Tell me the story of San Francisco in 2070, what sourcebooks tell the tale? |
Tell me the story of San Francisco in 2070, what sourcebooks tell the tale? |
Oct 19 2007, 09:51 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,838 Joined: 1-September 05 Member No.: 7,669 |
I just took a trip top San Francisco, and I loved the city. Now I'm wanting to set a SR4 game there and I'm looking to find whatever resources are out there. I know about the California Free State book that set the basics for 2056 (or so), but I've heard that other sources have more up to date info. Where can I find it?
Anyone ambitious enough to give me a brief timeline for the Bay Area from 2056-2070? |
Oct 19 2007, 10:05 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 343 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Birmingham, UK Member No.: 13,515 |
Shadows of North America, Threats 2, maybe Year of the Comet, too.
Oct 19 2007, 07:59 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 573 Joined: 17-September 07 Member No.: 13,319 |
I've lived in SF almost all my life; feel free to run a few questions by me.
I imagine that SF and its neighbor cities in 2070 will still have lots of leftover tensions and damage from the JIS occupation. Uncleared mines, munitions waste product toxic spills, and accusations that so-and-so was a collaborator. JIS troopers who deserted and "went native", especially those that weren't male and ethnic Japanese (if you're an eta or Okinawan or Korean who got drafted and sent to SF, deserting to a culture that might treat you as an equal could be attractive). I like to think that the emphasis on innovation and counterculture that's helped us become a software center, also makes 2070s SF a leader in magical innovation, and perhaps there's a local WuXing presence and/or competition, and many of the hot new spell formulae are written here. On another hand... are there any big earthquakes in the official timeline? To some extent, faultline pressure builds up slowly and releases in quakes, so the longer it's been since an earthquake, the more possibility of a large one. (small ones are in a way good news.) |
Oct 19 2007, 08:08 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,978 Joined: 26-February 02 From: New Jersey, USA Member No.: 500 |
I dunno about the counterculture thing - I'd think the Japanese occupation kinda squished the counterculture dead.
Oct 19 2007, 08:17 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,537 Joined: 27-August 06 From: Albuquerque NM Member No.: 9,234 |
After the first mass protest got machine gunned and buried in mass graves, street protests were greatly reduced. . . .
Oct 19 2007, 08:23 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,978 Joined: 26-February 02 From: New Jersey, USA Member No.: 500 |
Yeah, and I can't see the Japanese being very supportive of the rest of the counterculture. Or, any counterculture-type thing, really.
The whole idea of a counterculture would probably have died gruesomely after the first few months. (I'm not sure SF has always been the center of any sort of counterculture, anyway - I seem to remember learning that San Fran prior to the 1960s was a rather conservative, conventional sort of place, socially.) |
Oct 19 2007, 08:30 PM
Bushido Cowgirl Group: Members Posts: 5,782 Joined: 8-July 05 From: On the Double K Ranch a half day's ride out of Phlogiston Flats Member No.: 7,490 |
...or escaped north to Humboldt County. :grinbig: |
Oct 20 2007, 01:05 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,838 Joined: 1-September 05 Member No.: 7,669 |
I've looked over the sources that talk about Saito coming to power, but where is his fall and the subsequent events covered?
With my luck it's probably in System Crash - one of the few books I don't have access to... |
Oct 20 2007, 01:31 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 573 Joined: 17-September 07 Member No.: 13,319 |
Ah, you may be Shadowrun gurus, but your counterculture fu is weak. Massing in the streets when the JIS troopers are willing to massacre, is pitting weakness against strength, and counterculture does not always equal stupid or naive. Feminism, gay pride, race equality, youth empowerment, paganism, etc. all went *underground* in SF during the Occupation - or just over the border; the JIS were never able to take Silicon Valley, and I doubt they could effectively patrol Marin let alone Humbolt or Mendocino.
