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post Mar 19 2008, 07:01 PM
Post #26

Moving Target

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Imo the way it is is pretty much ok, else you could make horribly evil cybered builds as the awakened qualities themselves are rather cheap and noone would play a mundane anymore.
Metahumans should have to pay for their weaker attributes as well tho imo.
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post Mar 19 2008, 07:08 PM
Post #27

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable @ Mar 19 2008, 12:45 PM) *
By the RAW, it'd be 65 points, not 55.

Starting magic 1, raised to magic 5 => (5-1)*10 = 40 bp
max rating point => 25 bp
losing a point due to cyber => -1 current AND -1 max magic, n/a bp
total = 65 bp.

Is that calculation for a max magic of 5? If so, the last point only costs 25, not the special price of 25 for being the max point PLUS the normal 10, right? So you'd be paying 10 per point for points 2-4 (30 pts), and then 25 for the last point. That would be 55, unless I'm wrong and you pay the 25 AND the 10 for that last point.

And if I am wrong, then I think my point stays the same, because you'd be making the same adjustment for the max rating of 6 (which would become 75 pts). And seriously, if I'm mathematically wrong, or wrong about the rules, point it out. I don't want to mess it up next time I make a character (I was trigger happy when I made my current character, and didn't thoroughly read the bit about buying foci at chargen--ended up with a Force 1 weapon focus, but paying BP to bind it similar to karma like you did with power points in SR2, screwing myself out of several BP)
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post Mar 19 2008, 07:12 PM
Post #28

Moving Target

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QUOTE (CircuitBoyBlue @ Mar 19 2008, 02:08 PM) *
Is that calculation for a max magic of 5? If so, the last point only costs 25, not the special price of 25 for being the max point PLUS the normal 10, right? So you'd be paying 10 per point for points 2-4 (30 pts), and then 25 for the last point. That would be 55, unless I'm wrong and you pay the 25 AND the 10 for that last point.

And if I am wrong, then I think my point stays the same, because you'd be making the same adjustment for the max rating of 6 (which would become 75 pts). And seriously, if I'm mathematically wrong, or wrong about the rules, point it out. I don't want to mess it up next time I make a character (I was trigger happy when I made my current character, and didn't thoroughly read the bit about buying foci at chargen--ended up with a Force 1 weapon focus, but paying BP to bind it similar to karma like you did with power points in SR2, screwing myself out of several BP)

His calculation is correct.
You spent 40 points to get the magic of 5.
Install <= 1 point of essense
Magic drops to 4, your new max is 5.
To raise it back to 5 will cost you 25 more BP, for a total of 65 BP
(He skipped some details, but his math was correct)

Buying to 6, with no Cyber is 65 BP as well.
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Mr. Unpronouncea...
post Mar 19 2008, 07:21 PM
Post #29

Moving Target

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Yes, to end with a rating of 5 while having cyber, you have to buy up to 6 first.

If you merely buy up to 5, you still lose a point, and will start play with a magic rating of 4 and a non-initiated max of 5.
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post Mar 19 2008, 07:51 PM
Post #30

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 19 2008, 10:20 AM) *
I answered that exact point, and even gave other examples of where the rules differ in implementation between chargen and in-game.

I think maybe you misunderstood what I was originally saying. Whne I went back and reread your points we were basically saying the same thing, in different ways.
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post Mar 19 2008, 09:25 PM
Post #31

Immoral Elf

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Whatever. You asked why things should work differently in the actual game than at chargen. I asked why shouldn't they work differently, and then gave a couple of examples of other things that were resolved in different manners in both chargen and in-game. I am having some difficulty understanding why it would be a problem to have differing rules in-game than at chargen. Especially when the game is already rife with such contradictions in progression.
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post Mar 19 2008, 09:31 PM
Post #32

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (CircuitBoyBlue @ Mar 20 2008, 04:30 AM) *
I think what Fortune was saying was that he houserules that you buy magic first, but cyber only takes down max. magic, so you could buy the 5 magic for 40 pts, then buy 1 pt of cyber without incurring any magic loss. So I think that covers both ends of the spectrum, and includes a middle way.

No, I still charge the inflated 25 BP for that last Magic point (to reach the maximum), whether that be at 6, or 4, or 2.

