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> How to make an unstoppable killing machine, Voodoo summoner + cyber = death
post Sep 25 2005, 02:16 PM
Post #1

Running Target

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Okay, you've got your summoner, with a force 6 troll zombie, locked in a sturdy room. Render yourself unconscious, and see if your zombie's gone free or disintigrated. You then go on an astral quest to learn its true name (or have a freind do so for you, if you lack the power), and bind it. If it has the Hide Life power, you have it hide its life in you. In any case, you stop by the pet store to buy a tankful of mice for its Essense Drain. You then proceed to install a Grade 4 Muscle Replacement, Grade 3 Dermal Sheathing, Grade 6 Reaction Enhancer, Titanium Bone Lacing, and Grade 3 Wired Reflexes in it. You now summon two great form Force 6 loa spirits, and have them possess it.

You now have a Zombie with 11(23) Reaction, Initiative of 23+4d6 (average 37), S 21(25), B 22(29) Q 13(17), and mental scores of 6. It will have Immunity to Normal Weapons (12 points of Hardened Armor), possibly Regeneration, and deals 29M damage with its melee attack (which it has +1 reach and 23 dice + combat pool to roll for...).

This thing is nasty. It takes the heaviest of mundane assaults to take down, and to try to attack it in melee is death. It gets 12 dice for spell defence making spells almost ineffective against it.

The only way I can see to disable this monstrosity is to frag the mage who summoned it (which will be difficult considering that he'll have Regeneration and 7 extra points of Armor).
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post Sep 25 2005, 02:25 PM
Post #2

The King In Yellow

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You can cyber up zombies? That's news to me. I always thought cyber wasn't plug'n'play - as in, tissue has to grow into the 'ware for it to work. Corpse tissue doesn't grow anywhere, though, it being DEAD and all. And I further thought spirits weren't cyber-able anyway. At the very least, I'd sugest twice the essence loss, an equal loss in spirit power, AND the critter rules with cyber and going nuts. And then go and explain to the Loa why they should go and inhabit such a deformed, poisoned and wretched vessel. I hear Loa are moody.

You canot dikote ally spirits either, by the way.
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post Sep 25 2005, 03:22 PM
Post #3

Mr. Johnson

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From MitS pp 104-105:
If the zombie’s body has cyberware, only the cyberware that affects physical Attributes will still be functional. No other cyberware works.
The derived attributes (Reaction and Initiative) aren't physical Attributes, and thus cannot be modified. Also, there are no rules for installing cyberware into a body post-mortem. This probably means that you simply cannot do it in most cases.
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Ancient History
post Sep 25 2005, 03:58 PM
Post #4

Great Dragon

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Besides, you're trying to get two loa spirits to possess a grande-zombie. Talk about gang-banging a corpus.
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post Sep 25 2005, 04:01 PM
Post #5

Canon Companion

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The closest rules that I can find to cyber up a zombie is the Cyberware for Critters rules in Critters. So technically you may cyber up a spirit(although the actual wording of rules may imply that only animals may be cybered - have you noticed the liberal use of the word "may" yet?). So cyber it up all you want.
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post Sep 25 2005, 06:33 PM
Post #6

Midnight Toker

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Get rid of the Wired 3 and replace it with a a pair of dikoted spurs and shock hands. That would give him (STRx1.5)+1 S and 8S stun per melee attack. Add Ruth to his dermal sheath so that he can be invisible. Zombies don't usually care about being naked. Also, give it a shotgun.

Do not have any other Loa possess him. The spirits will just fight for control. He'll be unable to do anything untill one of them is disrupted. If that one happens to be the Free Spirit animating the zombie, you are screwed.

Most importantly, add the cyber while the troll is still alive.
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post Sep 26 2005, 01:22 AM
Post #7

Prime Runner

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Have the runner team mage create a new ally spirit who looks like an innocence girl in a blue check dress. Have her plan to drop a house on the zombie while the team parade around the wreckage singing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.
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The Grifter
post Sep 26 2005, 01:28 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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This, my friends, borders on the wacky, and edges slowly toward Predatorus Omegus.
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post Sep 26 2005, 01:29 AM
Post #9

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox)
Have the runner team mage create a new ally spirit who looks like an innocence girl in a blue check dress. Have her plan to drop a house on the zombie while the team parade around the wreckage singing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.

