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> So, I came across this pile of old SR stuff..., ...any of it any good?
post Nov 23 2005, 09:47 AM
Post #26

Freelance Elf

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And the painting. Don't forget the monstrous, monstrous, painting. To get a paint job done well is generally priced at at least the going rate of each model, if you pay someone else to do it. So just, to be easy, double the value.
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post Nov 23 2005, 09:59 AM
Post #27

Moving Target

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That would have resulted in homicide if it would have been my mother giving away my 40k armies.
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post Nov 23 2005, 11:13 PM
Post #28

Moving Target

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The funny thing was he gets back from the UK, and he hasn't been playing over there and has a new career, so he doesn't check on his 40K stuff for a while. Eventually some mates give him a call and see if he wants to do a game, so he says yes and goes around to his mum's place to pick it all up. I wasn't there at the time but I understand you could hear his yelling two streets away.

The annoying little sh*t who got the free minatures was confronted and claimed he didn't know what they were worth and had sold them to some second-hand store he couldn't remember. I saw the same little sh*t six months later with an impressive Space Marine army of disturbing familiarity at a convention. I go over and ask where he got it (because he doesn't know me) and he gives this story about tricking some idiot who was in the UK out of his miniatures.

I pass this on to my brother-in-law and he goes all quiet. My brother-in-law's a really good guy, but he's well over six foot tall and gets in a lot of pub brawls. I don't know what happened but the little sh*t's family moved a continent away within two months, although he didn't get the miniatures back.
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post Nov 23 2005, 11:28 PM
Post #29

Manus Celer Dei

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QUOTE (mmu1)
That, and I figure this'd give my GMs a chance to go "DON'T READ THAT!" if necessary.

Don't read Queen Euphoria. I'd tell you not to read Super Tuesday either, but at the pace we're moving I figure if you just don't read it from 2010 onwards you'll have forgotten by the time we get there.

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post Nov 23 2005, 11:52 PM
Post #30

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Enigma @ Nov 22 2005, 09:15 PM)
On the lucky/unlucky find story, my mother-in-law gave away to some kid down the street (for free) her son's (my brother-in-law's) Warhammer 40K stuff when he was in the UK for six months and she got sick of storing it (and without consulting him).  I'm not a player of 40K myself, but I understand that a 6,000 point army of Space Marine things, all the Space Marine books and every minature professionally painted is worth a bit?

Wow, my sympathies.
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post Nov 25 2005, 02:06 AM
Post #31

King of the Hobos

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QUOTE (mmu1)
7117 Bug City (with the UB and Missing Blood booklets)
7110 Shadowtech
7105 Paranormal Animals of North America
7201 Seattle Sourcebook
7123 The Underworld Sourcebook
7121 Threats

Those are the ones that I think are worth reading. The rest of them are either horribly out of date or just kinda average in my opinion. And then there are the couple that are so bad you really do want to sue someone for the wasted time back - London and Tir sourcebooks I'm looking at you! Can't speak for the adventures since it's been so long since I ran any of them.
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post Nov 26 2005, 03:02 AM
Post #32


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Frag, as long as were doing drool lists, here are the ones I've got.

All of them.

All 1st ed.
All 2nd ed.
All 3rd ed.
All rule books.
All source books.
All adventure books.
All paperback books.
Both Denver and DMZ boxed sets.
The extra maps for DMZ.
The fragging art book.
Every thing published for Shadowrun that came though my local gaming store. I even got the classic SR logo T-shirt.

And most of it is worthless because it was carried and used.

The 1st ed. book is hardcover BTW. :vegm:
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post Nov 26 2005, 04:14 AM
Post #33

Freelance Elf

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post Nov 26 2005, 04:49 AM
Post #34

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Starfurie)
Frag, as long as were doing drool lists, here are the ones I've got.

All of them.

So, how are those SR Mangas anyway? I've always wondered.
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post Nov 26 2005, 05:03 AM
Post #35


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QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
QUOTE (Starfurie @ Nov 25 2005, 10:02 PM)
Frag, as long as were doing drool lists, here are the ones I've got.

All of them.

So, how are those SR Mangas anyway? I've always wondered.

