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> Hacker Theory, Why this is possible.
post Jan 29 2007, 08:17 PM
Post #101

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Serbitar)
Unwired will not contradict SR4 BBB. Both Adam and Synner and Rob have stated that several times.

Which is unfortunate, because the SR4 BBB contradicts itself, which means that anything you print contradicts the SR4 BBB one way or another. If your premises include A and ~A, then printing A or ~A is a contradiction of the original premises.

This is why I didn't try to get on the Unwired team. I knew I couldn't explain this more than twenty times without calling Rob or Peter nasty names.

QUOTE (deek)
The inconsistent dice pools, I don't see as inconsistent...I mean, (and forgive me for not putting a page reference here)

I'm going to stop you there before you confuse anyone else. The rules say:
  1. If you have an account with appropriate priviledges, use Computer.
  2. If you don't have an appropriate account (including attempts to illegally get such an account), use Hacking.

That's fine, although it's needlessly confusing because players will essentially always hack themselves an Account appropriate to whatever they want to do before they attempt any other actions. In short, there's no reason for a lot of tests to be expressed as a Hacking attempt, because generally speaking you will be making a Computer roll for every test except Exploit. But moving on to the part that actually is contradictory rather than just confusing:
  1. Your Dice Pool is Program + Skill when "utilizing a program".
  2. Your Dice Pool is Logic + Skill when "interacting with a device".

Oh crap. Everything you do is interacting with a device and utilizing a program. There are two mutually exclusive Dicepools that are both defined as being the pool that you use for every single action you perform on the Matrix.

That's a big ho-doo problem that must be resolved at the institutional level.

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post Jan 29 2007, 08:19 PM
Post #102


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QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig @ Jan 30 2007, 05:17 AM)
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Jan 29 2007, 10:10 PM)
What else is needed?

An interface.

So a TM can perform all tasks that a Commlink requires by using a cert credstick? Sweet. I need to tell my GM this.

(Yeah, my TM has a commlink, but its a crappy 1/1/3/1. But with the all 6 credstick, I dont have to worry about that anymore. Plus, no one will think to hack a credstick to look for my data.)
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:19 PM
Post #103

Running Target

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QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Jan 29 2007, 10:10 PM)
What else is needed?

An interface.

Thats easily fixed, and does not prevent you from running agents on it.
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:22 PM
Post #104

Running Target

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QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)


QUOTE (Serbitar)
Agents: still we have the situation that a buyable agent equals a maxed hacker in almost every aspect. Why hire hackers? Just buy agents and hardware once.

That only works if you are building security - and only as long as no-one with Security+ access tells the Agents to do other things.

Well agents are supposed to be their own security.


QUOTE (Serbitar)
breaking a realistic game world

I'm not entirely sure whether the lack of encryption is actually breaking the world right now... just like credit card payments.
Emergence will most likely change that. ;)

So a world where every single thing is based on wireless transactions can function wihtout proper encryption? Have fun living in that world then . . .


QUOTE (Serbitar)
adds dice rolls by forcing people to intercept, percept and spoof

Ah... actually, you can do the same for any wireless connection.

Please re-iterate. I dont get your answer.
I say subscription is anti streamlining by adding useless dice rolls but not changin anything. The right way to implement this is to add to hack in threshold.
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:23 PM
Post #105

Running Target

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Jan 29 2007, 02:58 PM)
Unwired will not contradict SR4 BBB. Both Adam and Synner and Rob have stated that several times.

Which is unfortunate, because the SR4 BBB contradicts itself, which means that anything you print contradicts the SR4 BBB one way or another. If your premises include A and ~A, then printing A or ~A is a contradiction of the original premises.

This is why I didn't try to get on the Unwired team. I knew I couldn't explain this more than twenty times without calling Rob or Peter nasty names.

I am with you in this. I am just stating what I am told.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 29 2007, 08:29 PM
Post #106

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QUOTE (Serbitar)
Well agents are supposed to be their own security.

