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> The Anti-Zephan
post Sep 28 2005, 06:04 PM
Post #1

Shooting Target

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Well after Blakkie sent my Lt. Smoothie threatening (and belive me this is a dire threat that will spell doom for the entire team) to play the group face if no one else ponies up I came up with Gaiel Eynon. Having just seen Lord of War and since we are playing a merc campaign I decided to go with a gun runner. Here he is:

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post Sep 28 2005, 06:23 PM
Post #2

Running Target

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Well, first thing I see is that imp reflexes and synaptic boosters are incompatable.
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post Sep 28 2005, 06:26 PM
Post #3

Karma Police

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Dear All Mighty. I truly fear the social adept dice pools. And I have one of these in my game... Although not nearly as maxed out, but I still fear this potential ;)
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post Sep 28 2005, 06:57 PM
Post #4

Shooting Target

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oh, thanks I hadn't realized that. Removed the Booster, added another level of tailored pharemones. :P I could use the :nuyen: :nuyen: :nuyen: anyhow.
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:09 PM
Post #5

Karma Police

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I saw the trailer for that movie, then looked at this character again. It´s a really good concept, man.
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:12 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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Oh out of curiosity, since in the movie its cocain, why the switch to heroin? Just out of curiosity
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:18 PM
Post #7

Chicago Survivor

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Fewer nose bleeds and you have an excuse to have a silver spoon when you really need to gouge out the eyes of a shifter.
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:21 PM
Post #8


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wouldn't negotiation and etiquitte max out at 6 (1.5 times the natural rating) or am I misreading the rules?
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:24 PM
Post #9

Karma Police

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Everybody is potentially missreading those rules. I even wrote Rob a letter about it, but haven´t gotten an answer. It´s open to interpretation as of yet.

(The imp. ability power has a line that explicitly states that it is not a boost to the skill itself. Just about every other situation that is effected by the 1.5 rule has similar quirks about them)
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:36 PM
Post #10

Shooting Target

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Like the concept, though how one has a 'mild addiction' to heroin I don't get ;)
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:37 PM
Post #11

Chicago Survivor

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That's how it starts man. Read the darktower series by Stephen King. Gives a good detailing of the spiral into hell that is addiction.
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:38 PM
Post #12

Shooting Target

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Shadow Prophet: I chose heroin because he mostly operates in Manchuria, Mongolia and other areas in Northern China. What that area of the world lacks in Coco plants it makes up for in poppies. Since he likely gets a fair bit of his pay in the local illigal currancy it means he probably sees a fair bit of heroin pass through his hands.

Bclemets: Since it's a mild addiction I'd probably say that he doesn't mainline it (yet) either, he just smokes it during his down time.
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:40 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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QUOTE (imperialus)
Shadow Prophet: Heroin because he mostly operates in Manchuria, Mongolia and other areas in Northern China. What that area of the world lacks in Coco plants it makes up for in poppies. Since it's a mild addiction I'd probably say that he doesn't mainline it (yet) either, he just smokes it during his down time.

Ah thats cool. I was just wondering since I had seen the movie and since you had based him off of that I was wondering why the change from the nose candy. :)
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:42 PM
Post #14

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (bclements)
Like the concept, though how one has a 'mild addiction' to heroin I don't get ;)

I know several people who have a mild addiction to heroin (or cocaine). I also know a few with with an addiction to the substance that isn't so mild. Not everyone instantly becomes a brain-fried zombie from using (those) drugs (although it is fairly common).
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:46 PM
Post #15

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (bclements @ Sep 29 2005, 05:36 AM)
Like the concept, though how one has a 'mild addiction' to heroin I don't get  ;)

I know several people who have a mild addiction to heroin (or cocaine). I also know a few with with an addiction to the substance that isn't so mild. Not everyone instantly becomes a brain-fried zombie from using (those) drugs (although it is fairly common).

