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> Vehicle Damage Resistance Test
post Aug 18 2004, 09:52 AM
Post #1


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Hi all!
I recently discussed with others from my group if we should alter the vehicle damage resistance test and I like to ask for some input. "Search" didn't show up anything for me.

The "Problem": My group see it as a problem that if a vehicle with a low body (no rigger steering it) is hit with a weapon (like a sniper rifle) capable of doing about medium damage paired with some successes to stage up the damage will most likely severely damage or destroy a vehicle. Even if you reduce the power of the attack to "2", if you have a body of say 3 and an medium damage with 4 successes it will come out in the best of circumstances as a severe damage by a single shot.

Thought: We have thought about cancelling the staging of successes but this won't solve the problem with high damage weapons. Another thought was doubling the body of the vehicle for resistance tests.

Does anybody have any house rules on this one and/or experience with it?

Looking forward to your suggestions!
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post Aug 18 2004, 11:06 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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I hate giving responses with game balance as the reason. But that is my opinion on drones and low bod's. The PCs I've had who played riggers were better abd bigger gunbunnies then any of our sammies. For vehicles without riggers this leaves you on the short end of the stick but... what can I say, I can't solve all the worlds problems. I'm too lazy.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Aug 18 2004, 11:14 AM
Post #3

Great Dragon

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I was playing around with giving vehicles 3x their Body for Damage Resistance Tests. That would allow even the smaller vehicles to usually stage down damage against most small arms. Against very large vehicles, this would realistically require you to use some heavy weaponry -- or AV ammo with any old crappy gun apart from Hold-Out Pistols. There's just no way any unarmored target can expect to stage down an AV Sniper Rifle shot, or an AV burst from any FA capable weapon. Remember, it takes 72 dice on average to stage down once against a Power of 12.
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post Aug 18 2004, 11:44 AM
Post #4

Manus Celer Dei

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Not much of a problem. Going into combat with an unarmored vehicle is like going in unarmored as a character.

If you're determined to change it, doubling Body dice doesn't seem too bad.

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post Aug 18 2004, 12:53 PM
Post #5


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the thing about it that bothers me so much is that their is alot of dead space in a vehical. Shooting one generally denotes aiming center mass. well if you shot is off and you hit the trunk, or passenger compartment (aside from the risk to the passenger) you are going to do next to nothing to the vehical (cosmetic obviously aside). If you hit any of the vital parts of the car then sure, but for the most part those are all in the engine area and along the bottom, if your not taking aim at one of those parts you prolly aren't gonna hit nothing worth while.
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post Aug 18 2004, 01:31 PM
Post #6

Manus Celer Dei

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That's where the damage level reduction and halving of Power comes in.

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post Aug 18 2004, 01:32 PM
Post #7


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the thing about it that bothers me so much is that their is alot of dead space in a vehical. Shooting one generally denotes aiming center mass.

If you really think about it. Take a step back and look at all rules in SR they are very 'abstract'. What i mean is they seem to be designed to "roll your dice, determine result, then provide a verbose story of what happened" unlike what we r use to "give story of actions, roll then result"

the former purely is what SR rules give u. The latter is what i would consider Called Shot or like special increasen TN mod becaus of wanting particular result...

well if you shot is off and you hit the trunk, or passenger compartment (aside from the risk to the passenger) you are going to do next to nothing to the vehical (cosmetic obviously aside). If you hit any of the vital parts of the car then sure, but for the most part those are all in the engine area and along the bottom, if your not taking aim at one of those parts you prolly aren't gonna hit nothing worth while.

Like I said. Your best bet is to just hope your GM is a good storyteller and u say "im shooting at the vehicle"...no need for further talking...then have the GM describe in full detail wat your roll says ingame...

Most of us are used to be in control and WANT to do something but the abstract nature of the rules dont allow that.
I mean think of armour. Secure jacket gives 5/3 overall armour..Thats very abstract..I dont mind it cause i like abstractions, provides transparency of the mechanics layer of the game. But ingame alot of us would want to justify that 5/3 cannot be eqwually be applied to the foot aswell as to the torzo. But that is too deep into the lower level of mechanics of the game that honestly we as players should not be bothered. Either that or House Rule and addopt some design of armour points per location and go modify your combat rules...

As for vehicle survival 5 points of armour is plenty against MOST firearms in the game except for special ammo and nasty heavy weapons and sniper rifles.
But you are not shot at by sniper rifles on daily basis (if yes your GM should reconsider another 'career').

