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> Being a GM..., ... is completely worth it.
post Jun 7 2007, 10:55 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Okay, so last Memorial Day I got my crew together and I ran an adventure for them. Two were old hands, one was relatively new but well adjusted, and the last two were brand new. Not new to Shadowrun per se, but new players in my game/world/whatever. Which meant they didn't know what to expect, overall.

And so it came to pass we had two pretty solid days of fun. Enough was accomplished and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. But then, just yesterday, one of the new players posted on her livejournal she had a dream about a Johnson killing kittens to make her agree to do wetwork. This pleased me, but more needed to be done.

Well, I couldn't resist mailing out the following to the players.

Your commlink receives a message. There's a video of a Johnson sitting at a very expensive-looking table, and he has a heavy pistol pointed at the cuddliest kitten you've ever seen. The man smiles broadly, and then the gun lets out a thunderous roar as the trigger is pulled. The kitten barely has time to mew in the most charming manner possible before it is reduced to a fine red smear on the oak table.

The Johnson then places the near-identical twin of the ex-kitten on the table, which mews in the cutest kitten voice ever heard. The Johnson cocks the hammer on the Ruger Super Warhawk and aims it at the kitten, who begins to playfully bat at the gunbarrel.

"I have a job for you." says the Johnson. "There's a man I want killed."

The gun roars again. A third almost-impossibly cute kitten is placed upon the table.

"I can keep this up all day, so it would be best if you seek out and destroy the target I am providing at the end of this transmission. You will be paid handsomely and there will be no more of this..."

Again the gun roars, silencing a kitten just before it utters a cute squeak in protest of the noise. As the camera pans back there are two large boxes visible. One is full of boxes containing heavy pistol ammunition. The other is full of tiny kittens, all mewing and playing with each other.

Out of character, I just need a picture of a cute kitten with a gun pointed at its head. I can see the lolcat caption now: "I can has DocWagon?"

The response was pretty universal. But the last OOC line spurred one of my veterans to respond with this.

I felt it was worth sharing. Yes, I'm aware the pic is somewhat old, but the lolcat meme is newer, and the Shadowrun take on it... well, to me it was priceless.
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post Jun 7 2007, 11:57 PM
Post #2


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How did you introduce the two totally new people to the setting? Did you just give like a 15-30 speil or speech on the gameworld or just give out handouts? I'm trying to start a group myself so I'm not really sure how to bring the people who don't know anything about shadowrun up to speed without boring them to tears.
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post Jun 8 2007, 12:02 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Blink)
How did you introduce the two totally new people to the setting? Did you just give like a 15-30 speil or speech on the gameworld or just give out handouts? I'm trying to start a group myself so I'm not really sure how to bring the people who don't know anything about shadowrun up to speed without boring them to tears.

I say...
"seen Blade runner?"
"Johnny Mnemonic?"
"Judge Dred?"
"here's your character, let' roll!"
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post Jun 8 2007, 01:04 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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I just piss in their drinks, tell em its soycaf, and then proceed to describe the dissmal existance of 2070.

In truth not a lot of people know all the history, in running the game i'll occasionally throw in some mentions of this or that major incident as if they knew it all along and are recalling it when its needful to do so.

Usually the gritty streets, crappy food, constant bad weather, and AR spam are enough to get them into the mood and the rest comes natural.

What djinni said helps too by giving them some more visualization.

And killing kittens for job incentive is either really depraved (really really sick) or possibly one of the best motivational techniques of the 21st century. (Depending on whether or not you were raised by stocking wearing ghoul prostitutes with viral infections)
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post Jun 8 2007, 02:09 AM
Post #5

Running Target

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I'm trying to get my roommate into Shadowrun. I tossed him a copy of the novel 2XS by Nigel Findley and gave him a 5 minute rundown. My roommate's always been a sci-fi fan though and I got him into The Dresden Files so it was a lot easier. I told him "Dresden Files meets Bladerunner" and then I just had to focus on specific crap. Lone Star, DocWagon, the different major corps, a few pieces of history. I also know that most people don't have the time to do that for every new player.

