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> Something that can be used in a run., Lions save kid.
post Jun 21 2005, 06:06 PM
Post #1

Neophyte Runner

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Now let's say the runners are hired to find someone's kid and they end up in the wilds. Here's a nice Wrench in the adventure. Hmmm... I can see it now, paranormal creatures taking to a liking to the kid and defending it.

It would be weird, but hey, how about a pack of hellhounds who take a liking to the kid and defending it like their own pup?
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post Jun 21 2005, 06:17 PM
Post #2

Neophyte Runner

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Nice story, I think I will use it in a future adventure.

This makes a great backstory for the edge Animal Empathy.
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post Jun 21 2005, 06:23 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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What if the paranimals were drop bears!

Dun dun DUN!
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post Jun 21 2005, 06:25 PM
Post #4

Neophyte Runner

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hehe, thanks for bringing up the drop bears. I like it.

A band of vicious drop bears that adopt a lost (or runaway) kid of some exec... Feel sorry for the runners.
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post Jun 21 2005, 06:25 PM
Post #5

Avatar of Mediocrity

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QUOTE (Supercilious)
What if the paranimals were drop bears!

Dun dun DUN!

Oh no you di'nt.
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post Jun 21 2005, 06:56 PM
Post #6

Neophyte Runner

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:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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post Jun 21 2005, 09:28 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Jak, the streetsam.
Smith, the hermetic mage.
Velvet, the rigger.


Velvet: Do my sensors detect any life signatures off the road?

GM: *rolls* Yes, there is a dirt trail coming up on the left of the road, it has all sorts of dead or dying security guards, you can even see some dead Jaguar's.

Smith: Holy shit, something big musta gone down, how much are we getting paid to rescue this kid again?

Jak: Not enough, this better just be a coincedence.

Velvet: Do I detect any other heat signatures? How about a small group of them, like maybe the little girl and her kidnappers?

GM: *rolls again* Yes, yes you do. Not too far off down the road, another 20 metre's, you see a heat signature that could be3 a little girl, aswell as about a dozen more, slightly animal like in shape.

Velvet: I drive the jeep forward, *rolls* I try to get a visual.

GM: Okay, you get close enough for a visual and they are BEARS! All of a sudden you hear a "thump thump thump" as all around you more and more of them start jumping at you from the trees! *rolls again* Jak, you take 4D as several hit you.

Jak: OH MY GOD!? *rolls frantically* HAND OF GOD HAND OF GOD!

GM: Instead of killing you, you are simply knocked off the vehicle and left for dead as the jeep continues to speed off through the paranimal ambush!

Velvet: Oh shit oh shit I floor it, we are getting out of here ASAP!

GM: Roll a handling test.

Velvet: *rolls* Oh damnit.

GM: You crash into a tree, the force of the collision *rolls* deals you a light stun, but unfortunately it takes off Smith's arm.

Smith: Oh jesus christ what are these things!

GM: Through the smoke of the trashed jeep, you can see more and more of the bears approaching, clearly thirsty for your blood...

Smith: I cast levitate and get the hell out of here.

Velvet: What about meeee?

Jak: What about you? I get up and run like hell!

GM: Okay, Jak, you have a M class wound, and you are running down the road, Smith, you are levitating away, and Velvet, would you like to HoG?

Velvet: What's the point, this adventure was clearly designed to kill us all on purpose you bastard.

GM: Not so! I let the other two live, you could have HoG'd.

Velvet: *storms out of the room*

GM: Okay, I think we better stop here for now, Jak you are back on the main road resting against a tree-

Jak: No way in hell am I resting, I am sprinting the hell out of this damned forest!

GM: Okay, Jak, you are sprinting out of the forest; Smith you are levitating down the main road?

Smith: Yeah, as fast as I can.

GM: Okay, good session guys.
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post Jun 21 2005, 10:22 PM
Post #8

Neophyte Runner

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Hehe, funny! I was hoping one or two would get out and walk close to the girl before the ambush is sprung, but this was hilarious also.

Hehe. I like Jak of the three.
> Jak: OH MY GOD!? *rolls frantically* HAND OF GOD HAND OF GOD!
>Jak: No way in hell am I resting, I am sprinting the hell out of this damned forest!

What a good runner. Perfect for the horror campaigns. :evil:
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post Jun 21 2005, 11:20 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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I am actually going to be running a survival-horror run in Amazonia on thursday, this is my pseudo-joke version of how I bet that run will go; except with drop bears instead of a real monster enemy.

I love drop bears.
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post Jun 22 2005, 01:41 PM
Post #10

Neophyte Runner

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Well, now I do too. :)
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