No sane GM would allow a team to do something that munchkiny.
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post Sep 26 2005, 01:30 AM
Post #10

Prime Runner

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Oh yeah? Read the top of this thread again. They're half way down the Yellow brick road already!
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The Grifter
post Sep 26 2005, 01:31 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Halfway? They're at the fraggin' Emerald City. ;)
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post Sep 26 2005, 01:36 AM
Post #12

Prime Runner

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I was being kind, but to be honest, since reading that first thread I've been sitting here whistling "Follow the Yellow Brick road/We're off to see the wizard" while reading other stuff.
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The Grifter
post Sep 26 2005, 01:39 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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LOL. For some reason I keep imagining a cross between Robocop and the Exorcist. LOL. Very weird image.
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Herald of Verjig...
post Sep 26 2005, 01:46 AM
Post #14


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"The cybered up zombie turns its head around to face you and fires its oral gun."
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post Sep 26 2005, 01:50 AM
Post #15

Midnight Toker

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The fun thing is that any NPC magician can quest for the cybered zombie's True Name and any NPC with its True Name can attempt to control it. During the struggle for control the zombie can go Free again and the PC will never again be able to bind it.
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The Grifter
post Sep 26 2005, 02:00 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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"The cybered up zombie turns its head around to face you and fires its oral gun."

Oral gun full of vomit?
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post Sep 26 2005, 02:00 AM
Post #17

Prime Runner

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Nah, pea soup, easier.
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The Grifter
post Sep 26 2005, 02:01 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Long as ole Robocop doesn't masturbate with a crucifix, I'm okay.
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post Sep 26 2005, 03:02 AM
Post #19

Running Target

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QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Sep 25 2005, 08:50 PM)
The fun thing is that any NPC magician can quest for the cybered zombie's True Name and any NPC with its True Name can attempt to control it. During the struggle for control the zombie can go Free again and the PC will never again be able to bind it.

Yeah, but he can still have the Loa Spirits possess it, and control it that way.

QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Get rid of the Wired 3 and replace it with a a pair of dikoted spurs and shock hands. That would give him (STRx1.5)+1 S and 8S stun per melee attack. Add Ruth to his dermal sheath so that he can be invisible. Zombies don't usually care about being naked. Also, give it a shotgun.

Well, this would be a bad idea for two reasons. 1st, only cyber that affects attributes works in zombies. The invisibility is a good idea, if expensive. Though giving it a pair of shock gloves might be a good idea.
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post Sep 26 2005, 03:58 AM
Post #20

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (nick012000)
Yeah, but he can still have the Loa Spirits possess it, and control it that way.

Well, this would be a bad idea for two reasons. 1st, only cyber that affects attributes works in zombies. The invisibility is a good idea, if expensive. Though giving it a pair of shock gloves might be a good idea.

Your rules need work.

A loa can possess its summoner or a serviteur.

Therefore the loa cannot possess the zombie unless somehow it became a serviteur.

... only the cyberware that affects physical Attributes will still be functional.

Therefore only Quickness, Strength and Body affecting cyberware are functional. Initiaitive is not an Attribute. Reaction is a Special Attribute. (see SR3 p40-41 for Attribute definations)
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post Sep 26 2005, 06:58 AM
Post #21

Running Target

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Great form loa spirits can possess any astrally active being. As for the stuff about the cyber that affects Reaction not working... well then, replace the Wired Reflexes 3 and Reaction Enhancers 6 with Move-by-wire 4, then.
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post Sep 26 2005, 08:30 AM
Post #22

Awakened Asset

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"Already dead" might be an implied requirement of the installation of MBW-systems, but the reaction mod will still not work.
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post Sep 26 2005, 03:17 PM
Post #23

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (nick012000 @ Sep 25 2005, 10:02 PM)
Well, this would be a bad idea for two reasons. 1st, only cyber that affects attributes works in zombies. The invisibility is a good idea, if expensive. Though giving it a pair of shock gloves might be a good idea.

Somehow, I don't think that large diamond-coated knives will stop being stabby just because they are anchored to the bones of a zombie rather than a living metahuman. The zombie won't be able to retract them, of course, so just use the fixed kind.
The same can be said for impact-activated electrodes on the knuckles. Thought activated ones won't work, but who can actually bother to think while punching stuff, anyway.
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post Sep 26 2005, 04:36 PM
Post #24

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Somehow, I don't think that large diamond-coated knives will stop being stabby just because they are anchored to the bones of a zombie rather than a living metahuman. The zombie won't be able to retract them, of course, so just use the fixed kind.
The same can be said for impact-activated electrodes on the knuckles. Thought activated ones won't work, but who can actually bother to think while punching stuff, anyway.

The external cyberweaponry should work for the grande zombie but by the wording of the rules, it does not. That is the difference between zombies and shedim.
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post Sep 26 2005, 06:36 PM
Post #25

Mr. Johnson

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)
The same can be said for impact-activated electrodes on the knuckles. Thought activated ones won't work, but who can actually bother to think while punching stuff, anyway.

I'm imagining two metal electrode "horns" that have electricity crackling on it like a Jacob's Ladder. :)
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