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post Jul 7 2013, 01:00 AM
Post #851

Moving Target

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"Guess it's up to me then," Ellesar muses. "Get some rest Stogie." The elf walks over to his pack and grabs his rifle to prepare for the next few hours of watching and waiting. After checking to make sure the weapon is properly loaded and prepared to use he finds a new tree to lean on.
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post Jul 7 2013, 07:07 AM
Post #852

Old Man of the North

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Stogie sets up the one man tent he acquired to optimally hold the heat from the fire, and turns in. Jake curls up in the crook of his knees. In just a few minutes, it's hard to tell their quiet snoring apart.
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post Jul 8 2013, 08:20 AM
Post #853


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It's been a long day indeed, one that started back in Greenwater and involved hiking all the way back to the Sisters' camp. Stogie and Smohalla have no problems dropping off, leaving Ellesar to scan the forest by himself. Ellesar is also tired. Stogie needs three hours of sleep, and Ellesar debates the merits of doing it all himself or waking Smohalla halfway through to split the burden. He leans against a tree and feels the cold night keeping him awake.

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post Jul 10 2013, 07:00 AM
Post #854


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In his fatigue, Smohalla dreams.

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post Jul 10 2013, 11:43 PM
Post #855

Moving Target

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Ellesar eyes the drone warily as it flitters across the backdrop of the mountain. He holds fast and restrains his body from reacting hastily. There may be no need for alarm. Even if the drone does spot us it will see that we're not its targets, unless those idiots from before decided to tell the other parties or even just Gunny about our actions. Still, they will likely view us as just another team attempting the same as them. Either way, it'd be best if we aren't all noticed. The elf attempts to hide himself as best as possible behind the tree, hoping the drone will pass quickly.
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post Jul 11 2013, 04:28 AM
Post #856


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Smohalla dreams.
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Consciousness comes with a slight twitch of the body.

The dream fades slowly into the corners of the mind.

Smohalla rolls over silently, his eyes open and staring at the heavens above.

He will not sleep again this night.
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post Jul 11 2013, 06:15 AM
Post #857

Old Man of the North

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Stogie rolls over and jostles Jake. The dog grunts and rises. He walks in a circle, once, twice, three times and drops with a sigh in the newly created crux of Stogies knees.
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post Jul 11 2013, 06:25 AM
Post #858


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Ellesar ducks behind a tree. He feels confident in his hiding spot and in his interpretation of the situation, but there's a nagging doubt in his mind. Any drone that's out at this time of night is almost certainly not relying on low-light vision. More likely it's employing thermographic vision, if not something even more sophisticated. If that's true then the campfire will show up like a spotlight, with Stogie and Smohalla and Jake visible too.

Smohalla stirs after only twenty minutes of sleep. Stogie and Jake sleep by the fire in a new position, but Ellesar - the watchman - is gone.
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post Jul 11 2013, 07:17 AM
Post #859


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Staring up at the endless heavens, Smohalla feels his soul pulled upward and far away.

He slips his mortal sheath and rises up on the astral, a ghostly eagle hovering near the reflected shadow of the campfire.

The surrounding campsite is then searched for signs of the elusive elf and any other possible dangers.
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post Jul 11 2013, 07:27 AM
Post #860


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Smohalla has no trouble quickly locating the elf. Why he's hiding behind a tree and why his aura looks that way is another issue.

Rapidly circling the camp, Smohalla soon determines that there's no major lifeforms within a hundred meters.
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post Jul 11 2013, 03:21 PM
Post #861


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Eyes wide open, Smohalla's meat body continues to stare at the stars that are so distant in the night sky.

In the astral an incandescent form wings it's way towards these stars, hoping to replay the moments just prior.

Yet the closer to the heavens the eagle gets, the weaker he feels. This is no dream now.

Saddened, Smohalla returns to Mother Earth and the campsite the group inhabits upon her.

Taking up residence on a branch near Ellesar, the astral avian waits to see what happens next.

