Yeah, i actually like the discussions i have in the boards, and you all have some good opinions, so i figure, i'd like to run this fellow by you guys, let me know how its looking...
I wanted to do a weapons specialist type, who could basically have some skill in all kinds of things, the guy that will have something on him if you need it, and sometimes, even if you don't. I also wanted to pepper him in other skills he's picked up...he's got a professional type of attitude, im still fumbling with his skills a bit but i think i have him the way i want him. I'll eventually do the ol 20 questions on him, but for now ill include some basics.
For the record, I know one piece of his ware goes beyond normal availibility...but since i started playing shadowrun over 12 years ago, weve never played with that rule and its always worked fine. :) If I had to adjust him for a different campaign it would be pretty easily fixed up.
[ Spoiler ]
Ville 'Vil' Laaksonen
Human Male, 30 years, 184cm
Attributes(210BP-edge added in)
Essence: 1.9
Initative: 8(10) 1(2)
Active Skills(162 BP)
Firearms Skill Group: 4
Unarmed Combat:4
Heavy Weapons:3
Throwing Weapons:1
Pilot Ground Craft(Car):1(+2)
Stealth Skill Group:1
Athletics Skill Group:1
Improvised Weapons:2
Security Procedures:3
Suicide Metal/Rock:2
Runner Haunts:3
Weapon Engineering(Gunsmithing):2(+2)
Finnish: N
Wired Reflexes Lv.1
Aluminum Bone Lacing
Cybereyes(Rating 4), with low-light, thermographic, flare compensation, vision magnification, vision enhancement 3, image link, and smartlink
Muscle Toner lv. 2
Muscle Augmentation lv.1
Suprathyroid Gland
Negative Qualities:
Mild Addiction(Alcohol) +5
Moderate Allergy(Nutrisoy/soy products) +15
Fixer: 'Spanky' Mcgee C4 L2
Gunsmith/Pilot: 'Aku' Andersson, C1 L3
Bartender: 'Stan', C1 L2
(Not done buying gear yet. I am considering dropping the Enhanced Articulation to regain 40,000 nuyen and 8 up Armorer to 4 and Negotations or Etiquette, or debating about influence group...but since hes not really a face first, im pretty content with Neg and Etiq. )
Short Background:
Ville 'Vil', as some of his UCAS friends called him(missprounced first part of his name, of course), had always had a knack with things, he knew he liked weaponry since his stint in the Finnish army that all 18 year old boys have to do, unless they go to Civil Service. He decided on two years...getting out, he, rather than go to a university, decided on entry level security work for Erika, which he was offered via the army, after showing aptitude in the areas. (For those who havnt read Shadows over Europe or the online Scandinavian Sourcebook, Erika is what happens when Nokia and Ericsson get in bed together. Telecommunications, etc.)
Moving up in the ladder of security wasn't too great for him, in the long run. After a few years of the stuff, of course, could give someone a bellyfull of corporate feelings...little freedom, more danger than the pay, and he was getting more interested into his developing his skills elsewhere. The range was a favorite area, as was his shop...he loved tinkering with weapons and trying to improve them in varied ways...some better, some worse, but always a learning experience.
After a bit of drinking on the job got him (honerably) ejected (in the sense he was allowed to step down and keeping it quiet, since luckily, it didnt involve any pesky runners breaking wasnt the first time he was caught...but since he otherwise had a good record they decided not to raise a lot of ruckus about it), he pretty much was out of work, in his flat, and the gun and weapon repairs he was doing wasn't pulling in quite a bit. Most free time was spent at his favorite dive in downtown Helsinki. Luckily, most of his cyberware was paid off already thru his time with the company; he had gotten a couple of the smaller pieces before his employment. However, this didnt leave him with much...and his lifestyle was quite expensive, thanks to being fairly allergic to the cheaper soy and having that nifty piece of ware that would 'help him out alot' installed...which wasnt a problem when he was making a decent paycheck.
His old Army buddy, Aku, knew he had more in him than this...he had a ton of varied weapons skills which some of his 'shadier' buddies would have a lot of use for, as well as lacking that 'shoot first, ask later' attitude that too many runners seem to be plagued by. So, after a night out, he managed to convince him to let him get introduce to a few of his buddies that needed help with something.
Well, one thing led to another, and thus began the start of Ville's shadowrunning career. With decent social skills to deal with meets and a plethora of weapons knowledge, he was in his element, so to speak. No schedule, his interests were taken care of and on top of it he was able to make some decent nuyen.
After some time dealing around Europe, Aku dropped the UCAS suggestion to him. He had a fixer contact there that could definately get him work when needed, and was fairly well connected to the shadows. At this point, after uncovering so much corruption in company land working for the other side, he didnt want to touch it again. The nuyen was here, albiet with a lot of danger...but who lives forever, anyway?
Investing in fake SINs, a flat in Seattle, and a few other things, he made the transfer a couple years back. He now resides there, doing what he does best. 'Vil' is what his UCAS aquaitances began calling him, after misprouncing his name for awhile.
Physically, Ville's a handsome guy, tall, average build, with thick, shoulder length dark brown hair, gray eyes, and is a bit pale, time spend indoors tinkering with stuff. He usually has a couple days worth of a goatee on his chin that never seems to go away, and looks a tad disheviled. When not running, he's perhaps trying to engineer or improve on some weapon while drinking more coffee and smoking more Grey Lung brand ciggarettes than any man has a right to, while listening to his favored 'depressing metal' such as Sentenced, Sisters of Mercy and Katatonia, from a time long past. He's pretty kind, he knows he's good at what he does but he isnt terribly egotistic about it..he just isnt afraid to admit it.
He could be in a bit better health, but he does tend to drink and smoke a bit too much, luckily his alcohol drinking hasnt progressed too badly, thought he usually looks like he only sleeps about four hours a night. A pack a day and a pot of coffee means that he isn't feeling well that day. He's alway seen with one or both. He dresses pretty down, jeans, heavy boots, tank tops, with an old black military jacket over it, but can dress well for meets, and of course protective for runs. With all of his weapons knowledge and weapons at his disposal, he doesnt bring for overkill: he can go for a tazer, his fists and a gel loaded pistol sometimes, an SMG, a couple grenades and combat axe when heavier is needed, and, for those rate, 'holy shit' instances, he's not above a gyro-harnessed, belted, MMG.
He lives next to some of the most insufferable neighbors(picture the Simpsons 2070), with an amazingly incompetent, lazy father, stressed mother, and an out of control kid. At least there's the good kid. Some attribute his heavy abuse of ciggarettes and coffee, as well as time at the bar, partially to this. His own apartment is clean in his room and shop...but as for the rest of it, there are old ashtrays, coffee cups, and (real) pizza and fast food boxes scattered about. But he likes it that way. In addition to his flat, he also could be found at his favorite Seattle dive, or in a seattle coffee shop reading the latest issue of something-or-other, chainsmoking and ingesting caffiene.
Ok, thats what i have so far. Id like to do the 20 qs to further flesh him out, but a few paragraphs seem to give you guys an idea at the moment.
So, blast away. :grinbig: