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> Shadowrun - Die 6. Welt, The SR Worldbook
post Nov 22 2005, 10:33 AM
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Moving Target

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When it was first announced several people here expressed interest about the German Shadowrun - Die 6. Welt (aka the "SR Worldbook") so I thought I'd share some information.

SR6W is a 21x14cm (8.27x5.51") sized paperback book containing 512 pages (16 full-color). The list of contributors (authors and illustrators) is too long to repeat it here.

I'll now give a synopsis of the chapters, translating the titles when necessary:

Inhalt (Table of contents) - p6
Take a guess ;-)

Vorworte (Forewords) - p7
Tobias Hamelmann talks about his personal SR history while Christian Lonsing explains what RPGs in general and SR especially mean to him.

Shadowrun - ein Phänomen (Shadowrun - a phenomenon) - p12
Reflections on SR's target audience, realism and the relations between in-game and IRL world and history.

Kurzgeschichte: Erwachen (Short story: Awakening) - p23
Holly Brighton's recollection of the day she met Dunkelzahn. (Sidenote: We learn that Holly had a daughter named Annabell who was born a dwarf.)

Shadowrun vs Cyberpunk - p44
What is Cyberpunk - and is Shadowrun Cyberpunk?

Der Zahn der Zeit (The ravages of time) - p51
The complete SR timeline up to 2064 (including information about South America taken from SoLA).

Kurzgeschichte: Kabale (Short story: Cabal) - p121
Hedwig Gabler, leader of the German Grand Badisch Crusade terrorist group, is taken to Liechtenstein where she meets a political figure of the past she'd never have expected to be still alive - Alfons Hunggarten, once chancellor of the South German League (2038-2044), who explains his unbelievable plans to her.

Die Hintermänner (Those behind the scenes) - p134
FASA and Fantasy Productions.

Interview I - p140
L. Ross Babcock III and David Charles Wylie talk about SR.

Access All Areas - p144
Peer Bieber and Tobias Wolter tell how they turned from fans to freelancers and explain how an idea becomes a book - using SoE as an example.

Interview II - p165
Christian Lonsing talks about SR4 and the decisions that led to the new edition.

Kurzgeschichte: Der Echtleder-Koffer (Short story: The real-leather suitcase) - p169
In the latest session of their favority virtual reality game teens Tom and Max discover an object that should not be there - and suddenly a heavily-armed elf stands in their room and demands the game chip...

Shadowrun - das Rollenspiel (Shadowrun - the role-playing game) - p176
An overview of RPGs in general and the various SR editions.

Kuriositätenkabinett (Freak show) - p186
Freak (and fun) characters (from deliberate powergaming to rule misunderstandings) encountered at conventions.

Mächte der Sechsten Welt (Powers of the Sixth World) - p188
Dragons, corporations, magic, matrix, political powers, religion, immortal elves, underworld.

Earthdawn - die Welt davor (Earthdawn - the world that came before) - p248
A rundown of ED - history of the game, description of the game world, connections to SR (ends with an explanation of what Proteus was originally meant to be before the ED/SR crossover storyline was buried).

Kurzgeschichte: Ein Sack voll Glück(Short story: A bag full of luck) - p259
Two garbage collectors find and keep a suitcase full of money, unaware they disrupted a blackmail payment and have two runners on their tail...

Who is who - p280
Personal profiles of various people involved in SR.

Interview III - p300
Lars Blumenstein, Tobias Hamelmann and Tobias Wolter talk about the German SR crew and give a brief glimpse of future projects (new-style citybooks called "Hot Spots" and a new German adventure campaign centered on the 2064-2070 events from an AGS point of view).

Farbseiten (Color pages) - p305
Various color plates from SR1-SR3 (including the North American country flags, the coats-of-arms of the AGS states and even one of the photograph illustration from London Sourcebook).

Kampf der Editionen (Battle of the editions) - p321
Four rounds of SR combat told rules-wise - one round for each SR edition.

Kurzgeschichte: Zum Wohle der Forschung (Short story: For the sake of research) - p349
The voluntary extraction of a genetics researcher and her motives for doing so.

Ware 101 - p361
Thoughts about SR cyberware - what is it, why is it used, how do cloning or a DNI work?

Schonungslos (Pitiless) - p368
Freak stuff, glitches, mistranslations, miscommunications between FanPro and FASA (resulting in canon deviances), strange rules, trivia.

