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post Jun 19 2013, 06:05 AM
Post #826


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It's a dark night in the forest. It's two days shy of the new moon; the tiny sliver of waning crescent does little to penetrate the treetops and the blackness below. Frosty white clouds drift by and cover it occasionally. Smohalla and Stogie can navigate via the astral, but the only thing keeping Ellesar from plowing into trees is the thermographic goggles. His natural low-light vision doesn't let him pick out anything but the largest tree trunks.

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post Jun 19 2013, 12:58 PM
Post #827


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Smohalla continues his low humming, the tune free of any sort of musical strictures.

After a short time he slowly winds it up and lets the sound gradually fade away.

He turns to Ellie and Hester and Selene in turn, giving each a small nod coupled with his trademark piercing gaze.

Then he waits with his eyes wide and reflecting the smallest light that might slip through the cover of the trees.

The astral is aglow with life and very much alive to his senses.
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post Jun 20 2013, 10:40 PM
Post #828

Moving Target

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Ellesar watches for the wolf to make a reappearance. "No need to hide, K'wa'iti, I already know you're there. Won't you join me in my walk?" His instincts begin to kick in and he keeps the Ruger firm in his hand. His senses are open to any potential ambushes but his eyes continue to scan where the wolf disappeared.
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post Jun 25 2013, 11:17 PM
Post #829


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post Jun 26 2013, 03:29 AM
Post #830


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Smohalla feels goose-pimples rise on his arm, a strange experience for the eagle-shifter.

Hearing Ellie's words returns to his mind the warnings about the Sisters.

The start down the Toxic path is easily accomplished using words such as these.

Yet he also knows that her words align with what's down deep in his own heart.

The tightrope must be walked, but perhaps together they could stay balanced.

The mental imagery gives him a moment of wry amusement.

What fear is there in falling to one who can fly?

He opens his eyes fully to Ellie and takes the first step out into the void.

I would honor Mother Earth as well. What do you intend?
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post Jun 26 2013, 04:46 PM
Post #831

Moving Target

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Ellesar returns to the campsite with mixed emotions. He's both happy that the wolf didn't decide to make him lunch and upset that he wasn't able to get to him. It was like dealing with a child. A child with an arm in its jowls. He sighs quietly as K'wa'iti plunges back into the dark expanses of the forest. Let him do as he will. It is of no concern to me. Glancing around, Ellesar notes that everyone is still absent from the camp. What could they be up to? Has even Stogie left me to go conjure demons? Sitting in his usual spot he selects a piece of wood from out of his pack and replaces his new-found pistol. The elf begins to whittle at the stick with his knife, intent on not sleeping until the others return.
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post Jun 27 2013, 04:12 AM
Post #832

Old Man of the North

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Stogie and Jake round one of the berms and come into Ellesar's view. They come over and join him by the firepit. "I've checked out what the girls have done with the place. Could use a few more curtains, but the traps are divine."
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post Jun 27 2013, 11:49 PM
Post #833


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post Jun 28 2013, 01:48 AM
Post #834

Moving Target

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"Nice to have you back, Stogie. Off on another adventure I see." Ellesar looks up briefly as Stogie and Jake make their way into the camp before returning to his whittling. "The wolfman was here a bit ago but he was acting very strange. Didn't seem too thrilled about my offer for a walk. Anyway, have you seen Smohalla? He hasn't returned from his trance dance yet."
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post Jun 28 2013, 03:10 AM
Post #835


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Smohalla is awed by Ellie's speech.

The possibilities sweep through his mind, fast as wildfire.

The little voice of caution continues to cry out, somewhat lost in the torrent of feverish ideas.

The glow in the eagle shifter's eyes could be the reflection of the moonlight...or something else entirely.

Let us return to the others and discuss these things. I would have us as one mind, one body in our struggles.
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post Jun 29 2013, 07:31 PM
Post #836


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Back at camp, the Sisters emerge into the ring of light glowing around the campfire. Ellie leads the way, a little steadier than the lumbering ork and troll, but all with the zoned look that you recognize from your first night in camp. Ellie moves slowly and deliberately, pausing for a moment before reaching for the gunnysack that contains the tea. She starts to make a pot of peppermint tea, using the last of the leaves that she has available.

"I fear that we may not be good company in the evenings," she says after the pot has been set to brew. "Our rituals are taxing, and we often find it necessary to sleep soon afterward. We will not impose much on you tonight. There are things that you may wish to discuss amongst yourselves."

When her tea is ready, she stands and retires for the night, Hester and Selene slouching behind in tow.
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post Jun 30 2013, 10:18 AM
Post #837


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Smohalla's reply to Ellie is steady and measured.

