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post Apr 8 2013, 05:56 AM
Post #751


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Smohalla fights the scattering effect the background count causes on his power.

The mana of the area gathers around him like a protective blanket, helping to concentrate the energy.

His features shift as feathers sprout from his body, covering him in a heavy glistening coat.

The animal instinct becomes hard to hold back, rending and tearing foremost in his mind.

As his first target falls he shifts his attention to others, searching those who might target the group.
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post Apr 8 2013, 07:09 AM
Post #752

Old Man of the North

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After the shot, Stogie does a double take at Jake. So that's what happened. "It's OK, Jake," Stogie radiates comfort to the dog. "It will go away soon."

He calls out to the punks, "First round was gentle, boys. Stand down now and you live to walk away." Heh. They don't know yet how literal I'm being.
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post Apr 8 2013, 01:17 PM
Post #753

Moving Target

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Ellesar surveys the destruction, content that none of the others appear gravely injured.

"This doesn't have to get any worse," he shouts. "No one needs to get hurt; I'm sure you're keen enough to see that!" His voice drops so that only Stogie can hear. "I hope they are wise enough to see the folly in retaliation."
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post Apr 8 2013, 03:39 PM
Post #754

Old Man of the North

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Stogie replies, equally quietly. "Well, if they shoot back, I ain't aiming for the weapons anymore."
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post Apr 8 2013, 04:11 PM
Post #755


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These guys might not be the most sophisticated operators but they're realistic enough to know when they've lost the initiative. The elf on his butt looks at Ellesar and Stogie but decides that a long distance shot from his backside would be ill-advised. Nick shakes lightly, trying to hold himself together. He raises his hands above his head lamely, unsure of what else to do. The other human just stands there, locked in place, looking back and forth. It's possible he's thinking of running to the Tata for cover.

The two elves exchange a confused look with each other. The one with the injured hand yells across the river, "Oy!!! What the frag was that for?!"
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post Apr 9 2013, 03:55 AM
Post #756

Old Man of the North

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Stogie answers the irate elf. "That was to keep you and your buddies alive. Now, if you boys would just put all of your hands up in the air, we can resolve this situation in everyone's favor, and go home with a good story for the grandchildren."
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post Apr 9 2013, 06:24 AM
Post #757


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Nick raises his hands a little higher over his head, feeling more assured now that he's been given clear instructions to do what he was already doing. The other human puts his hands up too. You can tell he feels dumb.

The elves don't comply. The one with the injured hand maintains steady pressure on his rapidly swelling trigger finger with his other hand. His gun is on the ground and not within easy reach. Presumably he'd have to fire it with his off-hand, so his threat value is low.

The elf on the ground doesn't drop his gun but nor is he making any sudden moves. He seems to understand that he's vulnerable and exposed; furthermore, his revolver doesn't have the range to come anywhere near you. The bullets would splash harmlessly in the river. He uncocks the hammer and sticks the barrel in the dusty ground to give him some support.

"What's this about, pops?" the uninjured elf shouts at Stogie. "You after the bounty too? We should team up then. If the Sisters are as tough as gramps here" (he means Smohalla) "says they are, then you'll need all the help you can get. There's more than enough nuyen to go around. We've got the rig and some mojo, plus some stims to even the odds. There's, what, three of you and three of them? You can't go one-on-one with these chicas, you know that! No man who gives a warning shot has a chance against chicks who burn towns to the ground!"
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post Apr 9 2013, 11:15 PM
Post #758

Old Man of the North

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Stogie rests his aim on the elf still with hands on a weapon. "One last time. Hands in the air, drop weapons. I won't ask again."

Jake covers his ears. This gun is really loud.
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post Apr 10 2013, 02:39 AM
Post #759


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Smohalla keeps quiet, allowing his friends to negotiate the situation.
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post Apr 10 2013, 03:34 PM
Post #760


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"Go frag yourself, pops!" the elf shouts angrily. "You want to geek me in cold blood here in the dust, that's on you! I ain't done nothing to you or yours! I can't do drek here and you know it! So stop getting your rocks off on your little power play and tell us what the frag this is all about!"

The two human share an uncertain look. It's clear that they're uncomfortable being held at gunpoint in some god-forsaken husk of town by a madman hiding in the bushes with a hunting rifle and a dog. The two elves are resistant but seem smart enough not to try anything rash. Astrally, it's clear that their elven pride has been wounded. They are angry and defiant but not suicidal.

