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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 06:24 AM
Post #726

Running Target

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QUOTE (Bull @ Mar 23 2013, 02:08 AM) *
One thing about that section that really made me smile were all the little references to "This team I'm working with" and "These really promising up and coming runners that pulled this job". Because anyone who plays through the Season can then sit back and go "Hey, that was me!" Which is often something that's hard to do in Shadowrun. Too often the players end up being spectatcors to the big event, or at best escorting major NPCs around while they do all the important stuff. And we didn't want to do that. Even with my GM PC involved (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

I -did- catch this during the read through. The "missions" are probably the only stuff I don't buy asap.

Reading the chapter I defiantly caught those instances and grinned a bit. I think it was Netcat or something that describes them as talented but a bit rough around the edges or could use some work or something and chuckled.

Glad to know, it is what I thought it was, with out being 'too' overt.
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post Mar 23 2013, 06:36 AM
Post #727

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Bull @ Mar 23 2013, 12:10 AM) *
I'm surprised Critias hasn't gone and gotten skin grafts to give himself elf ears yet. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Says the man with Ork tusks in his drawer. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 23 2013, 07:54 AM
Post #728

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Mar 23 2013, 01:36 AM) *
Says the man with Ork tusks in his drawer. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

If I had the money, I'd totally get a custom set of ork dentures (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 23 2013, 09:04 AM
Post #729

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (Angelone @ Mar 23 2013, 02:48 AM) *
Or just parachuting the Drop Bears right on corp sec. They'll be standing around joking and suddenly they are covered in parachute and claws.

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post Mar 23 2013, 09:24 AM
Post #730

The King In Yellow

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post Mar 23 2013, 09:26 AM
Post #731

The King In Yellow

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post Mar 23 2013, 09:34 AM
Post #732

Shooting Target

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post Mar 23 2013, 10:09 AM
Post #733


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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
Art is, otherwise, consistently high quality, and two pieces deserve special kudos; more on that in the appropriate section of the review.
Except a few of the pics don't fit the text at all. See p.59, p.93, p.147 or p.182.

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
And there're implausibilities galore. There're glass beads dropped by mterialising spirits. Where were the beads before? Did they dematerialise too? How? Please keep to the established things magic can and cannot do and don't just write every crap up to "Magic!" like a lazy, unimaginative, and incompetent writer, thanks?
Ha, I totally missed this one.

QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
One is that at least one Techno believes Paragons are actual 1st Gen AI, bringing them in line with both my theory on them (heh) and the second Sprawl trilogy book's (Neuromancer's successor, Biochips) take on the Matrix after the Singularity of Wintermute/Neuromancer.
She believes a first-gen AI can be a Paragon, not that all Paragons are first-gen AIs. That's a huge difference.
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post Mar 23 2013, 10:09 AM
Post #734


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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
At least this story seems to follow some inner logic for now, and the Matrix maybe is demagicized. I'm all for that, I absolutely loathed 4e's magical take on Mancers and the Matrix.
Except deckers were called matrix mages as well; so 4E Matrix is not any more "magicized" than before.

QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
Now it expands into South America because the people there are too poor to be of interest to megas and have no economies - apparently the authors have stopped considering SoLA canon?
Have they started considering it such, to begin with?

QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
Not good enough, though not quite as bad as Aztlan's Triump [sic!] either.
Okay, I'll cave: I've just rechecked, and I can't see Atzlan's Triumph spelled wrong anywhere.

QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
I also wonder if this plot originated in Hardy's lemons-to-lemonade philosophy that also spawned the JackPoint intrusion by the Poster With No Nick, to deal with vastly inaccurate and faulty and badly researched and lazily written shadowposters.
Going by the previous posts in the thread, yeah.

QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 01:21 AM) *
And I am certain I am not alone in the observation that SR seems to drift towards a highly America-centric and American-dominated world view. Kind of like Tom Clancy was made Line Dev.
Even for someone buying Pegasus stuff, it's kinda hard not to notice Shadowrun has always been America-centric.
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post Mar 23 2013, 10:49 AM
Post #735

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Bull @ Mar 23 2013, 07:08 AM) *
Just want to drop in and say... "Awesome!" That's what we were shooting for with Missions. We'll likely never be a major, big time, "OMG! Stop this or the WORLD ENDS!" set of adventures, but we wanted what you did in Missions to feel impactful and meaningful.