It's possible that a few JIS officers were seduced when off duty with recreational drugs, kinky sex, or other non-JIS-approved entertainment, then blackmailed into turning a blind eye to resistance activities. |
Oct 20 2007, 02:10 AM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
You got it ... and even then it's only touched on briefly. |
Oct 20 2007, 04:09 AM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,537 Joined: 27-August 06 From: Albuquerque NM Member No.: 9,234 |
Yeah, like the unloaded guns at Kent state? After years of pushing around the cops and the city there is a tendency to think that they understand the rules. There is a reason there was no Ghandi in Korea. |
Oct 20 2007, 10:06 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,838 Joined: 1-September 05 Member No.: 7,669 |
OK. I'll just skim that bit the next time I'm at my H-ALGS (half-assed local game store) - I don't really want to pay for a 'brief touch'... it's why I've avoided titty-bars too. ;) |
Oct 20 2007, 10:21 AM
Freelance Elf Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 7,324 Joined: 30-September 04 From: Texas Member No.: 6,714 |
I don't think anyone's saying all of San Francisco's counterculture movements were wholly squashed -- just that they don't quite run the city quite as much as they're reputed to do today. ;) You won't see any pride parades (for anything but pure Japanese bloodlines) under Saito's watch, that's for sure. They might not be gone, but they're certainly not popular or obvious about their presence.
I remember a published adventure that took place in San Francisco (or thereabouts), too, and it might have some information in it that was a little more recent than the Calfree book. I don't remember which book it was in, but here's a brief synopsis for those who might be able to help find it... [ Spoiler ] I read up on the CalFree book pretty seriously, because I had a wild hair to run a former terrorist type (and decided on the Metahuman People's Alliance). Tyler's turned into one of my favorite characters, since. I've always thought it'd be a fun campaign to try and run, just being a bunch of folks fighting the Japanese invasion force (and later Saito's boys in particular), similar to some of the "everyday schmuck when the shit hits the fan in the Arcology" type of games, or something like that. Who wouldn't love trying to play Red Dawn in an urban setting instead of a rural? |
Oct 22 2007, 05:40 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 573 Joined: 17-September 07 Member No.: 13,319 |
Penta and kzt seem to have some strong opinions on counterculture. (shrug) I think you're setting up and shooting down "straw man" arguments. I brought up counterculture and innovation as an industrial/economic factor; willingness to try new things has served us well in technology - there's a reason that Hewlett-Packard and Macintosh got started here! If you really, really think that Saito managed, in ten years, to make San Franciscans value conservatism (as anything other than "fake it when the occupiers are watching"), then suit yourself. Pun intended.
So, you tell us - if Saito convinced all San Franciscans that "the outstanding peg gets hammered down", and we all started ancestor worship at Shinto shrines, then what happens after he leaves? |
Oct 22 2007, 06:25 AM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,537 Joined: 27-August 06 From: Albuquerque NM Member No.: 9,234 |
Make a choice:
Poland, after the Soviet liberation and Communist mass murders, followed by the Nazi liberation and Nazi mass murders, followed by the Anti-Nazi uprisings and subsequent/concurrent mass murders, followed by the Soviet liberation and mass murders, followed by the anti-soviet guerrilla war that was eventually put down in the 50s with a great deal of brutality. Or France, where the mass of the government had actively cooperated with the Nazis and ended up covering up the collaboration and got promoted with no side effects. Like Maurice Papon, later prefect of Police in Paris and Francois Mitterrand, later president of France. It's not likely to be fun city. Too many collaborators and victims. |
Oct 22 2007, 05:04 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 232 Joined: 7-October 07 Member No.: 13,604 |
As has been proven time and time again, the more opposition, the more a counterculture flourishes in the underground. Perhaps they ended up moving to Oakland or another suburb to avoid detection, but their activities would've continued to be active, if hidden. |