Find somehow the original pilot for The Dresden Files TV series (The episode title is "Storm Front"). The DVDs are due out sometime this summer and, though the books are far superior, the show is decent enough. Show them that episode. Then show them your choice of cyberpunk movie -- Bladerunner, Johnny Mneumonic, etc. Then throw in the film Sneakers for what going on a run is like.

The Abstruse One
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post Jun 8 2007, 03:12 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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For visuals, Bladerunner or Ghost in the Shell. Bladerunner still wins hands down, but Ghost in the Shell is a great source for showing how Cyberware meshes with society.

In my case, the players were new to my game, but not to Shadowrun. But having had my fair share of new players, I simply give them a 5 minute spiel that runs down things like how corporations are now extraterritorial, how many people exist while not having SINs, why corporations hire Shadowrunners, how easy it is to get kicked out of a corp and find yourself SINless, etc. I also cover magic 'it exists, very few people can use it, but when they do... ' and the Great Ghost Dance, I cover cyberware and what it can do, and I used to do matrix basics and the first crash. Now, with SR4 it'll have to be retooled.

For a truly new player, the old merit 'common sense' helped. I also used to pass out poker chips, so if a player was totally stumped or wanted help, they could toss me a chip and I'd know to step back and give them an overview of the rules or the history that set things in motion that led to the situation at hand.

The novels are great, but most novels and modules that exist don't mesh with GMs and their playstyles without modifications.

Probably the best thing you can do is run a new character through their day. For the usual low to middle class lifestyle, it'd consist of waking up, having a meal of cold soy, checking out the trid for news, and then wandering the streets. Have them see some Humanis protesting a metahuman restaurant, or Lone Star rousting some homeless to move on. When the Renraku Arcology was in play, I'd mention it and describe it in all its glory, etc. Having a go-gang battle blitz right past them (there's a great scene in Akira for this if you like) works as well. Once they realize they have a very stark and bleak existence, the next logical step they should come to is 'how the frag do I get out of this hellhole?' Well, that's a good goal to have, right? It also helps if you can have them spend their last few nuyen on something, since being broke is a hell of an incentive to work.
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post Jun 8 2007, 04:48 AM
Post #7


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Hey Sterling! Im from Long Beach! Not only that, but I have that girl on my LiveJournal. I might know you from one of the LARP games or something! How odd..
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post Jun 8 2007, 06:33 AM
Post #8

Uncle Fisty

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I'll probably go to Hell for this but ...

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post Jun 8 2007, 06:53 AM
Post #9

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

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I'd hunt the johnson down and even it's the last thing I do i'd kill him with a panther cannon but hey that's just me I like kitties
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post Jun 8 2007, 06:56 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Alexandru)
Hey Sterling! Im from Long Beach! Not only that, but I have that girl on my LiveJournal. I might know you from one of the LARP games or something! How odd..

I used to hit all the gamex/gateways/orccons until some strange con politics put an end to that. I don't LARP, I have a problem with not having dice and a character sheet in front of me if I'm supposed to be gaming.

I did GM Shadowrun for a long time at the cons, and I did occasionally GM open or signup games, but that was all back in the SR2 era. The new friend in the livejournal in question is a friend-of-a-friend and they go way back.

The main problem I have with GMing is that the whole concept of Shadowrun is that you're being screwed over. Constantly. And you generally have almost nothing you can do about it. No SIN? You don't exist. If the Johnson screws you with bad intel or shafts you right at the end, you have no real recourse. They could kill you and dump your bodies in the Sound. So yeah, I throw twists a lot. It's not to be mean to them, but it does make the games memorable. Keeping the characters on edge is always good for RP purposes. It's easier if you run a few intermittent sessions where the main opponent is one specific corp. If the runners keep pissing off one specific corp, soon that corp will start sending hit teams after them, which is a very easy way to turn some dull legwork into happyfunadventuretime™.

