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> How to make an unstoppable killing machine, Voodoo summoner + cyber = death
post Sep 27 2005, 01:13 AM
Post #26

Prime Runner

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Guys as amusing as it is to read this ramage through the rules books (not) remember, anything the street meat can do, the corps can do many times over. Assuming you do not want to have 4-6 CZ's show up and rip the zombie's arms and legs off-he's not dead, he just can't do anything. I'm sure if you don't want a volley of Great Dragon ATGM's into an enclosed space then a truck mounting a vanquisher rotary cannon should do the job. or a FAE dropped on him. Even if he survives the blast and the shock wave and the lack of oxygen...well. Then aiurburst a tac nuke over his head. as the cyber fries, he topples over.
what? over kill? look at this thread.

We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz....
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post Sep 27 2005, 01:21 AM
Post #27


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Yes, but it's still fun to read and giggle like a schoolgirl with a row of shots. :grinbig:


Edit: For typos
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post Sep 27 2005, 03:14 AM
Post #28

Grand Master of Run-Fu

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You guys are doing this the hard way.

Take a decently buffed-out troll street sam, tank variety. Brainwash him thouruoghly; either through repeated Alter Memory spells, or simsense, it doesn't matter. Eventually, he'll 'willingly' become a serviteur.

Now, all you need is to summon a force-6 Great form Loa, and sit back and watch the fireworks. Since a serviteur's attributes are merged with the loa spirits, you end up with a much more powerful combination.

In theory, you can do this all yourself-- you can take a troll voudoun mage or conjuror, load him up on cyber and bio (taking geasa to offset the losses), and then summoning a loa or two in the comfort of your own hounfour. Sleep off the drain, then get ready to party. Mind you, this combination will come out weaker than the previous one, but it will work just fine.
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post Sep 27 2005, 03:58 AM
Post #29

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox)
Guys as amusing as it is to read this ramage through the rules books (not) remember, anything the street meat can do, the corps can do many times over. Assuming you do not want to have 4-6 CZ's show up and rip the zombie's arms and legs off-he's not dead, he just can't do anything. I'm sure if you don't want a volley of Great Dragon ATGM's into an enclosed space then a truck mounting a vanquisher rotary cannon should do the job. or a FAE dropped on him. Even if he survives the blast and the shock wave and the lack of oxygen...well. Then aiurburst a tac nuke over his head. as the cyber fries, he topples over.
what? over kill? look at this thread.

We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz....

If the Zombie has its life hidden in the magician then not even a nuke will kill it. At worst it'll come back in a month. You have to kill the magician. Now, you can just seal it in a container and let it starve until its force is reduced to 0. Munkimage has hardened armor equal to twice the spirit's force - Wooptidoo! ;twice nothin' is still nothin'.
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post Sep 27 2005, 06:15 AM
Post #30

Canon Companion

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It is a matter of how you want to interprete certain rules.

1) A grande zombie suffers Essense loss.
2) A grande zombie is a free spirit.
3) A free spirit cannot have Spirit Energy less than its Force.
4) A free spirit adds its SE to its Force for purposes of using spirit powers, but no mention is made of weaknesses of which Essense loss is a part of.
5) Can Essense loss eat Spirit Energy? Or does the Essense loss come to a stop at Force=Spirit Energy?
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post Sep 27 2005, 11:28 AM
Post #31

Prime Runner

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hyzmarca, I think you have the wrong end of the stick.
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post Sep 27 2005, 12:05 PM
Post #32

Running Target

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This is why you feed it mice. Every non-cybered mundane critter has 6 essense, so they'll work great. Especially since they're so cheap.
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post Sep 27 2005, 12:19 PM
Post #33

Canon Companion

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But your enemy needn't kill the zombie since it is so difficult, he can just capture it and refuse to feed it. Get it?
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post Sep 27 2005, 12:20 PM
Post #34

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox)
hyzmarca, I think you have the wrong end of the stick.

Nuke the Magician? That may be a little overkill. Something more personal is in order for someone so munchkiny.

By some rules interpertations, chunky salsa can apply to internal explosions. Anyone remember that scene from Man on Fire? If you do then you know what I'm talking about. That'll defeat Immunity to Normal Weapons and make regeneration more difficult.
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post Sep 27 2005, 12:22 PM
Post #35

Running Target

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And he would do so how? Spells are relatively ineffective (Spirits don't even have Stun damage tracks, right?), melee combat is suicide, and ranged combat is ineffective until the start pulling out the sniper rifles and assault cannons.
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post Sep 27 2005, 12:28 PM
Post #36

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (nick012000 @ Sep 27 2005, 07:22 AM)
And he would do so how? Spells are relatively ineffective (Spirits don't even have Stun damage tracks, right?), melee combat is suicide, and ranged combat is ineffective until the start pulling out the sniper rifles and assault cannons.

A giant box. Lure the Grande Zombie into a giant box. Seal the box. Tow it back to your base with a helicopter or a semi. Zombies are stupid. Grande Zombies aren't much smarter. They'll walk into giant boxes without thinking.

Also, Spirits do hae stun tracks. Being stunned always disrupts them. Physical damage can kill them on Astral but only disrupts on the physical plane.
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post Sep 27 2005, 01:44 PM
Post #37

Canon Companion

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If the grande zombie's physical form is destroyed, what happens to its physical form when it reforms?