Rhein-Ruhr-Newsfax (Rhine-Ruhr-Newsfax) - p377
Ingame news dated April 2, 2064 (among them speculations about the Novatech IPO and the death of Cardinal Heeremann, de facto leader of the theocratic AGS state Westphalia).

Kurzgeschichte: Resurrection (Short story: Resurrection) - p382
Anna, a young wife and mother, works tirelessly for the German Liberal Democratic Federalistic Party - to the point where her family breaks up and she recognizes her ambitions and goals to be just illusions.
When the Crash 2.0 sends her into a nine-day coma she awakes to discover strange new abilities - she can feel the cyberspace around her, see data in ways never thought of before and doesn't need a cyberterminal anymore...
(Unfortunately, due to an editing error the end of the story is missing. The full text can be downloaded as a PDF here.)

Produkte (Products) - p398
All SR products ever produced (not including SoA and even more recent stuff) - game books (including those from France, Hungary and Japan), novels (English and German), mangas, TCG, miniatures, magazines and merchandise.

Zum Ende (Closing words) - p470
Lars Blumenstein talks about the SR future: 4th Edition.

Glossar (Glossary) - p472
A glossary of SR terminology - with ingame comments by a runner called Zwieblblootz.

Anhänge (Appendices) - p487
Comparison charts of dice roll success probabilities in SR3 and SR4, maps of Europe, the AGS and Seattle, corporate logos, metahuman illustrations and various German SR ID cards given away as goodies at conventions.

I hope you appreciate my overview.
It is a really nice book, full of information and nice tidbits - of course, you must be able to read and understand German...

(The chapter showing the different combat rules from SR1-SR4 working side by side is one of my favorites.)
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SL James
post Nov 22 2005, 10:57 AM
Post #2

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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Gee, no one outside of Germany could ever want what's in there.

Cripes. Even I want this book.
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:04 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Sounds great. A bit cruel to release it in German only. At least for people not speaking German. :D

Ist das schon draußen?
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:16 AM
Post #4

Freelance Elf

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God dammit. That sounds like ~500 pages of paper awesome, and so, naturally, it's unavaiable to most of the fucking world.

*sigh* Thanks for the breakdown, but it just pisses me off I can't get it. ;)
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:17 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Oracle)
Ist das schon draußen?

Ja, ist zusammen mit SR4.01d zur SPIEL imOktober erschienen.
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:23 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Critias)
*sigh* Thanks for the breakdown, but it just pisses me off I can't get it. ;)

Well, start a petition to Rob to produce an English translation.
But I'm afraid that, as it is a book by German authors for a German audience, this would face the same problems that lead to the massive changes done when Deutschland in den Schatten was transformed into the Germany Sourcebook.
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:28 AM
Post #7

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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What's with editing? Is it as poorly done as the last FanPro german books?
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:29 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Bleh I was hoping I would be forced to use my German ever again! Guess it is time to pull out the old lacking language skills and worm eaten dictionaries just to get through this one, but I'm sure it will be well worth it!
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:36 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Grinder)
What's with editing? Is it as poorly done as the last FanPro german books?

I thinks there' a discussion somewhere in the German FP forums...

Personally, I have no complaints. The missing ending of "Resurrection" was explained and the story offered for download.

Of course, with this book the problem of translation didn't arise and time was not as pressing as with SR4.01d.
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:39 AM
Post #10

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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What was the reason for not printing the whole story?

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post Nov 22 2005, 11:52 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Grinder)
What was the reason for not printing the whole story?

As I said in my synopsis above it was not deliberate but an editing error.
It was explained in the last FP newsletter.

It is not much that is missing and the story works without it but the mid-sentence ending looks strange.
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post Nov 22 2005, 11:57 AM
Post #12

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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It was explained in the last FP newsletter.

In the same in which they said "sorry" for the bad translated Loose Alliances-Sb? At the moment i have the impression that the FanPro Germany guys are a bunch of a)overworked poor souls or b)idiots who don't care too much about either SR nor the quality of their work.

I tend to b.
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post Nov 22 2005, 12:04 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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Let's just face it. The quality of the Germany-only SR publications has never been very high. I just hated Chrom und Dioxin and Walzer, Punks und schwarzes ICE. And I am ignoring most of the content of Deutschland in den Schatten II.
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post Nov 22 2005, 12:07 PM
Post #14

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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B:ADL had some nice ideas, but also a lot of crap (Berlin *cough*).

