How well any of these cameras or sensors may be spotted will depend partially on well they are hidden.
Right: How well any of these cameras or sensors may be spotted will depend partially on how well they are hidden.

Wrong: Modifiers
Right: Dice Pool Modifiers
According to the Errata.

P. 264, 1st column: Improving existing skills
Wrong: For example, if a character wants to improve her Pistols from 4 to 5, the cost is 5 x 2, or 10 Karma.)
Right: For example, if a character wants to improve her Pistols from 4 to 5, the cost is 5 x 2, or 10 Karma.

P. 264, 2nd column: Other improvements
Wrong: Awakened characters may use Karma may for initiation (p. 189) and bonding foci (p. 190), just as technomancers may use Karma for submersion (p. 238).
Right: Awakened characters may use Karma for initiation (p. 189) and bonding foci (p. 190), just as technomancers may use Karma for submersion (p. 238).

P. 275, 2nd column: Corporate Security Unit
Wrong: Shortarms 3
Right: Automatics 3

P. 276, 1st column: Lone Start Lieutenant
Wrong: Defiance Super Shock
Right: Defiance EX Shocker

P. 276, 1st column: Red Samurai Detachment
Wrong: Assault Rifle
Right: A specific Assault Rifle

P. 276, 2nd column: Tir Ghosts
Wrong: Thermographic Smoke Grenades
Right: Thermal Smoke Grenade
According to page 314.

P. 277, 1st column: Creating a Prime Runner
Wrong: Inferior PCs may be overmatched by PCs in a standup fight, but they often have influential contacts or powerful friends who can make the PCs’ lives miserable.
Right: Inferior Prime Runners may be overmatched by PCs in a standup fight, but they often have influential contacts or powerful friends who can make the PCs’ lives miserable.

P. 280, 1st column: Networking
(Use the Contact Rating Table as a guide.)
Where is this table?

P. 304, 1st column: Common cost
Wrong: Continued on page 289
Right: Continued on page 305

P. 315, 1st column: Clothing and armor
Wrong: Combined with a wireless link, you can set your clothing to display messages and images from a library file on your commlink, change color according to the weather forecast, or even glow brighter when in the vicinity of more com-mlinks.
Right: Combined with a wireless link, you can set your clothing to display messages and images from a library file on your commlink, change color according to the weather forecast, or even glow brighter when in the vicinity of more comm-links.

P. 320, 1st column: Tag eraser
Wrong: The eraser cannot burn out security RFID chips (p. 318).
Right: The eraser cannot burn out security RFID tags (p. 318).

P. 323, 1st column: Tools
Wrong: Shops and tools both are stocked with standard spare parts.
Right: Shops and facilities both are stocked with standard spare parts.

P. 326, 1st column: Motion sensor
Wrong: This sensor uses ultrasound to detect drastic changes in the ambient temperature caused by movement.
Ultrasound cannot detect temperature.

P. 330, 1st column: Latex Face Mask
The description says that you can program new disguises, but at the end it says: "The mask and kit can only be used once."
So how can you program new disguises when you can't use the kit more than once?

P. 332, 2nd column: Ocular Drone
Wrong: The sypball functions as a normal cybereye until the user chooses to remove it and control it as though it were a standard spyball drone (Lone Star iBall, p. 341).
Right: The spyball functions as a normal cybereye until the user chooses to remove it and control it as though it were a standard spyball drone (Lone Star iBall, p. 341).

P. 333, 2nd column: Bone Lacing
The cellular structure of the user’s bones is augmented with lattice chains of reinforcing plastics and metals to improve the bones’ integrity and tensile strength, but the augmentation also adds extra weight.
How much extra weight, and what effect does this have?

P. 334, 2nd column: Simrig
Wrong: This is an implanted version of the external simrig (see p. 318).
The reference to page 318 is to the simmodule which plays sim, a simrig records sim. There is only a short description on page 218 of the simrig.

P. 338, 2nd column: Bone density augmentation
The procedure also strengthens ligaments, but as a side effect increases the character’s weight.
How much weight, and what effect does this have?

