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> (lesser) Gun-fu a la John Woo
post Nov 29 2005, 07:00 PM
Post #1


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So RAW say if you use a "smart gun" in either hand laser sights and smartgun links aren't effective.

What do ya'll think about allowing the use of smartguns and links if both guns are smartguns and you have 2 smartlinks? I could see a requirement that both guns have to be fired at the same target (unless you have independantly focusable eyes)...
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post Nov 29 2005, 07:28 PM
Post #2

Immortal Elf

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post Nov 29 2005, 08:31 PM
Post #3


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mfb, there are some big guys in white clothes here to see you...
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post Nov 29 2005, 08:37 PM
Post #4


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Yes indeed. mfb is correct about this type of discussion. It always ends poorly.

I have been in games where it's been allowed with double smartlinks. I've been in games where arguements have cropped up because the GM won't allow it, and I have been in games where it just never came up. The most enjoyable of those was the last.

In SR3, it just seemed too overpowered for the cost.

In SR4, it might not be so bad because dual-weilding is so ridiculously stupid now that you have to split your dicepool between the two guns, but I still wouldn't allow it.
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post Nov 29 2005, 09:17 PM
Post #5

Neophyte Runner

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I wouldn't allow double smartlinks unless you paid for massive surgery to split your brain in two. It would get waaay confusing.

Double laser sights, however, i'd allow. I don't see too much of a problem with them.
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post Nov 29 2005, 09:19 PM
Post #6

Shooting Target

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I don't see much difference in targeting with two lasers or two HUD reticles.
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post Nov 29 2005, 09:20 PM
Post #7


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With the rise of augmented reality, I see no reason to not allow multiple smartguns. Heck, each gun could be 'painting' the entirety of it's target on your AR. One green target, one purple target (or whatver colors you like) and you can bangity-bang away freely.
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post Nov 29 2005, 09:24 PM
Post #8

Deus Absconditus

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I tend to allow it, mostly due to the other really advanced tech you're allowed to have. It strikes me as kinda ass-backwards that someone can have a select sound filter 6 and listen to six different conversations at once (in SR4) or hear specifically what you're listening for at +6 dice (SR3) yet you can't effectively use two hud reticles.

Generally in SR3, I made people pay for 2 induction links, an image link, one smartlink processor, and dedicated routing between all of the parts. In SR4, I just make people pay for 2 smartlinks.
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post Nov 29 2005, 09:42 PM
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:eek: Oops, I didn't mean to touch the third rail here..

tfta chummers...
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post Nov 29 2005, 11:26 PM
Post #10


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I like the compromise in SR4, without the smartlink bonus...if you're wading through a bunch of redshirts, half your dice on each gun would be fine. If you're fighting somebody at all competant, there's no way you'd dual-wield--just like real life.

The John Woo thing is fairly do-able for an adept with improved ability: pistols. If you blow 2 or 2.5 power points on pistols, you can throw 9-10 dice for each gun (assuming agility 5 pistols 5). A sammie with 5/5 and a smartlink throws 12 dice on one, so it's in the ballpark. That's fine in my book, cause the adept is blowing 2 or 2.5 power points (not cheap).
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post Nov 30 2005, 05:39 AM
Post #11


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I think that if you want to do two-wepon gunslinging the best way would be to use a pair of automatic weapons and have a gyromount in each cyberarm. That way, the burst bonuses would help make up for the dice pool splitting.
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post Nov 30 2005, 05:58 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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I would just require the PC to get skillwires of at least rating 2. They'd be use in conjunction with the smartlinks to keep both guns pointed at the same target.
Alternately, could'nt the smartlink bonus be split between the two weapons?
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post Nov 30 2005, 06:09 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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in sr3 you only required a second smartlink processor subsystem.
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post Nov 30 2005, 01:26 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Alternately, could'nt the smartlink bonus be split between the two weapons?

This is the option I personally favor. Being able to track and aim with two sets of crosshairs simultaneously would be so straining as to remove any advantage. However... firing with ONE crosshair, and just blasting away with the other pistol in the same general direction, would seem acceptable to me. So I'd apply the smartlink bonus to the dice pool, and let it be split as normal.

