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post Oct 19 2008, 06:14 AM
Post #126


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Cut scene

The Johnson bowed from the waist as he left the private room at the Country Club. He stopped by the bar and ordered a mint julep in order to honor the host's request to enjoy a drink. When an elf in a cheap suit challenges him to a game of billiards, he let's it slide - and takes the hit to his rep. He has never enjoyed being asked to hire another team to sabotage a run he had just set up. It smacked of a lack of professionalism; it was messy; and it often ended poorly. If the guys pulling the strings wanted to pull a double-cross then they could do it from the rendezvous. At least he still had an ace up his sleeve. It isn't often that he has an iron in the fire but in this case he does. Pulling out his cell phone, he makes a call.
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post Oct 19 2008, 06:19 AM
Post #127

Uncle Fisty

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MITNick breathes a sigh of relief once he's out and rolling in the autocab, heading back to the relative obscurity of the coffin hotel, a few grand in "hand".

A penny in an online black market bank is worth the two that you got lifted for in out of your pocket...

All he realy wants right now is to catch a nap, maybe download some porn, and perhaps Register a sprite once he's had a beer.
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post Oct 19 2008, 06:24 AM
Post #128

Shooting Target

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Chester steps out of the club and looks into the street.
Fraggin short-stacked, peice of shi....
"Im going to the talismongering shop. I dont care who comes with me. I have your numbers so...oh.. who gives a frag. Come if you want."
From there he hails a cab.
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post Oct 19 2008, 04:34 PM
Post #129

Uncle Fisty

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Locked away deep within the "safe" confines of the coffin hotel, MITNick sends his conciesness out into the Matrix. After taking a stop at "E- The True Bollywood Story, MITNick heads out farther, routing himself through various junctions until he finds himself in the familiar data flow of the Seattle Metroplex Grids. MITNick flis through the data, feeling more at home in the hustle and bustle than he ever did in the southern podunk town he's name he tells himself he can't remember. A few data cycle later, he sends his icon out to the edges of the grid and begins compiling code.

[ Spoiler ]
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post Oct 19 2008, 11:29 PM
Post #130


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A sprite appears before MITNick. It looks like a cartoon version of an ork. It is carrying a toolbag, a crowbar and is dressed like a cat burglar in the trideo shows.
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post Oct 20 2008, 01:28 AM
Post #131

Shooting Target

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Steve stands in the club door way for a few minutes getting used to the now chilling weather.

"Guess that leaves the gear in our hands huh, suit boy? Better get started, I'm going to talk to some people I know. You wanna come with?"
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post Oct 20 2008, 01:56 AM
Post #132

Man Behind the Curtain

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When the team finally breaks from the office, John is happy to be out. He considers stopping at the Blue Rave, but his budget won't handle a night out until he comes out the other side of this run. When Steve invites him to go on the equipment run, he nods an affirmative. "Sure. Nothing better to do. An you can call me John. You got wheels?"
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post Oct 21 2008, 01:54 AM
Post #133

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Steve shrugs "Nope, thats why we gotta go get em. Name's Steve by the by. Bus or cab?"
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post Oct 22 2008, 02:41 AM
Post #134


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Steve and John arrive at Uncle Phil's without incident. The storage area - while not closed - is empty this time of night. The pawn shop, however, is jumping with the junkies selling off anything and everything of value to get the next high. Uncle Phil is standing there in his cut-off shirt and mopping his head with a greasy rag. He yells, "I told you ya crazy ya can't my stuff back to me. I already own it." Glancing up at Steve and John he adds, "Be with you in a minute." Finally he bodily throws the junkie out of the shop. "Damn junkie. Now, Stevie my boy, what can I do for ya?"


Chester arrives back a Jezzabell's shop. Upon scanning his comm the door opens for him. Jezz is helping a customer but motions for him to wait. After a few minutes the young Asian woman purchases a few herbs and a beginner's guide to magic and a pentacle and Jezz insists in not necessary to work magic. Afterward, she looks up at Chester and says, "She's watching cartoons." Realizing he is still in business mode she asks, "What do you need?"
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post Oct 22 2008, 03:26 AM
Post #135

Man Behind the Curtain

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John follows Steve remaining quiet for the moment. Better to looks the pretty, quiet ork than one who doesn't know how to shut up.
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post Oct 22 2008, 03:36 AM
Post #136

Shooting Target

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I actually need to grab a few things. Im heading to an area with a strong pressence of para critters. Ill need whatever you can get me, also, some conjuring fetishes. I dont got alot of money so Ill make due with what you can give me.
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post Oct 22 2008, 04:13 AM
Post #137


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Para-critters? What kind? OK, fetishes I've got. Not sure what else I can help with until I know what your up against.
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post Oct 22 2008, 04:31 AM
Post #138

Shooting Target

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Well ... there are awakened owls and hawks but I can't remember the names. There's the teryotle, teryo ... it's a winged deer with teeth. Everyone's favorite, the devil rat and since there is swamp country farther to the west we might meet up with a will-o-wisp.
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post Oct 22 2008, 05:31 AM
Post #139


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Peryton. You're taking about the peryton. It's a winged deer with teeth that happens to have a taste for flesh. Not necessarily metahuman flesh but they don't turn it down when they can get it. Normally, they just ram you with their antlers after swooping down on you. Tricky thing is, they can throw up a silence spell that would make a mage jealous.

