So here is the OOC thread (IMG:
Some notes:
Here is where you communicate any OOC questions - if you feel like you want to keep the question secret from your fellow players, you can of course PM me.
When you post:
Anything spoken out loud should be in quotations and
"cyan"Anything communicated via commlink should be in side << >> and
<<yellow>>Anything you are thinking should be in italics and
dark khakiIn addition to the dropbox, I'd like your first post to this thread to include your character, not only for easy reference but also to signify that you are ready to begin the adventure. Please also make sure that you can access the dropbox. If you cannot, please let me know, and we can address that.
A note on Perception tests - I will tend to PM you your results of Perception tests. I think this makes it more interesting, as it allows each player to share as much or as little of what they have learned to their teammates.
The IC thread will be up soon - please do not post in it until all 4 players have posted their characters into this thread.
I will be sending out "newsflashes" in game. These will be posted both IC and in the dropbox. Fair warning, in these newsflashes there will be some information that is completely false, some that are true but have no impact on the game, some that are germane to the adventure at hand, and some that will be used to set up future adventures. It is up to you as a group to determine which is which - don't automatically assume that something is important because I put it in the newsflash, but don't automatically disregard it either (IMG:
Rigger rules all in one spot.
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So, from my understanding, drones and vehicles can be controlled one of 4 ways:
1) Manual
2) Remote
3) Rigger
4) Auto
1) Manual Control - simple - you use your skills and stats, and it acts on your initiative pass
2) Remote - is the result of the Control Device action. If you look at the way that works (page 238), you are not telling the drone/vehicle to do something, you are actually doing it - hence you use your skills and stats, and it acts on your initiative pass. You can control multiple drones/vehicles to do the same exact thing i.e. fire at a target, and this action costs nothing extra. If it isn't exactly the same thing, then you have to split your dice pools among the different drones/vehicles. The way the rules are written, you would get the +2 dice bonus for Hot Sim VR, in that you gain +2 for all Matrix Actions, and Control Device is a Matrix Action.
3) Rigger - this is when you are "jumped into" the vehicle. You gain a bonus to the Sensor, Speed, Handling and Accuracy equal to the rating of the Control Rig. You gain a bonus to Vehicle tests equal to the rating of the Control Rig. Your threshold for Vehicle tests is reduced by the rating of the Control Rig (minimum 1), along with the +2 bonus for being in VR, and the drone you are jumped into acts on your init.
4) Auto - this is when the drone has been given a command - via a Send Message simple action. In this case, it acts on its own initiative, and uses its own Pilot + programs. Having an RCC allows you to command all the drones connected to it using a single simple action - and they do not have to be given the same command.
Matrix House rules
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1) Public and Cross Grid Penalties as Noise
Instead of a -2 penalty for all matrix actions when connected to the Public Grid, being connected via the public grid counts as having 2 points of spam/static zone Noise, thanks to the spotty connection and increased advertising. Similarly, the penalty for working across a grid becomes a static/spam Noise 2 instead of a flat -2. Ignore all the rules about cross grid and public grid penalties applying in some situation and not others. As Noise, the apply unless compensated for with Noise Cancellation. Host systems continue to have no physical location, and thus no distance Noise.
2) Cyberprogram Tweaks
Programs are no longer separated between Cyberdeck and Rigger versions of the program. Additionally, Commlinks are able to run any of the Common Cyberprograms, but not the Hacking Programs. Commlinks can run a number of programs equal to half their device rating, rounded down. Rigger Control Consoles use their Sharing rating for program capacity in general, but only Autosofts are explicitly shared with drones.
3) Detecting Hidden Icons
"If you know at least one feature of an icon running silent, you can spot the icon (Running Silent, below)" on page 235's list of uses for matrix perception is interpreted to mean that if you know at least 1 feature of an icon you think is running in silent mode on grid or in a host you occupy, you may attempt to directly spot that icon instead of first attempting to determine the presence and number of hidden icons, and then picking randomly among them. The more details you have on a target, the more broadly you can define your search, so you don't need to know the exact make and model of a gun to locate it's icon if you know it's approximate location. If you search broadly, your GM will randomly pick among the applicable options: So looking for a hidden gun icon within 100 meters will get you a random gun running silent, which may or may not be the one the ganger has. Similarly, looking for the wrong thing automatically fails. Note: the Wrapper cyberprogram does not affect the direct targeting of icons. Just because your gun's icon looks like commlink doesn't mean "gun" isn't a feature of the device anymore. Wrapper is useful for running devices in public, not silent.