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post Jul 12 2013, 03:29 AM
Post #862

Old Man of the North

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Stogie rolls again, restless and noisy in his sleep. Jake grumbles. A low moan escapes Stogies throat.

For all the world he looks like old Tommy, the first of my herders. But way bigger. And he glows! That can't be right. What's he doing here on the mountainside, what do the Sisters call it, Tlalol? Hmm. What am I doing here?

No sunlight. No starlight. How can I see? The ground glows. No. Parts of the ground. Strips of land. One big one going up the mountainside. What is this?

"You asked to know. I can tell."

Shit! Tommy, you can talk.

"Here I can. Here I am more than Tommy. More than you know."


"You asked to know. I can tell."

Ooookay. What is this?

"This is the sight of Earthpower. You walk among the veins and arteries of the Mother, yet you don't know of them or see them. Some do. They have learned. You once asked one such man. A wise one."

Old Megwetch, from out East. Yeah, he told of ... ley lines. Yeah. Said he could tell manastorms and twists in the astral plane without even assensing. I told him then I didn't see much use for that. He let it go and didn't say any more.

"He was wise. You were not."

So, this line up the mountain, is that one?

"Yes. It feeds the power of the women. Yours too, for now. It likes you. Were you to choose, you could have this sense. You are ready. I can feel the energy in you. Waiting to be trained. Do you want to see?"

It could be useful here, yeah. What do I have to do?

"You have done it before. Long for the knowledge. Open your mind and heart. Pay the price."

What price?

"Your energy. Or another price if your energy is dear to you."

I don't like the sound of that.

"Everything costs. What is it worth to you?"

I'm not paying any price I don't know the measure of.

"Do you want this power or don't you? I grow bored. There are squirrels that need chasing."

Stogie tosses and turns. Jake jumps up, back to the wall of the tent, hackles raised, looking around for ... whatever made Stogie feel angryscared. And where did those glowing squirrels he was chasing go?

I wanna be whatever I need to be to fight the bastards who killed you. And I don't even know what the hell you are doing here. This can't be real. None of this.

"Try this for 'real'!"

Wait! What? What's happening?

the ground reaches for stogie's legs with ropes of light. He is pulled down... down...down into a river of light. he can't breathe. no. he doesn't breathe. or see. just know. like a tide he is carried through the ground, faster and faster up the mountain. down into the heart of it. channels open in every which way. pushing and sucking him he is tossed far across the mountain to others like it. the feel changes and he is whipped through a city.. what city? does it matter? it feels ... twisted. down .. down deeper he goes, ever faster. up into a round mountain... there is water all around... how does he know? he knows. another city, with buildings that feel like batteries plugged into his eyes as he passes them. down again... through such heat as burns his bones, but he doesn't die... he lives! what a rush! who would have thought pain could be so full of life? swirl through and around and around and around a circle of stones whose earth-age and strength bend and flow with triangles and squares and quincunxes... and whothefuckknows what a quincunx is? but it is! and stogie is one too! Hotdamn what a rush to know this... he has gotta have this ... gotta have this...

"You have chosen."

W..w..wubb... Yeah. I choose.


Stogie arches his back and howls in agony, and streaks of light shine from his eyes and light up the tent. Jake howls with him, utterly, utterly scared out of his canine wits by what he feels from Stogie.

Stogie whips up to a sitting position, and looks around. "Jake... buddy! Come here little guy. Lemme tell ya about the ride I just took!" In an instant Jake is licking Stogie's face as fast as he can.

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post Jul 13 2013, 03:08 AM
Post #863

Moving Target

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Ellesar sits quietly, his head rested against the solid trunk of the tree. He continues to wait for the drone to pass over, hoping that the stirring of the others doesn't attract any greater attention.
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post Jul 13 2013, 04:22 AM
Post #864


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Ellesar watches as the drone banks slowly, curving to the south toward the campsite. It seems to be headed for the fire. Unless it turns again, it will pass overhead in about thirty seconds.

Smohalla, against all odds, manages to spot the movement of the drone. It was only by following Ellesar's line of sight that he knew where to look. Lacking any appreciable night vision, he can't make out what it is. From his astral vision, he knows it's not alive.

