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> Los Angles by the Book, Canon references for the city of angels.
post May 10 2004, 05:00 PM
Post #1


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I've checked into the Wordman site ( http://www.divnull.com/lward/sixthworld/no...ca/calfree.html ), which is helpful. But it doesn't cover any books released in the last two years, most notably Shadows of North America. Can I get a quick rundown of Los Angles references in the new books such as Dragons of the Sixth, etc?
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post May 10 2004, 05:04 PM
Post #2

Ain Soph Aur

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The Pueblo Corporate Council invaded and is now in control of it. However, during the vents in YoTC, L.A. was hit by a big quake and the wall holding out El Infierno came down, releasing mobs of angry and violent people into the city, causing quite a problem. That's all I recall at the moment, never had much interest for that part of the world.
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post May 10 2004, 05:07 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Let's see...........

There was a big earthquake and all the walls protecting the rest of the city from Los Angelos most dangerous slums fell down.

Predictable violence occured.

During this state of emergency the Pueblo Corporate Council sent in troops and took over the Mojave desert, Palm Springs, and Los Angelos.

Both the Ute nation and Aztlan seem to have taken issue with Pueblo's expansion into California. ( Though both are to involved in their own problems to do anything about it )

Probational citizenship has been offered to I assume the SINned residents of Los Angelos by the Pueblo nation.
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post May 10 2004, 06:51 PM
Post #4


So basically, nothing outside of YotC and SoNA.

You might also want to try this


2061 - In Los Angeles, CFS, sim-star Winona Flying Horse undergoes a SURGE mutation which gives her horns and claws. She locks herself away in her Studio City home. (Year of the Comet)

2061 - In Los Angeles, CFS, Clarisa Rogers, a hairdresser and student at UCLA, undergoes a surge mutation which turns her skin, hair, and eyes a deep black. She quickly develops a career as a sim-star ad scores a three-picture deal with Amalgamated Studios. (Year of the Comet)

2061 - On December 2, in Los Angeles, CFS, an earthquake rating 8.5 on the Richter scale devastates the city. It is the most violent earthquake in California history. Over 10,000 people are killed. Also, the walls separating Studio City and Fun City from neighborhoods like El Infierno are destroyed. Refugees flood over the walls into the wealthier neighborhoods, looting and killing at will. The wealthy neighborhoods quickly become armed camps under the onslaught of refugees. The studio and aerospace executives beg the CFS government for help but receive none due to the invasion of General Saito. The City Authority is also unable or unwilling to provide aid. Desperate, the studio and aerospace heads ask the Ute Nation, UCAS, and Pueblo Corporate Council for assistance. (Year of the Comet)

2061 - On December 8, Military forces from the Pueblo Corporate Council occupy Los Angeles, claiming the city as Pueblo Corporate Council territory. (Year of the Comet)

2061 - On December 19, the Pueblo-Corporate Council issues conditional shares to Los Angeles and southern California residents, making them probationary citizens of the Pueblo-Corporate Council for one year. During this time they can either apply for formal citizenship or make preparations to leave. (Shadows of North America)

2061 - The Ute Nation officials condemn the Pueblo-Corporate Council's annexation of Los Angeles as hostile "military adventurism." (Shadows of North America)
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