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> Wasteland Blues (OOC)
post Jul 9 2017, 07:16 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 379
Joined: 1-June 17
From: Hell, USA
Member No.: 209,326

Chicago Map

Bastard - Karmakaze, Bounty Hunter
Gilga - Jaws, Burnout Adept
Jack - Harbinger, Firewatch Sorcerer

My House Rules

[ Spoiler ]

If you don't mind can you make your first post your charsheet. That way we'll have everyone on the first page and I won't have to hunt you all down later in case I forget something.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 9 2017, 07:45 PM
Post #2


Group: Members
Posts: 4,895
Joined: 18-September 13
From: Germany
Member No.: 154,444

Raphael "Harbinger" Meyers
A Attributes
C Skills
B Race: Ork
D Magic
E Money

INI 11

Physical 9
Mental 5
Social 5

Dedicated Spell Slinger
Mentor Spirit (Shark)
Focused Concentration (3)
Radiation Tolerance
Favored I (Fire Watch)
Did you just call me dumb?
Spirit Bane (Insect)
Sinner (National)

Increase Reflexes (Fetish)
Lightning Bolt (Fetish)
Analyse Device (Fetish)
Mana Barrier (Fetish)
Stun Ball (Fetish)

Perception 3
Unarmed 6 [Kicks]
Gymnastics 6 [Dodge]
Survival 1
Spellcasting 6 [Combat]
Assensing 3
Sneaking 2
Palming 2
Disguise 2

English N
Magical Theory 3
Area Knowledge CZ 3
Small Unit Tactics 6
Underworld 3
Corporate Culture 1

Money: 16000
Fetish -2000
Big Game Hunter -5000
+Electrical Insulation 6 -1500
+Radiation Shielding 6 -1200
+Gel Pads -1500
+Shock Frills -250
R3 Commlink -1000
+Trodes -70
Lifestyle Low (Cramped, Dangerous) -1400
Plasteel Boots -200
Helmet -200
Ballistic Mask -150
+Gasmask -200
Forearm Guards -300
+Miniwelder -250
Reagents x15 -300
Survival Pack -200
MedKit R1 -250
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+Quote Post
post Jul 9 2017, 08:03 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 200
Joined: 24-June 17
From: Bible Belt, USA
Member No.: 210,183

[UPDATED: Added Fixer Details]

== Personal Data ==
Street Name: Titan
Answers to: Tytus Nowak
Also know as: Viktor Zielinski

Movement: 8/16 (1m/hit) Swim: 6 (1m/hit)
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Dwarf Male Age 38
Height 110 cm
Weight 75 kg
Composure: 9
Judge Intentions: 7
Lift/Carry: 12 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 10
Nuyen: 50 290¥
[ Spoiler ]

== Priorities ==
[ Spoiler ]

== Attributes ==
BOD: 8
AGI: 4
REA: 4 (5)
STR: 4
CHA: 3
INT: 4
LOG: 4
WIL: 6
EDG: 2

== Derived Attributes ==
Initiative: 9 +2d6
Rigger Initiative: 9 +2d6
Astral Initiative:
Matrix AR: 9 +2d6
Matrix Cold: 4 + DP +3d6
Matrix Hot: 4 + DP +4d6
Physical Damage Track: 12
Stun Damage Track: 11

== Limits ==
Physical: 7
Mental: 6
Vision Enhancement [+1] (Only for visual Perception)
Social: 5
Astral: 6

== Active Skills ==
[ Spoiler ]

== Knowledge Skills ==
[ Spoiler ]

== Contacts ==
"Sean"; Pog mo Thoin; Southside; Chicago; Bartender (2, 3)
Katina "Switch" Nelson; Chicago; Chop Shop Mechanic (3, 1)
Slim Charles; Chicago; Fixer (3, 2)

== Qualities ==
Biocompatability (Cyberware)
Distinctive Style
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins
Restricted Gear (Bone Lacing)
Restricted Gear (Dermal Plating)
Superhuman Psychosis
Thermographic Vision

== Lifestyle ==
SUV (Squatter) 1 Months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
[ Spoiler ]

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket 12
Custom Ballistic Mask 2
+ Image Link
+ Micro-Transceiver
Good Pants
Good Shirt
Good Shoes
Good Socks
Good Undergarments

