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Midnight Toker ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 7,686 Joined: 4-July 04 From: Zombie Drop Bear Santa's Workshop Member No.: 6,456 ![]() |
An article by Steve Kenson that is about the Shapeshifting spell gave me an idea for an interesting mental flaw
Lycanthropy is an actual mental disorder. People afflicted truly believe that they transform into animals (usually wolves), either by their own will or through some forced compulsion. During the period of delusional transformation, they act very much like the animals that they believe themselves to be. However, when a mage believes himself to be an animal, he can actually become one. So, Lycanthropy comes in two flavors. Lycanthropy (Mundane) -4 Flaw A character with Lycanthropy believes that he is some sort of animal-metahuman hybrid, although he is not. This animal is chosen when the disorder manifests itself. If this is at character creation, it is chosen by the player. Otherwise, it is chosen by the GM. He possesses a bestial nature similar to a shapeshifter and suffers a +2 penality to all social tests except Intimidation because of it. Lycanthropes often share the dietary preferences of their chosen animal. However, they do not have the digestive system of their prefered animal. If a lycanthrope eats something that he can't digest wait 6 minutes then roll 1d6. On an odd result he becomes sick and vomits as if affected by nausea gas. Lycanthropy (Adept) -5 Flaw An Adept with Lycanthropy suffers the same penalities as a mundane character, with a few additions. The his chosen animal must be predatory in nature and he must take the Enhanced Smell, Enhanced hearing, and Killing Hands (L or better) Lycanthropic adepts often file their teeth and nails into sharp points and can use their killing hands for bitting and clawing attacks. Lycanthropic Adepts much make a Willpower 4 test to flee from combat, reduced by 1 per wound level that the suffer. A Lycanthropic Adept with an s wound can flee without a test. Lycanthropic Adepts appear to take on the features of their animal when in combat, much like a a Shamantic mask, but much more pronounced. Adepts receive an additional +2 penality to social tests other than Intimidation against people who witness this. For Intimidation, they receive a -2 modifier. Lycanthropy (Mundane) -6 Flaw At this level of lycanthropy, the character believes that he can physically transform into his chosen animal. This mental transformation is caused by an external stimulus (often the moon, but could be anything) and cannot be controlled. When transformed, a lycanthropic character retains all attributes and skills, but acts like the animal that he believe he is. This usually includes dropping to all fours and walking exclusively on hands and knees, howling at the moon, and other such behavior. Characters suffering from lypanthropic transformation can't use firearms or electronic devices more complex than a keypad. They can still use melee weapons at 1/2 their skill, but usually resort to unarmed combat. Transformed characters can still use their language skills to comprehend spoken and written words, but cannot speak and write with one 1/2 of their skill. Transformations last for a flat 1d6 + 1 hours or for the length of time that the character is exposed to the stimulus + 1d6 x 5 minutes, depending on this type of stimulus and the judgement of the GM. Transformations can be resisted by a willpower (6) test. Each success reduces the transformation time by 1 hour or 5 minutes, depending on the method used. If the number of successes is greater than the rolled number, then the character resists the transformation completely, but receives a +2 modifier due to the effort, for as long as he is aware of the stimulus. Lycanthropy (Adept) -7 Flaw Adepts with the level 7 version of Lycanthropy suffer the same penalities as in the level 5 and 6 versions. They must buy all enhanced senses associated with their chosen animal at regular cost and must buy Killing Hands (M or better). WHen transformed, they must make a Willpower (6) test to flee from battle, reduced to 2 after suffering a Severe wound. Transformed adpets must make a Willpower (6) to spare a defeated enemy, reduced to (2) if the enemy surrenders and assumes a submissive posture. Transformed adepts will eat slain enemies, even metahumans. The Adept receives a permanent +3 modifier for social tests other than intimidation against anyone who witnesses this. For intimidation, lycanthropic Adepts receive a permanent -3 modifier against people who character them eating people. Lycanthropy(Magician) Magicians who suffer from Lycanthropy have all of the penalities of a mundane Lycanthrope and more. They actually become the animal they believe themselves to be. Any Mage or Shaman with Lycanthropy must learn a Force 8 shapshifting spell. Even magicians who cannot normally cast shape-changing spells, such as elementalists or conjurers, learn this spell. For the purposes of learning cost, it is considered exclusive. A Shaman with an animal totem must transform into that animal. The spell is limited to the magician's chosen animal and cannot be cast on anyone else. These magicians cannot choose when to cast this spell, but are compelled to cast it when exposed to the stimulus that brings about their mental transformations. They are unaware of the fact that they cast the spell and believe the transformation to be natural, rather than magical. No tests are required. Existing character who contract lycanthropy must learn the spell and pay for it normally. However, they do not have to purchase a spell formula or make any tests to learn it. Nor do they have to have a rating 8 library/lodge. The magician does have to spend 8 days locked in his library or lodge without interruption to learn the spell and will be totaly unaware of this time. If the magician cannot afford the spell at Force 8, he must reduce the force of other spells, and add the sacrificed force to the shapeshifting spell at a 1:1 ratio. The GM determines which spells lose force. The transformation causes no drain, but the magician suffers Severe drain without the benefit of resistance, when it wears off. Drain incurred this way cannot push him above deadly, however. |
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Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 4th March 2025 - 11:31 AM |
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