My only change is that Essence loss (only at chargen) affects where the maximum Magic is set, not where the current Magic is set. Essence loss (at chargen only) reduces the character's maximum potential Magic, but doesn't actually make the character purchase Attribute points that they are not getting to use.
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post Mar 19 2008, 09:51 PM
Post #33

Moving Target

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Metavariants aren't charged for their decreased attributes because that would be racist. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

But metavariants do have costs on their actual metavariant, how these are calculated only the developers know. But perhaps (and highly likely) the baselines for the metavariants were figured in this. Magic is something a player takes as a choice and its interaction with cyberware is another option. If you take cyberware your magic is affected.

So rules as they stand make more sense. Magicians who take cyberware are penalized. If it didn't work this way, then anyone could pick up a magic quality to go with their cyberware. Afterall Spirit Knack, Spell Knack, Astral Sight, all these are 5 BP... Heck anyone can take adept for 5 BP and get a single point of adept powers. Thats why mages pay for their essense loss at the beginning, so that every cyber sammy doesn't back their equipment with adept powers for little price.
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post Mar 19 2008, 10:39 PM
Post #34

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (Nightwalker450 @ Mar 20 2008, 08:51 AM) *
But metavariants do have costs on their actual metavariant ...

As do the awakened characters have a cost for their Magic. It is a dual-pronged cost at that, because not only do they have to pay BP for the privilege, but they have to use up a portion of their very limited 35 points in Positive Qualities as well, which is something metahumans do not need to do.

Magic is something a player takes as a choice and its interaction with cyberware is another option.

As is metahumanity, or any number of other factors.

If you take cyberware your magic is affected.

Undoubtedly. I was never disputing that. My point is that, in my opinion, at chargen Essence loss should only affect the maximum Magic rating. During game play itself, the rules are fine as they are.

Magicians who take cyberware are penalized. If it didn't work this way, then anyone could pick up a magic quality to go with their cyberware. After all Spirit Knack, Spell Knack, Astral Sight, all these are 5 BP... Heck anyone can take adept for 5 BP and get a single point of adept powers. Thats why mages pay for their essense loss at the beginning, so that every cyber sammy doesn't back their equipment with adept powers for little price.

And yet we have Latent Awakening, which runs totally counter to the way Magic, Essence and Cyber interact under the normal rules. My proposed change (and it really isn't only mine) is to adapt the regular rules to fit in with the, in my opinion, much more sensible Latent Awakening rules.
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post Mar 20 2008, 01:49 AM
Post #35

Moving Target

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My argument is that, since we know that Exceptional Attribute, shich comes after the purchase of the attribute changes the BP cost of the formerly hard capped, now soft-capped attribute, that that is the precedent that the reduction of Magic Maximum is also retro-active, because I believe things are applied uniformly. If one thing can increase the attribute maximum, and it changes the point cost retro-actively, then something that lowers the maximum also changes that point cost retro-actively.

So, if you get 1 point of Ware, using that logic, then you can not have a magic of 5 at Chargen. You will pay to raise your magic to its new maximum of 5(a total of 55 points), and then, you will lose that 1 point from your cyber-ware. You have already paid for 5 points, so you cannot re-raise the attribute from 5 to 4..and you hardcapped it at 5 originally, thanks to the reduction of your maximum to 5.
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post Mar 20 2008, 02:14 AM
Post #36

Great Dragon

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It doesn't work that way. You spend 65 points to get a Magic of 6, then lose an Essence point due to cyberware and/or bioware, dropping your Magic to 5. Since the maximum for your Magic is also lowered to 5, you will need to initiate if you want to raise your Magic back up to 6.

If you use Fortune's house rule, you apply the Essense reduction first, then look at the new maximum rating when determining the cost. So since 5 is the new maximum, you would pay 30 build points to get it to 4, then 25 more for the last point, for a total of 55 points.
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post Mar 20 2008, 02:23 AM
Post #37

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Glyph @ Mar 19 2008, 09:14 PM) *
It doesn't work that way. You spend 65 points to get a Magic of 6, then lose an Essence point due to cyberware and/or bioware, dropping your Magic to 5. Since the maximum for your Magic is also lowered to 5, you will need to initiate if you want to raise your Magic back up to 6.

