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> Storm Front is out!, Leading to SR5!
post Feb 25 2013, 10:43 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Just saw the following, on http://www.fantasiapelit.com/index.php?mai...sittava=_146801
Aztlan and Amazonia slugging it out. Great dragons turning on each other. Governor Kenneth Brackhaven of Seattle facing pressure unlike any he’s ever seen. A powerful dragon and elf on the verge of ravaging Denver. And on top of that, a new plague is spreading through the world, and the denizens of JackPoint aren’t immune to its effects. All this tension has been building up, and in Storm Front, it breaks. Storm Front provides background and updates on these and other plotlines changing the shape of the Sixth World. Storm Front is compatible with Shadowrun, Fourth Edition while also laying the groundwork for the upcoming Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.
• Provides plot developments and changes that will fuel conversation and speculation in Shadowrun fans, including the end of the Aztlan-Amazonia war, the death of a great dragon, an earth-shaking conflict between the dragon Ghostwalker and the elf Harlequin, and a growing scandal facing Governor Kenneth Brackhaven of Seattle
• Sets up plot developments that will be critical in the upcoming Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Pieces of this book are being used heavily in promotional materials tied to the release of Fifth Edition, helping whet customers appetite for the full book.
• Includes statistics of some notable Sixth World characters, including the great dragon known as Sirrurg the Destroyer.
• Provides game information, plot hooks, and other statistics to make it easier to use this material in ongoing campaigns.
• Concludes with the departure of a beloved Shadowrun character that is sure to getfans of the game talking.

The last bit assures that somebody will die.

My bet is on FastJack.
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post Feb 25 2013, 10:51 AM
Post #2

Running Target

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No it's Mungo he's hacked a spaceship and is on his way to Mars (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) .
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post Feb 25 2013, 11:00 AM
Post #3


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That doesn't sound like Mungo. Knowing him he'd save time and just hack Mars itself.

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post Feb 25 2013, 11:00 AM
Post #4

Running Target

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Mars has an unlimited supply of astronaut ice cream (and space beer).
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post Feb 25 2013, 11:02 AM
Post #5


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Mars IS the supply of astronaut ice space cream.

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post Feb 25 2013, 11:27 AM
Post #6

The King In Yellow

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Point by point comments.

Provides plot developments and changes that will fuel conversation and speculation in Shadowrun fans, including the end of the Aztlan-Amazonia war, the death of a great dragon, an earth-shaking conflict between the dragon Ghostwalker and the elf Harlequin, and a growing scandal facing Governor Kenneth Brackhaven of Seattle

So ...
- Aztlan and Amazonia sorta call it quits. The plot thread of Primaira Varga and the Tempo Pact remains unresolved, I guess? At least the part AzAm war of Little Birdie's story revelations doesn't hint to it being resolved.
- Oh dear, another dead Immortal Elf? I hope not. Wasting Godzilla is oen thing, wasting an actual character another.
- So Sirrug buys it, being killed Supreme Commander T4 unit style (thrown to death with loads of stuff) because nobody has yet fugured out how utterly incapable of soaking a single cruise missile a Grerat is (not to mention the low probability of him being wounded, as opposed to shrugging it all off or exploding into red vapor).
- Scandal? Oooooh ...

Sets up plot developments that will be critical in the upcoming Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Pieces of this book are being used heavily in promotional materials tied to the release of Fifth Edition, helping whet customers appetite for the full book.

- Yeah, the Danielle de la Mar part. No big surprise. Hello new grid, same as old grid. Byebye Applerun.
- The next update is due, just saying. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Includes statistics of some notable Sixth World characters, including the great dragon known as Sirrurg the Destroyer.

*sigh* please do proper maths there at least, CGL. And use standard format if you crank out NPC stats like this. Every author listing things differnetly makes this highly tedious to use and I think that's the opposite of what it's supposed to be.

Concludes with the departure of a beloved Shadowrun character that is sure to getfans of the game talking.

So Fastjack will be overwritten. Too bad.

And on top of that, a new plague is spreading through the world, and the denizens of JackPoint aren’t immune to its effects. All this tension has been building up, and in Storm Front, it breaks.