== Weapons ==
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 11 Accuracy: 7 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 3

== Commlink ==
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1)
Pulse Wave (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 6, FWL: 6)
+ Program Carrier (Hardwired) [Encryption]
+ Fake SIN (Tytus Nowak) Rating 4 [Fake License 4 (Restricted Cyberware License), Fake License 4 (Driver's License), Fake License 4 (Bodyguard License)]

== Gear ==
[ Spoiler ]

== Datachips ==
[ Spoiler ]

== Vehicles ==
[ Spoiler ]
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+Quote Post
post Jul 9 2017, 09:17 PM
Post #4

Great Dragon

Group: Members
Posts: 5,066
Joined: 12-June 16
From: Israel
Member No.: 200,423

QUOTE (Gilga @ Jun 18 2017, 10:03 PM) *
== Personal Data ==
Name: Jaws Alias:
Dwarf Movement: 18/36 (1m/hit) Swim: 14 (1m/hit)
Composure: 7
Street Cred: 0 Judge Intentions: 6
Notoriety: 0 Lift/Carry: 17 (150 kg/100 kg)
Public Awareness: 0 Memory: 8
Karma: 0 Nuyen: 655¥
Age: Skin:
Eyes: Hair:
Primary Arm: Right

== Priorities ==
Metatype: C,2
Attributes: A,4
Special: D,1
Skills: E,0
Resources: B,3
Bonus Skill: Aeronautics Mechanic
Bonus Skill: Arcana

== Attributes ==
BOD: 7 CHA: 1
AGI: 6 (9) INT: 5
REA: 4 (7) LOG: 2
STR: 7 (10) WIL: 6
EDG: 2 MAG: 2 (0)

== Derived Attributes
Essence: Initiative: 12 +1d6
Physical Damage Track: 12 Rigger Initiative: 12 +1d6
Stun Damage Track: 11 Astral Initiative: 10 +3d6
Physical: 12 Matrix AR: 12 +1d6
Mental: 5 Matrix Cold: 5 + DP +3d6
Medkit [+5] (Only for First Aid and Medicine)
Vision Enhancement [+3] (Only for visual Perception)
Social: 4 Matrix Hot: 5 + DP +4d6
Impassive [-1] (Does not include Intimidation.)
Securetech PPP: Arms Kit [-1] (Must be visible)
Securetech PPP: Legs Kit [-1] (Must be visible)
Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit [-1] (Must be visible)
Astral: 5

== Active Skills ==
Gunnery Base: 0 + Karma: 1 = 1 Pool: 10
Longarms (Sniper Rifles) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 15 (17)
Perception Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 10
Pilot Ground Craft Base: 0 + Karma: 1 = 1 Pool: 8
Unarmed Combat (Striking Callus) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 18 (20)

== Knowledge Skills ==
Or'zet Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 6
Area Knowledge: Chicago (Containment Zone) Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 9 (11)
Magical Threats (Insect Spirits) Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 6 ((IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)
Underworld Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 8

== Qualities ==
Astral Beacon
Biocompatability (Cyberware)
In Debt VI
Mentor Spirit (Shark)
Prototype Transhuman
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins
Superhuman Psychosis
Thermographic Vision
Wanted (Knight Errant)

== Powers ==
Adrenaline BoostRating: 2
Astral Perception
Combat SenseRating: 1
Critical Strike (Unarmed)
Killing Hands
Mystic ArmorRating: 1

== Lifestyle ==
Abandoned Subway (Low)1 Months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Bone Lacing (Titanium)
Double Elastin
Muscle AugmentationRating 3
Muscle TonerRating 3
OrthoskinRating 1
Platelet Factories
Reaction EnhancersRating 3
Sleep Regulator
Striking CallusRating 4

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket 14
+ Gel Packs
Forearm Guards 1
Securetech PPP: Arms Kit 1
Securetech PPP: Legs Kit 1
Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit 1
SWAT Helmet 3

== Weapons ==
Enfield AS-7
+ Personalized Grip
+ Smartgun System, External
Pool: 15 Accuracy: 7 DV: 13P AP: -1 RC: 5
Ranger Arms SM-3 (2050)
+ Imaging Scope (2050)
+ Personalized Grip
+ Silencer
+ Smartgun System, External
Pool: 15 (17)Accuracy: 11 DV: 14P AP: -5 RC: 5
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 18 Accuracy: 12 DV: 16P AP: - RC: 5