However you can varry the dice depends on how survivable your vehicles are.
But be carefull armoured vehicles PLUS modified Body REsistance Dice = TANK
dont over do it.

if u do decide to change here is what i have found out to be a good variant
Unarmored Vehicles (armour =0) roll Body*3 dice
Armoured Vehicles (armour>0) roll Body*1.5 dice (round down)

try it out..you'll see its nice
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post Aug 18 2004, 01:42 PM
Post #8

Manus Celer Dei

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The problem with that is that makes an Armor 1 vehicle worse than an unarmored vehicle of the same type for low Powers. For instance, take a heavy pistol (9M) against a Body 3 car with 2 points of armor. That starts off at 4L. We can't guarantee lack of staging, so we'll just try to get as many successes as possible against TN 4. With one point of armor we get four dice against TN 3, for an average of two to three successes. With no armor we've got nine dice against TN 4, for four to five successes.

Edit: in the case of a Body 3 vehicle, the example holds true all the way up to Armor 3, though the lead that the unarmored vehicle gets is reduced.

Talking about vans or transports stacks this even more against lightly-armored vehicles.

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post Aug 18 2004, 02:03 PM
Post #9


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true but if u r a runner u r not gona go into nasty places with armour 1 or 2 same as if u wont go into combat (willingly) with only 2 balistic armour.

You are gona fork out some ¥ to get your car done up properly to be able to do the job. there is no half-good vehicle...it either stands up to the test or it falters..
thats why the 1.5*Body...in games i have played and have GMed always armour 5 was the place to be and armour 5 in most games i have GMed and curently running in, is the norm. Armour 5 is afordable and just under that point when ur handling suffers. takes up load..

as for the comparison of armoured vs non armoured ebing worse off at low ratings..well its adustable...
u can increase the threshold....i never bothered cause i never seen vehicles with less than 5 armour..except for bikes and few drones...

but to seriously think about it...lvl1 armour with body*1.5 dice is bit better than armour 1 and just plain Body dice....
so really no complaining..u r better off anyway..
u can raise the 1.5 to 2 easy
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post Aug 18 2004, 02:09 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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(Quick aside. Good points, all, but Fonitrus, could you please refrain from using "u" when you mean "you" and "r" when you mean "r"? Cheers. I know I speak for many when I say that seeing "u r" anything makes our eyes weep. Unless you're talking about Ur, in which case all bets are off)
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Austere Emancipa...
post Aug 18 2004, 02:09 PM
Post #11

Great Dragon

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I am personally against any such "poverty traps", especially when there is no RL reason why such should exist.

Yes, multiplied Body dice coupled with a few points of Vehicle armor does make many vehicles very hard to disable with small arms. Considering how much punishment (lightly) armored HMMWVs can take from AKs, I have no problem with that.
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post Aug 18 2004, 02:18 PM
Post #12


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(Quick aside. Good points, all, but Fonitrus, could you please refrain from using "u" when you mean "you" and "r" when you mean "r"? Cheers. I know I speak for many when I say that seeing "u r" anything makes our eyes weep. Unless you're talking about Ur, in which case all bets are off)

its kind of a habit.

"u r" ? Ur? i don't get the association with your eyes weeping. (might be cause English isn't my 1st language)

*start whiny voice* Please Explain */end whiny voice*
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post Aug 18 2004, 02:19 PM
Post #13

Manus Celer Dei

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There are canon vehicles with Armor 3 and under (3 being the heavy pistol cutoff point) off the shelf. Some people will buy them and not upgrade. Most non-Riggers don't intend for their vehicles to see combat anyway, it's one of those things that happens by accident.

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post Aug 18 2004, 02:22 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Some notes:
- a vehicle is most of time a (very) moving target. Hitting it is therefore difficult (high TN, hence not many successes).
- when the vehicle is parked, sure it is an easier target. No problem to hit a strategic point of the car.
- "destroyed" in the condition monitor of a vehicle should be taken with a grain of salt. I would rather say "so broken that make it work again would cost more than buying a new one"
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post Aug 18 2004, 02:24 PM
Post #15

Manus Celer Dei

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Nope. Destroyed means it stops working and won't start again without serious repair. Whether or not that repair is cost-effective is an entirely different matter.

The rest of the car may be fine, but if the engine disintegrates the car is destroyed.

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post Aug 18 2004, 02:26 PM
Post #16


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Nope. Destroyed means it stops working and won't start again without serious repair. Whether or not that repair is cost-effective is an entirely different matter.

I agree there.

As for the repairs BBB states 5% per box * Vehicle Cost
so 10 boxes=50% of vehicle cost to repair the damn thing..

very cost effective..especially if it had some decent modifications that are hard to find...
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post Aug 18 2004, 02:28 PM
Post #17

Manus Celer Dei

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Yep, though the whole GM fiat thing comes into play if the damage was done with explosives or AV FA miniguns/HVHMGs firing their entire bursts, or if the chassis is shelled afterwards.

