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> I shall be forever cursed to the darkest pits of hell, Tremble and fear, those who behold that which follows
post May 9 2013, 12:38 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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My GM has granted me license... nay, he has all but commanded thus of me... the forging, through parchment, quills and dye, and graphite, of...


As far as my research has led me to see, it is not exclusively forbidden (though perhaps in violation of the spirit of the rules). Minus the Jedi class entirely, it can still be done, this horrible abortion of technology, religion, and madness. Chips and soda are available in the lobby. Thank you.

Edit: game is Star Wars Saga Edition
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post May 9 2013, 01:55 AM
Post #2

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (Rubic @ May 9 2013, 08:38 AM) *

As far as my research has led me to see, it is not exclusively forbidden (though perhaps in violation of the spirit of the rules). Minus the Jedi class entirely, it can still be done, this horrible abortion of technology, religion, and madness. Chips and soda are available in the lobby. Thank you.

Edit: game is Star Wars Saga Edition

Eh? Jedi droid? Various ways of going about doing that.
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post May 9 2013, 02:03 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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QUOTE (toturi @ May 8 2013, 09:55 PM) *
Eh? Jedi droid? Various ways of going about doing that.

I know. I'm also going to double as the Slicer of the group, so my Mind Trick will be rather powerful (read Use Computers). I'm taking 1 lvl dip into Independent Droid for the obvious benefits. Otherwise, I have 3 levels (first decidedly NOT Jedi) to play with.

Note: in the rules for creating a Droid, it states specifically that you cannot choose Jedi as your 1st Class level. It also expressly forbids taking Force Sensitivity and Force Powers. On the other hand, it DOES NOT expressly forbid cross-classing into Jedi; no force-sensitivity is required to cross-class into it, and many talents don't require Use the Force, Force Sensitivity, or Force Powers.

I also could pull most of it off through non-Jedi class levels. Additionally, tractor/repulsor installations can substitute for many applications of Use the Force and Force Powers.
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post May 9 2013, 02:30 AM
Post #4

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (Rubic @ May 9 2013, 10:03 AM) *
I know. I'm also going to double as the Slicer of the group, so my Mind Trick will be rather powerful (read Use Computers). I'm taking 1 lvl dip into Independent Droid for the obvious benefits. Otherwise, I have 3 levels (first decidedly NOT Jedi) to play with.

Note: in the rules for creating a Droid, it states specifically that you cannot choose Jedi as your 1st Class level. It also expressly forbids taking Force Sensitivity and Force Powers. On the other hand, it DOES NOT expressly forbid cross-classing into Jedi; no force-sensitivity is required to cross-class into it, and many talents don't require Use the Force, Force Sensitivity, or Force Powers.

I also could pull most of it off through non-Jedi class levels. Additionally, tractor/repulsor installations can substitute for many applications of Use the Force and Force Powers.

As I was saying, it is not all that uncommon. In almost every game, I played in, someone played or was going to play a droid with Jedi levels. Droids don't make good physical combatants though, due to their having no Con. But droids often have awesome flexibility, especially at low levels.

Besides, you are not playing Darth Jar-Jar.

And I remember a Jedi in a droid body, with UTF and Force Powers.
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post May 9 2013, 02:42 AM
Post #5

Immortal Elf

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The Force flows through everything. That includes Droids.
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post May 9 2013, 02:48 AM
Post #6


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ITT: OP has an extraordinarily low threshold for eldritch abominations.
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post May 9 2013, 02:50 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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QUOTE (CanRay @ May 8 2013, 10:42 PM) *
The Force flows through everything. That includes Droids.

The Force does not empower or control droids the way that it does living organisms. However, the techniques and training can be taught to them (or programmed). They cannot use the Force, but they can certainly simulate it well.
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post May 9 2013, 07:19 AM
Post #8


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You might consider looking into creating a Shard, from the Jedi Academy Training Manual. I'm running an SWSE game with a Shard Jedi.

This is the Saga Edition online Index, an invaluable tool. Shards can be found on page 79.