Valid Examples: "That gun that ganger over there is shooting at me with" or "The Payroll database."
Example of picking wrong: Attempting to locate Wired Reflexes when a character is using Reaction Enhancers.
4) Missing Prices
Local Grid access tends to cost about 200 (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) for a week or 500 (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) per month, but is included in the Middle Lifestyle for your home region. Traveling outside that coverage area will put you on the public grid unless you buy more access. Global Grid access tends to cost 400 (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) for a week or 1000 (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) per month, but one grid is included in the High Lifestyle. At Luxury Lifestyle you can access all the grids.
5) Base CyberDeck
The following cyberdeck is added to the list of options on page 227/439:
"Cobbled Together Links and Electronics," Device Rating 1, Attribute Array 3 2 2 1, Programs: 1, Availability: 2R, Cost: 20,000 (IMG:
6) Cracking File Protection
The Crack Protection matrix action can now be down as the user's choice of Attack or Sleaze. However, if you choose to use it as a Sleaze action, you take a -4 die penalty.
Repairing Drones
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Physical Damage.
All physical damage is categorized as two types: Structural and Non-Structural.
Non-structural damage would be bullets, electric shock, anything that leaves the structural integrity of the drone intact.
Structural damage includes explosives, fire, and crashes - damage which will destroy the chassis itself and force you to replace wholesale sections of the drone.
Non-Structural damage costs 1% of the cost of the drone to repair per box.
Structural damage costs 5% of the cost of the drone to repair per box.
To repair something with 7 or more boxes of damage, every 3 hits repairs 1 box.
To repair something with 4-6 boxes of damage, every 2 hits repairs 1 box.
To repair something with 1-3 boxes of damage, every hit repairs 1 box.
Structural damage increases the difficulty by 1 hit per box.
Grease has a Rotodrone that has 4 boxes of structural damage, and 4 boxes of nonstructural damage. To repair the first box of non-structural damage, it takes 2 hits. To repair the last 3 boxes of damage, it takes 1 hit per box.
To repair the structural damage, the first box takes 3 hits, and then the last 3 boxes take 2 hits each.
Non Structural Damage has a base time of 30 minutes
Structural Damage has a base time of 1 hour.
Required Tools
Non-Structural Damage of up to 6 boxes may be done at no penalty with a tool kit.
Non-Structural Damage of 7 or more boxes must be done with a shop, or suffer a -4 dice pool penalty.
Structural Damage of up to 6 boxes may be done at no penalty with a shop.
Structural Damage of 7 or more boxes must be done at a facility or suffer a -4 dice pool penalty.
Plans: 500 (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) - gives a bonus of +1 die
AR Enhanced 1000 (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) - gives a bonus of +2 dice
Availability = Availability of Vehicle/Drone
Glitches and Critical Glitches
If you critically glitch on the roll to repair your device,
that’s it. The device is permanently destroyed.
If you glitch, the device can be restored to
functionality, but it becomes a bit glitchy (the gamemaster
will tell you how at an appropriate moment).
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Stun = Standard Extended Test, Full Extended Test can be attempted once per 24 hour period. That way stun is going to eventually go away, like it is supposed to, no matter how frail the individual (Granted, critical glitches can still happen), but it is going to take a few days for someone with a weak constitution to recover from a serious stun injury.
Physical = Standard Extended Test, New Extended Test requires trip to medical facility. That way serious physical injury is almost always going to require a trip to the doc, unless you're a hulking troll with insane body and willpower.
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Normal rules apply for physical damage. For non-physical damage, Gel rounds count as non-penetrating weapons that have their base DV cut in half (round up). Punching also counts as a non-penetrating weapon with its DV cut in half (round up).
Fencing Gear
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When you fence gear on your own, once you've found your buyer (Charisma+Etiquette, needing 10 hits, base interval equal to normal Availability time), the Charisma and Negotiation of the buyer are rolled randomly using the tables below.
1-5: 1
6 to 40: 2
41 to 70: 3
71 to 85: 4
86 to 95: 5
96 to 100: 6
1 to 20: 0
21 to 40: 1
41 to 70: 2
71 to 85: 3
86 to 95: 4
96 to 100: 5
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When interacting with someone, they make a Knowledge check with a threshold equal to 6-(Notoriety+Public Awareness), and if they succeed you receive a negative dice pool modifier equal to your Notoriety.