== Commlink ==
MCT Blue Defender (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 5)

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Sniper Rifles) x50
Ammo: Flechette Rounds (Shotguns) x50
Contacts Rating 3
+ Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Medkit Rating 5

== Vehicles ==
Thundercloud Morgan
+ Handling EnhancementRating 1
+ Increased Seating
+ Manual Control Override
+ Off-Road Suspension
+ Valkyrie Module
+ Weapon Mount Control (Manual)
+ Weapon Mount Flexibility (Fixed)
+ Weapon Mount Type (Standard)
+ Weapon Mount Visibility (External)
+ Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x250 x250
+ Grenade: Flash-Bang x4 x4
+ Grenade: Fragmentation x4 x4

== Contacts ==
Fancy Derek (Coyote), Near CZ (Connection: 1, Loyalty: 1)

QUOTE (Gilga @ Jun 12 2017, 05:24 PM) *
My backstory:

Dan Knight was born in 2037 for a happy and proud military family, as second generation special government agent he was bred for this job and received security training along with his mother's milk. Things progressed smoothly and at the age of 18, he was nearing the end of his expensive education when a day before graduation they were unexpectedly called into a rescue mission.

Matias, their commander approached his platoon and said “Initiates, this is your chance to show if you managed to learn anything. We got a rescue mission but I can only take four volunteers?” Instinctively, all of them raised their hands to the air - volunteering was just an emotional manipulation there was no choice in that. There was never a choice - they had a single purpose, to serve and protect.

Dan was proud to be selected to this mission, clearly he was one of the best in his platoon. He packed his equipment and entered the helicopter that arrived shortly after. The helicopter ride was short and took them into downtown Chicago. Some rampage spirits were spotted and they needed to get some VIPs out before it was too late. Well... it was too late.

The entire hospital crew was inhibited by some abominations which he later learned were bug spirits, or simply bugs. The vips were dead and their weapons were ineffective, overwhelmed almost upon arrival Dan got separated from his team

Dan fortified himself in a room and called for evacuation, he held his own until bullets were out, and as these pesky bugs kept attempting to break in he had two choices - fight and die or do something crazy and Dan did something crazy indeed, he jumped into the garbage disposal peer, dropping 8 floors until the floor. Whatever it was, his attackers were unlikely to follow. He was banged up, but he survived. Dan had the latest word in augmentations, things that were top secret military only at the time.

So he managed to leave the hospital, but what then? He needed to get out of there - but was there anywhere to go? What stopped these monsters from overwhelming the entire city. No - the army will rescue him... He just needed to survive long enough. The next hours spent finding shelter, scouring for food and supplies. Did I say hours? Scratch that, the first months were like that. I was wounded few times and the medic kit run out of supplies. Ammo became a problem, medicine was as well and food was difficult. Every raid had dangers and rescue was not coming, the darn link did not work - or perhaps there really was nobody out there.

Eventually, everything has rules - the bugs were more active in certain places and certain times and chaos became order. What one would consider end of the world became a tiresome reality of scavenging, fortifying until supplies are low and then scavenging again. Months passed, even years. Dan felt as if he was losing his mind, seeing things, imagining things he awakened and it felt bad terrible. Astral sight distracted him, obscured his senses and made him vulnerable to things that he did not knew was there - hostile spirits or whatever.

Clearly, his first training was to control that world and block it away. He finally managed to do it after few dangerous weeks where it nearly killed him. However, suppressing astral sight did not suppress all the voices. “Why hide? Runaway? Kill them make them fear you.”

“Oh shut up, I only killed like three of them and there are so many... it is useless.”

“I can teach you how to kill hundreds of them, if you trust me.”

“Trust a voice in my head? Never!”

Yes, Dan’s relationship with the Shark did not go well. Spirits where terrible things and he just became much more aware of them. The astral was a terrible and tainted place and just looking into it made him sick. Nothing good could ever come up from magic.

Yet the Shark chose him and the next time he had to fight bugs they died at his hands. Something changed, the hands had a magic aura to them, but it was not his own magic.

“Leave me alone spirit, I do not need you. I can survive on my own.”

