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post Jan 22 2012, 07:08 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Who here is looking forward to it? I am about half an hour from finishing my second playthrough on ME2 with my version of Shepard being a level 30 Infiltrator, I have the Kasumi and Zaeed mission packs, Firewalker and the Firepower DLC as well after finishing the game once with no DLC and yes, downloaded Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning so I can have the Reckoner Armor and Chakram Rifle. Obviously I am geared up and ready to see Mass Effect 3 drop but I wanted to hear everyone else on the board's thoughts.
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post Jan 22 2012, 09:14 PM
Post #2


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I never finished the first one.
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post Jan 22 2012, 10:28 PM
Post #3


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I played the first one on my xbox and got the second for PC. Having beaten the first one on PC i wanted credit so i selected an online save file closest to my choices, but that knowledge that I was playing someone elses character was also kind of jarring and i want to fix that before ME 3. On the other hand ME 1 and 2 are quite the slog to go through again.
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Wounded Ronin
post Jan 23 2012, 03:41 AM
Post #4

Great Dragon

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I always plan to try a different Shepard, but after finishing the game one time and enjoying it, I never find that I have the time to replay it.

I'll look forward to 3.
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post Jan 23 2012, 05:44 AM
Post #5

Running Target

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I'm a self-admitted ME fanboy. Jonesing for 3. I've played through ME1 3-4 times in full, ME2 easily double that number, and am running a new character from ME1 all the way through 2 so it's ready for 3 when it hits. Yeah, I'm one of *those* people.
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post Jan 23 2012, 07:51 AM
Post #6

Running Target

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QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Jan 22 2012, 09:44 PM) *
I'm a self-admitted ME fanboy. Jonesing for 3. I've played through ME1 3-4 times in full, ME2 easily double that number, and am running a new character from ME1 all the way through 2 so it's ready for 3 when it hits. Yeah, I'm one of *those* people.

Know that feeling. Already did my run through though, so I'm set.
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post Jan 23 2012, 09:46 AM
Post #7


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I liked the first one, though it had many problems such as most side missions (and land vehicle trips) being bland and repetitive and having only one real "city".

I'm currently playing the second one, with the same badass John Blade Shepard (though I regret having chosen a male, I played the first one in French and it had surprisingly good voice-over, but the English Shephard is just completely uninspired), and though I still have a lot of fun with the story and conversation options, I find the gameplay very repetitive. Most missions are just a succession of boring battles (find a cover, use power, shoot shoot, hide, wait, use power, shoot, shoot and so on).
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post Jan 23 2012, 10:15 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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I loved ME1 and then when ME2 came out I about had an aneurysm. I am chomping at the bit for ME3, as I have been since I last heard about it last year. I just hope it doesnt come out while I'm on vacation in march. That would suck, the whole time I would be thinking "it's out and I don't have it! Gaah!"
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post Jan 23 2012, 01:31 PM
Post #9

Running Target

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3/6/12. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

EDIT: Corrected date.
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post Jan 23 2012, 04:57 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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From discussions I've seen elsewhere the general consensus seems to be a level cap of 50 or 60 for ME3...
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post Jan 31 2012, 05:12 PM
Post #11

Running Target

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So who is going to forsake their Significant Other in favor of the ME3 Demo on 2/14? (I'm not, though it is a little tempting...)
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post Jan 31 2012, 08:10 PM
Post #12


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QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Jan 31 2012, 09:12 AM) *
So who is going to forsake their Significant Other in favor of the ME3 Demo on 2/14? (I'm not, though it is a little tempting...)

I would never forsake Tali! Oh right... you mean... nevermind.
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post Jan 31 2012, 11:39 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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Ah yes the MShep/FemShep debate:)

After having been told, "you could at least TRY it" I went and started a MShep...10 minutes later, with the stilted dialogue and bland sameness from the character, I reloaded my FemShep character and had her run as a Renegate alt.

Scary thing is, I was accruing more "lightside points" than Renegade, while being a royal bitch. Weird.

At least I managed to run both through MProbeLaunchedEProbeLaunched2, fluking a perfect ending (everyone made it, and this time I wasn't trying for it) with the Queen of Bitch alt. Also, it's a pity Jack wasn't with that whole huggy/feely crap, being an ex-con - I always suspected she was after Garis.

Also, being a bitch makes Grunt like you...a LOT, really fast. No..not that way...


I hope to fuck they dump that thermal clip bullshit....
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post Feb 1 2012, 03:58 AM
Post #14

Running Target

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QUOTE (Tiralee @ Jan 31 2012, 03:39 PM) *

I hope to fuck they dump that thermal clip bullshit....