But the worst thing is the fact that the german translations of the last SR-books (including the very important SR4 rulebook) had been done really bad.
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post Nov 22 2005, 12:09 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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The first printing of SR3.01D wasn't any better.
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post Nov 22 2005, 12:11 PM
Post #16

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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But the german versions of CC, M&M and MitS had been nice and offered some extras compared with the english versions. But after that (and Crazy leaving FanPro) the quality became worse and worse.
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post Nov 22 2005, 12:12 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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That's true. Shadowrun without Crazy isn't the same.
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post Nov 22 2005, 03:22 PM
Post #18

Immoral Elf

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I wanna know the story behind Proteus! :(
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post Nov 22 2005, 03:36 PM
Post #19

Shooting Target

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Der Zahn der Zeit (The ravages of time) - p51
The complete SR timeline up to 2064 (including information about South America taken from SoLA).

Ok, I'll bite: What did they include?

Kurzgeschichte: Zum Wohle der Forschung (Short story: For the sake of research) - p349
The voluntary extraction of a genetics researcher and her motives for doing so.

Anyone we know?

Mächte der Sechsten Welt (Powers of the Sixth World) - p188
Dragons, corporations, magic, matrix, political powers, religion, immortal elves, underworld.

This chapter alone has almost 60 pages?

I want this book, dammit. :wobble:
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post Nov 22 2005, 03:44 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Fortune)
I wanna know the story behind Proteus! :(

Well, some hints are OK, I guess...

1.) One of Proteus' backers was the late Great Dragon Nachtmeister who, considering the life expectancy of dragons, might have witnessed certain horrible creatures invading earth millenia ago.
2.) Proteus' research was aimed at adapting humans to dangerous surroundings otherwise uninhabitable - underwater, space, etc.
3.) Proteus built isolated habitats in remote locations, partially (or totally) submerged, heavily armed and shrouded in secrecy (hint: try replacing "Arkoblock" with a different, much shorter, word...).

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post Nov 22 2005, 03:54 PM
Post #21

Immoral Elf

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Ah ... much obliged. :)
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post Nov 22 2005, 04:01 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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Der Zahn der Zeit (The ravages of time) - p51
The complete SR timeline up to 2064 (including information about South America taken from SoLA).

Ok, I'll bite: What did they include?

E.g. elections in Ecuador 2062 (and related events), easter riots in Argentinia, peace talks between Aztlan and Yucatan 2064 (at least it's my guess these are from SoLA - they're too recent to be from Aztlan Sourcebook).

Kurzgeschichte: Zum Wohle der Forschung (Short story: For the sake of research) - p349
The voluntary extraction of a genetics researcher and her motives for doing so.

Anyone we know?

The story is about a woman named Kendra Parker who works for Ballantine Biochems.

Mächte der Sechsten Welt (Powers of the Sixth World) - p188
Dragons, corporations, magic, matrix, political powers, religion, immortal elves, underworld.

This chapter alone has almost 60 pages?

It describes each group, names examples and lists the sourcebooks where further information can be found.
Dragons: p188-201, Corporations: p201-209, Magic: p209-218, Matrix: p218-230, Political Powers: p230-232, Religion: p232-235, IEs: p235-240, Underworld: p241-247.
Note: A person named "Ancient History" is thanked in the first line of this chapter... ;)
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post Nov 22 2005, 04:03 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Fortune)
Ah ... much obliged. :)

But keep in mind - that was the original Proteus concept!

The recent Schockwellen campaign gave a different explanation of the "mystery corp".
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post Nov 22 2005, 04:05 PM
Post #24

Immoral Elf

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Oh, I understand that. I was just curious about the original intentions, as I'm a relatively big fan of The Metaplot™.
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otaku mike
post Nov 22 2005, 04:26 PM
Post #25

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Fortune)
I wanna know the story behind Proteus! :(

Well, some hints are OK, I guess...

1.) One of Proteus' backers was the late Great Dragon Nachtmeister who, considering the life expectancy of dragons, might have witnessed certain horrible creatures invading earth millenia ago.
2.) Proteus' research was aimed at adapting humans to dangerous surroundings otherwise uninhabitable - underwater, space, etc.
3.) Proteus built isolated habitats in remote locations, partially (or totally) submerged, heavily armed and shrouded in secrecy (hint: try replacing "Arkoblock" with a different, much shorter, word...).


Well, I didn't need that book to know that.
It was quite blatant from the beginning that it was a not so subtle ED link...
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