What? Building up? Morbus Schletz has been building up? Where? What did I miss?
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post Feb 25 2013, 11:33 AM
Post #7

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (hermit @ Feb 25 2013, 12:27 PM) *
What? Building up? Morbus Schletz has been building up? Where? What did I miss?

Clutch of Dragons at least, I'd say. Not that you missed much....

including the end of the Aztlan-Amazonia war, the death of a great dragon, an earth-shaking conflict between the dragon Ghostwalker and the elf Harlequin

I'm torn between between curious how they current writers will deal with it, and being cynical as I didn't like much of the latest books. Well...
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post Feb 25 2013, 11:47 AM
Post #8


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I'm tempted to throw my hat in with the "Truce" solution to the Aztlan-Amazonia war, but I'm gonna be somewhat daring and predict that Aztlan actually comes out on top, possibly even managing to kill off some of the major Amazonian feathered serpents.

The scandal with Governor Brackhaven I'm less certain about, but my gut feeling says it has something to do with either the Ork Underground or Infected.

The new plague is prolly whatever is affecting FastJack, but despite all the buildup, I'm gonna once again deviate from the norm and suggest that FastJack stays while somone else goes - gut reaction, it'll be Bull. And I'm not entirely convinced the "departure" will actually be a death, per se.

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post Feb 25 2013, 11:48 AM
Post #9

Great Dragon

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Aztlan and Amazonia slugging it out

Well, we have been told there is a war going on for quite some time now, I wonder if SF will finally deliver something that is larger than a gang shootout [/sarcasm]

a new plague is spreading through the world

Unrealistic hope: Somebody stole my idea for a Melding Plague which does away with the omnipresent nanotech. Much more realistic: The changes to HMHVV

the death of a great dragon

Singular "dragon", so probably the bit about about the "final battle" between Big L and Alamais meant that it was the final battle between them, not for both of them

• Includes statistics of some notable Sixth World characters, including the great dragon known as Sirrurg the Destroyer.

Inside CGL's echo chamber they still believe Street Legends was a good idea, nothing new

• Concludes with the departure of a beloved Shadowrun character that is sure to getfans of the game talking.

Fastjack is the obvious guess, with the plot around Harlequin it could also be him, or maybe "departure" is meant literally and not just as an euphemism...
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post Feb 25 2013, 11:56 AM
Post #10

The King In Yellow

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Fastjack is the obvious guess, with the plot around Harlequin it could also be him, or maybe "departure" is meant literally and not just as an euphemism...

Fastjack goes White Hat to have access to Morbus Schletz treatment? That'd be more interesting, at least, than just rewrite him to prove how evil Morbus Schletz is.

Clutch of Dragons at least, I'd say. Not that you missed much....

Oh. Can you point me where exactly? I was waiting for the Pegasus book because every time I open the PDF there's this *cover* and I close it again.
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post Feb 25 2013, 12:45 PM
Post #11

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (hermit @ Feb 25 2013, 12:56 PM) *
Oh. Can you point me where exactly? I was waiting for the Pegasus book because every time I open the PDF there's this *cover* and I close it again.

Sorry, misread your post. Iirc there's nothing about a plague in the book.
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post Feb 25 2013, 01:02 PM
Post #12

Running Target

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My bet for the AzAm conflict ending is that both sides realize that sending submarines to Bogotá is really stupid, since there isn't even a navigable waterway that goes all the way to the place.
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post Feb 25 2013, 01:04 PM
Post #13

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Amazonia gets it that they're fighting against the planting of trees. Feeling stupid, they retreat.
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post Feb 25 2013, 01:08 PM
Post #14

Shooting Target

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Aztech explodes Sirrurg in a pyrrhic victory, Amazonia explodes the rest of the Aztlan military, the other corps gobble up the rest. Oh. And it's the final fight between Lofwyr and Alamaise because they finally embrace each other in a brotherly hug that will spawn millions of teary manga eyes. They then fly to Mars together.
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post Feb 25 2013, 01:29 PM
Post #15

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (bannockburn @ Feb 25 2013, 09:08 PM) *
Aztech explodes Sirrurg in a pyrrhic victory, Amazonia explodes the rest of the Aztlan military, the other corps gobble up the rest.

This could be plausible.

