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> The Alamais(e) Conspiracy 3.0, It's all about the extra 'e'. Really.
Ancient History
post Aug 24 2003, 03:36 AM
Post #1

Great Dragon

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In the distant past, Lofwyr and his brother Alamais dwelt in the same region, until they came to an arguement over the creation of servants to aid them. This began a blood fued, and Lofwyr drove his brother Alamais from his home. Lofwyr laired at that time on the outskirts of Vasgothia, to the North and West of Barsaive.

Fleeing South and East, Alamaise settled along the Serpent River, using his magical skills to bargain with a powerful spirit, the Passion Jaspree to plant the tree which would become Oak Heart, which grew into the forest of Wyrm Wood, Alamais' personal demense.

Alamaise desired servants, but did not trust the local elves, so he made a bargain with the Passions Jaspree (growing things) and Astendar (love), and assuming elven form, Alamaise sired a daughter with an elf. That daughter, Caynreth was a Great Elf, blessed with Immortality. Alamaise had many other childer as well, who ruled the Wyrm Wood as he plotted his revenge on his brother, and researched his magics. These children he taught to view themselves as superior to others, as he viewed dragons superior to all others.

One day, his daughter, known as the First Speaker of Harmony (It should be known that while normal elves are Listeners of Harmony, Great Elves are Speakers of Harmony, for they have access to some of the primal draconic magics, perhaps a result of an attempt by the great dragons to alter and improve them, making the servants more like the masters), allied with her dragonkin, rose against Alamaise and wounded him near to death, forcing him to flee to the north, where he waited through and healed (he still bears the scar) and planning to retake his home. Centuries pass, and the descendents of those dragonkin (not all Great Elves, as the trait does not pass to all descendents) formed the nobles families, the ranelles, of the Elven Court of Wyrm Wood, while the descendent of the First Speaker of Harmony became the first Elven Queen for her beauty, wisdom and power.

To the North, near the source of the Serpent River lay the City of Spires, the coastal land of Shoshara, and the Northern Islands, while to the west were the Western Kingdoms. These elven lands too had Great Dragons; and with them were Great Elves and dragonkin: the servants and progeny of Lofwyr. For it was common practice in those ancient days, to sire long-lived children to rule their domains while the dragons worked to their own ends. These children and their family lines were raised and trained to control the dragon's kingdoms while they slept, and prepare for when they would return, those some were kept as little more than personal slaves, and chaffed at their leashes.

These days shaped Elven Culture, and many artifacts were created; such as the Everliving Flower, which bloomed red in the presence of dragonkin; and the Rose Crystal, which held lore concerning them.

The assault on Alamaise triggered a general rebellion, and an end to this practice, as a Council was called, and all attending dragons save Denairastas pledged to sire no more such childer to rise up against them. The dragon Icewing was appointed to act as liason between the dragons and the Great Elves, for the dragons did not wish to battle them at that time, nor destroy out of hand such powerful tools.

Still, the damage was done. The influence of Lofwyr and Alamaise, or possibly their childer, caused a rift to grow between Shosara and the Elven Court, even as some attempted to make peace with their cousins to the south. For the childer of Alamaise and Lofwyr were arrogant, and the Elven Court especially considered itself more elven than their far-flung cousins.

When Dallia, Queen of Wyrm Wood, left to make peace with Shosara, she was confronted by Alamaise. The Queen was either ignorant or feigned ignorance of her descent, and was killed for her effrontry by the dragon. But it was a subtle ploy: some knew that Alamaise did not dare go into the Wood for the Elven Queen, as it was no longer his place, and the Dallia was ignorant of the history between Alamaise and her kind. The trap set, Alamaise, predictable in his arrogance, swept in and killed the foolish, upstart Queen. The empty throne waited for Alachia, a Queen of the Western Kingdoms, who entered into Wyrm Wood. Alachia was power hungry, and her beauty hid a naked ambition inherited from her draconic side.

However, within the Court were dissenters, for while Alachia had contacts and allies there, she also faced the Great Elves sired by Lofwyr, who wanted nothing of Lofwyr's get. Under guise of backing Elianar Messias, they arranged to be banished from the court, fooling Alachia into thinking she had rid herself of her enemies.