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post Feb 21 2006, 01:57 AM
Post #6


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QUOTE (Larsine)
P. 230, 1st column: Cybercombat
Wrong: Whether you run afoul of Matrix gangers or trigger an intruder alert and sic IC or a security hacker on your tail, cybercombat will inevitably ensue.
Right: ???
(What is "and sic IC"?)

Think I may have this figured out. Don't know if it's been posted before, though.

From dictionary.com:

Sic (v)
  1. To set upon; attack.
  2. To urge or incite to hostile action; set: sicced the dogs on the intruders.

So "and sic IC" means "and send IC to hunt you down." You don't sic the IC or the security hacker on your own tail. It makes no sense. If the intruder alert is what sends the IC or the hacker (I think that's how it works), you say "an intruder alert that sics IC or a security on your tail."

Right: Whether you run afoul of Matrix gangers or trigger an intruder alert that sics IC or a security hacker on your tail, cybercombat will inevitably ensue.
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post Feb 21 2006, 03:00 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Larsine)
P. 218, 1st column: Matrix Jargon
Wrong: Simrig—A device for recording simsense (see p. 320).
There is no description of a simrig on page 320, nor anywhere else.

The description is on page 318
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post Feb 21 2006, 08:32 PM
Post #8

jacked in

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p. 294 Spirits of Air Initiative is *still* wrong after the errata.

Should be (Fx2)+4

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post Feb 21 2006, 08:49 PM
Post #9


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QUOTE (Frackula)
Right: Whether you run afoul of Matrix gangers or trigger an intruder alert that sics IC or a security hacker on your tail, cybercombat will inevitably ensue.

Personally, I'd just say "that sets IC or a security hacker on your tail"... "sics" is really a slang term that a lot of people won't know.
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post Feb 24 2006, 12:25 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Nowhere it is stated what kind of action it is, to fire projectile weapons like crossbows...

There are no costs given for drugs...
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post Feb 24 2006, 02:56 PM
Post #11


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QUOTE (Shrike30)
"sics" is really a slang term that a lot of people won't know.

Is it really? It's in the dictionary, as far as I can tell, though it's footnoted as a dialect variant. Where's it from?

Actually just curious about it.
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post Feb 24 2006, 10:40 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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OK here is another set of eratta for the v. 1.3:

Bold is the old wrong text.
Italic is the new corrected text.
Underlined is my comments.

OK here is another handful. Bold means wrong text, Italic means corrected text:

P. 73, 2nd column: Magic/Resonance
Wrong: Magic and Resonance can both be raised to a natural maximum of 6 (+ initiation grade) regardless of metatype.
Right: Magic and Resonance can both be raised to a natural maximum of 6 (+ initiation/submission grade) regardless of metatype.

P. 75, 1st column: Restricted Skills
Wrong: Only magically active characters can use the Assensing skill — meaning characters with the Magician or Mystic Adept qualities (p. 79), or characters with both the Adept quality (p. 77) and Astral Perception power (p. 187).
Right: Only astrally active characters can use the Assensing and the Astral Combat skills — meaning characters with the Magician quality (p. 79), or characters with either the Mystic Adept or Adept quality (p. 79 and p. 77) and the Astral Perception power (p. 187).
Only technomancers can use the Tasking skill group — meaning characters with the Technomancer quality (p. 80)

P. 78, 2nd column: High Pain Tolerance
Wrong: This quality may not be used with the Pain Resistance adept power, pain editor cyberware, or damage compensator bioware.
Right: This quality may not be used with the Pain Resistance adept power or damage compensator bioware.
I can't find any pain editor cyberware in my book

P. 83, 1st column: Scorched/Sensitive Neural Structure/Simsense Vertigo
How does a character qualify as a hacker?

P. 85, 1st column: The Nuyen Shuffle
Wrong: This is enough for her to purchase a low-end commlink, a Colt American L36 light pistol, a medkit, a Force 3 magical lodge, a Force 2 sustaining focus, some elemental conjuring materials, and three months of Low Lifestyle.
Right: This is enough for her to purchase a low-end commlink, a Colt American L36 light pistol, a medkit, a Force 3 magical lodge, a Force 2 sustaining focus, some spirit binding materials, and three months of Low Lifestyle.