Well, in my opinion, you succeeded (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
And it's appreciated that the runs stay on the street level. That was one reason why I liked Harlequin 1 and loathed Harlequin 2 (even with the adventures being very creative if taken for themselves).

One thing about that section that really made me smile were all the little references to "This team I'm working with" and "These really promising up and coming runners that pulled this job". Because anyone who plays through the Season can then sit back and go "Hey, that was me!" Which is often something that's hard to do in Shadowrun. Too often the players end up being spectatcors to the big event, or at best escorting major NPCs around while they do all the important stuff. And we didn't want to do that. Even with my GM PC involved (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Funny thing is, Netcat is even one of the connections I use (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
And I'll echo here, that Bull is not that bad as a 'GM PC' (although I believe, he's far beyond that status). He's a mover and a shaker, sure, but he's not a sparkling example of everything that's cool. Quite the opposite, indeed, with his refusal to use hip language!

(If you're not subscribed to the SR Missions Facebook page, I posted a teaser of one of the Season 5 Contacts/NPCs there already, and more will be going up in the near future. I tend to use Facebook for most of my sneak peeks and teasers (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

That's too bad, I hate Facebook and don't use it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

QUOTE (Fatum @ Mar 23 2013, 11:09 AM) *
Okay, I'll cave: I've just rechecked, and I can't see Atzlan's Triumph spelled wrong anywhere.

Check the thumb marker on the side. It is on _every_ page.

Even for someone buying Pegasus stuff, it's kinda hard not to notice Shadowrun has always been America-centric.

There's a difference between being America-centric and pushing current American views into the game world.
America-centric writing is quite alright, after all an author should write about what he knows. I even like the American setting better than the crowded European one. But it takes a special effort to not overdo it.
SR started out with a splintered America (& Canada, how funny is that? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ) where they _lost_ the big war. Not even Vietnam can have been that hard on the collective self-image. The government was powerless, the army was rented out and not even that mentionable anymore and most of the continent belonged to the natives. Even Hawaii seceded.

Nowadays, there's a certain paradigm shift and it rubs me the wrong way. It's subtle, but I'll go ahead and say that I've noticed it, too.
However, discussing this topic in depth goes too far into RL political views, so maybe we should nip this in the bud and just take it as a caveat lector.
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post Mar 23 2013, 12:38 PM
Post #736


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QUOTE (bannockburn @ Mar 23 2013, 01:49 PM) *
Check the thumb marker on the side. It is on _every_ page.
Oh. Well. I...I mean..

QUOTE (bannockburn @ Mar 23 2013, 01:49 PM) *
Nowadays, there's a certain paradigm shift and it rubs me the wrong way. It's subtle, but I'll go ahead and say that I've noticed it, too.
Dunno, the FMC shenanigans are ridiculous, of course; but other than that, I can't say I see anything all that worse than what we previously had.
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post Mar 23 2013, 12:58 PM
Post #737

Keeper of the Timeline Maps

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QUOTE (bannockburn @ Mar 23 2013, 12:49 PM) *
SR started out with a splintered America (& Canada, how funny is that? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ) where they _lost_ the big war. Not even Vietnam can have been that hard on the collective self-image. The government was powerless, the army was rented out and not even that mentionable anymore and most of the continent belonged to the natives. Even Hawaii seceded.
Taken together with Crimson Skies, they must have had some real counterculture-infested hippie-leftovers employed at FASA. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 23 2013, 02:59 PM
Post #738

Shooting Target

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Oh man, Crimson Skies, don't get me started. Such a great game world! It died too young. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
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post Mar 23 2013, 03:39 PM
Post #739

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 22 2013, 11:21 PM) *
[ Spoiler ]

Dragon society is obviously heavily inspired by the old fealty system. As such, one of Big L's vassals misbehaving in public would a serious stain on his reputation. Or on a more pragmatic note, he needed to give the impression that the humans would not be considered forlon hope fodder (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 05:12 PM
Post #740

Running Target

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QUOTE (Hermit)
Runners and dragons start off uneasy, and a dragon bites a merc who wanted to pet it. Lofwyr, seeing this might make the runners uneasy, orders the dragon executed. What the hell, Lofwyr. I mean, it's nice that you suddenly discovered your heart for humans, but seriously? Are you ... drunk or on Zen or weed? Do you have Morbus Schletz? Are you still Lofwyr?