Keep in mind another possibility: Using automatic weapons in each hand. Two machine pistols or SMG's loaded up with tracer rounds can get you a LOT more dice than smartlinks (long burst + laser sight is +3 dice per gun, and it's possible to avoid recoil too! Second shot is at +2 for the short burst + laser sight). Sure, you don't get to chant "one shot, one kill" -- but chummer, what matters is if you come home on your feet, not how many bullets it takes to do it.
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post Nov 30 2005, 01:49 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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The John Woo thing is fairly do-able for an adept with improved ability: pistols. If you blow 2 or 2.5 power points on pistols, you can throw 9-10 dice for each gun (assuming agility 5 pistols 5). A sammie with 5/5 and a smartlink throws 12 dice on one, so it's in the ballpark. That's fine in my book, cause the adept is blowing 2 or 2.5 power points (not cheap).

Actually, spending more than 1.5 power points on guns is stupid, since you never ever get more than 3 dice from "improved" ability since it counts towards the augumented skill cap at 1.5 times your _Current_ skill.. hance you need 6 in pistols to get the full number of dice, else your wasting pp.. :P
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post Nov 30 2005, 02:14 PM
Post #16


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The "2 smartlinks don't work, 2 laser sights do" rule never made sense to me - so, I can handle two red dots on the target if they come from laser pointers, but not if they are just overlaid on my view by a computer? Even if both react the same to me moving my pistols?
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post Nov 30 2005, 07:05 PM
Post #17

Immortal Elf

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since when do two laser sights work? in SR3, at least, the only targeting bonus you could get while wielding two weapons is tracer rounds (and i have a feeling that's only because the authors forgot about them, the way most players and GMs do). when wielding two guns, neither lasers nor links grant bonii.
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post Nov 30 2005, 07:51 PM
Post #18

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (mfb)
since when do two laser sights work?

They officially don't in SR4, per p141. Tracers do.

Personally I think it'd be easier to hit things using a constant laser point or HUD reticle than fleeting tracer trails, but okay.
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post Nov 30 2005, 07:56 PM
Post #19

Immortal Elf

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maybe tracers are more streamlined?
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post Nov 30 2005, 08:01 PM
Post #20


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QUOTE (mfb)
maybe tracers are more streamlined?

:grinbig: *smack*

P.S. You have to be creating a hose of tracers for them to give their benefits.
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post Nov 30 2005, 08:14 PM
Post #21

Immortal Elf

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yeah, you have to be firing a burst. in SR3, at any rate.
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post Nov 30 2005, 09:29 PM
Post #22


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QUOTE (Nkari)
Actually, spending more than 1.5 power points on guns is stupid, since you never ever get more than 3 dice from "improved" ability since it counts towards the augumented skill cap at 1.5 times your _Current_ skill.. hance you need 6 in pistols to get the full number of dice, else your wasting pp..  :P

The adept power specifically says it's not an enhancement to the skill. It's a modifier to rolls with that skill, capped at your skill level.
QUOTE (SR4 pg187)
Improved Ability
Cost: .5 per level (Combat skills), .25 per level (Physical, Social,
Technical skills)
    This power gives you additional dice for use with a specific Active skill. Dice purchased for the Active skill carry over equally to any specializations of the skill you know. You cannot have more additional dice than your base skill rating. Improved Ability does not actually improve a skill’s rating, it only provides additional dice for tests involving the skill. Improved Ability must be purchased for a specific skill, not a skill group.
    This power costs .5 per level for all Combat skills and only .25 per level for Physical, Social, and Technical skills.
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post Nov 30 2005, 10:11 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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so that means you can get pistols 7, 3.5 magic worth of more dice, a reflex recorder, and some muscle toner, a level of synaptic accelerator, and have 1.5 magic left for other things.

assuming an elf, agility 7(9), pistols 7+2spcl+1RR+7magic+2SL= 28 dice?
true you have to cripple him at other things to do it, but it looks like it can work.

if that works, then adepts can be even more insanely dangerous. definietly an edge over the sam who caps at 22 dice.
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post Nov 30 2005, 10:30 PM
Post #24

Shooting Target

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Elf with Agility:8. Don't forget Exceptional Attribute.

You can just fit Exceptional Attribute, Aptitude, and Adept in at 35 points of Positive Qualities out of chargen.
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post Nov 30 2005, 11:43 PM
Post #25


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True. If you were building an adept that was hellbent on being really good at one thing (pistols, SMG, stealth, cha skills), there's little to stop you. It'd be the only thing you could do though.
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