Oct 22 2007, 11:02 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 573 Joined: 17-September 07 Member No.: 13,319 |
Uh, I definitely don't choose Poland, unless an equally oppressive army rolled in as Saito left. Can I choose Amsterdam? Granted, Amsterdam had somewhat Germanic culture and perhaps the Third Reich cut them more slack, except for, ya know, people sheltering Anne Frank and her family. How about Copenhagen, where the puppet government refused to round up the Jews, and was able to hold their ground on that question throughout the entire occupation? I agree that tension between former collaborators, whether opportunistic or authentic Nipponese supremacists, resistance leaders, underground survivors, and others, will be a tough dynamic (and wrote so in my first post). In Nihonmachi aka Japantown, the choice to collaborate or resist may have been especially divisive, and the Yakuza probably had some bloody infighting. I'm playing in a campaign set during the occupation, centered in Oakland with occasional raids into SF itself, and one plotline involves the Grunts orc gang based in SF which fled and managed to take sanctuary with a dwarven warren in Oakland's Halvertown... and the Sons of Sauron are about to attack that warren, calling the Grunts "race traitors". Meanwhile, I suspect that Policlub Humanitas members in SF who are also white supremacists are having a hard time with "Japanese on top, then Americans of Japanese descent, then other humans, then nonhumans". Personally, I think SF will have a renewed Pride Parade on the first June after Saito leaves, with a memorial to fallen resistance fighters of all sexualities, and an attitude of "we went underground but we survived, and after this, we know we can survive ANYTHING". Not so extravagant and flashy, but still, well, proud. And more people will understand the history of the pink triangle symbol. |
Oct 23 2007, 01:15 AM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,537 Joined: 27-August 06 From: Albuquerque NM Member No.: 9,234 |
IIRC, the Dutch acted much like the French, except for the total denial that any Dutchman had actually collaborated. IIRC, the person who got paid by the Germans for turning in Anne Frank (and dozens of other Jews) lived happily ever after.
Oct 23 2007, 01:49 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,978 Joined: 26-February 02 From: New Jersey, USA Member No.: 500 |
Riley: Where I got vehement was the idea that after...20+, 30+ years? (I forget when the JIS occupation of SanFran started) of foreign occupation, San Francisco would be anything -but- scarred and traumatized and having a societal case of PTSD, to a massive extent at least.
France and the Netherlands are not relevant examples. Period. They were occupied for 6 years at the most. The people who took leadership positions immediately after the war in many cases were involved in politics before the war, too. (De Gaulle is the obvious exception here, I grant.) At the same time, they had governments-in-exile that really maintained a lot of the institutional memory of government during the occupation. Once you go past 10 years, 20 years at max, then your political infrastructure, the people who remember what life was like and perhaps were politically active before the occupation, starts to really degrade. Because people get old, they die, and so forth. And the number of people who even remember what life was like before the occupation gets smaller and smaller. People may get that "Japanese occupation is bad", but that says nothing about the post-occupation situation. If your political infrastructure doesn't exist, how can you say anything about life after that? This post has been edited by Penta: Oct 23 2007, 01:51 AM |
Oct 23 2007, 05:41 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 37 Joined: 16-February 07 Member No.: 11,019 |
The gay pride movement really exploded here in the SF Bay Area. Reference the Stonewall Riot. We're talking about a population that was pretty brutally oppressed/beaten/etc. for decades, with police raids on bars, bathhouses and other subculture meeting sites. What happened when the oppression lifted (because of resistance and struggle)? If you don't know, come see Gay Pride week (brought to you by Miller and Annheiser-Busch!) At least one of the older gay bars in the East Bay (Berkeley and Oakland) has a special basement hiding spot for that very reason.