These Usurpers, as the dragons called them, left the court and recovered an ancient cache of knowledge: the Books of Harrow, following information stolen or provided in times pst by their great sire, Alamais.

The Usurpers kept much from Messias and his disciple Jaron, as the Maracian scholars discovered when he appealed to them for help. The Great Elves and their progeny formed the Heavenherds and began what became the Theran Empire.

The Heavenherds moved to the outskirts of the empire, including the lands which would be Azania and Aztlan, establishing enclaves there. The Heavenherds came in contact with many other dragonkin in there far travels, and in those lands where dwelt Feathered Serpents, such as far to the south, what would be Azania, domain of Mujaji. Here they learned the finer arts of blood magic, whose study they first began in Barsaive as Blood Oaths were sworn.

The dragons turned to the creation of drakes as loyal alternatives to their rebellious childer. Alamais waited for the moment to regain his precious Wyrm Wood, and gain his revenge on his brother, all the while spying with his stunted Flase Drakes, unwilling to trust more powerful servants.

Alachia recognized the work of the Usurpers in Thera as easily as did the dragons, and had little truck with them, besides certain ancient practices passed down from their draconic sires; such as the replacement of one artifact in a place with another.

The Heavenherds guided the Therans to the lairs of three powerful wyrms they knew, one of whom was reckoned as one of the most powerful of his kind, one the repeated mate of Icewing, who yet knew more of them than any other, and Icewing himself. Their Behemoths destroyed the first two, but failed to destroy Icewing. This act drew the final line, and the dragons became united to restrict the power of Thera.

Eventually came the Schism, where Alachia seperated so much of the elven kingdoms.
Some families of Dragonkin eventually fled to kaers when Alachia declared her refusal of the Theran Rites of Protection. From these was born Aina.

Then came the Scourge, and the creation of Blood Wood.

Harleaquin and Ehran the Scribe had active youths, and were tutored in swordplay and wizardry in the City of Spires by the same teacher. Harlequin went on to join one of the guilds of paladins, the Knights of the Crimson Spire and Questor of Vestrial. Eventually Caimbeul Harlequin became ambassador to the Blood Wood, to the endless anger of Alachia.

Aina returned to the Wood and was with Aithne for a time and then parted on bad terms, Aithne blaming Aina for the death of his son.

Alachia may have hated AIna from this point, because it is unlikely Aina would submit to Alachia's schemes or rule.

Aina studied blood magic and horror lore with the Therans, finally meeting her dark teacher and tormenter, Ysgarthe; who even sired a childe on her, Thais (a half-horror). Finally, Aina banished Ysgarthe, unmaking herself and all the years of blood magic she had endured.

Part of the reason Icewing goes to such measures to confront the Theran Empire, building up the forces of the T'skrang (through House Syrtis) and the kingdom of Throal (through the royal line), is because he waws unable to prevent or foresee the treachery of the Usurpers.

Many times did the Theran Empire and the Dragons clash, always with mixed results: individually, the Dragons could destroy a city or a Behemoth; but the massed power of the Theran navy could whittle them away, one at a time. Icewing and Earthroot were instrumental in uniting the dragons against the Empire, as the Great Tree dwelt beneath Throal, and Icewing who felt compelled to control these rebellious childer he was supposed to keep watch over.

Eventually, Icewing and his brother Mountainshadow began experiemnts to breed drakes with the girl Aardeala, to make up for the servants they had lost in the Great Elves. They eventually succeeded in this, though the number was small.

When Vasdenjas died, a Rite of Succession was enacted, which Mountainshadow won. he took possession of the Jewel of Memory, the title of Loremaster, and all of Vasdenjas' collected hoard.

Earthroot raised a studious pupil, Celedyr, whom he taught his arts of elemental earth magic. Together, they sought to protect and nurture the White Tree, a mighty underground plant which sprung from the heart of All-Wings, mother of Icewing and Mountainsahdow. this tree, which lived on True Earth and true Water and orichalcum, was said to be connected to the race of Dragons, and should it fall, they would fall as well.

