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Patrick Goodman
post Jul 10 2013, 09:47 PM
Post #1

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post Jul 10 2013, 10:14 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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Thanks Patrick!
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post Jul 10 2013, 11:16 PM
Post #3


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QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Jul 10 2013, 04:47 PM) *

I think I love you[, man] more every day.

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tasti man LH
post Jul 10 2013, 11:17 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

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Excellent! Imma gonna playtest them tomorrow and report back on my impressions, as well as my group's impressions.
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post Jul 11 2013, 12:43 AM
Post #5

Running Target

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I like how the Street Shaman has the Conjuring group at 3, and yet spirits and spirit summoning rules are nowhere in the QSR. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Hacking looks... interesting.
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post Jul 11 2013, 01:53 AM
Post #6


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QUOTE (Abschalten @ Jul 10 2013, 08:43 PM) *
I like how the Street Shaman has the Conjuring group at 3, and yet spirits and spirit summoning rules are nowhere in the QSR. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

His positive quality notes that he is a Magician of the Hermetic tradition. Those new Hermetic Shamans, dontcha know.
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post Jul 11 2013, 02:48 AM
Post #7

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Jul 10 2013, 05:47 PM) *

Looks great- obviously a lot was cut for space, and to keep things simple. However, I would have liked to have seen the Drain rules someplace in the magic section, instead of just the GM's screen- that bit had me looking around a bit.

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post Jul 11 2013, 03:05 AM
Post #8


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How does something like that get through playtesting?

"Okay, cool, I've got Conjuring 3... now... uh... how do I use that?"
*GM flips through QSR* "Uhh... I'm not seeing anything about Conjuring in here..."
"Maybe look for Summoning? Spirits? Shamans?"
"Nnnope. You sure you have Conjuring? Lemme see your character..."
*peruses* "Wait, what? This HAS to be a typo. It says you're a Hermetic Magician."

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post Jul 11 2013, 03:37 AM
Post #9

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Umidori @ Jul 10 2013, 10:05 PM) *
How does something like that get through playtesting?

"Okay, cool, I've got Conjuring 3... now... uh... how do I use that?"
*GM flips through QSR* "Uhh... I'm not seeing anything about Conjuring in here..."
"Maybe look for Summoning? Spirits? Shamans?"
"Nnnope. You sure you have Conjuring? Lemme see your character..."
*peruses* "Wait, what? This HAS to be a typo. It says you're a Hermetic Magician."


You do know that Hermetics can use Conjuring, yes? Also, the QSR are highly simplified. So Spirits weren't included. (THe character has those skills so that when/if they start playing the full game, they can just keep playing with that character and expand to the full rules set. There's a WHOLE bunch of stuff that's omitted or simplified vastly in the QSR).

That said, it should say Shaman. I did the NPC edits late Sunday night, and missed that. (I caught about 30 or so other errors though, so not too shabby).
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post Jul 11 2013, 03:41 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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The GM screen should have put the message modifiers for having cover under defense as well. It looks like the attacker gets bonus dice for shooting at a target with cover the way it is important presented.
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post Jul 11 2013, 03:45 AM
Post #11


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QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 10 2013, 10:37 PM) *
You do know that Hermetics can use Conjuring, yes? Also, the QSR are highly simplified. So Spirits weren't included. (THe character has those skills so that when/if they start playing the full game, they can just keep playing with that character and expand to the full rules set. There's a WHOLE bunch of stuff that's omitted or simplified vastly in the QSR).

That said, it should say Shaman. I did the NPC edits late Sunday night, and missed that. (I caught about 30 or so other errors though, so not too shabby).

My favorite error is Luciano Fratelli's Initiative score.
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post Jul 11 2013, 04:15 AM
Post #12


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QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 10 2013, 09:37 PM) *
You do know that Hermetics can use Conjuring, yes?

Yes, I do. I was suggesting that in looking over the character sheet to try to figure out why the Shaman has Conjuring when it's not included in the rules at all, the GM would be further puzzled by the separate odd issue of the Shaman being Hermetic. You missed the joke.

QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 10 2013, 09:37 PM) *
Also, the QSR are highly simplified. So Spirits weren't included. (The character has those skills so that when/if they start playing the full game, they can just keep playing with that character and expand to the full rules set. There's a WHOLE bunch of stuff that's omitted or simplified vastly in the QSR).

I'm aware of the fact that the QSR are simplified, and that Spirits weren't included. What I wasn't aware of was the intention for the QSR characters to be carried over to the full game, but that makes sense.

That said, could you perhaps explain why Spirits were outright omitted, rather than just simplified, if you know off-hand?

QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 10 2013, 09:37 PM) *
That said, it should say Shaman. I did the NPC edits late Sunday night, and missed that. (I caught about 30 or so other errors though, so not too shabby).

It doesn't matter how many mistakes you don't make. People notice the ones you do. When there are consistantly errors in almost every product being put out, it doesn't speak really well of the editing. Even if you catch 99% of the errors, if that remaining 1% is noticeable enough, it reflects badly on the system and the people who make it.

Now is it a big deal? No, of course not. It's a typo. Big whoop. There are much bigger problems to worry about elsewhere. But I keep hearing this same response from the dev and writers. Okay, great, you caught most of the typos. But here are some you missed that we didn't, and I think the professional thing to do would be to say "Nice catch, we'll fix that" and move on, instead of making yourself look defensive by trying to excuse the failure to find that specific typo by instead talking about other cases where you didn't fail.

The same thing kind of applies to a lot of the new rules changes that people are unhappy about. There's been a lot of defensiveness in response to the critiques (and I admit, to some degree that's natural and expected when the backlash is as harsh as it has been recently), but the professional thing to do would be to say something like "We'll be reviewing fan input in the coming weeks and months, and will be taking your critiques into consideration going into the next printings and erratas."

Instead, we got the "Hacking Cyberware: Wargarbbbbbbl RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE" (sic) thread.

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post Jul 11 2013, 04:51 AM
Post #13

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Umidori @ Jul 11 2013, 12:15 AM) *
Yes, I do. I was suggesting that in looking over the character sheet to try to figure out why the Shaman has Conjuring when it's not included in the rules at all, he'd be further puzzled by the separate odd issue of the Shaman being Hermetic. You missed the joke.

Sorry. A) I'm currently really, really sick, and kinda hopped up on Nyquil waiting for my body to funally pass out. and B) THe hostility on the boards over the last few years, but especially the last 6 months, has kind of taken it's toll on my cherub-like demeanor.

Anyway, just so you know, yes, everything that's getting passed on is coming under review. Some stuff that's hard-coded into the new rules set likely will never changes, least not till SR6 comes out (I weep just thinking about that). Other stuff may. I can't say. Neither can any of the other freelancers. But after the 50th "You done fucked my game all up!" message, it gets frustrating, so we end up more defensive than we should be,

My apologies for any time I end up like that.

Come with being overworked, underpaid, and often feeling a bit unappreciated. Sorry.

I'm aware of the fact that the QSR are simplified, and that Spirits weren't included. What I wasn't aware of was the intention for the QSR characters to be carried over to the full game, but that makes sense.

That said, could you perhaps explain why Spirits were outright omitted, rather than just simplified, if you know off-hand?

No clue. I just jumped in to do some editing because I had some free time the other night. I didn't have any hand in the writing or design of this years QSR. Sorry.

Instead, we got the "Hacking Cyberware: Wargarbbbbbbl RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE" (sic) thread.


Yeah, trust me, threads like that don't make our jobs any easier. But the freelancers are fans too, and so long as they don't break the ToS around here or their CGL NDA, they're allowed to say what they like as well. Just keep in mind that what they say should not reflect official company policy in any way. (And yes, I realize that doesn't work, but... *sigh*)

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post Jul 11 2013, 05:02 AM
Post #14

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Umidori @ Jul 10 2013, 10:15 PM) *
I'm aware of the fact that the QSR are simplified, and that Spirits weren't included. What I wasn't aware of was the intention for the QSR characters to be carried over to the full game, but that makes sense.

That said, could you perhaps explain why Spirits were outright omitted, rather than just simplified, if you know off-hand?

From an outside perspective, I'd imagine it's because Spirits and "simple" do not belong in the same sentence unless classifying a type of action. IE, there's really no way to simplify them sufficiently.
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post Jul 11 2013, 05:28 AM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Hey, so the QSR lists, under Ranged Combat Modifiers, at the bottom, it lists Target has Partial Cover as giving +2 dice to the attacker, while Target has Full Cover is listed as +4. Is that a typo, or...a bit of wtf?! there.
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post Jul 11 2013, 01:33 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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Thanks for the link!

In case you guys are collecting errata on the QSR, on page 18 in the "Fast Food Fight" sidebar, there is a sentence that reads, "...her Exploit does not help him on this test..."
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Jul 11 2013, 03:54 PM
Post #17

Prime Runner Ascendant

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I do like the Hack errrr Decking in general, but I still dislike Online Wireless Bonuses. *sigh*
Will be interesting to see if I can recreate my Cyberlogician in 5th Edition. Not holding my breath, but one never knows.
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