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Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 768 Joined: 27-December 04 From: Houston, Texas CAS Member No.: 6,907 ![]() |
Prologue: Freedom
Lonestar holding facility - Northern Seattle - November 3, 2070 23:14 Every person, no matter how great or how small, at some point in thier life, has had a defining moment. That is to say the culmination of thier character into a single point in time that shows their true color. Unfortunately for Deputy John Brown, his defining moment was also one of his last. Coming from a long line of civil servants Brown's life seemed to be, no matter if he wanted it or not, headed directly for the star. His father worked for lonestar, his grandfather had helped found lonestar, and before that, as long as his crazy aunt who was obsesed with geneology had traced back, all of the Brown men had been on the force. While he resented not being able to choose his own path, he knew that the job he had was a vital one, and tried as best he could to act in a proffesional, albeit slightly lathargic, manor. Normally he wouldn't be stuck on guard duty, but due to riots downtown, over something he thought was trivial and didn't warrent his thoughts this evening, the Star was short handed. Brown had, in his earlier days, been trained in the very facility he stood in now and found his mind wandering back to the times of ago. In the depths of a particularly vivid memory the alarm he had set on his commlink, to remind himself to do the rounds buzzed and vibrated. It startled him almost causing the chair he was sitting in to tip over spilling the fully uniformed officer complete with badge and sidearm, across the floor. He caught himself by the toe of his boot, and made a mental note to not try and lean back in a rolly chair again. Standing up from the desk which monitored trid screens of each corridor, he brushed his hand across the deep grey uniform to get the wrinkles out. There was no one else on this floor, and only the inmates would see him, but he still tried to look presentable and maintain a sense of pride in what he did, even if he knew that the prision could be left unstaffed for two weeks and when they got back it would be just as they had left it. As part of his training, he had to spend three days in a holding cell, just like a prisoner, to understand how they thought, and also incase the facility had to go on lockdown, so he felt he knew the stresses new imates had to deal with upon arrival. He had gotten into the habit, when he was relegated to guard duty, to talk with new prisoners and try and help them deal with thier new surroundings. Other guards had scoffed at his kindness, but brown didn't like to think of prisoners as caged animals, they were meta-humans just like the rest of us, and deserved to be treated as such. Complete with a clipboard containing a few sheets of e-paper and a taser strapped to his hip, just because they were meta-human didn't mean some of them still didn't act like animals after all, he walked, with the stride of a man who had been in athority for many years, down the corridors. Most of the inmates had turned in for the night, he assumed to get ready for the no doubt many new arrivals, from this evening's protests, and only a few were still up, writing letters home, or watching the trid. John had never been a big fan of music, he simply didn't have the time to indulge himself like that, so he had never heard classical music before, but as he rounded the corner leading from sections B-2 to B-3, he stopped dead in his tracks, listening to the swelling concerto coming from a dark and otherwise quiet cell. He walked over to the door leaning his ear close to the barred window, trying to hear every subtle nuance the glorious sounds coming from the oposite side had to offer. "What is that," he asked in a quiet voice to no one in particular. "It's the Blue Danube," a female voice replied, "do you like it, John?" "Very much," his voice was soft as if the music were a butterfly that would be scared off if he spoke too loudly. "Then lets dance," with an organic sounding click the door swung open, knocking John against the railing of the walkway. He whirled, dropping the clipboard, taser in hand striking at what his lying eyes told him was his assailant. His stun baton struck nothing sending him off balance as the woman inside the cell moved, with a nimble grace, smashing his head into the door. As the Blue Danube's cresendo slowly gained momentum so did the verocity grow in his attacker. John was stunned, and all he could do was crawl backward on the floor, leaving a trail of blood behind him. The woman who he could see much better now, was tall and slender, her elven heritage was accented by the high cheek bones and slightly pointed ears, he had only a moment to think what he would say in another setting. Pushing the woman's obvious beauty out of his mind, he stopped crawling, sat up and tried to speak. "I'm not going to," he paused to spit out a mouth full of blood, "beg for my life." he slowly snaked his hand behind him to the panic button, clipped to his belt. "But I do have one request," he pressed the button, triggering the silent alarm,"make it quick." He leaned forward, in the tradtion of the samuri he had read about growing up, as a gesture of surrender. She moved swiftly, and before he even knew he had been hit, his field of vision went black and his conciousness faded. As the music's cresendo rose to it's highest most energetic point, Deputy John Brown slipped from this realm of existance and into the next. Chapter 1: Redemtion November 5, 2070 19:00 Your commlink vibrates, signaling a new text message. I have a job for you, meet me at The Lonely Heart's Club 0100 hours for those of you with jack crawford as a contact [ Spoiler ]
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