Not gonna happen, sadly.
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post Feb 1 2012, 07:52 PM
Post #15


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You only hate the thermal clips until you play on nightmare as a Soldier. Then you love it.
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post Feb 2 2012, 02:03 PM
Post #16

Shooting Target

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Looking forward to ME3, Diablo 3, and the X-COM strategy remake (not the FPS). And Borderlands 2.

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post Feb 19 2012, 02:46 AM
Post #17

Running Target

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So who nabbed the demo and what did they think?
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post Feb 19 2012, 03:50 AM
Post #18

Advocatus Diaboli

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The multiplayer isn't bad. Still not as smooth and dynamic as a real FPS (and for good or ill, that's what they're aiming at), but they brought back weapon customization and leveling. The difficulty is higher, and it encourages teamwork. It feels like Uncharted 2's multiplayer to me (which isn't wonderful). It has sticky cover, bleh, and you can't really run and jump as you'd like; on the other hand, you have all kinds of guns and powers to wreck people with, and annoying diverse enemies.
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post Feb 19 2012, 05:53 AM
Post #19

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Feb 18 2012, 09:46 PM) *
So who nabbed the demo and what did they think?

I like the Kinect integration, since it almost covers for how clumsy the interface is. That said, after playing the PC and 360 versions of the demo, game play is still vastly superior for the PC. If I didn't have 100% complete saves for the first two on my XBox, I'd be swapping my preorder first thing tomorrow morning.

Oh, and Jennifer Hale rules. She's why I wound up playing a Republic Trooper in SWTOR.
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post Feb 19 2012, 09:33 PM
Post #20

Running Target

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I like the increased pace of the game thus far, as well as the amped up textures (though some look... off for some reason... too much bump mapping I think). I love the addition of the melee attack. It's nice seeing an adept unload with biotics as we've seen in so many cutscenes in the past 2 games. All in all, I'm pretty stoked.

Other than the "Getting soft in the middle" comment, I can't yet see any justification for the loss of all abilities from the previous game, when you were at the height of your ability.

Also, they'd best have a damned good explanation for why Cerberus turned on my Renegade Shepard that gave TIM the base. Else I'm gonna rip his ass in half with my femshep's biotics.

Oh, and agreed: Jennifer Hale friggin' rules. LOVE her voice acting. I need to get SWTOR still. That's on the list, but can't do it until I rebuild my main system. Got the new system specced out, just gotta get together the funds.
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post Feb 20 2012, 05:05 AM
Post #21

Old Man Jones

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I've been suspicious of the Illusive Man since I saw his eyes.

Y'know, the eyes that look just like the ones that the reaper-converted humans have?

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post Feb 20 2012, 01:38 PM
Post #22

Shooting Target

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One idea I've heard is that TIM started putting reaper tech into his body, with bad results.
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post Feb 21 2012, 02:24 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Feb 19 2012, 01:33 PM) *
I like the increased pace of the game thus far, as well as the amped up textures (though some look... off for some reason... too much bump mapping I think). I love the addition of the melee attack. It's nice seeing an adept unload with biotics as we've seen in so many cutscenes in the past 2 games. All in all, I'm pretty stoked.

Other than the "Getting soft in the middle" comment, I can't yet see any justification for the loss of all abilities from the previous game, when you were at the height of your ability.

Also, they'd best have a damned good explanation for why Cerberus turned on my Renegade Shepard that gave TIM the base. Else I'm gonna rip his ass in half with my femshep's biotics.

Oh, and agreed: Jennifer Hale friggin' rules. LOVE her voice acting. I need to get SWTOR still. That's on the list, but can't do it until I rebuild my main system. Got the new system specced out, just gotta get together the funds.

From what I've read, if you import your save you will start at the level you were when you saved.
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post Feb 21 2012, 03:12 AM
Post #24

Man In The Machine

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Yeah, I have 3 different play thru's ready for ME3. The "Hey, lets play thru ME1 before ME2 comes out" which basically only got me the major plot points, but its 'MY' character. The default start ME2 renegade biotic (how crap did the default start suck or what?!?), and the genuinely paragon game I downloaded from the net.

Far too excited. Unfortunately, It drops 12 weeks before my masters thesis is due. If this gets spoiled, I will murder people.
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post Feb 21 2012, 06:41 AM
Post #25


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QUOTE (Bigity @ Feb 20 2012, 05:38 AM) *
One idea I've heard is that TIM started putting reaper tech into his body, with bad results.

Or good results. I personally am a fan of that theory.
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