Each plays a part, though the parts may not be the same.

Nothing more is said on the way back to camp.

After the Sisters have turned in for the night, Smohalla sits near the fire and faces his companions.

I fear our decision is near at hand.

Do we join the Sisters in their struggles, and deal with the bounty as the situation arises?

Their power is great, their idealogies not that far from our own.

With our stabilizing influence together we could be a powerful force for change.

What are your thoughts?
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post Jul 1 2013, 02:44 AM
Post #838

Old Man of the North

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Stogie pipes in. "I like your point about the stabilizing influence. Thing is, that sort of influence could be a lifetime commitment. We could help them come to a different way of doing things, or we could be a damper on their worst impulses only so long as we are around. Beautiful as this place is, I don't want to live here the rest of my life."
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post Jul 1 2013, 03:19 AM
Post #839


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I feel the same as you my friend.

An eagle likes to soar where the winds take him.

But I also feel this situation is a great opportunity, a gift from Mother Earth to us.

Here we can do great works.

And if we are not able to have a permanent influence on the Sisters...

Well, let us travel that road when we reach it.

Smohalla pauses, staring deep into the flames of the campfire.

Noticing Jake nearby, he commences to give him a good scratching behind the ears.

As if anyone could resist Jake's charms for long.

Ellesar, you still seek those who did you wrong, do you not?

What do you say to this?
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post Jul 1 2013, 08:19 PM
Post #840

Moving Target

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Ellesar raises his head from the shaved wood in his hands. "Staying with the sisters has it's merit for sure. They are also not without a great amount of power. It's just like Stogie says though. These women are a liability and even though they speak well of their plans they have not shown much restraint in murdering those who get in their way. They are heading down a bad path." Placing the partially carved wood back into his pack the elf rises to stretch in front of the fire. "But your words have merit. If we stay with them we may be able to stay their hand if it reaches the wrong way. Befriending them may serve us well."

He pauses, his mind deep in thought. "Yes, I wish for those men who did me wrong to come to justice, but not so much that it taints my heart."
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post Jul 2 2013, 03:07 AM
Post #841


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I do not doubt your heart and it's purity.

If we stay here, your quest for justice will be put on hold for awhile longer.

How long, we might not know until much time has passed without our noticing.
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post Jul 2 2013, 06:41 AM
Post #842

Old Man of the North

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"There is another angle to be aware of." Stogie says. "The Sisters are all able to read auras," he looks at Ellesar, "the mystical representation of our characters and thoughts. We may be able to hide any deception for a while, but not forever. So, whatever we decide to do and say, we better be sure we believe it, because one or the other will see the deception. I have no doubt they will be studying us closely for the first while during any kind of collaboration. I would."
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post Jul 2 2013, 06:56 AM
Post #843


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I would tell the Sisters of our decision and it's meanings.

If we will have a partnership, it should be one based on honesty.
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post Jul 3 2013, 10:10 PM
Post #844

Moving Target

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"Honesty has worked for us so far, I don't see why we should stop now. Still, we should be careful to not offend them with our words. I'd rather not get in a fight with the spooks of this forest." Ellesar throws a few punches at the air. "I've heard trees make terrible punching bags."
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post Jul 4 2013, 07:37 AM
Post #845


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So it is certain.

We would like to join forces with the Sisters.

A partnership that would see the group able to strike blows at those who wrong us and Mother Earth.

The duration of our partnership is not decided, but it is not meant to be forever.

Does this sound agreeable to both of you?
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post Jul 4 2013, 09:03 AM
Post #846

Old Man of the North

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"Works for me." Says Stogie. "I'll get tired of it pretty fast, though, if collateral damage keeps happening."
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post Jul 4 2013, 07:23 PM
Post #847

Moving Target

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"Agreed, with both of you. If the sisters decide to shed innocent blood I may reconsider. Speaking of being tired, I'd say it's been a pretty fulfilling day. Wouldn't you guys?"
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post Jul 5 2013, 03:08 AM
Post #848


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Long days hang heavy on the body and the mind both.

I will sleep now.

Tomorrow will see a great new chapter for our story.

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post Jul 6 2013, 05:42 AM
Post #849

Old Man of the North

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"Alright. Somebody take the first shift and give me a few hours sleep. I'll take the rest of the night." Stogie wonders whether passing the adept power of sustenance to Jake would be a boon. The thought of a Jake awake and active even more than he is changes Stogie's mind.
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post Jul 6 2013, 08:34 AM
Post #850


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Stogie's words are lost on Smohalla's slightly deaf ears.

The shifter is already asleep by the fire, one arm curled over his head.

His spirit wings it's way through the metaplane of dreams once more.
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