“Do you think that your unit is coming? I am all you have stupid, with my magic and your augmentations we can get far. Survive... thrive even. Why scavenge when you can have your own territory, protect it and slay anyone that crosses the line. Your own building... filled with supplies. “

“Well... food is kind of low. “

“Come I will show you the way”

And so Dan followed the spirit that showed him into an underground discount supermarket. Dan planted the vegetables to see what grew in florescent lights, few trips to electronic stores got some UV lights which means he had food. He also had a supply of hunting gear, not his first choice but plenty of arrows, tents sleeping bags.

He built his underground kingdom, butchered any spirit that dared approaching. Rigged it with video cameras, traps, generators for electricity. Whatever he could, and as the years passed few bugs entered his domain. Deciding that it was better to ignore the lone crazy dwarf. Dan kept training and as the bugs left him alone, he started hunting them for practice.

Not full assault over a swarm of them but when his cameras spotted isolated bugs he tackled them. In a way, he decided to become predator rather than pray. To settle in and fight rather than run. To thrive rather than survive.

At the scale of things he was insignificant, there were always enough bugs. No reinforcement came until his link stop functioning and without the technical skills he ditched it. He stopped waiting, he had his underground lair which was less dangerous than the rest of the city and whomever wandered in died horribly.

He managed to grow food inside, and there were enough supplies for a single dwarf for eternity. Well nearly ethernity. Dan spent a total of 20 years in the CZ and survived.

He recently discovered, a year too late that the world did not end and that the bugs were purged from the entire city. It was by accident, he has given up hope of being saved long ago. It was just that whatever wandered in his shop was not bugs, but people. They were running away from a toxic spirit. Dan killed the spirit and nearly killed the people when he was done with it.

“Wait... what?” said a confused man as Dan pushed him strongly toward the wall.

“Die BUG! Die!” he said and snapped his head.

“We are not bugs please, said a woman and shot him with a pistol right in the chest.

Dan laughed “Oh really, how can that be?” he completely ignored the pistol, his titanium bones and armor made it a toy gun.

“The city was cleared a some months ago, we were looking to make some fortune fetching a lost prototype weapon when that spirit came.”

That did not sound like a bug spirit but they were sneaky bastards. On the other hand, he did not look at them much.

Alright, I’ll look at you but if something jumps me as I open my eyes I will butcher all of you. He said and opened his third eye. They were human, terrified but plain.

“M... but how? How can weaklings like you survive? You cannot even fight you just let me kill your leader. Your guns are too small, how can you be alive?”

“I am Fiona, and these two are Don E and Emily.” We heard that there was this prototype nearby something of historical value. Paying us a bunch if we could find it.”

So bored Dan decided to help them, if only so he can hear actual voices for a change. Eventually, one thing led to another and Dan started adjusting to new life - people needed to enter the CZ and they needed to survive the trip. Fragile people, with little guns and little chrome and there were many of them. At first he killed them as they approached, appearing as no more than a beast. Dan felt that he could not do it for long, they were changing first came scavengers to seek tresure but then criminals and gangers to claim their own territories. In the future even police and cooperations - he needed to change.

The loner dwarf became a guide, a security - a shadowrunner... He made a deal with the Mafia. They would forigive him for butchering 15 of their men if he would pay them and do favors for them. He had a way out and needed money, they needed a guide in the CZ to make sure that their buildings were clear. The debit did not seem to shrink and Dan felt cheated, but more work found him - and it brought him hope of losing the debit. Being his own master again - and perhaps one day there will be a place in society for him. Dwarfs lived for a very long time and at 38 he was still young, he could still have a life.

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+Quote Post
post Jul 10 2017, 12:19 AM
Post #5


Group: Members
Posts: 39
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Member No.: 210,126

[ Spoiler ]

== Karma Expenses ==

== Newyen Expenses ==
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+Quote Post
post Jul 12 2017, 12:20 AM
Post #6

Grand Nagus

Group: Members
Posts: 4,070
Joined: 27-July 04
From: Almost Heaven
Member No.: 6,518

Do our characters already know each other? I usually prefer that be the case, unless story-line specific.
Is there a text formatting key, or is it as we wish?

