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post Sep 23 2004, 02:22 PM
Post #26

Manus Celer Dei

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We do most of that. We’re just not in the same location at the time.

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post Sep 23 2004, 05:00 PM
Post #27

Moving Target

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GM 1 SR game in person - 1 in 2 weekends
GM 1 SR on videoconferencing - Totally varies


Call of Cthulhu - 1/month
D&D3 - 1/month
Werewolf/Vampire - 1/2months

Does VC count for in-person? Sometimes whilst we play in the lounge we make the decker sit next door on the PC.
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post Sep 23 2004, 05:29 PM
Post #28


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Gah. My SR GM has been on "Girlfriend/Fiancee haitus" since December.. Other than that I just have one bi-weekly D&D game.

I need to find some new groups.
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post Sep 23 2004, 05:48 PM
Post #29

Moving Target

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I'm currently playing in one weekly Shadowrun game.

I'm also playing in a homebrew setting, uses the World of Darkness rules as the base.
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post Sep 23 2004, 05:58 PM
Post #30

Shooting Target

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One group of us (6 total) and we are alternating GM's to give other's a chance to play. They are starting to see why I like having all those dice....muhuwawa.

*EDIT : We play roughly once per month.
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The Question Man
post Sep 23 2004, 06:57 PM
Post #31

Moving Target

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One Shadowrun campaign (classic setting). I have GM'ed SR for 10yrs and been a PC for a grand total of 8 sessions. (That SUCKS)

One GURPS Fantasy (14yrs and going strong alternating Fridays with) I GM'ed for 1yr. It was just one quest that snowballed.

One GURPS Black Powder and Magic (3yrs and going) The gods must be crazy campaign. A nightmare for true swashbuckler fans, but entertaining just the same.


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post Sep 23 2004, 07:08 PM
Post #32

Immortal Elf

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i haven't played an in-person game in... well, no, i played a game at GenCon. before that, though... hm, '98, maybe? maybe '99. all my other gaming has been online, PbP. i like it because you tend to get higher-quality in-character interaction.
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post Sep 23 2004, 07:11 PM
Post #33


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I run a Shadowrun campaign 1/month for five players and have been for years, the last time I actually played was when SR2 was first released. I keep trying to encourage my players to come up with their own ideas in the vain hope one of them might run the odd session.

Play D&D 3e 1/month in a group of five, same guys who play SR.

Play Vampire/Mage 1/month in a group of seven, same lot for SR DD plus two others who can only really play once a month.

So I pretty much have a full-on, three week run of different games, then we all have a week of to do our own thing, which usually involves staying in and making nice with wives/girlfriends so we can all do it again for the next three weeks.

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post Sep 23 2004, 07:17 PM
Post #34


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not currently in a SR game however it is in my top 3 of RPG's. COC, Harn and SR. I am putting together a SR campaing using GDW's 2300AD time frame and a lot of its back ground material. Involved in a Harn game currently.
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post Sep 23 2004, 07:36 PM
Post #35

Moving Target

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I GM SR (alternating monthly w/ ED) for 6 players 1 session a week.
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post Sep 23 2004, 10:32 PM
Post #36


In 1 that is intermittent, and running/playing 1.
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post Sep 23 2004, 10:55 PM
Post #37

Moving Target

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2, perhaps 3 online and 1 live game, the live game has 7 of us, and plays about once every 2 weeks, after having played every weekend for about 8 weeks.
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post Sep 24 2004, 12:47 AM
Post #38


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hi there again. back from a long time away of this forum.

i'm currently a player in DnD3.5e as a player, and have been with this group for 5 years or so (started in 2ed, and moved forward).

on the last 1.5 years i'm working on a conversion of SR to d20 that will preserve playability of d20 and the scene of SR, and will also smooth some quirks in SR in the process (our group has specialist in all sorts of disciplines, and it really buggers the mind to accept very bad game models).

it should be ready soon (a few months), and then i'll GM a group (the same one).
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Jason Farlander
post Sep 24 2004, 01:14 AM
Post #39

Running Target

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I am currently playing in an IRC SR game, and am in the process of setting up a tabletop game that I will be GMing. Both of these are weekly sorts of things.
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post Sep 24 2004, 01:17 AM
Post #40


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I'm in 2 games, though one is inactive...
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post Sep 24 2004, 02:50 AM
Post #41


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Wow, good to see that lots of SR games seem to be going on. I noticed that not many people are playing Earthdawn however. I've been in an ED game for about 2 years now, how many people like to play both ED and SR?

And also, how the heck do some of you manage to have 5+ games going??
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Empyrean Seraph
post Sep 24 2004, 02:57 AM
Post #42


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1 D20 Modern / Call of Cthulhu hybrid
1 Call of Cthulhu
1 Lone Wolf RPG
1 Shadowrun 3e
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post Sep 24 2004, 03:18 AM
Post #43

Manus Celer Dei

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QUOTE (Uberjoel)
And also, how the heck do some of you manage to have 5+ games going??

Masochism and a lack of non-gaming social life.

Also, I started most of the games whilst I was unemployed and not in school. Multiple games were easier then…

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post Sep 24 2004, 03:37 AM
Post #44

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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None IRL :-(
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post Sep 24 2004, 03:53 AM
Post #45

Moving Target

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how the heck do some of you manage to have 5+ games going??

Online games, not in-person. In-person are much more difficult to setup but much more rewarding IMO.
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post Sep 24 2004, 04:05 AM
Post #46

Immortal Elf

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eh, depends. in-person games move faster, but tend to be less 'in character'. it's hard to top sitting down and taking fifteen minutes to describe your character's actions. the disadvantage, of course, is that an average run takes six months or a year to complete.
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post Sep 24 2004, 05:54 AM
Post #47


If they ever get completed at all.

Miniruns, OTOH, rock. Two-three people max, who are usually on at the same time for posting frenzies allows for them to get done relatively quickly. I've seen a couple done very quickly.

The only problem is that the PC development generally begins to revolved either around a select group of familiar PCs/users online, or that it revolves around miniruns themselves. Both of which can be bad in the long term for, say, the entirety of the SL community.
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Herald of Verjig...
post Sep 24 2004, 06:19 AM
Post #48


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I may be in approximately 3 games. Two by forum, one anomaly of seemingly random jobs with no forced continuity between them.

As for the forum games, I stopped counting how many died on me at 8. It's higher than that, but I can find some distant cultural significance in saying that 8 games died on me. I never even got the chance to introduce the semi-free blood spirit in the game I GMed on this forum.
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post Sep 24 2004, 06:56 AM
Post #49

Moving Target

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Aw man I'm jealous. :( I haven't played in years. I agree with GlassJaw; in-person games are a lot more fun for me. I like to use expression and body language when I'm role playing. It's hard to do that online. I'm seeing if I can talk some of my friends into playing, but for the moment I'm stuck with vacation relief at a water plant. I can't guarantee I'll be available at any particular time next month. Even if someone retires and I do get a regular shift, I'll still only have every 3rd weekend off. That doesn't jive with the current every other week schedule. bleh.
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post Sep 24 2004, 08:35 AM
Post #50


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I currently play a shadowrun text based MUD, tha'ts about it though, i might help a friend of mine make a new one though, not many people around me play.
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