Also if the GM(and since nick is bent on making it invincible) rules that Essense Loss does not affect Spirit Energy, then you still cannot destroy it, because the Force cannot drop below Spirit Energy.
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post Sep 27 2005, 06:40 PM
Post #38

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (toturi @ Sep 27 2005, 08:44 AM)
If the grande zombie's physical form is destroyed, what happens to its physical form when it reforms?

Also if the GM(and since nick is bent on making it invincible) rules that Essense Loss does not affect Spirit Energy, then you still cannot destroy it, because the Force cannot drop below Spirit Energy.

If it uses Hidden Life you can destroy it by killing its Life Vessal. That is an insta-kill for any free spirit. Do not make a resistance test, do not pass go, do not collect :nyuen: 200. Destroying the vessal isn't easy but it isn't impossible either. Magic bypasses immunity, as do weapon foci. Big explosions and anti-tank weapons will also put a dent in 12 hardened armor. There is only the regeneration to worry about and the law of averages suggests that it will fail in 3-6 deadly wounds. Of course, one may convince the GM to force the regenerating magician to make essence tests against weapon foci just as Shifters have to.

If it doesn't use Hidden Life then the Grande Zombie can be killed the old fashion way, by a hit&run astral sniper or an astral attack pack. 4 watchers, 4 elementals, and a projectiong mage with amagical icepick, the Grande Zombie will be helpless against the Friends in Melee penalities and you can't exactly retreat from attackers that move thousands of times faster than you.
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post Sep 27 2005, 06:49 PM
Post #39

Moving Target

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Bah? Unstoppable killing machine? My patented Regenerating Toxic Fire Spirit Possessed Cyberzombie Troll would eat this thing for breakfast, every time if necessary. No essence loss problems, no need for Hidden Life and the problems it brings, and no fear of Astral Attack Packs.

Now that's a horse of a different colour!
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post Sep 27 2005, 08:51 PM
Post #40

Running Target

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Yes, but this is something you can do out of chargen, if your GM allows spending your spell points for initiation.
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post Sep 27 2005, 09:02 PM
Post #41

Moving Target

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Oooops guess who caught a case of flesh eating necrosis bacteria, or that nasty strain of Astral Bacteria they used in Chicago (Strain III?)....The more power the bigger the meal.
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Kyoto Kid
post Sep 30 2005, 08:47 PM
Post #42

Bushido Cowgirl

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One word...


nuff said
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post Oct 1 2005, 12:02 AM
Post #43

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)
If it uses Hidden Life you can destroy it by killing its Life Vessal. That is an insta-kill for any free spirit. Do not make a resistance test, do not pass go, do not collect :nyuen: 200. Destroying the vessal isn't easy but it isn't impossible either. Magic bypasses immunity, as do weapon foci. Big explosions and anti-tank weapons will also put a dent in 12 hardened armor. There is only the regeneration to worry about and the law of averages suggests that it will fail in 3-6 deadly wounds. Of course, one may convince the GM to force the regenerating magician to make essence tests against weapon foci just as Shifters have to.

If it doesn't use Hidden Life then the Grande Zombie can be killed the old fashion way, by a hit&run astral sniper or an astral attack pack. 4 watchers, 4 elementals, and a projectiong mage with amagical icepick, the Grande Zombie will be helpless against the Friends in Melee penalities and you can't exactly retreat from attackers that move thousands of times faster than you.

The grande zombie doesn't really need to put its Hidden Life into the hougoun that knows it True Name. It makes for a nicer story, yes but if the zombie decides to put it in an aircraft carrier alchera which is the Domain of the zombie's good friend the Free Toxic Storm Spirit... (and the alchera appears in the Toxic Domain once every 9000 years...*whistles*)
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post Oct 1 2005, 12:32 AM
Post #44

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (toturi)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Sep 28 2005, 02:40 AM)
If it uses Hidden Life you can destroy it by killing its Life Vessal. That is an insta-kill for any free spirit. Do not make a resistance test, do not pass go, do not collect :nyuen: 200. Destroying the vessal isn't easy but it isn't impossible either. Magic bypasses immunity, as do weapon foci. Big explosions and anti-tank weapons will also put a dent in 12 hardened armor. There is only the regeneration to worry about and the law of averages suggests that it will fail in 3-6 deadly wounds.  Of course, one may convince the GM to force the regenerating magician to make essence tests against weapon foci just as Shifters have to.

If it doesn't use Hidden Life then the Grande Zombie can be killed the old fashion way, by a hit&run astral sniper or an astral attack pack. 4 watchers, 4 elementals, and a projectiong mage with  amagical icepick, the Grande Zombie will be helpless against the Friends in Melee penalities and you can't exactly retreat from attackers that move thousands of times faster than you.

The grande zombie doesn't really need to put its Hidden Life into the hougoun that knows it True Name. It makes for a nicer story, yes but if the zombie decides to put it in an aircraft carrier alchera which is the Domain of the zombie's good friend the Free Toxic Storm Spirit... (and the alchera appears in the Toxic Domain once every 9000 years...*whistles*)

True, but the premise is that the magician who bound the rande Zombie orders it to hide its life in said magician.
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