If you use Fortune's house rule, you apply the Essense reduction first, then look at the new maximum rating when determining the cost. So since 5 is the new maximum, you would pay 30 build points to get it to 4, then 25 more for the last point, for a total of 55 points.

Neg, you spend 65 points to get your magic to 6, you put in a point of ware, your magic maximum is reduced by 1, so you get 10 points back, since your magic has to drop to the new maximum, and then you lose that point of magic, so, your magic drops to 5(the maximum) as a result of the ware reducing your maximum(remember: you cannot purchas an attribute higher then its maximum), and THEN you lose the point of magic, reducing you to 4.
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post Mar 20 2008, 10:03 AM
Post #38

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Cardul @ Mar 19 2008, 10:23 PM) *
Neg, you spend 65 points to get your magic to 6, you put in a point of ware, your magic maximum is reduced by 1, so you get 10 points back, since your magic has to drop to the new maximum, and then you lose that point of magic, so, your magic drops to 5(the maximum) as a result of the ware reducing your maximum(remember: you cannot purchas an attribute higher then its maximum), and THEN you lose the point of magic, reducing you to 4.


when making a char. at creation. say an adept (my fav) you buy a magic of 5. you put one essence point of cyber/bio into him. your magic drops to a 4 becouse your essence is now at 5.

for the example most people here are using its this. magic of 6 minuse 1 point of essence=magic of 5. you don't get 10 points back. you get nothing back. what you get is some neat upgrades for the cost of that magic point. say an adept with toner for more agi or something.
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post Mar 20 2008, 10:39 AM
Post #39

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Cadmus @ Mar 20 2008, 05:03 AM) *

when making a char. at creation. say an adept (my fav) you buy a magic of 5. you put one essence point of cyber/bio into him. your magic drops to a 4 becouse your essence is now at 5.

for the example most people here are using its this. magic of 6 minuse 1 point of essence=magic of 5. you don't get 10 points back. you get nothing back. what you get is some neat upgrades for the cost of that magic point. say an adept with toner for more agi or something.

You would have to get the 10 points back, since your maximum dropped to 5, and so you could not have paid for a 6. And THEN your Magic drops by 1 to 4.
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post Mar 20 2008, 11:00 AM
Post #40

Immoral Elf

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Cardul: It just does not work in the way you are describing. You only get penalized once. According to canon, for the example with a Magic of 6 and 1 Essence worth of cyber, you would pay the 65 BP for the Magic rating, which because of the 1 point of Essence loss would automatically become 5, which is now also the Magic Attribute maximum for that character. You paid for the maximum, you get the maximum, even though that maximum is now reduced by Essence loss.
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Mr. Unpronouncea...
post Mar 20 2008, 03:35 PM
Post #41

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 19 2008, 11:39 PM) *
And yet we have Latent Awakening, which runs totally counter to the way Magic, Essence and Cyber interact under the normal rules. My proposed change (and it really isn't only mine) is to adapt the regular rules to fit in with the, in my opinion, much more sensible Latent Awakening rules.

The not-so-inconsiderable risk with Latent Awakening is that it lies solely in the hands of the GM. You could take the trait, play through an entire campaign and retire the character without the GM ever deciding that, OK, NOW it kicks in.
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post Mar 20 2008, 03:41 PM
Post #42

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable @ Mar 20 2008, 10:35 AM) *
The not-so-inconsiderable risk with Latent Awakening is that it lies solely in the hands of the GM. You could take the trait, play through an entire campaign and retire the character without the GM ever deciding that, OK, NOW it kicks in.

That is PISS POOR GMing. I can understand it in a Missions setting or something similar, but if you are going to run a campaign with a group of players and you see that on a character sheet, you owe it to the player to either make sure you include it in your game or advise them to spend those 5 points in another way. Roleplaying is a cooperative experience, not some dictatorship where the GM is supposed to tell their story and the players can go fly a kite. If that was the case, you would just have one guy sitting in a room rolling dice and talking to himself.
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post Mar 20 2008, 03:48 PM
Post #43

Moving Target

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Fortune and Unpronounceable are coorect, it costs 65 build to have a 5 in magic and less than a 6 in Charisma.

