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Adept - Speaks for itself
Ambidextrous - Wide burts remove the need for any offhand weapon
Animal Empathy - Unless you ride a lot of horses I don't see the point
Aptitude - Only useful for BP chargen, and then only for a few specific skills (Spellcasting, possibly some hacking). Not an option for karmagen or for buying the Quality at chargen and raising the skill to 7 later, as the cost to do so is 70 Karma.
Astral Chameleon - Useful I suppose
Blandness - Blending into the crowd only does so much when everyone has a camera with a recorder
Codeslinger - Useful
Double Jointed - How often do you need to use Escape Artist?
Erased - Easier to have this done for Nuyen during the game
Exception Attribute - Only useful for certain situations (raising odd numbered attributes to even numbers to increase modified max.) Too expensive.
First Impression - Useful
Focused Concentration - Useful, but too expensive.
Guts - Useful I suppose for the magic resistance
High Pain Tolerance - Useful, but easliy replicated with cyber/bio/magic
Home Ground - Great if you do all of your fighting in your apartment
Human Looking - Seems like by 2073 racial predjudice would be dying off
Lucky - Useful but extremely overpriced
Magician - Speaks for itself
Magic Resistance - The negative of affecting spells beneficial to you is a turnoff.
Mentor Spirit - Can be cheesed very easliy
Murky Link - Useful but too expensive
Mystic Adept - Speaks for itself
Natural Hardening - Useful
Natural Immunity - Too expensive and too broad
Photographic Memory - Allows for metagaming
Quick Healer - healing is really easy and cheap, so I say not a good quality.
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins - Pass
Spirit Affinity - fluff-only, no actual benefit
Technomancer - Speaks for itself
Toughness - Easier ways to increase Body
Will to Live - If you are already in Overflow I don't see much benefit for this.
Biocompatability - OK if you plan on taking yourself to the limit, but I find that there generally aren't enough useful modifications for this to be practical
Genecrafted - OK I suppose from a min/max saving nuyen at chargen perspective
Genetic Heritage - Hoo boy, up to GM discretion to keep everyone from having "Genetic Heritage: Synaptic Booters 3"
Type-O system - the people this would most benefit (Magicians and Mystic Adepts) can't even buy it. Grossly overpriced.
Wild Card Nano Prototype - What's the point? Also really overpriced.
Runner's Companion
Adrenaline Surge - overpriced, pass
Analytical Mind - I don't see many times this would come in handy unless you battle the Riddler every week
Blingual - Languages aren't too hard to come by
Black Market Pipeline - Could be useful
Born Rich - It should give you a free 25,000Y for taking this quality, not force you to spend extra BP on it as well
Catlike - Not too hard to get good Infiltration/Shadowing skills, pass
College Education - Knowledge skills are worthless
Common Sense - metagaming
Deep COver - this always seemed like a Negative to me
Digital Doppelganger - Doesn't seem particularly useful
Escaped Clone - why?
Fame - Fine if that is your character concept
Gearhead - Good for Riggers I suppose
Hawk Eye - Vision enhancements aren't hard to come by
Inspired - Why not just take Fame?
Juryrigging - Your group's mage should know Fix
Linguist- Languages aren't hard to come by
Lighting Reflexes - only useful for a non-magical, non-modified character -- so not useful. Also expensive.
Made Man - seems like the negatives outweigh the positives unless you also get paid as a day job
Mistaken Identity - All fluff
Natural Athlete - Skills aren't too hard to raise
Night Vision - Vision enhancements aren't hard to come by
Outdoorsman - Expensive and of dubious use
Perceptive - Extra Perception dice are always good
Perfect Time - Not useful, all fluff
Privileged Family Name - negatives outweigh the positives
School of Hard Knocks - Knowledge skills are worthless
Sense of Direction - Your comlink has a GPS
Sensei - Worthless
Speed Reading - I don't see much use for this
Technical School Education - Knowledge skills are worthless
Tough as Nails - Better than Will to Live, but still of questionable use (rethink why you are taking so much damage)
Trust Fund - Seems fine, basically a free lifestyle and extra cash, and it's offset with the SINner negative qusality to cut down the cost
Trustworthy - Social Skills are easy to pump
Water Sprite - No thanks
(In Debt) - Should be a positive quality - even though it isn't I really like it, free money, huge BP gain, and instant plot hooks and character flaws.
Street Magic
Astral Sight - Why would any mundane need this?
Latent Awakening - Ok for roleplaying but you'll just be a shitty magician for the entire campaign
Sprit/Spell Knack - Don't see this being very useful
Sprirt Pact - Just get an ally spirit
Chatty - Social skills are easy to raise
Intiutive Hacking - I suppose this is useful
Latent Technomancer - Same as latent awakening. Hope you didn't get any cyberware beforehand.
More than Metahuman - Not useful
Obscure - Not particularly useful
Paragon - Easy to cheese
Resonance Bond - Expensive, same as spirit pact
Synthetic Sympathy - Social skills are easy to raise