The devil rat you already know about.


Will-o-wisp, will-o-wisp? Oh! Corpse light. Nasty little critter - drains your soul. Or for those of us who understand magic, your essence. Don't know much else about them.

The hawk could be any of several things.

The owl in this area would most likely be the Oracle Owl but I don't really know anything about them. Just had a customer in earlier asking about them. I sent her to the library.

If you have any detection magic focused on life forces, that would help you out a lot. Beyond that I'm not sure what else I can do to help you.

Now, what type of spellcasting fetish did you want?
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post Oct 22 2008, 03:41 PM
Post #140

Shooting Target

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Steve smiles at his uncle. "Gear and lots of it." He glances back at Flash/John. "Start with the big stuff?" The ork nods.

"Kay, we'll need a Bulldog and Growler or an ATV if you got one. We're headed up to Bule, so If you know anybody with info about that area that'll help too."
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post Oct 22 2008, 04:58 PM
Post #141


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@ Steve/John

Bule? Bule?!? What the hell are y'all two doing up in that forsaken place? Never mind, I don't wanna know. The less I know the less I can talk, right? Ok, let me see what I got fer ya. He mops his brow again before turning on an AR window to browse through. Mmmkay, I got a couple o' ATV's out back. Both gas powered. I don't have a Growler but I have a Landshark - same thing basically - 'cept its got a nasty oil leak. Now as for a truck - I gotta '47 Ford six wheel. It'll hold two ATVs or an ATV and gear. I assume you have some wilderness gear?

After dropping the AR window he asks, Now aside from the fact that the whole thing is covered in trees and nasty critters what else would you like to know?
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post Oct 23 2008, 12:57 PM
Post #142

Shooting Target

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Steve smiles grimly at his uncle. "We've got mostly running gear. Which fer me at least is mostly street stuff. Another reason why we're here, Uncle Phil. You always have the awesome stuff. Let's work out the transpo first. How much to rent the van and an ATV? We'll try not to wreck it."
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post Oct 23 2008, 06:01 PM
Post #143


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Well, boy. Let me think. I spose I can let the truck go for 400 a week or 75 a day. ATV would be 100 a week or 20 a day. Now that includes fuel cause you're my nephew. Damage is extra.

Now, on the wilderness front, if'n you're only gonna be gone a day or two, I'd say you could sleep in the truck if theys only the two of ya. Otherwise, you might want a tent ... or I spose you could squat in some of tha ole abandoned houses out that way. Critters don't much think of walls though. Now, boy, you watch out for that damned winged deer - don't 'member the name - but it'll bite you if ya ain't looking. I figure theys some gators in the swampy parts and e'en though the trideo news didna believe me, theys some frogs as big as dogs out there. And devil rats. Course theys devil rats in the alley so I spose they aint that bad.
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post Oct 23 2008, 10:34 PM
Post #144

Shooting Target

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Ok, the detection magic focus sounds good. If you got nothing in the conjuring side of things, thats fine. Ill make due. What do I owe you for this?
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post Oct 23 2008, 11:57 PM
Post #145


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@ Chester

Jezzabell looks down at Chester with a questioning glance. Did you want a fetish or a focus? I'm a little confused? Now if you really want a focus, I happen to have a low powered one for detection magic. The witch who ordered it decided she didn't want it afterall.
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post Oct 24 2008, 12:03 AM
Post #146

Shooting Target

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Whatever I can get for cheap. I dont got alot of time Jezz, Ill go say goodbye to Genny, and then Ill be gone for a few days. As agreed, ten percent of my pay, Ill throw in a little extra for you're trouble.
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post Oct 24 2008, 04:08 AM
Post #147


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Sweetie, look, calm down. I think I have something that will give you an edge without pushing you over one. I have a .... well, I can't believe I'm calling it this but, a potion that should help you out. You down it and it lets you "feel" magic around you. If you can handle that, it should give you a boost for about 8 hours or so. Thing is, when you come down it packs a hell of a punch - and last about as long as the high does. It ain't cheap - about a grand - but its the best I can do. I can split it up into payments if you like. Will that work?
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post Oct 24 2008, 04:48 AM
Post #148

Shooting Target

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Chester wires 1000 cred to her acount.

I got it covered. Ill be right back. Im going to see Genny. And Jezz....thanks. For everything. I can't tell you how grateful I am. He smiles and then walks to the back.
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post Oct 24 2008, 05:23 AM
Post #149


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Genny smiles at her big brother. Hey Chester! I'm watching a really old cartoon called Vampire Hunter D. It's not even in trideo or anything. Yawning, she adds, I'm sleepy. Can we go home now?
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post Oct 24 2008, 05:30 AM
Post #150

Shooting Target

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Chester smiles and walks towards her.
Well Genny, not quite yet. You see, I'm going on an adventure. Ill be back in three days or less. Ive already made arangements with Jezz, you're going to be staying with her again. Another sleepover! Doesnt that sound fun? Listen, I promise that when I get home, Ill take you to any toy or candy store in town and buy you whatever you want. But you have to be good for Jezz, and brave for me, soka?
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