The artwork is nice, but the story is hard to follow, being in a language I don't read after all. :grinbig:
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post Nov 26 2005, 01:58 PM
Post #36

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (Starfurie @ Nov 25 2005, 09:02 PM)
Frag, as long as were doing drool lists, here are the ones I've got.

All of them.

All 1st ed.
All 2nd ed.
All 3rd ed.
All rule books.
All source books.
All adventure books.
All paperback books.
Both Denver and DMZ boxed sets.
The extra maps for DMZ.
The fragging art book.
Every thing published for Shadowrun that came though my local gaming store.  I even got the classic SR logo T-shirt.

And most of it is worthless because it was carried and used.

The 1st ed. book is hardcover BTW. :vegm:

Sorry, I wasn't listing everything I have, just the stuff I got in a previous auction, of which most of it was duplicate stuff.

Only the 1st edition hardcover? Poser. ;)

Shadowland and Kage?
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post Nov 26 2005, 03:27 PM
Post #37

Prime Runner

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If you like SR then this is some really good stuff. I don't know about street value but for enjoyment.

7103 Sprawl Sites goofy in it's niavite at some points but good for color and ideas, or even a chuckle.

7104 Street Samurai Catalog
fun for the pictures of the guns and the color commentary but hopelessly out of date for rules.

7105 Paranormal Animals of North America
really good. just adapt the stats and it's first rate, stats, commentary and pictures.

7106 The Grimoire: The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy, 14th Ed., 2050
probably the least usueful. a few good pictures and a little commentary but no color commentary and the rules were laberinythine then, now they are out of date and were much better cleaned up in later editions.

7108 Rigger Black Book
the best car book in the whole game.color commentary and PICTURES of the cars, what a concept.

7110 Shadowtech
I loved this book. I really gives you ideas who the bioware is supposed to be used and work, it even has diagrams of hwere in the body it goes. Later book may have given more toys and rules but this is the book that really explained it all. I still remember buying this and settling in at a local Mcdonalds to poor over it. If you can remember where you first read something it means it really stuff.

7117 Bug City (with the UB and Missing Blood booklets)
UB is great product. the adventure has tough opostion and the short story is outstanding, but hey it's Nigel Findley. Bug City itself, less so. It's good if you want a dungeon crawl but we avoided Chicago after that.

7120 Awakenings: New Magic In 2057 tightly written the first real expansion of the magical world. considering I thought some of the later weres were a little loose, this is one of my favorites.

7121 Threats check please. ok not fair but it was a little to vague on stuff we didn't know and rehashed in details stuff from other books. plus i didn't like the art. They learned from mistakes though and threats 2 was better.

7123 The Underworld Sourcebook only useful if you want to be heavily into the underworld of mafia, Yakuza etc.

7201 Seattle Sourcebook Probably one of my favorite all time SB's in ANY game I've played. Unlike later versions this concentrated on the City as a place people live and have fun, not just a home for corps to run against.

7202 Native American Nations: Volume Onethe adventure is a little off but the discriptions of the different NAN's is really good. yes it has been replaced with Shadows of NA but this is the base that built on.

7203 London Sourcebook Another GREAT SB. I lived in London for 6 months in college and this ,like the first Seattle SB really focused on the City more than runs.

7207 Native American Nations bad travel stuff, they're all the same, but a good run.

7210 Tir TairngireI have this book. I read this book. It really doesn't make much of an impression on me. SoNA does a better job with this one.

7303 Dreamchipper Kind of silly and too little time for each of 3 parts but good ideas.

7304 Queen Euphoria A classic.

7314 A Killing Glare Was this the one with the Urban Brawl team? This might be one of the rare ones I tossed, and I keep everything. If it's the one i'm thinking of there were so many plot hole I couldn't even salvage it for color commentary and ideas. (as I did Elven Fire)

7322 Super Tuesday
7323 Shadows of the Underworld
These two have good short runs. Not as detailed as the earlier book that had one adventure inside the lines, but not bad.

7901 Shadowrun 2nd Edition
7902 Contacts Good for ideas but really a little weak.

7903 The Grimoire: The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy, 15th Ed., 2053a better discription of higher magic but not much in the way of color commentary. outdated now.