Oh. And it's the final fight between Lofwyr and Alamaise because they finally embrace each other in a brotherly hug that will spawn millions of teary manga eyes. They then fly to Mars together.

This is inspired.
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post Feb 25 2013, 01:30 PM
Post #16

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (bannockburn @ Feb 25 2013, 02:08 PM) *
Aztech explodes Sirrurg in a pyrrhic victory, Amazonia explodes the rest of the Aztlan military, the other corps gobble up the rest.

That's too consistent for CGL. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)
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post Feb 25 2013, 01:47 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Victor Sells, Jennifer Stanton, Tommy Tomm, & Linda Randall will be the ones to die in Storm Front. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 25 2013, 02:08 PM
Post #18


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Calling it now: Someone is going to call out the whole Bogota shit as pure computer-generated propaganda. The seaside docks of Bogota? AS IF! Clearly that was all part of a misinformation campaign.

Hard Exit will get booted from Jackpoint for participating in the bullshit on the behalf of some corp or another, and FastJack will chastise everyone for not having the goddamn brains to fire up a goddamn projection of the goddamn Earth to double-check it. Someone will call FastJack himself on not doing that, and he'll just break down crying and admit that he's going senile. Then he'll leave JackPoint to NetCat and Slamm-O and go off to live the rest of his days in a nursing home.

And dear god, I hope it's not just one Great that buys it. I'd love to see Ghostwalker, Alamais, Lofwyr and Sirrug all go down in flames, and hopefully take Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries and Aztechnology with them. Let's get some new blood in the game, really shake up the setting, eh?

[e]Also, not really "Calling" but "Hoping:" I "hope" that at least one GD dies to fucking metahuman hands. And not the hands of some stupid-grade Immortal Elf, either. I hope they die to a fucking Essence 4.1 mundane sitting in a dark room on a missile destroyer sixty miles away who pushes the metaphorical button that sends a cruise missile roaring at them and blows them to straight to President Dunkelzahn. It's time the big lizards were taught that this ain't the 4th World but the 6th, and they're not the dominant species in the food chain anymore.

[e2]Alternative: Maybe FastJack gets really outed as Damian Knight, and everybody stops using JackPoint.
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post Feb 25 2013, 02:44 PM
Post #19

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (toturi @ Feb 25 2013, 02:29 PM) *
This is inspired.

Thank you.
In addition, this will boost the sales of the MooDragon™ EmotiToy to unimaginable levels. The remaining dragons, as benefactors of royalty sales, become insurmountably rich and thus the giant hidden metaplot that's been hinted at since Arsenal will be resolved and they will, rightly, own a part of everyone's soul.

I for one welcome our new draconic overlords. And MooDragon™ approves and makes a happy face.
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post Feb 25 2013, 03:04 PM
Post #20

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Feb 25 2013, 03:08 PM) *
[e]Also, not really "Calling" but "Hoping:" I "hope" that at least one GD dies to fucking metahuman hands. And not the hands of some stupid-grade Immortal Elf, either. I hope they die to a fucking Essence 4.1 mundane sitting in a dark room on a missile destroyer sixty miles away who pushes the metaphorical button that sends a cruise missile roaring at them and blows them to straight to President Dunkelzahn. It's time the big lizards were taught that this ain't the 4th World but the 6th, and they're not the dominant species in the food chain anymore.

This thread is not about the probability of bringing down Great Dragons. Take this as a friendly reminder.
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post Feb 25 2013, 03:06 PM
Post #21

Shooting Target

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Someone remind me who was killed in the whole dragonheart plot...
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post Feb 25 2013, 03:09 PM
Post #22

The King In Yellow

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He died and we did nothing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
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post Feb 25 2013, 03:10 PM
Post #23

Shooting Target

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I meant the part with closing the rift, wasn't one of the IEs caught in the crossfire...
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post Feb 25 2013, 03:14 PM
Post #24

Shooting Target

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Artifacts Unbound spoiler:
[ Spoiler ]
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post Feb 25 2013, 03:18 PM
Post #25

Shooting Target

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Ah in that case, I'll throw a curveball and say they'll off Frosty, death by dragon.
Because literally every canon character likes her, it will stir up some major shit, push Harl down new venues and has a lot more shockvalue then ol' Jack.
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