Yeah in all honesty the only drug I can really see permanently messing you up almost immediately is Meth. Depending on how the campaign goes I might have him slowly start to spiral more and more out of control with his drug use but I'll have to wait and see on that.
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:48 PM
Post #16

Chicago Survivor

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The implications are great. especially if he can't get a fix and the opposition happens to have some china white handy....
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post Sep 28 2005, 07:52 PM
Post #17

Shooting Target

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yeah I really wanted to do somthing other than just grab a few extra BP's by taking a mild addiction to Stims or somthing. I figure this would open up more role playing possibilities other than just checking off another stim patch once a week while you keep track of your ammo ect.
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:09 PM
Post #18


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QUOTE (Squinky)
Well, first thing I see is that imp reflexes and synaptic boosters are incompatable.

Huh, i thought i mentioned that to him on the phone? Must be an oversight.
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:12 PM
Post #19


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EDIT: Oops, mixed up Tailored Pheromones with Mnemonic Enhancer. It's kinda funny though that it's easier to get the legal Symbiotes(3) than the Forbidden Tailored Pheromones(3). :wobble:

That version of the XLS doesn't do Avail checking on the 'Ware, you have to do it manually. :(
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:14 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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QUOTE (blakkie)
I'm pretty sure that i mentioned that the 3rd level of Tailored Pheromones is to high for starting PC too. That version of the XLS doesn't do Avail checking on the 'Ware, you have to do it manually. :(

Well, Tailored Pheromones 3 has an availability of 12F. So, if you're allowing availability 12 at creation, it's legal. Unless you meant you weren't allowing Tailored Pheromones 3 at creation, which is fair.

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post Sep 28 2005, 08:15 PM
Post #21


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QUOTE (imperialus)
Yeah in all honesty the only drug I can really see permanently messing you up almost immediately is Meth.

Bah, just the latest "one hit and you're hooked for life" scare. Yes a small percentage of people are in that sort of range, as shown with other drugs of the moment.

P.S. LSD can really do a number on your head the first time you take it, for better or worse. Just not from an addiction POV.
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:19 PM
Post #22


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QUOTE (calypso)
QUOTE (blakkie @ Sep 28 2005, 03:12 PM)
I'm pretty sure that i mentioned that the 3rd level of Tailored Pheromones is to high for starting PC too.  That version of the XLS doesn't do Avail checking on the 'Ware, you have to do it manually. :(

Well, Tailored Pheromones 3 has an availability of 12F. So, if you're allowing availability 12 at creation, it's legal. Unless you meant you weren't allowing Tailored Pheromones 3 at creation, which is fair.


Opps, that was Mnemonic Enhancer that's ratingx5. Thought that was Pheromones.
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:20 PM
Post #23

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (imperialus @ Sep 28 2005, 01:46 PM)
Yeah in all honesty the only drug I can really see permanently messing you up almost immediately is Meth.

Bah, just the latest "one hit and you're hooked for life" scare. Yes a small percentage of people are in that sort of range, as shown with other drugs of the moment.

P.S. LSD can really do a number on your head the first time you take it, for better or worse. Just not from an addiction POV.

It could well be... I've never looked that close at meth before... I've never felt the overwhelming urge to go up to a Ghib head and ask him about it either so I'm quite happy with my ignorance on that count.
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:29 PM
Post #24

Running Target

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I worked in a jail for four years....Meth is the devil.
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post Sep 28 2005, 08:40 PM
Post #25


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I like the Intimidation(3) and the thumbs up with the languages. What does "(Negotiation: 9)" mean? Because you get a pile more than that in the dice pool? Also anyway to come up with the extra 9BP for Alpha grade TP(3)? Because then they only cost (0.6x0.8=0.48 essense) which leaves you room for your Synaptic Boosters(1), and saves you those 2 power points from Improved Reflexes. Maybe drop a point of Agility? You aren't the crackshot in the group anyway.

EDIT: Ok, i see where you are getting 9 from now. Skill + Imp Ability, but you can't have 5 in those because you are limited by both your Magic and the Skill ranks to 4. Get some Mystic Armour or something?

Oh, and that Contact list looks way wrong. Or am i the only one seeing a huge disjoint between the Connection values and the job descriptions?

P.S. Although there are indeed "high functioning" smack addicts why not just change it to an opium addiction. That's a bit tamer than heroin and gives you an even more local flavour (which i like BTW). If you start jonesing and run out we can just go shake down the nearest village. What could possibly go wrong with that?™
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