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post Aug 27 2007, 07:53 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Hi, i was wondering if everyone one on the board could help me gather together a list of Shadowrun slang and their definitions?
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post Aug 27 2007, 09:04 PM
Post #2


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By this do you mean "frag, hoop, drek, slot, chummer" and the like?

There's a decent list (although not comprehensive) in the Shadowrun Fourth Edition book, although a page reference I can't give you at the moment. It should get you started, though.

Moved to Shadowrun forum for more responses.
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post Aug 27 2007, 09:45 PM
Post #3


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Slang Guidebook
-- Courtesy of WorldWide WordWatch

(vul) = vulgar
(jap) = Japanese or "Japlish" loanword
v. = verb
adj. = adjective
n. = noun

Angel n. A benefactor, especially an unknown one.
Arc n. An arcology.
Breeder n. Ork slang for a "normal" Human.
Business n. In slang context, crime, Also "Biz."
Buzz Go away. Buzz off.
Chipped adj. Senses, skills, reflexes, muscles, and so on, enhanced by cyberware.
Chummer n. "Pal" or "Buddy".
Comm n. The telephone.
Corp nl, adj. Corporation. Corporate
Dandelion Eater n., adj. Elf or elven. Highly Insulting.
Dataslave n. Corporate decker or other data processing employee.
Datasteal n. Theft of data from a computer, usually by decking.
Deck n. A cyberdeck. v. To use a cyberdeck, usually illegally.
Decker n. Pirate cyberdeck user. Derived from 20th-centery term "Hacker".
Deckhead n. Simsense abuser; anyone with a datajack or chipjack.
Drek n. (vul) A common curse word. adj: Drekky
Dumped v. Involuntarily ejected from the Matrix.
Exec v. Corporate executive.
Fetishman n. A talismonger.
Frag v. Common swear word. adj: Fragging.
Geek v. To kill.
Go-go-go n. A bike gang or gang member.
Heatwave n. Police crackdown.
Hoi Hi Hello. (Familiar form)
Hose v. Louse up. Screw up.
Ice n. Security software. "Intrusion Countermeasures," or IC.
Jack v. Jack In, or enter cyberspace. Jack out, or to leave cyberspace.
Jander v. To walk in an arrogant yet casual manner; to strut.
Kobun n. (Jap) Member of a Yakuza clan.
Mr. Johnson n. Refers to an anonymous employer or corporate agent.
Mundane n. adj. (vul) Non-magician or non-magical.
Nutrisoy n. Cheaply processed food product, derived from soybeans
Nuyen n. World standard of currency.
Oyabun n. (Jap) Head of a Yakuza clan.
Panzer n. Any ground-effect combat vehicle.
Paydata n. A datafile worth money on the black market.
Plex n. A metropolitan complex, or "metroplex".
Poli n. A policlub or policlub member.
Razorguy n. Heavily cybered samurai or other muscle.
Samurai n. (Jap) Mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies honor code.
Sarariman n. (Jap) From "salaryman." A corporate employee.
Screamer n. Credstick or other ID that triggers computer alarms if used.
Seoul Man n. A member of a Seoulpa ring.
Seoulpa ring n. A small criminal gang with connections to others like it.
Shaikujin n. (Jap) Lit. "Honest citizen." A corporate employee.
Simsense n. ASIST sensory broadcast or recording.
Slot v. Mild curse word.
Slot and Run v. Hurry up. Get to the point. Move it.
So ka (Jap) I understand. I get it.
Soykaf n. Ersatz coffee substitute made from soybeans.
Sprawl n. a metroplex (see Plex); v. fraternize below one's social level.
Suit n A "straight citizen." See Shaikujin, Sarariman.
System Identification Number (SIN) n. Identification number assigned to each person in the society.
Trid n. Three-dimensional successor to video.
Trog n. (vul) An Ork or Troll. From "troglodyte." Highly insulting.
Vatjob n. A person with extensive cyberware replacement, reference is to a portion of the process during which the patient must be submerged in nutrient fluid.
Wagemage n. A magician (usually mage) employed by a corporation.
Wetwork n. Assassination. Murder.
Wired adj. Equipped with cyberware, especially increased reflexes.
Wizard n. A magician, usually a mage; adj. gear, wonderful, excellent.
Wizworm n. slang. A dragon.
Yak n. (Jap) Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.

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post Aug 27 2007, 10:02 PM
Post #4

Immoral Elf

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There used to be a guide on the official Shadowrun page, but I can't get to it (the Resources page) right now.

You might try here though. :)
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Kyoto Kid
post Aug 28 2007, 12:13 AM
Post #5

Bushido Cowgirl

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...then there's UK Shadow Slang. Found in the back of the old London Sourcebook.
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post Aug 28 2007, 02:21 AM
Post #6

Prime Runner

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hoop= backside
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