As to the topic of the post, I have no problem witht he RAW on this. I think it is a major sacrifice for a Magic User to decide to disrupt the flow of mana/chi/power/soul/whatever through their body and should cost at least SOMETHING. Otherwise you get SR 3 where any mage was an idiot if they didn't spend at least 1 essence on augmentation. It's also a neat setting point. Sometimes what is optimal is unimportant. Life is not fair to those who shape the energy of the world to their whim.
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Mr. Unpronouncea...
post Mar 20 2008, 05:28 PM
Post #44

Moving Target

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No - absoultely refusing to allow latent to happen is bad GMing.

If the character never enters circumstances that justify that awakening to that GM...well, it happens. The GM also gets to decide what tradition you become.

Read the rules for latent awakening again - "the GM may" is repeated quite often. It is NOT a guarantee of magical power - it's a roleplaying hook. For instance, if a player chooses to take Pilot: suborbital, the GM is in no way obligated to give him one.
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post Mar 20 2008, 06:31 PM
Post #45

Moving Target

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It is NOT a guarantee of magical power - it's a roleplaying hook.

Yes a hook, as in something the player would like to explore with their character. In the interests of everyone feeling involved, it really ought to come into play. In fact, it's a GREAT quality because it does the work for you. If you as a GM wish to not run it the they should explain that to the player up front. The player can then decide if they want to keep the trait or not.

Same thing I would do for a player who put points into Pilot: Suborbital. First thing I would say is WHY?? The second would be, you know that's not going to happen, right??

Also, this is a cooperative game. The player did not sink 5 points into a Quality that they didn't wish to see to come to fruition, regardless of what the rules say on the matter. If you as a GM do not let your player know how you feel about the quality and your intentions for the game, then talk to them about it. No, it should not be a cheap way to get Magician, or Spirit Mentor or whatever, but it is a integral part of how the player wishes their character to develope. If you don't intend to use it, refund them the build. Its just poor GMing not to. But hey, it's your game, do what you (or your table) wants (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Edit:: Also note, I'm not sure how it would be a good way to get anything because if you want it to be worth anything, you have to play a complete mundane up until the quality hits. When that happens, you have no magical skills whatsoever, don't know any spells and have a Magic Attribute of 1 so you can't have any cyber/bio or it's useless. So I think a player definately earns the awakening by surviving the time between creation and awakening without the typical aids (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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Mr. Unpronouncea...
post Mar 20 2008, 07:10 PM
Post #46

Moving Target

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The really sad thing is it isn't a cheap way to get those qualities, though I expect a lot of folks would try to use it as such - by RAW, you get your karma docked for the 2x(bp cost -5) of the new quality, anyway (i.e. a sudden 20 karma hole for a full mage - ouch. And no magical skills, until you get to train. And no additional magical qualities, like a mentor spirit.) But you've pretty much hit the point there - you need to talk it over with the GM, in detail, first - like the ever-popular amnesia, it's not really something you should take for a pick-up game, or in a multiple-GM scenario. Possibly nice for a longer campaign though.
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post Mar 23 2008, 05:05 PM
Post #47

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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I have to agree, in my games, Essence Loss ALWAYS lowers your max cap in my games, even after Char Gen, but then again I also impose a hard cap on Magic as well. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cyber.gif)
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post Mar 23 2008, 05:28 PM
Post #48

Moving Target

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I'm now kind of lost on what the heck the problem is here.
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post Mar 23 2008, 06:27 PM
Post #49

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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I think a RAW rule question thread turned into a "house-rule" thread. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cyber.gif)
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post Mar 23 2008, 06:32 PM
Post #50

Running Target

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Rules as written: You pay for the magic level you want, then apply essence loss to your current rating, lowering it by a full point for every point and fraction thereof of essence loss. (Pay for magic 6, take 1 point of essence loss, end up with magic 5. Total BP spent=65)

House rule 1: You pay for the magic rating you want, and then apply essence loss to the maximum rating, lowering your final rating as needed. (Pay for magic 5, get 1 point of essence loss, end up with magic 5 because your new maximum is 5 Total BP spent=40)

House rule 2: You recognize you want a magical character, and take your essence loss first. Apply this loss to your maximum, then buy up your magic, possibly saving a heapload of points. (Take 1 point of essence loss, reducing your maximum magic to 5. Then buy up magic to 5. Total BP spent=55)

I think that sums up the current direction of the thread
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