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> More Overpowered Spells?
post Jan 17 2006, 10:07 AM
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So I was working on char gen with one of my players, who made a combat mage. With a Spellcasting of 6 and a Magic of 5, we noticed several spells that just seemed incredibly overpowered, specifically, Magic Fingers, Turn to Goo, and Increase Reflexes. I had thought Increase [Attribute] was overpowered but then realized I had misread the rules. Is there, again, something I'm missing here, or should I just shut up and say to myself, "If the PCs can do it, then so can the enemies?"
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post Jan 17 2006, 10:40 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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hits determine how powerful reflexes are, don't forget your good friend astral wars (which will turn off spells)

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post Jan 17 2006, 10:44 AM
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Yeah, but even so, combined Magic + Spellcasting + Force of 5 = 16 dice. Getting 4 hits with that is easy. I've never played Shadowrun before, so I can't really gauge what's powerful, but giving the gunslinger four passes per round that easily seems quite good.
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post Jan 17 2006, 10:57 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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You roll Magic + Spellcasting, you don't add force.
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post Jan 17 2006, 11:46 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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Powerfull <> Overpowered. Turn to Goo is much more strange than overpowered.
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post Jan 17 2006, 12:16 PM
Post #6

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Please explain the 'overpowered' so we can explain why it's not. I can't think of any way Magic Fingers is overpowered. Increased Reflexes tends to cause drain when cast at the necessary force (4+) for maximum use, and choose between +2 to TNs while sustaining, or additional Karma Cash for the Sustaining Focus. Not sure how Turn to Goo is overpowered, but don't forget that it's not permanent...

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post Jan 17 2006, 03:05 PM
Post #7

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (blalien)
Yeah, but even so, combined Magic + Spellcasting + Force of 5 = 16 dice. Getting 4 hits with that is easy. I've never played Shadowrun before, so I can't really gauge what's powerful, but giving the gunslinger four passes per round that easily seems quite good.

As Tashio mentioned, you're not supposed to be adding Force to the roll. So he'd be rolling 11 dice, which means 3 hits is usual fare and 4 hits comes up fairly often.

Also, the guy you're looking at has a rather high Magic rating and a world-class Spellcasting skill. He's invested at least (15 Magician + 40 Magic + 24 Spellcasting + 3 Spell) 82 BPs in order to cast one spell at Force 5 and suffer only Stun drain.

With regards to what's powerful: You can ask any 3 veterans and hear approximately 7.15 different answers. My personal stance is that in Shadowrun it's not so much about "raw power" as it is "adequate intel" and "useful diversity." That's where magicians really shine -- they have a lot of info-gathering capacity and a large bag of tricks to spontaneously draw from.

However, in more concrete terms, if that mage you mentioned above cast the ol' standby of Manabolt at Force 5, the target would be using their Willpower (+ Counterspelling if available) to resist about 8P or 9P damage on average. The caster would then soak 2S drain on their Willpower + (Logic if hermetic or Charisma if shamanic). That level of drain is easily shrugged off, on average, by a caster with typical human attributes (3's).

Alternately, a jacked-up samurai could fire two rounds from his/her Predator 4 at the same target and do pretty much the same thing at the cost of two bullets.
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post Jan 17 2006, 03:08 PM
Post #8

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Sphynx @ Jan 17 2006, 08:16 AM)
I can't think of any way Magic Fingers is overpowered.

The most "overpowered" I was ever able to get MF was as a guided grenade delivery system. The second runner-up was the remote use of shock gloves when my magician had a very good Unarmed skill; kind of a melee-sniper thing.

So it's not so much overpowered as it could be "overuseful," but that's (typical) Shadowrun magic for you.
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emo samurai
post Jan 17 2006, 05:27 PM
Post #9


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Is Turn to Stone permanent?
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post Jan 17 2006, 05:31 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Petrify and Turn to Goo are both sustained, meaning that when you stop sustaining, the effects go away
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emo samurai
post Jan 17 2006, 05:37 PM
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Awwww... no insta-kill!!!
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post Jan 17 2006, 07:03 PM
Post #12

Midnight Toker

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Just get a chainsaw and behead the statue then drop the spell. Anything that instantly disables someone might as well be an insta-kill since you can kill his hoop while he is disabled.
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post Jan 17 2006, 07:14 PM
Post #13

Prime Runner

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Turn to Goo/Petrify is better than an instant kill because:

1. It can be used to kidnap people.
2. It can be used to transport people.
3. It can be used to protect people in dangerous situations.
4. It can substitute for a stabilization spell.
5. You have the choice of killing or not killing each target separately.

It is worse than an instant kill because:

1. Your enemies can remove its effects by dropping your wizard.
2. It requires that you sustain the spell throughout the entire combat.
3. If you get driven off, all your opponents eventually come back to life.

I think it's a fine spell, I wouldn't call it overpowered or weak. The only thing that hacks me off is the fact that they say list "cyberware" in the things not-transformed, even though cyberware that has been implanted is considered part of the living body and should transform.

