Advanced Rules, For situations not covered by FanPro |
Advanced Rules, For situations not covered by FanPro |
Jan 16 2004, 02:44 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 496 Joined: 28-June 02 From: Orlando FL Member No.: 2,915 |
This thread will be for posting information on what I call "Advanced Rules". They are for rules that for lack of a better term are "House Rules". While we try to stick with the published rules for everything that we do, there are just some things out there that are not covered. Not everything will need a rule and can be adjudicated by the GM depending on the situation, but some things I can forsee people wanting to do more than just during one adventure, and therefore there should be some consistency in how GMs handle those situations. Where possible, these rulings have already gone through Rob Boyle at FanPro for his take on the situation. After that, if he doesn't have any specific guidance, then I will make the final determination based on research, common sense, game balance, and the fact that well, I'm just so gosh darned smart! 8)
If you find a rule that you think you will be using a lot, feel free to print out that page / section of the forum. Every so often, I will collect these into a master document for GMs to consider. If you have any questions, please post them in the General Questions thread and not here - I will be monitoring this thread and removing any posts that are not from myself or a recognized and approved source. Thanks |
Jan 16 2004, 03:03 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 496 Joined: 28-June 02 From: Orlando FL Member No.: 2,915 |
Acids and Gel/Capsule Rounds
Dated: 15 Jan 04 The question has arisen concerning putting acid into gel capsule rounds. Rob Boyle has stated that the description of gel rounds supports the fact that the technology has progressed so that the gel can hold almost anything, but that acids would eventually break down the capsule/coating, thus reducing the shelf life of such rounds. With that in mind, I have developed the chart found below. Anything higher than Rating 15 acid is so powerful that it will instantly dissolve/eat through the gel material. Gel / capsule rounds will only have a limited shelf life based on humidity or other factors of about a year, and any that contain a Rating 1 acid will degrade even faster, with a base time of 6 months - the acid eats away from the inside, and oxidation, humity, and other chemical interactions wear it down from the outside. Acid Rating........Shelf Life (before acid destroys shell) Rating 1.................6 months Rating 2.................4 months Rating 3.................2 months Rating 4.................1 month Rating 5.................2 weeks Rating 6.................1 week Rating 7.................3 days Rating 8.................1 day Rating 9.................12 hours Rating 10................6 hours Rating 11................3 hours Rating 12................1 hours Rating 13................30 minutes Rating 14................15 minutes Rating 15................5 minutes |
Jan 20 2004, 02:12 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 496 Joined: 28-June 02 From: Orlando FL Member No.: 2,915 |
For ease of rules lawyers, all caustic substances, nanites, et cetera, will use the same chart. Inert materials such as paint, etc, will last for at least a year.
Apr 1 2004, 08:16 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 10 Joined: 31-March 04 From: Canberra, capital of Australia Member No.: 6,210 |
Got a rules question about Dikote.
How much do I have to use for different swords, axes and knives? (Is there a list or page for this?) How much do I use for spurs? And how do I stop my GM from using Dikoted fang caps on hellhounds? :oops: My thought: reach + 1 units of Dikote (1000nY/unit), for simplicity. Kax |
Apr 1 2004, 09:05 PM
Project Terminus: Soul Hunters Group: Members Posts: 1,052 Joined: 6-November 03 From: Casselberry, Florida U.S.A. Member No.: 5,798 |
Well while it may seem simple to use reach Kax it does not work. You have to go by size of the surface area to be Dikoted. I can't tell you how much most items will take or how much they will cost. However I do know from Bitrunner that a katana cost 5000 :nuyen: to Dikote so to have a Dikoted katana you spend 6000 :nuyen: . That of course is at character creation in game prices may go up. In being involved with the game at Megacon I also know he charged a player 5000 :nuyen: to Dikote his baseball bat. So if it has the surface area that is equal to either the katana or a baseball bat you can pretty much count on the Dikote costing you 5000 :nuyen: . Given time I am sure Bitrunner will post a chart so as to cover most items that can be Dikoted. Remember though if the item in question can't take excessive heat it can't be Dikoted.
Apr 2 2004, 12:31 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 10 Joined: 31-March 04 From: Canberra, capital of Australia Member No.: 6,210 |
Thanks, E.O.T.L.F. I can extrapolate from there, I think. Just spurs right now... :oops:
May 17 2004, 01:41 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 402 Joined: 23-April 03 From: London, UK Member No.: 4,491 |
I have a few questions:
Are the Martial Arts rules from CC allowed in SRM? Does Orichalcum count as a radical when enchanting? I mean, can you get a -5 TN mod if you use 2 radicals and 1 unit of orichalcum? |
May 17 2004, 02:32 PM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
The basics that I have heard is that anything which is labeled optional will not be used. As near as I can tell, this definitely covers the advanced melee combat rules in CC, the martial arts in CC, several (but not all) sections of the advanced combat stuff at the end of CC, Edges and Flaws, and probably a few more I'm not thinking of off-hand.