P. 103: Technomancer
Wrong: Physical Damage Track: 10
Right: Physical Damage Track: 9
Based on Body 2

P. 106, 1st column: Base Skills
Wrong: Each skill represents the training and methods a character has picked up that enable him to use her natural attributes in a certain way.
Right: Each skill represents the training and methods a character has picked up that enable him to use his natural attributes in a certain way.

P. 114, 2nd column: Running
Wrong: The Running skill is used to increase the distance a character can run, as well as determine how well she can pace himself and conserve energy while running.
Right: The Running skill is used to increase the distance a character can run, as well as determine how well she can pace herself and conserve energy while running.

P. 189, 2nd column: Flexible Signature
Wrong: The initiate can choose to alter her astral signature (p. 182) at will, disguising it so that it cannot be used to identify him, forging the astral signature of another magician, or simply reducing the amount of time her signatures last.
Right: The initiate can choose to alter her astral signature (p. 182) at will, disguising it so that it cannot be used to identify her, forging the astral signature of another magician, or simply reducing the amount of time her signatures last.

P. 191, 1st column. Activation
Wrong: A projecting magician must activate any foci she wishes to take with him in advance (though she can deactivate them at any time).
Right: A projecting magician must activate any foci she wishes to take with her in advance (though she can deactivate them at any time).

P. 191-192: Weapon Foci
Wrong: The character still relies on her Physical attributes and skills in combat; the weapon focus merely makes him more effective.
Right: The character still relies on her Physical attributes and skills in combat; the weapon focus merely makes her more effective.

P. 192, 1st column: Mentor Spirits
Wrong: Once a character Awakens, she may find that this person or idea she had always felt strongly about has taken on a more concrete existence, perhaps materializing in a physical form, perhaps speaking to him mentally, or perhaps appearing in astral space and guiding him to ever greater epiphanies.
Right: Once a character Awakens, she may find that this person or idea she had always felt strongly about has taken on a more concrete existence, perhaps materializing in a physical form, perhaps speaking to her mentally, or perhaps appearing in astral space and guiding her to ever greater epiphanies.

P. 293, 2nd column: Sasquatch
Animal Calls (Trade Knowledge)
Nowhere can I find a description of the Flight skill

P. 293, 2nd column: Thunderbird
Flight 6
Nowhere can I find a description of the Flight skill

P. 296, 1st column: Skills
Flight 6
Nowhere can I find a description of the Flight skill

P. 297, 2nd column: Skills
Wrong: Conjuring 8, Flight 6, Sorcery 10
Right: Conjuring group 8, Flight 6, Sorcery group 10
I'm still missing the description of the Flight skill

P. 306, 1st column: Monofilament Whip
Wrong: If the attacker rolls a critical glitch, she has struck himself and must resist the whip’s standard Damage Code.
Right: If the attacker rolls a critical glitch, she has struck herself and must resist the whip’s standard Damage Code.

There seems to be a lot of gender confusing (him/her, his/her, himself/herself). It looks like somebody decided to change genders during some editing, and did quite a bad job.

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post Feb 24 2006, 10:44 PM
Post #13


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The Ocular Drone has a listed price of 63,000 :nuyen: in my second printing book. Given that the cost of the components (1500 for a Rat 4 cybereye, 1500 for a spyball drone) adds up to 3000 :nuyen:, I think that having the Ocular Drone barely undercut the price of Alpha Wired Reflexes 2 is a typo.
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post Feb 27 2006, 12:49 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Shrike30)
The Ocular Drone has a listed price of 63,000 :nuyen: in my second printing book.  Given that the cost of the components (1500 for a Rat 4 cybereye, 1500 for a spyball drone) adds up to 3000 :nuyen:, I think that having the Ocular Drone barely undercut the price of Alpha Wired Reflexes 2 is a typo.