Alternatively, droids can multiclass into Jedi after their first level. The IG Lightsaber droid does that. However, it's not very effective unless you can work out with your GM some means of letting you mimic the Block and Deflect Jedi Guardian talents without being able to roll Use the Force. I would suggest letting a droid roll Acrobatics instead. Lightsaber Defense still works, mind you, but adding +1 to +3 to your reflex defense at the cost of a swift action per round is really crap compared to being able to roll a skill (which can be Trained and Focused in for +10) against someone's attack roll (Which is going to be at best their class level, the highest of Str or Dex depending on their build, and maybe some miscellaneous mods,) as a free action to say "lawlno you just fail to hit me."
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post May 9 2013, 09:34 AM
Post #9

The ShadowComedian

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So, you are bascially trying to make General Grivious?
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post May 9 2013, 05:41 PM
Post #10


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Grevious was a full-body cyborg, not a droid.
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post May 9 2013, 05:58 PM
Post #11

The ShadowComedian

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Would you really consider him a living being with several machine parts instead of a machine with some biological components?
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post May 9 2013, 06:03 PM
Post #12


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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 9 2013, 10:58 AM) *
Would you really consider him a living being with several machine parts instead of a machine with some biological components?

Yes, by SW standards. The WEG system made you start taking auto Dark Side points if you were force sensitive based on how many cybernetics you had.
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post May 9 2013, 06:51 PM
Post #13

Immortal Elf

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"He's more machine than man now. Twisted and evil."
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post May 9 2013, 06:58 PM
Post #14

The ShadowComedian

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having recently watched A.D. Police Files:
should more than 70% of the human body become cybernetic you're treated as a “boomeroid” and thus can be killed with the same prejudice as a boomer
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Wounded Ronin
post May 10 2013, 02:51 AM
Post #15

Great Dragon

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So your oil pan contains midochlorians?
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post May 10 2013, 04:36 AM
Post #16


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QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ May 9 2013, 02:03 PM) *
Yes, by SW standards. The WEG system made you start taking auto Dark Side points if you were force sensitive based on how many cybernetics you had.

I houseruled that in my Saga edition game. Getting cybernetics doesn't increase your DSS, but lopping off perfectly functional parts does. Which means that if you survive having an arm whacked off, you're perfectly free to replace it with the Deathcrunch 5,000 model; you're also free to get cybernetics that don't involve cutting off bits of yourself.

I also did away with entirely that bit about having cybernetics weakening your connection to the Force, because fuck that noise.
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post May 10 2013, 05:19 PM
Post #17


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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ May 9 2013, 08:36 PM) *
I houseruled that in my Saga edition game. Getting cybernetics doesn't increase your DSS, but lopping off perfectly functional parts does. Which means that if you survive having an arm whacked off, you're perfectly free to replace it with the Deathcrunch 5,000 model; you're also free to get cybernetics that don't involve cutting off bits of yourself.

I also did away with entirely that bit about having cybernetics weakening your connection to the Force, because fuck that noise.

Doesn't really make sense when we look at the lore either. Luke's hand didn't sever any of his connection nor did Vader's iron lung suit.
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post May 10 2013, 05:21 PM
Post #18

The ShadowComedian

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Or Vaders Hand.
Or Vaders Legs.
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post May 10 2013, 08:18 PM
Post #19


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reckon that they put that rule in there for the same reason Essence exists in Shadowrun, but it's even more pointless in SWSE, so I felt no qualms about straight-up ripping it out.
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post May 10 2013, 09:46 PM
Post #20

Immortal Elf

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On the bright side, Vader can park his Tie X-1 in the handicapped space! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post May 10 2013, 11:01 PM
Post #21


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QUOTE (CanRay @ May 10 2013, 04:46 PM) *
On the bright side, Vader can park his Tie X-1 in the handicapped space! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

I'm pretty sure Lord Vader can park anything short of a Super Star Destroyer anywhere he damn well pleases but Palpatine's living room and nobody will say anything about it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post May 10 2013, 11:09 PM
Post #22