The two elves look to Ellesar, either because they're searching from some elven camaraderie or because they figure that he's the good cop of this duo.
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post Apr 10 2013, 11:29 PM
Post #761

Old Man of the North

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Bad memories surface into Stogies consciousness. Jake starts whimpering, responding to the red haze that transmits to him through his Link to Stogie. There's a twitch in his right eye Ellesar recognizes.
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post Apr 12 2013, 08:56 PM
Post #762

Moving Target

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"Oh shut up!" Ellesar shouts back at the elf. "Stop trying to dig your own grave. You're only disgracing your own kind. How about we all just calm down and discuss how this is going to go? I'm thinking something along the lines of you four going home safe and sound."

He looks to Stogie and lowers his voice. "Any thoughts on how we go about this without having to kill them?"
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post Apr 12 2013, 11:25 PM
Post #763


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The elf quiets down, throwing his hands up in an expression of confusion. He's less defiant with Ellesar than he is with Stogie. Stogie's enhanced sense can hear him muttering under his breath.

[ Spoiler ]

"Alright!" he shouts, still on one knee. "You want us to go? We'll go! We'll get in the Hotspur and we'll drive back to Barrens, just like that. But there will be more coming through here looking for the same thing. That's not a threat, that's just a fact! Money like this draws attention. You're going to have your work cut out for you if you plan to shoot every runner that passes through here!"


[ Spoiler ]
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post Apr 15 2013, 04:23 AM
Post #764


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Smohalla calls out.

You speak wisely for once.

How did you learn of this bounty?
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post Apr 15 2013, 06:37 AM
Post #765


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"How does anyone hear about anything?" he yells back in exasperation. "The streets!" he adds, as if the answer were obvious.

"Backroom rumors, cryptic comms, some rat-faced fixer that your no-good brother-in-law hooks you up with because he thinks he's doing you a favor and wants to get cut in on the proceeds. What the frag does it matter? Word is out, and it's spreading!"
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post Apr 15 2013, 06:37 AM
Post #766


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Nick shuffles nervously, his arms growing tired from holding them up. The other human's eyes dart back and forth between the elves and the men on the far side of the river. The elf with the injured hand continues to squeeze his swelling trigger finger. He glances back at the humans in his party, who look at him for a long moment.
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post Apr 15 2013, 07:23 AM
Post #767


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The answer from the elf causes Smohalla to speculate with his friends.

This bounty must be stopped.

What proof would Gunny accept that the Sisters are no longer a threat?
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post Apr 15 2013, 07:24 AM
Post #768


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It is doubtful he would heed our assurances that we are with them, attempting to guide their actions.

Yet this bounty does nothing but fan the flames of the Sisters determination.

The more danger they face, the more dangerous they will become.
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post Apr 15 2013, 02:39 PM
Post #769

Moving Target

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"Which leaves us with a Cold War situation." Ellesar mentions. "Both sides will grow in power the longer this goes on and neither will back down. Even if we can find a way to stop the bounty we have multiple teams already out there. Maybe I'm being ignorant but finding and scaring them all off seems unreasonable."

His voice raises to call out to the others. "You can put your arms down slowly. Any sudden movements, however, and we will blow your knees out."
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post Apr 17 2013, 05:42 AM
Post #770


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Nick and the other human slowly lower their arms with a visible sense of relief. The two elves cautiously rise, keeping an eye on whether Stogie is lining up another shot or if Ellesar nocks another arrow.

"So which is it?" the elf shouts at Ellesar. "Go home, or stand here motionless while you line up shots on our kneecaps? Can't get in the Tata and drive off if we can't move!"
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post Apr 17 2013, 05:55 AM
Post #771


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Stand still until you hear otherwise from us
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post Apr 17 2013, 06:15 AM
Post #772


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Stogie hears:
[ Spoiler ]

Smohalla sees:
[ Spoiler ]
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post Apr 18 2013, 01:40 AM
Post #773


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To his companions, Smohalla murmurs

Unless you mean to do some seeking in the electronic world, I think we are finished with this area.

I can visit those I trust and ask if they know the source of the bounty.
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post Apr 19 2013, 05:06 AM
Post #774

Old Man of the North

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The red haze drains from Stogie and leaves a tired vacuum behind. Jake stops whimpering, but he slides sideways to shoulder Stogie's leg. To Ellesar Stogie whispers, "Well, I don't want the Tata bad enough to murder these losers for it." To the losers, he shouts, "That damn bounty is putting a lot of innocent ones in danger. And you, too. Go back where you came from and forget about hunting where you don't know what's what." He moves the rifle to no longer point directly at the strangers, but still stay at the ready.
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post Apr 19 2013, 12:47 PM
Post #775

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"It would not be worth the effort." Ellesar replies with a slight smirk. "And I am glad that it has not yet come to that. This place is already so full of destruction."
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