Stogie is too busy trying to keep Jake's tongue out of his mouth to notice what's going on.
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post Jul 13 2013, 04:49 AM
Post #865


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Smohalla resolves to follow the not-alive thing.

The shadow cast by the drone is indistinct, a dull gray that is hard to pick out from the surroundings.

But being on the astral does reduce the chance that he'll be spotted.
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post Jul 15 2013, 08:34 AM
Post #866


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The drone passes over the camp. As it does, it finally draws Stogie's attention away from Jake and the crazy dream he just had. Ellesar gets a good look as it flies overhead.

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The drone banks around the campsite, taking a pass over the trees and the lake. It begins to fly back north in the direction from which it came.
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post Jul 15 2013, 10:22 AM
Post #867


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Smohalla takes up a position high above the drone, framing it's dull shadow against the vibrancy of the forest life below.

Here on the astral the flight of the drone is almost a crawl in terms of speed.

It is no trouble for the shaman to keep pace with it - now to see where it leads him.
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post Jul 17 2013, 07:34 PM
Post #868


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The drone disappears to the north, leaving Ellesar, Stogie, and Jake alone with Smohalla's unconscious form. Stogie sees that Smohalla's spirit is separated from his body; he glances up to watch it follow the drone away.

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post Jul 18 2013, 03:26 AM
Post #869


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Smohalla circles long enough to memorize their auras.

After he is done, he quickly wings his way back to the campsite and rejoins with his physical form.

The shaman's body gives a small twitch and sits upright.

He looks around the camp and sees his friends are awake.

We will have visitors.

One dwarf, as our lost friend Jeff was.

Two humans, full of metal and machinery.

One of Ellesar's kind, a medicine man with some power.

Their arrival will be from the north.
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post Jul 22 2013, 06:43 AM
Post #870

Moving Target

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Ellesar peers around the base of the tree over to where the others reside. He stands, dusts himself off from the residue of his hiding spot, and joins them at the campsite. He appears worried and thoughtful. Listening to Smohalla's words bring him further grief. "Visitors? That's concerning, given our situation. None of us have had any sleep either." The elf sighs and sinks to his knees. "I guess it can't be helped. How far north were they when you saw them?"
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post Jul 22 2013, 04:20 PM
Post #871

Old Man of the North

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Stogie's mind clears with this news. "Four of them, three of us. But we have the advantage of foreknowledge and preparation.

"If we could deal with these people on our own, protecting the Sisters while they may be at their most vulnerable, we would demonstrate our trustworthiness to them."

He feels a new sensation, almost like an AR overlay on his senses, that reminds him of the dream. He lets it intrude into his consciousness. Did that dream really happen?
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post Jul 23 2013, 03:37 AM
Post #872


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Stogie concentrates for a moment, making sure that he is not assensing. This is relatively easy to do: he looks as Jake. If Jake looks like a fireball about to explode, Stogie is assensing. If Jake is just running around in circles, digging, or eating, odds are Stogie is not assensing. If Jake is confused and transmitting bewildering thoughts, then Stogie passed his astral perception to Jake and Jake is assensing.

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post Jul 23 2013, 05:04 AM
Post #873


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The question from Ellesar gives Smohalla a moment's pause.

Sixty kilometers north, near the city of North Bend.

These men seemed experienced...dangerous.

In answer to Stogie's statement:

We must prepare ourselves then.
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post Jul 23 2013, 04:31 PM
Post #874

Old Man of the North

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Stogie files away the sensations he acquired. Sitting on a ton of dynamite. Hmm.

"How are they traveling? Sixty kilometers is a long way to walk, especially through this forest. They wouldn't be here till at least tomorrow, even if they knew we were here and came right at us."
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post Jul 23 2013, 11:59 PM
Post #875

Moving Target

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"By then they're sure to have met some sort of resistance. If nothing else the wolves in this area are none too kind to strangers. They must be here for the sisters. I can't think of any other reason for a group of well-armed men to go wandering in the woods."
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