Karmakaze / Kris Kahless
Private Investigator / Bounty Hunter / Ex-Police Detective (KE)

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Cyber & Bioware
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Weapons & Armor
[ Spoiler ]

Money & Gear
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Lifestyles & Vehicles
[ Spoiler ]
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+Quote Post
post Jul 17 2017, 04:17 AM
Post #7

Grand Nagus

Group: Members
Posts: 4,070
Joined: 27-July 04
From: Almost Heaven
Member No.: 6,518

QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 11 2017, 05:20 PM) *
Do our characters already know each other? I usually prefer that be the case, unless story-line specific.
Is there a text formatting key, or is it as we wish?

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+Quote Post
post Jul 17 2017, 04:47 AM
Post #8


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From: Germany
Member No.: 154,444

Fine by me. If we all operate in the CZ we probably have heard of or met each other before
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+Quote Post
post Jul 17 2017, 05:24 AM
Post #9

Great Dragon

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From: Israel
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Fine by me, David rarely leaves the CZ (as is evident by his terrible etiquette), his street name Jaws comes from the Shark mentor spirit that manifests when he fights.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 17 2017, 07:26 AM
Post #10


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I notice a theme running through this group. Shark Mentor for the win (although Harbinger follows the more generic "Beast" mentor)

I assume that the mentioned minute is more metaphorical than a real time limit until the ghouls close in (otherwise Harbinger could bombard them for 20 rounds straight)
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+Quote Post
post Jul 17 2017, 01:08 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 200
Joined: 24-June 17
From: Bible Belt, USA
Member No.: 210,183

QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 11 2017, 07:20 PM) *
Do our characters already know each other? I usually prefer that be the case, unless story-line specific.

I don't have an issue with it, in fact it might solve one or two issues before they come up.

I just have a hard time justifying it. There is no overlap in the character backgrounds that I see... They are all "baby runners" (street rep of 0) and I don't recall seeing any qualities taken to change that.

Unless we have worked together for Slim Charles before, I can't see any reason to have even heard of each other that doesn't seem forced.

EDITed to add:
I have a question for our GM: Your Instruction house rules say that karma cost is reduced by 25%, round down. I take that to mean that the reduction amount is rounded down, not the resulting karma cost. Is that correct?

Example: Gaining rank 1 in an active skill costs 2 Karma normally. If a character was Instructed, I take it to still cost 2 Karma (2 * 25% = 0.5, rounded down to 0, subtracted from 2 = 2), rather than 1.

And as an aside, what happened to our Decker / Technomancer? Are they out completely? Or does it remain to be seen?
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+Quote Post
post Jul 19 2017, 07:00 PM
Post #12


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Mulcarn has network problems, is currently waiting for a repair man
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+Quote Post
post Jul 20 2017, 12:38 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 200
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From: Bible Belt, USA
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In that case, here is a quick summary of where the IC thread sits:

At ~ 10:16pm Jaws is inside, heading outside. Harbinger is heading inside. Karmakaze is outside filming the fight that just ended. Aeron and Titan have yet to arrive (~45 minutes till arrival).
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+Quote Post
post Jul 20 2017, 05:46 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Posts: 379
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From: Hell, USA
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Alright i'm back and here is what happened as to why I was gone for so long. There was a construction crew doing some roofwork on one of the houses nearby to where I live. One of their trucks hit a power line when they were backing their truck up. Doing this, apparently, had knocked a few cables loose. Since the thirteenth I've been without phone and internet. Yesterday I was able to get somebody to actually come down and fix the damn thing. The only way I was able to talk to Jack was because there was a network that was unprotected that I was able to connect to. With all that said let me try and answer a few of your questions.

@Bastard - That's up to you guys really. I had it pictured in my mind that you guys didn't really know each other IC and needed a mission to be introduced and everything. But i'm fine with you all knowing each other beforehand.

For Text I use Red for Speech, Green for Matrix, Purple for Thoughts, Blue for Astral, Orange/Yellow for Whispers/Sub-vocal and Brown for Miscellaneous/Mentor Spirit.

You can use your own color code for your posts but the above will be the ones I'll be sticking with.

@Titan - Right, I didn't want too much of a contrived reason as to why you all may know one another. What I intended was a bunch of runners being contracted at random en mass. Kind of like how a retail business puts out a "We're Hiring" sign in front of their building and does one interview after another to see which candidate fits the bill the best. I'm not opposed to you all having met beforehand it's just it wasn't something I intended.