Well the problem with this thing is.... that's just not what happened. Colorful language aside. It just didn't go down that way.

Yes, the Dragons and mercs were uneasy.
No, a merc didn't try and pet a dragon. Fallacy one. (For the record the dragon just killed the merc for no reason that the storyteller in that section could ascertain what so ever.))
No Lofwyr didn't order the dragon Executed. It's on page 50 if you want to look. SCALES, the Drake steps in to stop the violence from erupting. Acting on Lofwry's behalf (Not even with a direct order).... ordered the dragon killed. There is a difference. Yes one of Lofwyr's people ordered the death, but it wasn't Lo himself. So that's fallacy two.
The death wasn't "Seeing this might make the runners uneasy" in causation either. This is a very important point. The dragon wasn't killed, for killing the merc. The dragon was killed, --For violating Lofwyr's standing order---.... of non violence. There's a huge huge difference there. It wasn't reactionary. It wasn't to placate humans. It wasn't to even keep the uneasy peace (Though it functioned for that as well)) The dragon was killed, for violating an order from their leader. So that's Fallacy three.

So the rest of the point there about Lo suddenly discovering his heart for humans drunk or Zen or on weed is just hyperbole. The scene didn't shake down like was indicated and the reasoning wasn't as stated, and Lofwyr wasn't even the one that commanded it. His lieutenant was. Lofwyr didn't even show up at the camp --till the next day--. He wasn't even there.

This is the sort of thing that I mentioned on Hermit's review. Alot of the stuff that he 'reviewed' or said, just wasn't based on what actually happened in the book. It's flowery and very pissy, but doesn't actually address the book in many places. It's why I said he should go back and re-read. He seems to have skimmed or missed things in his first read through.
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post Mar 23 2013, 05:13 PM
Post #741

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Bull @ Mar 23 2013, 01:10 AM) *
I'm surprised Critias hasn't gone and gotten skin grafts to give himself elf ears yet. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Probably holding out to see how my operation goes.
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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 05:19 PM
Post #742

Running Target

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QUOTE (CanRay @ Mar 23 2013, 12:13 PM) *
Probably holding out to see how my operation goes.

I've seen about 5 people that have had their ears pointed... I just say. Be careful. 2 worked out quite well. One just.. not really at all, the last two.... all I can say is --EWWWWww-- and --OUCH---. lol
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post Mar 23 2013, 05:20 PM
Post #743

Freelance Elf

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QUOTE (RHat @ Mar 22 2013, 10:49 PM) *
20 bucks on the Tír section.

Yup, but another one, too!

QUOTE (Bull @ Mar 23 2013, 01:10 AM) *
I'm surprised Critias hasn't gone and gotten skin grafts to give himself elf ears yet. [img]http://forums.dumpshock.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

You kiddin'? No way I can afford that on freelancer and adjunct faculty pay!

Err, I mean, not that I've looked into it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blush.gif)
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post Mar 23 2013, 05:28 PM
Post #744


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Find a Street Doc.

No, really. Do a little research, schlep on down to Mexico, have it done for 1/10th the normal price or less.

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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 05:32 PM
Post #745

Running Target

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QUOTE (Umidori @ Mar 23 2013, 12:28 PM) *
Find a Street Doc.

No, really. Do a little research, schlep on down to Mexico, have it done for 1/10th the normal price or less.