The cops here aren't particularly gentle. I got shot eight times with wooden dowels and rubber bullets and rammed twice by motorcycles for shutting down the Port of Oakland to stop shipment of war materials a couple years ago. If there'd been fewer cameras or more black kids it would have been real bullets. On the game note: SF isn't a city in isolation. It's fifteen minutes on BART to Oakland or Berkeley across the Bay. SF is pretty small (about 750,000 people and 47 sq miles) and the metro SF Bay Area is 7.2 million people and a much much larger sq mileage. One thing my players have just gotten a taste of is the Life Imitating Art aspect of Japanese mechs. Some are tech, some are magic. None are the massive BattleTech 50 ton monsters. Most are simply powered armor and exoskeletons with guns. Some are ally spirits. All are bad news for lightly armed/armored resistance fighters. Much resistance is located in the East Bay (where most folx without loads of cash had already relocated.) The Bay Bridge has scanners and mm wave radar to check every vehicle for suspicious 'ware and weapons. Treasure Island (roughly midway along the Bay Bridge between Oakland and Berkeley) is a heavily armed way station for intercepting raids. Last transBay run my players went on, a friendly mage Shapechanged three of them (sust foci) and they just flew across. That being said, the Bay is only around 6 ft deep for most of it. The shipping channel up the middle is dredged to 42 or 400 ft deep (i forget which), but is rather narrow. A lot of hardware is funneled into the East Bay (SF is the West Bay) by other corps who lost facilities or freedom in the Occupation. (Like Rome or the US, it's cheaper to send weapons to the neighbors of your opponents than to send armies.) San Jose and Silicon Valley are closely held by Ares and the JIS did NOT send enough Marines or gear to take on Ares. Just my $0.02. pax, stormcrow :cyber: |
Oct 23 2007, 05:47 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 573 Joined: 17-September 07 Member No.: 13,319 |
Ah, thanks Penta. I went back to SR4 BBB to check the duration of the occupation, and I'd thought it was under ten years but looks more like 30; CalFree secedes (or is booted) in 2036, tangles with TirTairngire and Aztlan, brings in the JIS, then the occupation lasts until late 2060s. Yes, on that scale, one gets effects somewhat like the Warsaw Pact nations. My mother, a journalist, went to Chechoslovakia to cover their first post-Soviet elections... it had been a long, long time and they didn't have familiarity with how elections work. As a frequent staffer of polling places, I can imagine the difficulties of running a fair and fast-moving polling place when neither staffers nor voters have any experience. Brrr. Imagining three decades of my hometown being patrolled by JIS troopers with bayonets makes Shadowrun a bit scarier for me. In the last decade, Saito is rogue, having defied the 2061 order for all JIS units to pull back to the home islands. No reinforcements, just whatever new troops he can recruit from those who have adapted to the new regime.
Post-occupation SF would have plenty of the edgy dystopic aspect of Shadowrun; the Big Brother aspect would have been recently extreme, but presumably it's a while before anyone gets social controls in place again, unless they take over whatever surveillance cameras and informants and so forth Saito had in place. Meanwhile, the dynamics of who you can trust could be very tricky, and there'd be room for gangs and shaman-based tribes and other "outsider" organizations to gain social capital. Counterculture comes in various forms. Big festivals are one. Replacing ties with tie-dye is another form. Questioning authority is another; don't openly defy a JIS patroller, but I dunno that SF families became quite as patriarchal as Saito would have liked. I speculate that the JIS might have been quite frustrated that once they purged the Bay Area of all the wacky free-thinkers, the high-tech industry stopped being quite such a tax-base cash-cow... kinda like the way that after the Spanish Inquisition got rid of all the Jewish bankers and scholars, the Spanish economy took a big hit. So... how long after V-E day did Amsterdam and Paris regain their aspect as cities with intellectualism, hedonism, liberalism (in any sense of the word)? |
Oct 23 2007, 06:03 AM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,537 Joined: 27-August 06 From: Albuquerque NM Member No.: 9,234 |
As was pointed out before, 5 years isn't 30 years. 30 years means many people there grew up with this as the way things are, and many of the older counter culture types would have died off (from one reason or another).
Ask Frank about Prague. I like his blogs name "Waitinginline". |
Oct 23 2007, 06:16 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,838 Joined: 1-September 05 Member No.: 7,669 |
I'd read 12 feet, but I can't say as I've ever been in the water of the Bay to find out (on it, yes)... |
Oct 23 2007, 08:35 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,269 Joined: 18-September 06 Member No.: 9,421 |
Frank has a blog? Do tell. I'm always interested in what he has to say. Especially when he rants, it amuses me greatly. Linky? My search fu has failed me thus far in google.
Chris |
Oct 23 2007, 10:32 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,326 Joined: 15-April 02 Member No.: 2,600 |
I haven't paid much attention to SF since the CalFree book came out, however in going over this thread, I think it would have been interesting to see more acculturation between the JIS and the SF'ers, particularly after Saito went rogue and had to make due with what he had and couldn't just send off for more uncorrupted soldiers. |
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