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> Pantheon Mentors Quality, Bringing back pantheistic shamans in SR4
post Sep 6 2006, 02:46 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 360
Joined: 6-September 02
Member No.: 3,234

Hullo, a rule/setting bit that I liked a lot in SR3 were pantheistic shamans, who venerated a whole set of gods/totems and reaped some aid from all of them, instead of a single archetype figure. Now, SR4 basic rules are different, since Mentor Spirits now are a wholly optional rule for all kind of magicians and adepts, however, I would still like to bring back something like pantheistic Awakened in SR4 who can still have a whole set of friends in high places.

So there's this wholly tentative Quality:

Pantheon Mentors (5-20 pts)

The character has managed to establish a durable mystical connection with a whole group of mentor spirits, typically belonging to the same pantheon of gods or group of affiliated animal totems, mythological figures, or concepts. Or, from a different perspective, she has managed to link his magical practices to different, yet related, aspects of his personality and spiritual beliefs.

The result is that the character honors and follows multiple mentor spirits and may call for aid on all of them at different times and circumstances, even if all of them put their mark on the magician.

The character may have up to five different mentor spirits, which must all belong to the same mystical tradition, and at any time he may have three different advantages that he may select from those offered by his patrons; if some god he worships embodies multiple mentor spirit archetypes, he may choose which one to focus on, among the various aspects of the god.

The magician or adept may change the blessings he receives by prayer and meditation at times of mystical significance, which are established by the value of the Quality:

every moon cycle (28-days), 5 pts;

every phase of the moon (7-days), 10 pts;

every sun cycle (every sunrise, sunset, noon, or midnight, player's choice), 15 pts;

every day and night (at sunrise and setset, or at noon and midnight, player's choice), 20 pts.

If one of the gods he follows has multiple aspects, the magician can choose to focus on a different aspect every change of the cycle.

In times of great need, once a day, the character can petition for a different blessing, and change the advantages he's receiving for a scene, by paying 1 Karma. If the GM deems that the request was made frivolously, he's free to ask a Deed or Metaplanar Quest of atonement from the character, to be performed at the earliest possible opportunity.

The character always has to honor, venerate, and follow the ideals of all the mentor spirits he's following, and strive to reconcile all their different philosophies in a coherent whole as best as he can.

The magician also suffers all the disadvantages of the mentors she has chosen, all the time; if one of the gods in her personal patron group has different mentor spirit aspects, she only suffers the disadvantage of the aspect he is currently following.

Overlapping advantages do not add, except to cancel out the effect of a disadvantage, while overlapping disadvantages add on: e.g. the character suffers cumulative penalties to dice pools, or a personality trait becomes more difficult to resist.

The character may petition his patrons for receiving more flexible blessings, and increase the frequency of change, by spending the usual Karma amount for increasing a Quality, and performing a Deed or Metaplanar Quest for each of his patrons. Magicians, mystic adepts, and adepts can all have Pantheon Mentors.

Opinions ? Suggestions ?
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