Dude!! No no no no no. Do NOT schlep down to Mexico to have medical procedures done!! lol You'll go to get your ears pointed, and come back with out a liver or something even worse!
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post Mar 23 2013, 06:43 PM
Post #746

Freelance Elf

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Hahah. No, no. I'm not about to go get cosmetic surgery for elf ears. And I wouldn't run down to Mexico to get it done, if I was.
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post Mar 23 2013, 06:49 PM
Post #747

Keeper of the Timeline Maps

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QUOTE (Critias @ Mar 23 2013, 08:43 PM) *
And I wouldn't run down to Mexico to get it done, if I was.
Yes, I see. Cuba, right?
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post Mar 23 2013, 06:52 PM
Post #748

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 04:26 AM) *
[ Spoiler ]

Totally understand that, and have been there myself more than once, where you sat there for several game sessions feeling like YOU were the NPC to the GM's pet character. Not fun, which is why I try and be very careful whenever I use Bull in writing myself. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the Missions side of things at least. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 23 2013, 07:27 PM
Post #749

The King In Yellow

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Who's Morbus Schletz?

The personality-eating whatever plague in Fractures and Cracks. Until it has an official name, I'll call it Morbus Schletz, after the initial patient (Scott "Wolf" Schletz).

She believes a first-gen AI can be a Paragon, not that all Paragons are first-gen AIs. That's a huge difference.
At least this story seems to follow some inner logic for now, and the Matrix maybe is demagicized. I'm all for that, I absolutely loathed 4e's magical take on Mancers and the Matrix.

True enough, but that WOULD be consistent with the fact that at least one of the AI has the same mindset and icon as a paragon. And by 'demagicizing' I meant that the Matrix is not treated as an awakened realm where things happen because "Magic!", since it is entirely artificial and entirely man-made and machine-controlled.

Have they started considering it such, to begin with?

Synner said so quite clearly once, and I heared that from old guard writers repeatedly, too. I am not sure about the new writers, nor Hardy's stance on this.

Even for someone buying Pegasus stuff, it's kinda hard not to notice Shadowrun has always been America-centric. (...) Dunno, the FMC shenanigans are ridiculous, of course; but other than that, I can't say I see anything all that worse than what we previously had.

SR3 and early SR4 were different - the setting grew more international, even writeups in different languages were acknowledged. I'm pretty certain the writers of that time being from all over contributed a lot; today, it's pretty much all white, American, and a good deal Mormon. And even back in the early days, where Seattle was the only setting (with some nods to Chicago and NYC), there was a lot less chest-drumming and flag-waving. The FMC are the most crass example, and the one that really annyoed me, but please, look into 10 Mercs and where the units there - a supposedly international selection of mercenaries - are from. It's rather disproportional, especially given North America is the least interesting continent to mercenaries in SR (except maybe Antarctica). The UCAS also is often taken to be a military powerhouse (it shouldn't be), and then there're slips of ideology soemthines that ... are just plain unpleasant. War! was full of them, of course, but so were the Gun Haven books.

Maybe I am overreacting there a bit - Wakshaani seems to have put in his Exceptuionalism bit with the exact opposite in mind - but it's something I wanted to bring to attention after observing the trend for some time now. Probably, most really isn't conscious, but born out of the cultural homogenity of the current writers. But seriously, the FMC is taking this too far.

Dragon society is obviously heavily inspired by the old fealty system. As such, one of Big L's vassals misbehaving in public would a serious stain on his reputation. Or on a more pragmatic note, he needed to give the impression that the humans would not be considered forlon hope fodder

He could have slapped the dragon and told it off, then glared at humans, and be done with it. A life for a life seems very, very off for Keyser "Lofwyr" Soze.

Yup, but another one, too!

Denver, right?

Totally understand that, and have been there myself more than once, where you sat there for several game sessions feeling like YOU were the NPC to the GM's pet character. Not fun, which is why I try and be very careful whenever I use Bull in writing myself. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the Missions side of things at least. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Missions is sadly underrated, I think; it could be a major selling point for the setting if more muscle was put behind it. And I think that reflex is unfair for Bull as an NPC as written; it is just a knee jerk reflex develped overthe years I guess. I usually enjoy reading Bull a lot.
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post Mar 23 2013, 07:37 PM
Post #750

Immortal Elf

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As my "Author Avatar" is Slamm-0! (amongst others), I love making Bull suffer. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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