And yeah, I can see a Johnson using the kitten angle if he knew the runners had a real weak spot for animals. I'm sure there could even be a realistic hook in there somewhere, where a Johnson wants two jobs done. The first is to steal/recover/blahblah a certain item/person/device/data. The second is to bring him the team that failed the first task already. I'd probably make it somewhat easier to find the first team (obviously not identified as a team by the Johnson) or maybe just the leader of the team. But upon delivery the Johnson would thank the runners, pay them, then shoot the poor slot right in the face. Only THEN would he mention 'this was the last runner who failed to deliver.' I'm sure that would spark some pretty intense RP from the party about continuing to work for this Johnson. If anything, it'd set up a good mini-adventure to find a streetdoc who specializes in cosmetic surgery.
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post Jun 8 2007, 07:10 AM
Post #11


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Ahh, than I prob never met you. I know her from the Vampire LARPS around Long Beach, and also worked with her.

I have never been to any Con, or similar things ever. I <3 roleplaying, but hate role players.
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post Jun 12 2007, 02:15 PM
Post #12

Running Target

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The fun thing about karma? It comes back to bite you in the ass.

So between that and the "Empower Animal" discussion...

Hello Mr. Johnson.
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The Jopp
post Jun 12 2007, 02:33 PM
Post #13


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I would (almost) feel very, very sorry for the Mr.Johnson if he made a mistake regarding the teams magic user and he/she was found to be a Cat Shaman, a vindictive cat shaman.

It usually backfires for a johnson to play the superior to inferior card against runners because a dedicated team of runners just might take things personally, and a johnson who acts in such a manner usually underestimates his "pawns".

Besides, these kind of johnsons would most likely be very far and few between and mostly work with gutter runners (until they die of course).
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post Jun 12 2007, 03:13 PM
Post #14

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Sterling)
The main problem I have with GMing is that the whole concept of Shadowrun is that you're being screwed over. Constantly. And you generally have almost nothing you can do about it. No SIN? You don't exist. If the Johnson screws you with bad intel or shafts you right at the end, you have no real recourse.

I don't wholly agree with you there...I think there are far more Johnsons that will screw a runner team over than not, but that is not the only kind of run. I mean, in over a year's worth of gaming, our group has only done one run with a Johnson (soon to be two with next session's game)...and that one run was to rescue a former company runner from prison before he was transferred to opposing company-sponsored prison. The way I "screwed" the group was that a former runner-mate to the guy being rescued, already works for the opposing company, so is not an antagonist to the group.

I don't know, even looking at the missions adventures...while there is opportunity to "screw" your runners, I think there are plenty of ways the players can end up not getting screwed...

I don't know, I guess I never feel like I HAVE to screw my players over because it is SR...
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post Jun 12 2007, 04:42 PM
Post #15

Neophyte Runner

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I am so making those images a part of my next campaign...Thanks
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post Jun 12 2007, 05:06 PM
Post #16

Midnight Toker

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In a lawless realm, the lack of legal protection does not equal zero recourse if you're screwed over. Nay, it just means that you must make your own recourse.

Or, as I say to those whiny family members who go on TV after their loved-one's murder is acquitted, just get bloody, painful, violent revenge, dumbasses.

I mean, really, legal recourses tend to suck compared to some of the violent bloody vengeances one can wreak. Do you have any idea how much flaying hurts? I don't have any personal experience, but I imagine it hurts a great deal. And then there's the good ol' quadruple-amputation + non-vital sensory organ removal for the extremes of psychological pain. There is no law anywhere that allows you to cut someone's limbs off, scoop out his eyes, cut out his tongue, poke out his ears, and cauterize his olfactory receptors in the name of vengeance but it can certainly be done if there is no law.