The 6 belongs in the availability column. Making the price 3000 :nuyen:

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post Feb 27 2006, 03:00 PM
Post #15

jacked in

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Another one...

p. 301 Physical Searches

...and negative Concealability modifiers only apply at half their value (round down).

I'm pretty sure, that you would not get a penalty for finding that assault rifle on a physical search as opposed to a pure visual search.

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post Feb 27 2006, 03:00 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Larsine)
The 6 belongs in the availability column. Making the price 3000 :nuyen:

Where does this info stem from?
An availability of 6 would be frankly too low, compared to the 12 avail the drone already has. I've seen no official sources on this.
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post Feb 28 2006, 02:45 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Darkness)
QUOTE (Larsine @ Feb 27 2006, 01:49 PM)
The 6 belongs in the availability column. Making the price 3000 :nuyen:

Where does this info stem from?

The German SR4.01D eratta: http://www.fanpro.com/cms/fp/index.php?sid...t=www.fanpro.de

Seite 332, Tabelle Augen-Cyberware
Die Kapazitätskosten der Okular-Drohne betragen „[6]“.


An availability of 6 would be frankly too low, compared to the 12 avail the drone already has. I've seen no official sources on this.

Well it fits with the German eratta, and the price of the individual components.

It also fits with the missing number in the availability column.

And the Lone Star iBall has an availability of 6 (p. 341).

The only problem is that the rating for the cybereye isn't given, and if you assume it to be rating 4, the the availability should be a bit higher, as a rating 4 cybereys has an availability of 8.

So I'll assume that it's only a rating 3 cybereye, that way you also pay an extra 500 :nuyen: to have the package deal.


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post Feb 28 2006, 08:34 PM
Post #18

jacked in

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QUOTE (Larsine @ Feb 28 2006, 02:45 PM)
The German SR4.01D eratta: http://www.fanpro.com/cms/fp/index.php?sid...t=www.fanpro.de

Seite 332, Tabelle Augen-Cyberware
Die Kapazitätskosten der Okular-Drohne betragen „[6]“.

That very same text is in the english errata as well, in english, of course, and has nothing to do with availability. ;)

But from the look of it, it does seem plausible, that the 6 belongs into the AV column.

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post Feb 28 2006, 08:53 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Larsine)
Seite 332, Tabelle Augen-Cyberware
Die Kapazitätskosten der Okular-Drohne betragen „[6]“.

"Kapazitätskosten" has to be translated as capacity, not availability. The first printing has a [68] in capacity cost, that is obviously false, as nothing could take this drone in, the question was, if it was the 6 or the 8 which was false.
QUOTE (Larsine)

It also fits with the missing number in the availability column.

First printing, english, also lists a 12 in availability for the Occular Drone, so that value isn't missing in the english version. But the german version has been known to have some "table glitches" and many translation errors.

QUOTE (Larsine)

And the Lone Star iBall has an availability of 6 (p. 341).
The only problem is that the rating for the cybereye isn't given, and if you assume it to be rating 4, the the availability should be a bit higher, as a rating 4 cybereys has an availability of 8.

As the capacity has been changed by the errata, the drone requires at least a Rating 2 Cybereye, which has an availability of 24. Many cyber-enhancements (including eyeware) have higher availability ratings than their non-cyber counterparts.

The price hasen't been changed by the errata so far, because it isn't mentioned as being changend. It only changes the capacity cost.
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post Feb 28 2006, 10:44 PM
Post #20

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Just found yet another one:

Bold is the old wrong text.
Italic is the new corrected text.
Underlined are my comments.

P. 258, 1st column: Public Awareness
Wrong: The stronger a character’s rep grows in the shadows, the more likely it is that people outside the shadows will known of her as well.
Right: The stronger a character’s rep grows in the shadows, the more likely it is that people outside the shadows will know of her as well.

