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> Anarchy Online free for a year, True? Oh, hell yes.
post Dec 16 2004, 05:44 PM
Post #1

Chrome to the Core

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"Funcom announces that Anarchy Online will be the first major western live MMO without a subscription fee. In a unique move Funcom is removing all cost barriers in the ultimate sci-fi MMORPG, allowing all new players to enter and stay, free of cost! At the same time Funcom is departing from the obligatory need to register with a credit card, making for an easier entrance and registration process." (Source)

This could be interesting.
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post Dec 16 2004, 06:44 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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Oh my wife will be happy. The main reason I don't play the MMORPG is because of the fees. Now that it is just a one time purchase, I can see my time going down the drain... along with Tribes, Shadowrun, work....

Guess I will have to cut quality time from the family. "mommy, why doesn't daddy come out of the computer room anymore?"
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post Dec 16 2004, 08:26 PM
Post #3

Chicago Survivor

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Ya know, i played that game when it came out.

I didn't like it then, I don't like it now.
Now, if they pay me 15 bucks a month to play I might consider it.
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post Dec 16 2004, 09:23 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

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Well, if you read the fine print, you'll see there's a catch.

The free version does not include access to any of the three expansion packs. Should you wish to upgrade to any of the expansion packs monthly subscription and client fees will be added.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll be sticking with Ragnarock Online (on a free server), and Guild Wars (when it comes out).
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post Dec 17 2004, 06:38 AM
Post #5

Chrome to the Core

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Who needs expansion packs, really?
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post Dec 17 2004, 07:00 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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This makes me almost wish that I hadn't quit playing.
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post Dec 17 2004, 06:16 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Unfortunatly in AO's case not having the expansion packs is not worth it. Almost 95% of your leveling takes part in the place provided by the Shadowlands pack + you need it for very usefull perks which help alot Also Shadowlands gives you access to 20 extra levels which the base game does not. Alien Invasion gives you access to extra perks + very nice items. So playing AO without expansions well... is like playing a ballgame without a ball. Not alot of Fun.
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post Dec 18 2004, 02:38 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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well, i downloaded and started to play AO.
Bittorent, 800+ MB. took a few hours.

my previous experience with MMOs is city of heros. The gear is a little nice, but i keep having trouble finding the buttons for things and using the map. The controls are complex and a bit confusing. Theres a lot of abreviated stats and skills, and i dont know where to look for info on them.

so far ive gotten to lv 4 and done a couple simple missions. mostly just wandering around the beach and shooting things. Havent been able to find much content yet really.

Overall i give it a 6.5 so far. Amusing way to waste time, but not that great overall. I suppose ill get sick of it long before the year is up (although i doubt ill play much after christmass).

Edit: after playing more, getting to level 8, and figuring out how more of the game works, i give it a 5 overall. Im very glad it was free.
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