And this is why Johnsons who screw over runners don't last very long.

As for the failed team, if you want to make Johnson really baddasss then the kittens are the failed team (Shapechange/Kitten Form + Reduce Logic and Reduce Intuition so they won't know whats going on)
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post Jun 12 2007, 07:37 PM
Post #17

Neophyte Runner

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Well, somone had their Wheaties this morning... :eek:
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post Jun 13 2007, 12:50 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)
As for the failed team, if you want to make Johnson really baddasss then the kittens are the failed team (Shapechange/Kitten Form + Reduce Logic and Reduce Intuition so they won't know whats going on)

and here all I did was cook them up as steaks and serve them to the next team. The PCs in this case.
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post Jun 13 2007, 01:35 AM
Post #19

Midnight Toker

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Cannibalism is really overrated. The only way to make it interesting is to personafix them with a masochistic slave-chef personality so that they will cook and serve themselves, piece by piece, on command.
(And my Sixth World includes a decadent bunraku parlor/resturant that specilizes in such entertainment and cuisine. It is very expensive and has a high employee turnover)

Which relates to this topic because one of the really fun things about GMing is finding ways to make the players vomit.
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Kyoto Kid
post Jun 13 2007, 04:27 AM
Post #20

Bushido Cowgirl

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)
...because one of the really fun things about GMing is finding ways to make the players vomit.

...or making them personally wet themselves :grinbig:
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post Jun 13 2007, 09:52 AM
Post #21


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I like the fact that as the GM, if you work it right, you can piss in their drinks and have them thank you for it. Metaphoricly of course... >_>
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post Jun 13 2007, 01:59 PM
Post #22

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Konsaki)
I like the fact that as the GM, if you work it right, you can piss in their drinks and have them thank you for it. Metaphoricly of course... >_>

See above for why I won't play with you... ;)
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post Jun 13 2007, 03:20 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Konsaki)
I like the fact that as the GM, if you work it right, you can piss in their drinks and have them thank you for it. Metaphoricly of course... >_>

Note to self: never join a game that Konsaki is GMing. Wait a second...
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post Jun 13 2007, 05:17 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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QUOTE (bibliophile20)
The fun thing about karma?  It comes back to bite you in the ass.

So between that and the "Empower Animal" discussion...

Hello Mr. Johnson.

You killed my brother! Prepare to DIE!

Now back on topic, when I said 'little to no recourse versus a Johnson who screwed you' I meant that besides hunting him down and using a cheesegrater on his face then salting and squirting lemon juice on him, there's not much you can do.

It's a shadow op, so you have no legal recourse. And if a Johnson frags a team over, that's business. But if word gets out that the runners cacked a Johnson, work dries up. In the RAW, you gain a point of notoriety for insulting or pissing off a Johnson. Your mileage may vary, but if we went with mere resources as a standard... the Johnson works for a large corporation. The runners are taking the job in question because they need the money. Even if the run is a horrible piece of Machiavellian treachery and has more twists than an M. Night Shyamalan movie, the only connection to the corp who commissioned the job is the Johnson.

So you kill him. He may be an evil slot, he may be a cruel and insensitive person, he may have said 'good morning' in the wrong tone when your hangover was trying to kick the front of your skull off so it could escape the cramped confines therein. But when you put a bullet in his brainpan, you're not hurting the guys who told him to go find some poor saps and get them to commit action A to target B.

There is a point, though, where your runners might get powerful enough to give said corp a black eye, and that's great for RP as well.

And people, this was a joke. It was a response written to one of my players. If I ever ran a hook like this, there wouldn't be an issue with killing the Johnson at the end. Hell, since cybereyes can record and hardware has unlimited capacity, just posting the video on PETA and 'grannies who love kitties' websites would probably get the guy killed just as easily as doing it yourself.

Physical adept grandma strikes with dikoted knitting needle!
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