As the age passed, the Great Tree became threatened, and Earthroot fell. Celedyr, who might have done something to save it, was elsewhere at the time. Now the Great Tree is naught but Ashes, and they are in the care of Hualpa.

The Blood Wood, corrupted from within by the depatterning of so much blood magic, finally destroyed itself, and the Ritual of Thorns failed on all those it had been cast on.

Thera's magics failed, and the isle exploded. The Heavenherds survived only in the distant south, where they interrmarried with what would become the Zulu tribe.

A conflict brewed between the remaining Great Elves, and Aina sided with Dunkelzahn and the Wyrms, while most others, notably Aithne Oakforest and Ehran the Scribe (albeit relucatantly), stood on the other side.
In the end, certain of the elves (Aithne, Ehran, Sean Laverty) were put in the care of Icewing and Mountainshadow, who relocated to the distant land that would be the Pacific Northwest of America, where they dwelt for many years. This is why Tir Tairngire was founded where it was, this is why the Elven architectural style has elements similar to both Salish and Celtic, and this is why there is such a large segment of elves in that area (the Sinsearch, the Manitou).

When the Northern Isles sank, the elves from the four cities invaded the Western Kingdoms, what would be Tir na nOg, pushing out many of the native fomori that lived there. At the same time, the Elven Court, under the aegis of Alachia, who had once been a Queen in these dragon-filled lands, relocated (perhaps with aid from Shosara) to that place as well. The Dragons of what would be Wales kept a wary eye on Alachia, but did not mind the elven kingdoms in their own lands.

Near the end of the Age, I believe Ghostwalker went on a distant trek through the metaplanes, and perhaps became trapped there, until the death of Dunkelzahn and the rising surge of mana allowed his astral form to re-enter the world.

When the cycle ended, Alachia and a select group of other Dragonkin took the opportunity to hunt the dragons as they were sleeping during the downcycle. Many of these hunters were later destroyed by Sirrurg.

The aggression between Tir Tairngire and Tir na nOg stems from the elders who control those lands: those elders behind Tir Tairngire wish to create a place where they can hold power, using the customs of the Elven Wood while holding power themselves, rather than again trust a single Queen.
Tir na nOg was founded to replace the Elven Court of Wyrm Wood. The old hatreds flair, even as Ehran, Sean Laverty and Alachia play both sides of the fence. Harlequin and Aina care little for either side so long as they do nothing stupid, while Lofwyr sat in on the Councils to keep order among his descendents, and to prevent them from acting rashly in this new Age.

I believe a more secretive force is behind Aztlan: perhaps a Great Elf, survivor of Blood Wood or the destruction of Thera, who has gone mad and wishes to bring the horrors here. Whatever is behind it, the conflict begun in Aznan long ago among the feathered Serpents over the matter of Life magic and Death magic has reached a head. Aztechnology is obviously controlled by the death magic faction, while Hualpa and Amazonia represent those who favor life magic.

Azania holds the final Theran remnant: the descendants of the Heavnherds; Mujaji knows them of old, and holds an ancient grudge against them, which is currently in an unseasy peace.

The Northern Isles (supposedly in the North Sea, these were washed away during the fall of the Cycle, perhaps because they were maintained trhough magic.)

The Western Kingdoms (I believe these referred to both Shosara, the City of SPires, and what would be the British Isles and Tir na nOg. Certainly the celtic roots for those Great Elves which came from the Western Kingdoms is there:
Alachia, Sean Laverty, and Lugh Surehand have red hair, while Jenna Ni'fairra, Jane Foster, Ehran and Harleaquin have blond hair (Harlequin dies his reddish-brown), Aithne has black hair (perhaps a pictish or more southern blood?).

Aina is a negroid elf, and her family may have come from Mujaji's brood (or anothers') as ambassadors to the Wyrm Wood, then left during the Schism.

The Theran Empire may have reached even to Australia, which explains the presence of Urdli (either through a draconic inhabitant native to the continent or intermarriage with the locals). Urdli is guardian of a citadel of imprisoned spirits, possibly a work of the Heavenherds.

Respar sallah tishay a imar makkanagee-ha.
"Do not listen to one who is or is about to willfully be very stupid."

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