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> Ritual Sorcery, Should runners even bother with it?
post Nov 29 2005, 04:02 PM
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Shooting Target

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DISCLAIMER: I'm not talking about flavor-based reasons in the following. Character flavor can motivate absolutely anything, so we can accept that as a given.

I was building a magician last night, and it occurred to me that the following are all worth 40 BPs:

1) Sorcery group at 4.
2) Spellcasting at 6 and Counterspelling at 4.
3) Spellcasting and Counterspelling at 5.
4) Spellcasting at 4 and Counterspelling at 6.

Option #1 is the only one that includes Ritual Sorcery. The other three are basically for more "immediate use" magicians and could be chosen based on where you'd want to skew the guy's functionality. Having a higher Spellcasting is arguably more beneficial for a few reasons (not the least of which is the potential to know more spells right out of chargen).

That brings me to my point: Most shadowrunners are "immediate use" kinda people. 'Runners typically don't die in their sleep or between firefights; they usually kiss dirt in skirmishes. So it really seems like Ritual Sorcery doesn't come up often enough to warrant a heavy investment in it.

And yeah, it's nice to have the option to send out a spotter spirit while working your mojo from the comfort of your own sofa. It's just that usually there aren't enough PCs (of the same tradition!) in a group to make that much more beneficial than just physically showing up at the target's doorstep along with the rest of the party and just casting on the spot.

To be clear: Ritual Sorcery undoubtedly has its uses, but it seems that they don't come up very often and when they do there are still viable non-ritual options available.

Given how expensive (in BP and karma) it is to be a full magician, it seems that it's more efficient to never pick up the Sorcery skill group and instead just buy a point or two in Ritual Sorcery after chargen. Once you get the Specialization that applies most to your primary ritual use, you're pretty much done as far as I can tell.

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post Nov 29 2005, 04:21 PM
Post #2

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except, isnt the size of your ritual group depeendant o the lowest skill of the person in the group?
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:22 PM
Post #3

Shooting Target

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Right, but since most runner teams won't have more than, say, 2 casters of the same tradition....
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:25 PM
Post #4

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true, but your initiation group does... and i would expect most of them to want you to be involved in more of their groups, especially as you rise within the ranks.
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:31 PM
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true, but your initiation group does... and i would expect most of them to want you to be involved in more of their groups, especially as you rise within the ranks.

I agree, Street Magic adding initiation groups will help with giving flavour that can drive the mechanics.....unless you are magician heavy group. Three hermetics on the team? Ritual Spellcasting might actually be used, for say those spells that you can sustain and work so much better with lots of hits. I believe Analyze Device was given as an example way, way back.
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:31 PM
Post #6

Shooting Target

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"Sorry, guys, I'd really like to help you with this ritual rather than go out with my team and earn some money. It's just that I suck at rituals, and would only hold you back. Let me know how it turns out!"

<keeps looking for a non-ritual-heavy group in case these guys eventually kick him out>
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:35 PM
Post #7

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"Sorry Joe, you keep saying ya wanna help us, but til you do, no new secrets of the deep for you!"

And honestly, with the skill caps in place, i doubt that, until REALLY high initiation levels, anything more than 4 would be neccessary.
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:50 PM
Post #8

Shooting Target

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So y'all are saying that Ritual Sorcery will likely matter more as just another prereq for some initiation groups?
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:55 PM
Post #9

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well, yes, but i think you're going to file that under "character flavor" anyways, but i think it would make a logical point to it, and i hate making a character have someone just as a pre-req, but sometimes things have to be done.

ofcourse, i'd allow the player to petition the group for assistance with rituals as well, so so the skill and the pre-req come into use, but then you'll be binded by their time table, so it's not something that could be done on a whim.
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post Nov 29 2005, 04:56 PM
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Looking at the rules, it looks like you could perform a pretty decent ritual with just yourself and a spirit.
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post Nov 29 2005, 05:04 PM
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QUOTE (Gondor)
Looking at the rules, it looks like you could perform a pretty decent ritual with just yourself and a spirit.

Perhaps, though you are a bit low on dice. Ritual Spellcasting right now is just limited because only the bare basics are in. The lack of Material Links alone cuts out a sizable value of Ritual Spellcasting. It will depend a lot on what other uses the Skill ends up having in Street Magic.
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post Nov 29 2005, 05:40 PM
Post #12

Prime Runner

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My own experience is that every member of the team wants to be different from all the others. If the team already includes a hermetic, a new player will come in as a Shaman or a Fern Witch or a Houngan or something. Anything that doesn't seem to be "stepping on the toes" of the other character.