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Austere Emancipa...
post Aug 18 2004, 02:30 PM
Post #18

Great Dragon

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I actually consider the D on vehicles to be "unable to move with its own power at the moment", nothing more. Exactly how broken it is usually depends on what it was hit with and how. Regardless, RL vehicles can often take a lot of punishment before reaching that state.

[Edit]I'm getting slow. :([/Edit]
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post Aug 18 2004, 02:53 PM
Post #19

Man In The Machine

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I have seriously considered using the 2x body rule, as I complelty agree that cars just arnt durable enough. The idea that I can scrap a car with 1 shot from a hand gun just dosent seem right to me (again, ignoring AV and what not). Sure, once you get into heavy weaponry, as I feel prefectly justified to blowing the bugger up if you unload on it with a 20mm cannon.
Also agree that D damage to a vehicle is that point where it stops working. The can it be fixed question is GMs advantage, someone unloads on a car (from the front lets say) with an SMG, its gonna do a lotta body work damage, the battery is most likely gone, same with raidatior, probely the oil, air and AC pumps, along with the alternator. Someone pulls out his LAW rocket, well its all over then.
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post Aug 18 2004, 04:48 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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This is slightly off-topic, but you'll find it very hard to convince your GM to hear the plight of the unarmored vehicles once you bring a drone with some armor into the game.

GM: "Ok, it has 3 successes with a shotgun. How many soak dice for the drone?"
Me: "2, but it doesn't matter. The shotgun slug bounces off the armor."
GM: "What?"
Me: "I don't even need to bother soaking. Subtract one damage level and cut the power in half, if that isn't higher than the armor of the vehicle it simply doesn't do any damage. This steel lynx has 9 armor."
GM: *Sound of GMs head exploding*

My thoughts: Triple the bodies of all vehicles, but downgrade armor. Maybe change it so every point of armor is another die on resistance tests AND a point of normal armor. Or create a new customization feature called "Reinforced Frame" that gives you more dice for vehicle damage resistance tests and make all vehicle armor count as standard armor.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Aug 18 2004, 04:59 PM
Post #21

Great Dragon

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Shotgun slugs doing nothing to armored targets shouldn't surprise anyone, really. What should really make the GM's head explode is that the Steel Lynx is immune to the Barrett M121's custom AP ammunition.
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post Aug 18 2004, 05:06 PM
Post #22

Manus Celer Dei

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This is as good a time as any to ask for opinions on a house rule: is it reasonable to give APDS rounds their usual bonus against vehicles, but not cancel any of the vehicle's bonuses? IE, the armor is halved, but the power of the attack is still halved as well and the damage level dropped by 1?

For example, say someone has a custom sporting rifle (8S) and is attacking a drone of Armor 6. With normal rounds, the attack would be bounced; with AV rounds, it would end up being 5S after armor. With proposed APDS rules, APDS would generate 4M vs. Armor 3, or 1M.

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post Aug 18 2004, 05:21 PM
Post #23

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Not in my opinion. I treat APDS as standard ammo.

AV ammo is crackheaded. I treat AV as losing a power level and NOT dividing the armor by two, IE the vehicle gets full armor but it still penetrates twice as easily as standard ammo. This relieves the crackhead effect of AV ammo being more than four times as effective, essentially you go from "can't hurt it" to "it explodes from a heavy pistol shot" in one go. This also means something with 10 points of armor is safe from small arms fire, as I think it should be. Want to kill an APC? Go buy an assault canon with AV rounds or a missile. That's what they're for. This makes AV in man portable guns a stepping stone between normal ammo and heavy av weapons instead of an effective replacement for them.

I also limit drone armor to 3x the body of the drone and this solves most of all problems with the combat.
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post Aug 18 2004, 06:23 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Something to consider when accounting for damage on vehicles. Air bags.

Ok, well not air bags specifically, but look back 35 years and see how much electronics and safety equipment, not to mention environmental equipment and black box technology, were actually on vehicles. You really did have to hit the engine or gas tank to really make a difference.

Now, shoot the front bumper and the air bags may deploy, and if you are doing 100kph in a combat situation, that could be bad. There are sensors all over the vehicle to determine roll over, crashes and deploy safety equipment. What if a shot accidentally activates the retractable hardtop while in above combat situation? That would seriously affect the aerodynamics of the vehicle, converting it from a sleek bullet silhouette to an air scoop.

Go ahead another 60 years, and what kind of stupid crap has been legislatively 'required' for your vehicle to operate? (Please note, I don't think airbags, seatbelts, or catalytic converters are stupid, but the black box thing is questionable).

The possibilities are mind boggling.

Let your imagination run wild!
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post Aug 18 2004, 06:40 PM
Post #25

Manus Celer Dei

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I'd imagine a rigger or power user would adjust it the way a skiier adjusts his or her binding release settings, decreasing the chance of accidental deployment by increasing the chance of nondeployment when it would be needed (seatbelts being an exception, of course).

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