I recently re-read the endowment power that some great-forms get, and did a search on endowment-related topics. About 10 minutes later I returned to dumpshock and did a thread search for endowment-related posts. (bad joke, sorry :eek:)
So... I went through the powers list and tried to think up ways to use each of the powers that Guardian and Task spirits (the ones that get endowment) can get. I'm assuming that Endowing Ally spirits are impossible, and that you can't endow a skill even if it's granted as an optional power. Expect items marked with a
* to be banned faster than a ban fired from a rubber band by a member of a thrash metal band.
- Astral Form: Who needs the guidance spirit's astral gateway power when you have this? *
- Animal Control: Depends on the animal. Probably not worth it.
- Binding: Can't think of any good uses.
- Concealment: Can already be used on a number of targets
- Dual Natured: A materialised creature becomes dual natured... This one is perhaps more likely to work than astral form, but still deserves a *.
- Elemental Attack: The characters are unlikely to have the necessary Exotic Ranged Weapon skill
- Endowment: Yeah, it's stupid and broken. Summon a great-form Guardian and a great-form plant spirit then get the great-form plant spirit to grant regeneration (!) to the entire team.
Another idea is to give endowment to an inhabiting ally and get it to give inhabitation to other spirits, or simply give the Aura Masking power a flesh-form gets away like tasty candy. Inhabitation is notably superior to possession in a number of ways. It lets the spirit use VR, for one. * - Enhanced Senses: An interesting option
- Fear: Only really useful if you're praying for an opponent to glitch.
- Guard: Generally Meh... Can already be used on a number of targets and was never a tier-1 power.
- Immunity to Normal Weapons: A materialised/possessing spirit gains this power... Muchos Armour for the whole team. I thnk this one might be worth a *, but I can see some DMs allow it, particularly given how low-force great-form spirits generally are.
- Influence: They're bound to botch eventually, otherwise this isn't really noteworthy.
- Magical Guard: That's a whole lot of guard going on there!
- Materialization: If granted to an astral mage, this could allow for some interesting options. * I think a less broken option would be to have a great-form materialisation spirit grant materialisation to a possession-tradition spirits, maybe even watchers?
- Movement: Nothing much to see here. It lets a lot of people move fast.
- Natural Weaponry: A bit poor, only becomes good if you have a really high force spirit doing it.
- Possession: Much silliness when given to a projecting mage. * As with materialisation, granting possession to materialisation spirits is still nice, but not as broken.
- Psychokinesis: Kinda useful if you have the party hidden under invisibility and behind cover. They can start picking up unused objects and battering opponents with them, maybe even drawing guns from downed individuals?
- Sapience: Might not mean too much given the limited mental attributes of some animals, but could make for fun RP and 'cute' scenes where animals work together to thwart their corporate oppressors.