7904 Virtual Realities[/B] the 1st Ed had Good story this is kind of weak by comparrison.

7905 SR Companion: Beyond the Shadows
The first ed was the Grand mother of the SOTA's. I felt a little cheated by this as there was little new from the first one.
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post Nov 26 2005, 07:48 PM
Post #38

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

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I have
All first (all the books that I know of anyway both hard and soft main books)

All second (all the books that I know of anyway both hard and soft main books)

Most of third (sorry I slacked off for a bit)

Most of fourth (hehe no limited oh well)

Don't have the art book

Have all of shadowland

None of Kage (which sucks I really wanted them)

Yes to both boxed sets

No on magnas (didn't know there were any) and any clothing

Alas no poster either (but I know someone who does have one that count? lol)

Finally both console games and they both work heck played the sega one just last week.

Don't play the snes one much as it really is bad, hehe found that with a game genie one can have 66 on all physical stats now that is an adept lol.

Anywho that is my list of SR oh and one of the hardcover 2nd's is signed if someone has all the kage issues and is willing to sell at a good price (I AM POOR!!!!) I would love to hear from ya in a pm.
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post Nov 26 2005, 08:16 PM
Post #39

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Casazil)
Finally both console games and they both work heck played the sega one just last week.

Both? You must be refering to the English titles.

Since you didn't know about the mangas, I'm guessing you didn't know about the Shadowrun game released in Japan for the Sega Mega-CD system (which was what they called the Sega CD addon for the Genesis over there). Different from either the SNES or the Genesis versions of the game.
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post Nov 27 2005, 12:06 AM
Post #40

Free Spirit

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RunnerPaul's sig and the SR geek code in general prompted me to pull down my BABY today and see what number of 1000 I have. It isn't numbered. Does this make it rare/more valuable or is it a clone or what?
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post Nov 27 2005, 12:10 AM
Post #41


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QUOTE (tisoz)
Shadowland and Kage?

All seven Shadowland, no Kage.
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post Nov 27 2005, 12:32 AM
Post #42

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (tisoz @ Nov 26 2005, 07:06 PM)
RunnerPaul's sig and the SR geek code in general prompted me to pull down my BABY today and see what number of 1000 I have.  It isn't numbered.  Does this make it rare/more valuable or is it a clone or what?

No number on the first page with the black&white version of the SR3 cover?

Time to play Antiques Roadshow. What can you tell us about the history of this piece, how it was acquired, and so forth?
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post Nov 27 2005, 12:46 AM
Post #43

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
QUOTE (tisoz @ Nov 26 2005, 07:06 PM)
RunnerPaul's sig and the SR geek code in general prompted me to pull down my BABY today and see what number of 1000 I have.  It isn't numbered.  Does this make it rare/more valuable or is it a clone or what?

No number on the first page with the black&white version of the SR3 cover?

Time to play Antiques Roadshow. What can you tell us about the history of this piece, how it was acquired, and so forth?

It has the cover, then a gray page (f/b), then the page you mention. On that page, it says, "This is _____ of 1000."

I got it around 6 years ago, shortly after FASA announced they were closing their doors. It was auctioned off of eBay, the seller was from NW Indiana, IIRC, I want to say Valparaiso. I think he sold a few BABYs, about 1 a week for a while.
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post Nov 27 2005, 01:54 AM
Post #44

Neophyte Runner

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So, you have the proper endpaper flyleaf, followed by the right first page. I'll assume that the cover and the foil stamping also pass inspection, because if they hadn't you would have noticed when you first bought the thing. Can you describe the headband of the book? (It's the cloth part of the binding that the pages are glued to, right at the ends of the spine)

The fact that there was a guy who was auctioning off several of these is interesting at first blush, but to be honest, the cost of putting together a set of counterfits that'd be convincing enough to fool at least one buyer for several years would be prohibitive. For what they were selling for on Ebay at the time, the profit margin would be too narrow.
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post Nov 27 2005, 05:16 AM
Post #45

Prime Runner

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Thast and the fact there is not way he could know if it would or would not become a collectors piece. The un-numbered page sounds odd, unless the numbers wwere done in lead and faded with time. check the page for an impression.
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post Nov 27 2005, 07:08 AM
Post #46

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (RunnerPaul @ Nov 26 2005, 07:54 PM)
So, you have the proper endpaper flyleaf, followed by the right first page. I'll assume that the cover and the foil stamping also pass inspection, because if they hadn't you would have noticed when you first bought the thing. Can you describe the headband of the book? (It's the cloth part of the binding that the pages are glued to, right at the ends of the spine)

The fact that there was a guy who was auctioning off several of these is interesting at first blush, but to be honest, the cost of putting together a set of counterfits that'd be convincing enough to fool at least one buyer for several years would be prohibitive. For what they were selling for on Ebay at the time, the profit margin would be too narrow.

Tribal type s logo on front cover in blue; SHADOWRUN, then the same logo, then FASA CORPORATION in blue on spine, and WHERE MAN MEETS MAGIC AND MACHINE inside a rectangle inside a rectangle again in blue on back.

Headband is 7 white segments seperated by 6 black segments then a strip of black then the pages at the top of the book. At the bottom it is similar but instead of the black "strip", the colors are reversed.

They were going for $150-$225+ at the time. It looked like the rest of the cover shots. At the time, a lot of people thought that was the end of SR. Some stores kept thinking so for years.

QUOTE (Snow_Fox)
That and the fact there is no way he could know if it would or would not become a collectors piece. The un-numbered page sounds odd, unless the numbers were done in lead and faded with time. Check the page for an impression.

No impression, and by holding the light at a nice angle the texture of the page becomes visible and uniform where the impression likely never was. I do not ever recall noticing a number.

So are they hand or machine numbered? If they were hand numbered, could this be an early one that got distributed before numbering got underway, or one toward the end when they got over it? Or was there a case that turned up missing that never got numbered? (I was jokingly plotting at the last GenCon to hijack a handtruck worth of 4th ed LEs as they were being delivered. ;))

I noticed all my 4th edition LEs are numbered. (If I had accomplished my plot, I would have a few shelves of 4th ed LEs on display for fellow gamers to drool over. However they would be worthless on the open market if they backtracked the missing numbers.)
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post Nov 27 2005, 09:02 AM
Post #47

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (tisoz)
Headband is 7 white segments seperated by 6 black segments then a strip of black then the pages at the top of the book. At the bottom it is similar but instead of the black "strip", the colors are reversed.

That's very similar to the description of mine, close enough that any differences would just be due to normal manufacturing variation. If someone were to have taken a bunch of SR3 softcovers, and tried to bind them, I would think there'd be differences in the headbamnd, or a lack of headband all together.

So are they hand or machine numbered?

Hand numbered in black magic marker. Highest number I've ever seen is 980, which is one I used to own before giving it to a friend.

So, if we assume that they didn't skip any numbers on the way up to 980, that only leaves a possible 20 that could have potentially gone un-numbered.
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post Nov 27 2005, 06:33 PM
Post #48

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

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QUOTE (Starfurie @ Nov 26 2005, 07:10 PM)
QUOTE (tisoz @ Nov 26 2005, 08:58 AM)
Shadowland and Kage?

All seven Shadowland, no Kage.

Yep all 7 shadowland and no kage as I didn't know kage was around.

Also no I didn't know about the japanese cd game but then again I don't read/speak/write japanese so it is not something I would have looked for.

No I don't plan on learning japanese cause it is a hard language to learn according to a friend of mine and he has a photographic memory with almost perfect recall. Which is scary sometimes the things he remembers lol.
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SL James
post Nov 28 2005, 05:32 AM
Post #49

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You must bash his skull in and devour the sweet filling inside to give you super powers.

Er... I mean, that's still a damn impressive collection.
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post Nov 29 2005, 05:39 PM
Post #50

Moving Target

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I've got every published Shadowrun book save for Universal Brotherhood, seven issues of that Shadowland official-unofficial magazine supplement, the Denver and DMZ boxed sets, a promo poster for Shadowrun 3rd Edition, and the high-quality/thickness rollable poster depicting the cover of the Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life that was the second prize in the mail-in sweepstakes surrounding the release of the Shadowrun game for the SNES. I've also got, somewhere around here, a box full of (mostly unpainted) Shadowrun miniatures.
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