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ May 10 2013, 06:01 PM) *
I'm pretty sure Lord Vader can park anything short of a Super Star Destroyer anywhere he damn well pleases but Palpatine's living room and nobody will say anything about it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
"Hey, Vader, how's my favorite Sith? ... Hey hey hey, want do you mean they're giving you a parking ticket? ... ... YOU'RE PARKED WHERE? ... Yes, I know I disbanded them, but the Senate Building is now Low-Income Housing! You can't just park your Speeder. ... ... The Command ship? Hold on, I got another call. YES, WHAT IS IT? ... There's a command Victory Star Destroyer parked in the old senate building? Yes, I'm on it already. ... BECAUSE I'M THE EMPEROR, THAT'S HOW I KNOW! OK, Vader, back. How the hell did they get past all my teachings that I've given you to... ... Oh, she looks like your Mother and you don't want to... Just take the ticket, I'll make a new tax to pay for it! Fine. Yes, put her on. ... This is your Emperor. Yes, he actually does know me. No, I did not expect that name dropping would get him out of parking... No, trust me, he doesn't crash ships, he just parks them very violently. ... That's right, history of it, done it as long as I've known him. Look, he's a veteran of the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge, can you give him some thrift? That would be great, thanks... Vader, you're back? Good. We have places for those ships and... Oh, you actually did crash it."
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post May 11 2013, 12:49 AM
Post #23

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (CanRay @ May 11 2013, 07:09 AM) *
"Hey, Vader, how's my favorite Sith? ... Hey hey hey, want do you mean they're giving you a parking ticket? ... ... YOU'RE PARKED WHERE? ... Yes, I know I disbanded them, but the Senate Building is now Low-Income Housing! You can't just park your Speeder. ... ... The Command ship? Hold on, I got another call. YES, WHAT IS IT? ... There's a command Victory Star Destroyer parked in the old senate building? Yes, I'm on it already. ... BECAUSE I'M THE EMPEROR, THAT'S HOW I KNOW! OK, Vader, back. How the hell did they get past all my teachings that I've given you to... ... Oh, she looks like your Mother and you don't want to... Just take the ticket, I'll make a new tax to pay for it! Fine. Yes, put her on. ... This is your Emperor. Yes, he actually does know me. No, I did not expect that name dropping would get him out of parking... No, trust me, he doesn't crash ships, he just parks them very violently. ... That's right, history of it, done it as long as I've known him. Look, he's a veteran of the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge, can you give him some thrift? That would be great, thanks... Vader, you're back? Good. We have places for those ships and... Oh, you actually did crash it."

You really need to cut back on the chicken. Really, go cold turkey.
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Wounded Ronin
post May 11 2013, 01:02 AM
Post #24

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (CanRay @ May 10 2013, 07:09 PM) *
"Hey, Vader, how's my favorite Sith? ... Hey hey hey, want do you mean they're giving you a parking ticket? ... ... YOU'RE PARKED WHERE? ... Yes, I know I disbanded them, but the Senate Building is now Low-Income Housing! You can't just park your Speeder. ... ... The Command ship? Hold on, I got another call. YES, WHAT IS IT? ... There's a command Victory Star Destroyer parked in the old senate building? Yes, I'm on it already. ... BECAUSE I'M THE EMPEROR, THAT'S HOW I KNOW! OK, Vader, back. How the hell did they get past all my teachings that I've given you to... ... Oh, she looks like your Mother and you don't want to... Just take the ticket, I'll make a new tax to pay for it! Fine. Yes, put her on. ... This is your Emperor. Yes, he actually does know me. No, I did not expect that name dropping would get him out of parking... No, trust me, he doesn't crash ships, he just parks them very violently. ... That's right, history of it, done it as long as I've known him. Look, he's a veteran of the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge, can you give him some thrift? That would be great, thanks... Vader, you're back? Good. We have places for those ships and... Oh, you actually did crash it."

That's like the old Shockwave sketch that used to be on newgrounds.com where the Emperor and Vader go to get dinner at a Chinese restaurant and see a movie. I think it was called Star Wars Lo Mein or something.

Vader: "What is...MOO SHOO?"
Emperor: "Little pancakes with cabbage. You've had it before. After you screwed up that attack on [I forgot where]!"

I really laughed back when I was in middle school.
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post May 11 2013, 01:25 AM
Post #25

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (toturi @ May 10 2013, 07:49 PM) *
You really need to cut back on the chicken. Really, go cold turkey.
On a diet to help a household member with their cholesterol.
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