You still need to instruct them - at which point they are basically ICs.
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:32 PM
Post #107

Running Target

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Well of course, agents = IC (when on defensive roles). Whats the problem?
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 29 2007, 08:34 PM
Post #108

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Like I said - as soon as an intruder reaches Security clearence, he can simply tell your completly automated system to focus on things other than him, scan only once every hour, etc.
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:40 PM
Post #109


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hmm, how smart are agents?

how big of a mind trick can you trow at them and expect them to figure it out?
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:47 PM
Post #110

Running Target

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QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig @ Jan 29 2007, 09:34 PM)
Like I said - as soon as an intruder reaches Security clearence, he can simply tell your completly automated system to focus on things other than him, scan only once every hour, etc.

True, but a hacker wont be there 24/7 in the first place, so again, what is the drawback of a human steered agent? A rating X agent is basically a hacking/computer/datasearch X skillwire.

@hobgoblin: Thats why you look over the agents shoulder and just order it to do test X. Like a skillwire. And send multiple copies of agents elsewhere to do other things.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 29 2007, 09:02 PM
Post #111

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QUOTE (Serbitar)
A rating X agent is basically a hacking/computer/datasearch X skillwire.

Please specify the case in which this is used.
Do you mean the Agent in Persona case?
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post Jan 29 2007, 09:10 PM
Post #112

Running Target

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In the case where you load the agent and the software you want on your comlink and instruct the agent to do this, that and this, while watching what it is doing.

Works exactly like skillwires. Cant use edge and specialisation, but does exactly what you want.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 29 2007, 09:15 PM
Post #113

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There's a difference between driving a car with skillwires and getting a cab...
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post Jan 29 2007, 09:17 PM
Post #114

Running Target

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Not rules wise, and thats what effectively counts.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 29 2007, 09:29 PM
Post #115

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That's about as funny as how firearms can replace any other skill. :dead:
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post Jan 29 2007, 09:39 PM
Post #116

Running Target

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post Jan 29 2007, 09:50 PM
Post #117


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Is that a joke on 'if you cant do something, shoot it'? :|
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post Jan 29 2007, 09:56 PM
Post #118

The Dragon Never Sleeps

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Munchkins Guide To Powergaming

Need to pick a lock? Shoot it with your gun!

Need to talk your way past a guard? Wave your gun at them!

etc etc
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post Jan 29 2007, 10:05 PM
Post #119

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)

Unfortunately, the basic rules in the Matrix section are contradictory. You can't actually move forward without contradicting the RAW. It's not something that I am particularly happy about.

Something has got to give. You can't just throw in more computer stuff that is roughly on par power wise with the stuff that already exists - the stuff that exists is itself conflictory.

In that case the key is to explicitly say "ignore the rules in the BBB and only use the rules in this book" and then completely rewrite the entire rules section in unwired.

What used to kill me with FASA is that they would seemingly rewrite a critical paragraph or two and embed it in another book, so you had to figure out what part of the base rules to use and what part got changed every time you need to look something up.
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post Jan 29 2007, 10:12 PM
Post #120

Running Target

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QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Munchkins Guide To Powergaming

Need to pick a lock? Shoot it with your gun!

Need to talk your way past a guard? Wave your gun at them!

etc etc

So Rotbarts answer was just a meaningless joke without any actual content?
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post Jan 29 2007, 10:16 PM
Post #121

The Dragon Never Sleeps

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QUOTE (Serbitar)
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jan 29 2007, 10:56 PM)
Munchkins Guide To Powergaming

Need to pick a lock? Shoot it with your gun!

Need to talk your way past a guard? Wave your gun at them!

etc etc

So Rotbarts answer was just a meaningless joke without any actual content?

That's not what I thought, but then again, my opinion is my own.
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post Jan 29 2007, 10:19 PM
Post #122

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Serbitar @ Jan 29 2007, 05:12 PM)
So Rotbarts answer was just a meaningless joke without any actual content?

Here, maybe I can help translate:
Rotbart:You're wrong.
Serbitar: No I'm not.
Rotbart: Yes you are.

All clear?

I really think Serbitar's got an excellent point in equating the artificial intelligence of a drone to the "artificial intelligence" that can be granted through cyberwear (skillwire). If you can program a chip that can plug "Hacking" skill into a person, why is a stretch to assume a similiar program can plug "Hacking" skill into an agent?