May 17 2004, 04:30 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 402 Joined: 23-April 03 From: London, UK Member No.: 4,491 |
Doesn't answer my orichalcum question.
May 17 2004, 05:12 PM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
That's because I'm not official and have no clue ;)
May 17 2004, 11:52 PM
Moo!! Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 75 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 424 |
Can I have sex with my Ally Spirit?
May 18 2004, 12:30 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
Only if it's dikoted.
May 18 2004, 02:07 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 496 Joined: 28-June 02 From: Orlando FL Member No.: 2,915 |
Martial Arts rules from, as mentioned, they are optional rules and therefore not used...
Orichalcum...this is (except for the rare exception) the result of an alchemical procedure, and therefore is not a radical... ally spirits can only be dikoted if they are placed into an homunculus that is constructed of stone or better material - anything less would be consumed by the intense heat and pressure required during the dikoting process. once dikoted, however, ....nah, i'm not touching the second part of that question... |
May 18 2004, 06:44 PM
Project Terminus: Soul Hunters Group: Members Posts: 1,052 Joined: 6-November 03 From: Casselberry, Florida U.S.A. Member No.: 5,798 |
May 19 2004, 12:09 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 10 Joined: 31-March 04 From: Canberra, capital of Australia Member No.: 6,210 |
Hand-cast metal-matrix ceramic composite compound lingam/yoni homunculus, dikoted... I don't think I should go any further...
Smooth, though... :eek: :D |
May 24 2004, 01:09 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 402 Joined: 23-April 03 From: London, UK Member No.: 4,491 |
I think you can do it with an ally. See SSG. Make sure that they manifest in metahuman form, though. Otherwise people will start asking questions...
May 24 2004, 01:13 PM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
SSG also revealed that it's illegal to do so and you'll get charged with cruelty to animals or somesuch ;)
We are also waaaaay off topic. |
Jun 17 2004, 09:28 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 402 Joined: 23-April 03 From: London, UK Member No.: 4,491 |
How much does a permit for a spell cost? Way I see it, I'd make it 10% of the cost of the appropriate spell formula based on the Drain Code.
Jun 17 2004, 03:17 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 496 Joined: 28-June 02 From: Orlando FL Member No.: 2,915 |
well, for the most part, you don't have permits for spells, you have a license for being a magician. it depends on where you are, and obviously one nation does not necessarily recognize the license of another.
don't know off hand what the cost is, but that's what you're looking for - a license to practice magic. remember that even with this license, the rules of the UCAS / Seattle is that spells are only legal cast at low force levels. Anything higher is illegal. Exceptions are of course made for healing magics. Also, any injuries or deaths which result from the use of magic are prosecuted as if a deadly weapon were used. Face it, sometimes it is better to shoot someone with a gun than it is to hit them with a mana bolt, as far as the law and the courts are concerned... |
Jun 17 2004, 11:43 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 216 Joined: 27-January 04 Member No.: 6,025 |
It's not that Magic is considered a deadly weapon, but any death from magic is considered to have malice of fore-thought. Manabolt is always Murder 1, there is no self defence plea if you kill someone with magic.
Found in MITS. Magic In The Modern World section. Can't remember what page. <Edit> My bad. Got home read the book and it actualy says: "A felony committed using magic is considered a premeditated act. Killing someone with magic is considered First Degree Murder if brought to trial unless it is possable to prove self defence or other mitigating circumstances." It goes on to say: "Currently any spell, spirit, focus or other magical effect of force 3 or higher is legally regulated within the UCAS and CAS, though permits may be acquired to use such magic" which makes sence otherwise only extraterritorial corps could have a ward higher than force three. All this and more is in 'The Awakened World' pg 11 MITS. This post has been edited by sidartha: Jun 18 2004, 06:57 AM |
Jun 23 2004, 09:28 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 402 Joined: 23-April 03 From: London, UK Member No.: 4,491 |
And remember kids, you can initiate by making an ally.
Aug 2 2004, 12:52 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 541 Joined: 2-August 04 From: South Africa Member No.: 6,531 |
I remember there was a module that involved a missing son who was very "gay" type as he ran away with a free spirit "Fire Elemnetal", and they loved each other.
