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post Jan 8 2005, 06:36 PM
Post #1


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Ok, we all know how to create stats, and some know how to create characters, but is there any way to create players? I help run a local group and most of the players are either new to the game or new to the idea of Roleplaying. Is there any GM help section with instructions to show players what they are supposed to do? I have been helping some of the above mentioned players for nearly 10 years now and they still have yet to grasp the idea. Anyone else have this problem and can help?
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post Jan 9 2005, 10:56 PM
Post #2

Running Target

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Have them read The CLUE Files. That will show them what not to do. Maybe have them read one of the Shadowrun novels.
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post Jan 10 2005, 12:25 AM
Post #3

Man In The Machine

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Players are man when the mommy and the daddy....
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post Jan 11 2005, 04:42 PM
Post #4

Manus Celer Dei

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I find the best way is to have a good, sterile area with mild background radiation and a carbon base...

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post Jan 12 2005, 05:25 AM
Post #5


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Run them thru Shadowrun Missions. I have been a GM in my area and about 6 times a year a friend of mine gets about 20 people together. During those times I have run Virtual Seattle missions, the new runs are called Missions. Very linear but they are tailoring the games to teach step by step how to run. First run is talking, second is combat, third is foot work, 4th is a combination of a few things. But it is definitely a good stepping stone
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post Jan 12 2005, 10:33 PM
Post #6


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thanks min max... but where would I find these.? are they runs to buy OTC or do I have to get them somewhere special?
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post Jan 12 2005, 10:40 PM
Post #7

Immoral Elf

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You can find all the info (including some of the Missions themselves) here.
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Mr. Johnson
post Jan 21 2005, 08:33 PM
Post #8


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I would recommend getting a copy of the quick start rules for new players to read through. Otherwise, sit them down with SR3 "character creation" and have them read it. Then, get an experienced player from your group to sit down with them and help them work up a character. For first time players, as a GM, I try to allow some flexibility if they want to change something within the first few games. do whatever you have to to make sure that new players enjoy themselves. They will be more willing to do the tedious research stuff if they are motivated by a fun gaming group.
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post Feb 7 2005, 03:56 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Mr. Johnson)
I would recommend getting a copy of the quick start rules for new players to read through. Otherwise, sit them down with SR3 "character creation" and have them read it. Then, get an experienced player from your group to sit down with them and help them work up a character. For first time players, as a GM, I try to allow some flexibility if they want to change something within the first few games. do whatever you have to to make sure that new players enjoy themselves. They will be more willing to do the tedious research stuff if they are motivated by a fun gaming group.

Especially since the Quick Start rules are now available for free


You might want to start with an alternative game to give a grounding in general role-playing. Pick something that they like and can relate to immediately (a TV program, film or book) and dump them in a world that's familiar in order to get the concept of acting and playing out a scenario.

My wife was expressing an interest in "all those books" and "that stupid website [I] keep looking at" and wondering what it was all about. I tried to explain it to her in terms of an "interactive film" - so I would pick a film she liked and discuss it around that - where the hero(ine) went wrong in terms of tactics and decisions, what would have been a better approach...

This also has the advantage that the complete newbie is not going to ruin your illusion about your gaming world until they actually get an understanding about what's going on...

If you insist on playing SR right away then the flavour is going to be more important than hard rules - SSG and New Seattle (plus maybe SOTA) may be the books to get them to read first. Watch a couple of the best SR movies together and see what roles excite people so you can assist with chargen and make their first character something to cherish rather than been a rules-based experience...
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post Feb 11 2005, 10:18 PM
Post #10

Uncle Fisty

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Definitely agree with Xirs, get them to read some of the source books to get the feel of it. Have them read some of the posts under "rules to Run by". Hell, kill 'em a few times if they don't coem aound. Worked on me (well, for a while).
Also, try playing a lower powered game. Make them a bit more afraid of getting into a fight. They all live in the barrens. Pistols and shotguns are feared (as they should be), and even an SMG is rare. Don't give 'em armor. THAT will make them think twice about pulling a gun. Then have some street level fixer that mostly works with gangs give them some easier runs that require more legwork and thinking. Eventually their cahractrers will build up their resources and skills, and be able to move up the totem poll a bit. Hopefully they'll remember some of the lessons they learned when they were still gutter trash.
One that I've seen work well, have some street tough just beat the crap out of them. Not because he's got awesome stats, or because he's a roll. Just some norm that uses his head, I had an elf once that was just gutter trash, but a decent unarmed combat (like 5).The players were giving him crap, so he challenged them to one-on-one. He beat three out of five players before one of them managed to take him down. Just played him smart, used terrain, etc. They all came out better for it, and started playing a lot smarter (and nicer).
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