You're correct about my house rule. It's not going to do anything for something like going from Rank 0 to Rank 1. I wanted to create an incentive for raising one's skills instead of buying a quality or bonding a focus. Removing the training/learning time was one way of doing that. Coupled with altering how Instruction work. I'm getting off track here but yes you're interpretation is correct.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 20 2017, 06:57 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 200
Joined: 24-June 17
From: Bible Belt, USA
Member No.: 210,183

Strongly request a discount of 25% off your monthly bill because you were without internet for a week.

I'll go back through and edit my IC posts after I revise my posting colors to more closely match yours. I know you said we could use our own, but we use similar colors for different things currently*, and that will be confusing to readers. It'll be a while, but it is on my to-do list.

*I use firebrick (red) for thoughts, and you for speech; I use darkcyan (blue) for speech, and you use it for astral; etc.

EDITed to add: I use this site for the color codes.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 24 2017, 03:22 AM
Post #16

Grand Nagus

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Posts: 4,070
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From: Almost Heaven
Member No.: 6,518

QUOTE (Titan @ Jul 20 2017, 11:57 AM) *
EDITed to add: I use this site for the color codes.

Thanks... that is a handy site.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 24 2017, 03:42 AM
Post #17


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Something like this?

Color Code:
Firebrick | B22222 (Speech)
Purple | 800080 (Thoughts)
Darkcyan | 008B8B (Astral)
Lawngreen | 7CFC00 (Matrix)
Orange | FFA500 (Whisper)
Brown | A52A2A (Misc/Mentor)
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+Quote Post
post Jul 25 2017, 04:25 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 200
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From: Bible Belt, USA
Member No.: 210,183

So what is the status of the game?

Is Mulcarn still having 'net issues?
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+Quote Post
post Jul 25 2017, 04:33 AM
Post #19


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No idea, and we have had no update.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 25 2017, 07:46 AM
Post #20


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I haven't heard again from him, so I assume the internet problems haven't been resolved yet.

That said, you all could start to post your arrival, so we can do a bit of character play in the meantime
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+Quote Post
post Jul 25 2017, 12:55 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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From: Bible Belt, USA
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I can't speak for anyone else, naturally, but Titan has to wait for the cleanup after the ghoul fight to be addressed.

The driver wasn't incapacitated in any way, so that "faction" still has roughly 45 minutes (more like an hour for Titan) to respond to the 6 ghouls being knocked out. It could range from "let's get outta here (with or without the ghouls in the lot)" to "call in everyone... EVERYONE!!!," and I have no idea which way Mulcarn wants the story to go.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 26 2017, 05:39 AM
Post #22

Grand Nagus

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I too am waiting to watch Titan destroy some ghoulish bastards.
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+Quote Post
post Jul 26 2017, 08:15 AM
Post #23


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Well, I specifically kept to non-lethal means. The driver didn't attack, so he wasn't attacked in turn.
If this thing escalates it hopefully does so after we had dinner (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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+Quote Post
post Jul 26 2017, 07:04 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 200
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From: Bible Belt, USA
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QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 26 2017, 12:39 AM) *
I too am waiting to watch Titan destroy some ghoulish bastards.

Heh. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Don't get your hopes up too high. Hoopkicking isn't really Titans' role. He can do it, sure. But he was intended as the "brains" of the group. Although, after seeing Karmakaze, she will probably fill that role, and Titan will become a full on support character. The only thing he can't support is Magic.

Maybe a tactical leader... But that requires people to listen to him - that whole -2 Leadership dice pool and all. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 28 2017, 05:50 AM
Post #25

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 379
Joined: 1-June 17
From: Hell, USA
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Time Warner Spectrum - Internet for fucks...

@Derfmancher - Yeah, that color code is perfect and i'll be using it or something as close to it as possible.

@All - The choice of learning more about the ghouls and truck driver isn't exclusive to Harbinger. If your character is keen on wanting to know what the hell that was all about then they are free to pursue at their own leisure. If you want to grab dinner first and find out more about the run then that's also fine and the whole ghoul thing will be left ignored. It's kinda of a side objective anyway.
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