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From: Tlön, Orbis Tertius
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White Wolf's Adventure!, Aberrant, and Trinity lines are going D20. I'm not sure anybody here cares, but a few of you have expressed interest in Adventure! when I've mentioned it in the past.
QUOTE | Sword & Sorcery Studios™ ANNOUNCES d20® versions of FAN-FAVORITE adventure!™, aberrant™ and trinity™ games
Atlanta, GA, September 25, 2003 - Fans of innovative and dynamic roleplaying games can look forward to new hardcover editions of the acclaimed Trinity, Aberrant, and Adventure! game settings, to be published under the popular d20 System.
"We wanted to make these exciting games available to the large audience of gamers who use the d20 rules," said Mike Tinney, President of White Wolf.
"The three settings of the game universe we call the Continuum have long had loyal followings," added Andrew Bates, Managing Editor of Sword & Sorcery Studios and a designer for all three games. "By launching them under the d20 System, we hope to bring them to an even larger group of fans."
The Continuum games will release in 2004, starting in April with the pulp-themed Adventure!, winner of the 2002 Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game. The superpower-themed Aberrant follows in June, and the science fiction setting Trinity launches in July.
"These are new editions of the games fans know and love," Bates observed, "with changes primarily to the rules, but also to clean up and reinforce the continuity between the three settings."
Each book will be hardcover in the standard 8-1/2 by 11-inch format, and will be compatible with the d20 System, requiring the Dungeons & Dragons v.3.5 Player's Handbook. Each is otherwise complete unto itself. In addition, the three together tell a generational saga the likes of which is seen rarely in roleplaying.
Each game is set in a different time period in the same universe, known as the Continuum. This reality is similar to our own, save for the presence of superhumanly powerful people. Adventure! is set in the pulp era of the early 20th century, where players take the roles of amazing individuals - fearless daredevils, mysterious mesmerists and uncanny stalwarts - who explore wondrous and bizarre happenings around the globe. Aberrant is set in the early 21st century, where the focus is on the stalwarts' genetic descendants, called novas, and how such superhuman beings impact every aspect of society. Trinity is set in the early 22nd century, in a universe transformed by technology, war, contact with alien species and the rise of the distant genetic cousins of pulp-era mesmerists, now called psions.
Dragon Magazine called Trinity "smart, intense space-opera... high-IQ roleplaying," while lauded Aberrant's "excellent setting" and Adventure! as "imaginative, innovative and fun."
# # #
A division of White Wolf Publishing, Sword & Sorcery Studios ( is an affiliation of design studios producing roleplaying products fully compatible with the d20 System and the Open Game License. The studios include: Sword & Sorcery Studios, Arthaus Publishing, Scarred Lands, Necromancer Games, Ravenloft, Gamma World, EverQuest RPG, Warcraft RPG, Malhavoc Press and Engel.
White Wolf Publishing, Inc. (, is a company dedicated to redefining the art of storytelling. Since its birth in 1991, White Wolf has consistently stretched the boundaries of familiar modes of artistic entertainment, introducing new realms to the horror, science fiction and fantasy genres. White Wolf began its journey with its now highly popular roleplaying lines including Vampire: The Masquerade, and then ventured into the realm of mass-market fiction publishing. White Wolf is most recently involved in the electronic entertainment and television industries.
For more information, contact: Andrew Bates Managing Editor Sword & Sorcery Studios White Wolf Publishing, Inc. 1554 Litton Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 404-292-1819 x236 (voice) / 678-382-3883 (fax) |