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post Jan 17 2006, 07:22 PM
Post #14


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Alright, I get what you're saying. Now I have another question. What exactly is Force used for in spells like Increase Reflexes and Magic Fingers, which have no variable effects besides the Spellcasting test and nobody resisting the spell?
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post Jan 17 2006, 07:23 PM
Post #15

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
The only thing that hacks me off is the fact that they say list "cyberware" in the things not-transformed, even though cyberware that has been implanted is considered part of the living body and should transform.

Same here; I wonder what caused that little mention to appear in the spell description. Did they want people's cranial commlinks to still be hackable when they're goo/stone? Was it to preserve the bonus to Body and/or armor from certain implants?

Gotta be something like that.
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post Jan 17 2006, 07:24 PM
Post #16

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The Force is the maximum number of hits. That's the primary limitation whether the spell is resisted or not.

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post Jan 17 2006, 07:25 PM
Post #17

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (blalien @ Jan 17 2006, 03:22 PM)
Alright, I get what you're saying.  Now I have another question.  What exactly is Force used for in spells like Increase Reflexes and Magic Fingers, which have no variable effects besides the Spellcasting test and nobody resisting the spell?

You cannot generate more hits from casting a spell than the Force of the spell itself.

For instance, Increase Reflexes needs to be cast at Force 4 at least to get its full effect. If you cast it at Force 1, the best you can do is get +1 Initiative, +1 IP.

EDIT: Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough!
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post Jan 17 2006, 07:51 PM
Post #18


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Okay, so in summary...

For direct combat spells, you roll a Magic + Spellcasting Test vs. his Body or Willpower. If it hits, the total damage is your net hits + Force. For indirect combat spells, you roll Magic + Spellcasting vs. his Reaction. If it hits, you add your net hits to Force, then the enemy rolls Body + half Armor to resist damage.

For any other kind of spell, Force simply determines the maximum number of net hits you can score on the Magic + Spellcasting vs. his whatever.
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post Jan 17 2006, 07:55 PM
Post #19

Prime Runner

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Not net hits, total hits. If you cast at Force 3, only 3 of the hits on your spellcasting test count, so if their resistance test gets 3 hits, your spell doesn't work - regardless of how many 5s you actually rolled on the dice.

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post Jan 17 2006, 08:01 PM
Post #20

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (blalien)
For direct combat spells, you roll a Magic + Spellcasting Test vs. his Body or Willpower. If it hits, the total damage is your net hits + Force. For indirect combat spells, you roll Magic + Spellcasting vs. his Reaction. If it hits, you add your net hits to Force, then the enemy rolls Body + half Armor to resist damage.

This paragraph looks good, though.
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Phoenix (A-Team)
post Jan 17 2006, 08:11 PM
Post #21


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The detail about cyberware not turning to goo is a reference to SR1, where the Turn to Goo spell originated from.

VERY broken... would be the first words to escape someone's mouth if they considered all the facts.

Why? Because mages would typically "Goo" a cybersam enemy, have a fellow team member remove the cyberware components from the pile of jello, then release the spell and watch the target die in screaming agony if their cyberware kept them alive. (Imagine losing your cybertorso and then watching your inards spill to the floor around you after the spell drops. Or losing your cyber skull and having your brain exposed!) And if not, then the empty space in their bodies would simply cause them a lot of grief and agony while the mage and their team made off with the unharmed cyber-goods. Black Market cyberware markets of the SR4 era are likely to employ magicians with such a spell simply because of this fact.

I agree that if the cyberware is paid for with essence, it should be part of you and thusly be turned to mercury goo along with the rest of your body. But... somebody enjoyed the advantage/danger of having such a spell in the game. Cybersams have something all new to fear from magicians now. Forget essence, death by cyber-loss!
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post Jan 17 2006, 08:16 PM
Post #22

Shooting Target

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Considering the damage to the stone/goo victim that would have to be done to successfully salvage most types of cyberware, it'd probably be more convenient just to shoot the poor guy in his transformed head. Drop the spell and let them bleed out, then cart the body to someone with medical skills.
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Phoenix (A-Team)
post Jan 17 2006, 08:22 PM
Post #23


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I wouldn't even try with a patrified target, but the idea behind the Goo is that one can simply push through the goo with a gloved hand and pluck the 'wares right out of 'em. Pretty sickening thought if you ask me. But yeah, I'd have to agree that... aside from the risk of harming the 'wares with your bullet, a well placed one would do a good job of pacifying them. Long enough, at least, for a street doc or organ legger to make quick work of them.
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post Jan 17 2006, 08:26 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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The goo spell does seem overpowered to me, I mean unless your opponent is a troll then magic + spelcasting will be significantly higher than the targets body, and if you win then he's goo and can be safely dispensed with.
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post Jan 17 2006, 08:29 PM
Post #25

Shooting Target

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The goo has a barrier Armor rating equal to Body + net hits, just like the stone from Petrify.

One could argue that this represents how hard it is to do lasting damage to a fluid, but since it's a "sticky, glue-like substance" that reasoning could be extended to say it's equally as hard to pull things out of the mess. Kinda like trying to pick your hair out of the wad of chewing gum stuck on your head.

You're definitely not turning anyone into nice, pliable, low-tension Jell-o and picking their cyberwhatsis out like a piece of fruit. It's a sticky mass that's dense enough to slow down bullets.
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