As such, a Shadowrunner is by RAW basically never going to use Ritual Spellcasting. It's a complete waste of time.


Similarly Banishing. By the RAW it's just like shooting enemy spirits with Stun Bolts except:

1. They get more Resistance Dice.
2. The Drain is higher on average and much more random, meaning that it could drop you.
3. If your opponent did enough Rebinding Rituals, it isn't even going to get rid of the spirit.
4. If it works you can take and bind the other spirit even if it isn't appropriate for your tradition.

Unless you really want to be a Pokemaster and "catch them all", number 4 isn't really an advantage, meaning that Banishing is all bad. Instead of spending even 4 BP on getting a Banishing skill at all, you should spend 3 BP on getting Stunbolt and use that on every enemy spirit you want to get rid of.

So yeah, while the Cracking Skill Group or the Stealth Skill Group are filled with awesome, the Sorcery and Conjuring skill groups are wastes of time for the vast majority of Shadowrunners.

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post Nov 29 2005, 05:43 PM
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:dead: Captian Misinformation rides agains!!!!
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post Nov 29 2005, 05:58 PM
Post #14

The back-up plan

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One advantage for Ritual Spellcasting is to track people down--If you have a Material link, send your spotter out to find the individual.

A Poor Man's Ritual Tracking until we get rules for that in Street Magic.
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post Nov 29 2005, 06:51 PM
Post #15

Running Target

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'cept material links are gone too.

However, the rules for adding them back in are preety simple, hell, they don't really need any adjustment at all from the 3rd ed rules.
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post Nov 29 2005, 06:53 PM
Post #16


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QUOTE (PlatonicPimp @ Nov 29 2005, 12:51 PM)
'cept material links are gone too.

They aren't gone, they just haven't made it back in yet. Remember that all the SR3 Ritual stuff was in MitS, Material Links are very likely one of those "non-core" bits that were cut from the SR4 BBB for length.
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post Nov 29 2005, 08:16 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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:dead: Captian Misinformation rides agains!!!!

Wow Blakkie! That is the BEST POST EVER! Your points were satisfying, succulent, and chewy. I spent several minutes thinking them over and deeply contemplating them, wondering how such mastery, such POETRY could have come from the keyboard of a man I had long ago written off as slightly above the intellect of a screwdriver. Yet here you go and prove me completely wrong, blowing all of Dumpshock out of the water with a dissertation that Occam would have been proud to call his own. Who did you study under at Oxford? Or are you self-taught?

I have decided to embrace this new religion you have founded, the religion of The Blakkish One. I think I can derive an entire religious work from that single immaculate...perfect...FLAWLESS post!


The Blakkish One speaks for the dead! What he's saying here is that we must be on guard for something that is almost as awesome as ninjas and pirates - ZOMBIES. We must be watchful, for the dead walk among us even now. The apocalypse is upon us and our only salvation will come in the form of begging for forgiveness from The Blakkish One. The eternal battle of Pirates vs Ninjas must cease immediately in favor of a joint battle against ZOMBIES.


What The Blakkish One is saying here is that the United States is in need of spelling reform. It is obvious that he was trying to write the word 'Caption', but realized that the word 'Caption' was vastly insufficient for his needs. He needed to use something...Better. He needed to bring in PIRATES! So he used a word related to Pirates instead of simply using Captain. I will henceforth never again use the word 'Caption' when I can use 'Captian'. It's also obvious who He favors in the fight of Pirates vs Ninjas and who will lead the battle against the Zombies.

I dare say that he must be channeling The Flying Spaghetti Monster! He has also demonstrated his great love for Pirates.


Ordinarily, the word misinformation is simply a noun. By capitalizing the first letter of it The Blakkish One has made it clear that misinformation is actually an entity of some kind. "Captian(aka The Word We Dare Not Speak, Capt-on) Misinformation" must be a code phrase of some sort. What he's trying to describe is The Great Graph that describes how the decline of pirates has lead to global warming, proving once again that The Blakkish One speaks for the Flying Spaghetti monster, referring to the captian on it.. I must share this with his other disciples, for they will want to know that He has touched another with his Noodly Appendage to speak for him and clarify the most important matters in the universe.

With this in mind, it's now obvious who Misinformation is: Global warming naturalists! Their ways of philosophical materialism have led them to not look into the obvious answer which is that The Flying Spaghetti Monster is warming the Earth up as punishment for rejecting his true chosen children, pirates. He will probably use the oceans to make the worlds biggest bowl of pasta. We have no choice but to show people the truth about global warming.