(This, of course, assumes you have independant agents as NPCs to begin with, which so far hasn't yet been awcknoledged by everyone. I, for one, felt the concept of agents as independant NPCs took more out of the game than they added and got rid of them.)
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post Jan 29 2007, 10:30 PM
Post #123

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
QUOTE (deek)
The inconsistent dice pools, I don't see as inconsistent...I mean, (and forgive me for not putting a page reference here)

I'm going to stop you there before you confuse anyone else. The rules say:
  1. If you have an account with appropriate priviledges, use Computer.
  2. If you don't have an appropriate account (including attempts to illegally get such an account), use Hacking.
That's fine, although it's needlessly confusing because players will essentially always hack themselves an Account appropriate to whatever they want to do before they attempt any other actions. In short, there's no reason for a lot of tests to be expressed as a Hacking attempt, because generally speaking you will be making a Computer roll for every test except Exploit. But moving on to the part that actually is contradictory rather than just confusing:
  1. Your Dice Pool is Program + Skill when "utilizing a program".
  2. Your Dice Pool is Logic + Skill when "interacting with a device".
Oh crap. Everything you do is interacting with a device and utilizing a program. There are two mutually exclusive Dicepools that are both defined as being the pool that you use for every single action you perform on the Matrix.

That's a big ho-doo problem that must be resolved at the institutional level.


I don't see how you have said anything different than in my post. Using an account with approriate priviledges, use Computer, else use Hacking...we are saying the same thing, just trying to figure out why you think I am confusing anyone.

By practice, hackers in my game are using Hacking to get to an admin account, but once with the admin account, the are rolling with Computer because those actions are legal with that account.

I disagree that everything you do is interacting with a device AND utilizing a program. If I am in my office lounge, operating a coffee machine by hand, I would use Logic + Skill. If I was at my desk operating the same coffee machine via AR/VR, I am using Program + Skill. I think you are avoiding the fact that there is "logic" behind that difference of interacting.

Same thing with a door lock or a security camera. If you are accessing them via the "security room" controls, physically, you would be using your Logic + Skill. Otherwise, you are in AR/VR accessing them remotely and therefore use Program + Skill.

I still don't see how you can marginalize the differences between a commlink, a coffee machine and a credstick. Just because they all could be 6/6/6/6, doesn't mean they have the same functions. I do agree they are all nodes, but that doesn't mean you can do EVERYTHING from any node...

I agree with the previous posters on the interface difference. In my mind, a credstick can't do anything other than two-way communication between a POS device and a financial institution...its a gateway of sorts. I wouldn't let players store extra data on one, load it up with IC or agents or even run programs from it...

I just feel that there are difference in similarly rated nodes...if there weren't than why isn't everything a commlink? No need to any electronic devices other than commlinks...
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 29 2007, 10:47 PM
Post #124

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QUOTE (cetiah @ Jan 30 2007, 12:19 AM)
I really think Serbitar's got an excellent point in equating the artificial intelligence of a drone to the "artificial intelligence" that can be granted through cyberwear (skillwire).

Such equation would only hold true if using an Agent would require the user the same amount and type of actions to achieve a desired result and, additionally, if the attributes used were the same.

Which isn't the case. It's not even the case that skillwires provide any sort of AI - they provide memorys.
When using an Agent, the only action by the user is the Command action specifying the goal, and the Agent performs the required actions while making decisions.
When using skillwires, the user itself is performing those actions, making any decisions directly.

Basically, you can't even call it 'comparison'. It's a bad joke to begin with, and is only comparable to the munchkins mantra 'If you can't do something, stick a gun in somebody's face and threaten him into doing it for you.'
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post Jan 29 2007, 11:05 PM
Post #125

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (deek)
I disagree that everything you do is interacting with a device AND utilizing a program. If I am in my office lounge, operating a coffee machine by hand, I would use Logic + Skill. If I was at my desk operating the same coffee machine via AR/VR, I am using Program + Skill. I think you are avoiding the fact that there is "logic" behind that difference of interacting.

The problem with this assessment is that the rules example is made for using AR/VR as well. So:
  • Hacking access to a Camera System:

    Logic + Hacking? (because you are hacking directly into the device)
    Exploit + Hacking? (because you are using an Exploit Program)

As written, both answers are correct. On page 223, it gives credence to both interpretations. And of course, those interpretations are not the same, and the differences are extremely stark. Indeed, they can't even simply coexist with a "use whichever is better" approach, since the Hacker's Logic is going to be much higher than his Exploit program and doesn't require possession of illegal software that costs thousands of :nuyen:.

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