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post Mar 1 2006, 10:17 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Darkness)
QUOTE (Larsine @ Feb 28 2006, 03:45 PM)
Seite 332, Tabelle Augen-Cyberware
Die Kapazitätskosten der Okular-Drohne betragen „[6]“.

"Kapazitätskosten" has to be translated as capacity, not availability.

My bad, you are right it's capacity.

QUOTE (Darkness)
The first printing has a [68] in capacity cost, that is obviously false, as nothing could take this drone in, the question was, if it was the 6 or the 8 which was false.

There is no doubt, as the eratta says 6, and so does all of the pdf versions.

QUOTE (Darkness)
First printing, english, also lists a 12 in availability for the Occular Drone, so that value isn't missing in the english version.

But this is about the pdf version 1.3, and in that (and both of my v.1.0) there is no availability. So you should assume that the availability 12 (which is only in the limited edition) is also wrong.

QUOTE (Darkness)
But the german version has been known to have some "table glitches" and many translation errors.

But many of the table glitches are taken directly from the English version 1.0 pdf file, and are also apparent in these.

QUOTE (Darkness)
QUOTE (Larsine)

And the Lone Star iBall has an availability of 6 (p. 341).
The only problem is that the rating for the cybereye isn't given, and if you assume it to be rating 4, the the availability should be a bit higher, as a rating 4 cybereys has an availability of 8.

As the capacity has been changed by the errata, the drone requires at least a Rating 2 Cybereye, which has an availability of 24. Many cyber-enhancements (including eyeware) have higher availability ratings than their non-cyber counterparts.

Availability 24??? Checking... Ahh... you have the limited edition in which nearly all of the eyeware availabilities are wrong. They have ben changed in later editions. they are now -/4/6/8/4/4/4/4/missing/4/16F/8R4/Rating*3/4 and the last entry of Protective Covers has been deleted.

QUOTE (Darkness)
The price hasen't been changed by the errata so far, because it isn't mentioned as being changend. It only changes the capacity cost.

Loads of things has been chenged. Please notice that this threat is abouy the version 1.3 pdf/2nd printing, and thus using the limited edition (without writing so), will only confuse things.

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post Mar 1 2006, 10:34 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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Just found some more:

Bold is the old wrong text.
Italic is the new corrected text.
Underlined are my comments.

P. 67, 2nd column: Trolls
Wrong: many trolls have found gainfully employment for the very traits that make them marginalized: size, strength, and intimidation.
Right: Wrong: many trolls have found gainfull employment for the very traits that make them marginalized: size, strength, and intimidation.

P. 87, 2nd column: Background and story
Wrong: Why is his street name is Lucky Louie?
Right: Why is his street name Lucky Louie?

P. 148, 2nd column: Armor
Wrong: The armor rating is reduced by the attack’s AP value (see Armor Penetration, p. 152).
Right: The armor rating is modified by the attack’s AP value (see Armor Penetration, p. 152).
If you reduce something by -2 you would actually add 2 to the result, making a -2AP weapons be easier to resist than a +2AP weapon.

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post Mar 3 2006, 04:20 AM
Post #23


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Not sure if this is really errata, but the 1.3 errata sheet changes the Gunslinger adept's Firearms skill to 6 from 4 (+2). According to the way I read the book, the improved skill adept power can only be used for single skills, there is no mention of a skill group version of it, and if the power can be applied to both at the same cost there's a bit of a balance issue going on.
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post Mar 3 2006, 12:26 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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It is changed to "Firearms Skill Group (Pistols Improved Ability): 4 (6)" which seems ok...
You could consider how to improve this skill further... I think the best way is to assume the group as broken up...
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post Mar 4 2006, 02:41 AM
Post #25

Moving Target

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Machine Sprite lists an optional complex form called Transfer. There is no other mention of such a CF or program in the book.

And though I'm sure than anyone actually correcting the rulebook would catch it, I'll stay on the safe side and correct a couple of Larsine's corrections...

It's "submersion grade" not "submission grade." And "gainful" not "gainfull."
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