This word, previously enigmatic, is clearly a CALL TO ACTION. The Misinformation Captianists have led us astray and all rides on our retaking climatology and forcing those secularists to embrace The Flying Spaghetti Monster. The Blakkish One declares JIHAD on them and their ways, commanding me and all other disciples of The Flying Spaghetti Monster to go forth and PURGE them of their sin. We will take a GREAT LEAP FORWARD into the future.

Furthermore, the Misinformationist Captianists are taking us for a ride. As you can see, the words of The Blakkish One are deep and have many meanings. Only one as enlightened as myself could possibly hope to properly interpret them.


It is obvious what happened here, as any true literalist would know: The Blakkish One is trying to get us to stop using the word 'a' on its own. We must eliminate those spaces in our speech. As such, it becomes clear that it's supposed to read "a gains" in traditional english(But traditional english is for heretics and you aren't a heretic, are you?). This makes it all even clearer. The Misinformation Captianists are riding us for their gains. They have but a single gain, which is why he refers to it as "a gains", but this single gain is from where all others sprout. The banning of eating pasta in class, the removal of our displays from the government square, it ALL comes back to their single aim of smashing flat The Flying Spaghetti monster and his enlightened ways. The GAINS is their damning us all to hell!

Even more insight can be drawn from 'gains', which is similar to 'gins'. Our chosen drink should be Gin, for it has been written by The Blakkish One.


The Blakkish One speaks in deep codes. Veterans coders from usenet are familiar with the use of "Bangs" to describe what others call exclamation points. He is telling us how we should deal with infidels: Four bangs. This means we should shoot infidels four times. Not thrice, for that is too few, but four times and no more, for five would be against His way.

It also tells us of how we should have sex: Four-bangs. Sex should always involve at least four people "banging" each other. While somewhat difficult for some to grasp, it also makes it clear that we should not be monogamous, for how else could four people have sex at the same time? UNLESS...Yes, that much is now clear. The Blakkish One tells us that we should be polygamists and align ourselves with the Mormons. There were also four distinct words and the Dead Symbol in his First Revelation, so the woman should definitely have four children to commemorate The Four Words of Insight.

I must thank The Blakkish One for giving me the opportunity to present his words to our lessers. Without his great insight, I, and all of you, would be lost.
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post Nov 30 2005, 12:14 AM
Post #18

Shooting Target

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I'd say that Ritual Spellcasting is pretty good for a runner if properly designed, run, and integrated into the group. Sure it takes way longer to cast and your pool isn't any bigger if it is just you and a spirit but you can cast stuff remotely on targets. With proper planning and set up you can break just about any run if you combine with a group/GM that does good leg work.

BTW, the cracking group isn't ALL good. Decompiling is even less useful than Banishing because you can take the Spoof CF which lets you gain control of sprites as well as agents and it causes less problems than decompiling. So at least in that regard Cracking and Conjuring are pretty similar.
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post Nov 30 2005, 01:04 AM
Post #19

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Odds are as the more character specific books come out some of those relatively useless seeming skills bundled in skill groups under the basic rules will become more useful as they are linked to new tests.

Also I have apparently taken 2-3 points in the compose run-on sentance skill.
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caramel frappucc...
post Nov 30 2005, 01:06 AM
Post #20

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Modesitt)
Wow Blakkie!  That is the BEST POST EVER!

No, I think yours takes the cake. By a very wide margin, if I do say so myself.
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post Nov 30 2005, 01:27 AM
Post #21

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Cheops)
BTW, the cracking group isn't ALL good. Decompiling is even less useful than Banishing because you can take the Spoof CF which lets you gain control of sprites as well as agents and it causes less problems than decompiling. So at least in that regard Cracking and Conjuring are pretty similar.

That's Tasking, which I admit is pretty lame. Cracking is:

Electronic Warfare

And every one of those skills is awesome.

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Eyeless Blond
post Nov 30 2005, 03:28 AM
Post #22

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Correction: every one of those if hugely necessary now. Cybercombat used to be somewhat less than necessary before; in fact it used to be a very bad idea before you hit that magic MPCP-8 / DF-12 deck that actually let you do stuff for extended periods in the Matrix. Nowadays it's not even possible to actively cloak yourself from IC; they either see you or they don't.
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post Nov 30 2005, 03:36 AM
Post #23


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@Modesitt - Ya, i didn't feel like going off and building another list of links trying to help people new to the board past the latest interation of Frank's Thickie Schtick. Of course you were also extremely helpful in such a brief and understated manner. Thanks!
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post Nov 30 2005, 04:43 AM
Post #24

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (stevebugge)
Odds are as the more character specific books come out some of those relatively useless seeming skills bundled in skill groups under the basic rules will become more useful as they are linked to new tests.

That's been my hope, but I'm short on faith at this point.
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