Well did we get a lot of explanations about that. |
Sep 15 2004, 11:59 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 13 Joined: 18-October 03 Member No.: 5,733 |
I have a question about improving a character throughout the campaign.
What are the rules on improving attribute? Aside from paying for the karma, is there an extra cost in terms of time, money, etc? Similarly, what are the rules on improving skill points with Karma? SR3 mentions something about finding an instructor and making a skill test to determine if the character can learn/improve the skill. How is that handled? And are there extra costs in terms of time, money, etc? Also, are there any rules for characters building/repairing/manufacturing items if they have a shop in between runs? One of my character is a chemist with a chem shop, can he make toxins/slap patches etc? |
Sep 16 2004, 01:56 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 496 Joined: 28-June 02 From: Orlando FL Member No.: 2,915 |
Improving Attributes - no, there are no other requirements other than the Karma much as i use house rules for this in my home campaign, it is not part of the core rules and therefore not part of Missions...
Improving Skills - well, here the core rules are of little help, as it suggests that training be used to slow the progress of characters and add to the roleplaying aspect. Nowhere does it say that this is an Advanced or Optional rule, although it could be argued that the wording leads one to believe that they are optional rules. As far as Missions goes, you can improve your skills with just Karma for any skills that are present in the core rule book or could be reasonably learned by the character. Special regional skills, new skills that are developed in future products, or other special skills may or may not require an instructor and special rules. Examples of this would be Zero-G Combat Tactics (a special skill requiring special training, facilities, and time/money), Or'zet (the Orkish language in SOTA2064, is only available up to certain ratings and requires training and usually money), or some special Tir Noble fighting style (only taught to Tir nobility or to those found worthy - would earn the skill through roleplaying during an adventure)... Shops - excellent question! there are, as you realize, few rules for governing the creation of items in the game - shops are there to basically give you the tools and facilities needed for certain B/R checks, rather than suffer the negative modifiers for not having such tools/facilities. this is something that we're working on right now. For now, I would say that you could build anything that is in the allowed books if it is legal for character creation - for instance, you could make your own ammunition, but only regular rounds, not APDS, since the latter is not available during character creation. the GM will have to determine, through common sense, the B/R rolls required and what items can be created - i would recommend a target number of the Availability, and the time to make the item(s) is the Availability as well. the raw materials should cost about 20% of the book value of the item. extra successes can of course reduce the build time as normal. i would also limit this to your B/R skill rating (if you have a Demolitions B/R of 4, you can make 4 grenades) of any item (remember that ammunition is 10 rounds = 1 item). What can be made must be common sense, and should not be abused. just because you can get maglock passkeys at Rating 6 during character creation does NOT mean you can just pay 20% to get the raw materials and crank out 4 or 5 of them and then sell them for profit - this is Shadowrun, you are a Shadowrunner, not a fabricator of product X...if you want to make your own ammunition, or a half dozen tranq patches, that's fine, but try to keep it within reason - and it should be something that you're making for yourself and immediate team members for use during that run - you should not be making them for selling and turning a profit...if i find out that this is happening, we'll revoke the privilege... so, in summary, here are my suggested guidelines for a GM to follow for now until something official comes along: B/R skill - determines number of items that can be created Availability - determines target number for constructing item, and time to do so; note that extra successes reduce the required time as normal Cost - 20% of listed book cost (without street index) determines cost of raw materials to make the item items should be limited to low complexity items and consumables. examples of these would be ammunition, grenades, explosives, detonators, non-armored clothing (such as suits, uniforms, etc - base TN is 4, time is 24 hours per outfit, and extra successes can reduce time or increase quality of clothing), entertainment recordings/remixes, most survival gear, food, medkit supplies, and slap patches. guns, vehicles, magic items, decks, programs, and certain other items have their own construction rules. cyber/bioware is dead out. electronics are, for the most part, too complex to build in the time allowed and still be dependable enough for use on a shadowrun - if you want to whip together an FM radio, simple comm units, or something similar, the GM will have to make the call. i was hoping to avoid this topic until some more substantial rules came out... :eek: |
Sep 27 2004, 05:04 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,251 Joined: 11-September 04 From: GA Member No.: 6,651 |
I asked about this in a seperate and was told Decks could NOT be built. As you're obviously the authority, which case is correct? There is a contradiction in that Matrix is an allowed rulebook, but that only the rules in the core SR3 book will be used for Matrix stuff. ::clutches head in confusion:: Thanks! -Wasabi |
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