Telescoping stocks..., + or - on conceal? |
Telescoping stocks..., + or - on conceal? |
Jan 19 2006, 06:16 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
nah, range category is more accurate (heh!). i mean, sawing off the stock on a rifle isn't going to significantly affect your accuracy at 10m, will impair your accuracy at 75m, and will completely destroy your accuracy at 300m and up. it just makes more sense.
Jan 19 2006, 06:17 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 404 Joined: 22-June 05 From: Canada eh! Member No.: 7,455 |
I know what you are saying, but if you can lock your arm, you gain a similar advantage. We learned tricks like that for photography and video. true, the farther from your body the rifle is the harder it is to keep still. Maybe a +4 for TN, and double the TN, but I really disagree with reducing the range. I think it is the wrong approach. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:18 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,889 Joined: 3-August 03 From: A CPI rank 1 country Member No.: 5,222 |
Human beings cannot. Hence why we have the stocks in the first place. You could include some sort of special rules for people with very high STR cyberarms. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:19 PM
Running, running, running Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 2,220 Joined: 18-October 04 From: North Carolina Member No.: 6,769 |
in other words, somethig similar to what i posted up above... |
Jan 19 2006, 06:20 PM
Genuine Artificial Intelligence Group: Members Posts: 4,019 Joined: 12-June 03 Member No.: 4,715 |
I accept that is a more realistic approach. I agree. I was arguing in favor of simplicity. It's easier to assign a small penalty rather than have your gun have two range tables, IMO. Eh, I guess not that much simpler. But, if you're going to do that, you should be implementing a corrolary house-rule that adding a stock to a smaller weapon increases it's range, right? |
Jan 19 2006, 06:21 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 404 Joined: 22-June 05 From: Canada eh! Member No.: 7,455 |
I grew up in redneck country, fired many, and tried many goofy things with them. I completely disagree with the idea of reducing ranges, because of principles and tricks I learned from photography. you can hold a camera still at arms length with practice. I think at this point it will just come down to which camp you want to sit in. And yes, I have tried firing a sawed off .22 with little problem. I do not have the str for a sawed off .308. Aiming did take longer I will grant you that, but I could still hit 50 meters with close to the same accuracy, but I would not call myself a marksman by any means. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:25 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
no, locking your arm won't work at all. your shoulder is still free to rotate through its full range, which means you're not going to hit anything at long range.
losing the stock is going to decrease your accuracy more and more the further away your target is, because tiny movements are going to throw a larger and larger variance into the spot your bullet hits. you could come up with a complex series of TN modifiers to reflect that, putting the TN for extreme range at +9 or so. or, you could just use the range tables, which effectively do the same thing. and it's not like the range tables are 100% accurate anyway. what do you think happens to a rifle bullet at 500m, in SR? does it just stop in mid-air and drop to the ground? no, it keeps moving. in real life, there's a chance you could hit something at 600m with a rifle round (a pretty good chance, actually, but fixing the range tables is not the subject of this discussion). in SR, that chance is so low that it's not worth putting on the range table--you just automatically miss any target beyond 500m, if you're firing an AR. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:26 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,598 Joined: 15-March 03 From: Hong Kong Member No.: 4,253 |
Then, how do you implement the TN penalties?
The difficulty increase in hitting the target is based on the distance of the target from you, not on the physical ability of your weapon to fire a bullet that far (in this case, anyway). Addiing say +2TN to all stockless shots would make the stockless weaopn useless, even at 10 meters. So how to draw the line at where to apply the TN penalty? Medium range? But then, a stockless AR would shoot just as well out to 100? (what is medium range for ARs?) meters as an AR with a stock on it. What we want to represent is an effect on accuracy that is largely irrelevant over short ranges (50 meters or less) but a huge factor at longer ranges. Reducing the range categories means that the stockless AT shoots as well at 60? meters (medium range for SMGs is?) as the stocked AR does at 100 (medium range for ARs?). The range reduction implementation of the rule allows you to shoot fine at shorter ranges (which you can do without a stock), and produces a reasonably smooth curve, compared to a 'simple' TN penalty. While a 'complex' TN penalty would be more realistic, it would be much more difficult to implement in a useable manner. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:29 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,889 Joined: 3-August 03 From: A CPI rank 1 country Member No.: 5,222 |
Then it should be no trouble for you to try this out in practice, or get someone else to try it out for you. If there's no shooting range available, just put a 1' diameter target at 150 meters and try to keep it steady in your sights from a standing unsupported position without letting the stock touch any part of you. If you manage that, I'll take all this seriously.
I guess photography tricks make you a far better marksman than military training does.
Good point. It should take, at the very least, high STR cyberarms and a cybertorso to get a stable firing position without a stock. But if one went that far, then you should also get far better accuracy and/or ranges when firing any stockless weapon with two high STR cyberarms and a cybertorso. This post has been edited by Austere Emancipator: Jan 19 2006, 06:33 PM |
Jan 19 2006, 06:31 PM
Genuine Artificial Intelligence Group: Members Posts: 4,019 Joined: 12-June 03 Member No.: 4,715 |
So, something that decreases your accuracy is going to have a larger effect at long range than at short range. Big, forehead-slappin' duh. It doesn't take a PhD in trigenometry to puzzle that one out.
My question is, why does everything else that affects your accuracy give you a TN penalty, while this changes your range table. The only other thing (big IIRC) that changes your range table is muzzle shortening, because that actually changes the velocity of the bullet. I agree that accuracy penalties would be more realistically represented by changing range, but then shouldn't you do this for everything that affects accuracy? Instead of firing at a TN 15 in the dark, on a train, in a box, at a fox, you should be firing at normal target numbers but short range is now 2", and extreme range goes all the way out to 3 feet? Why should this accuracy penalty be handled differently than every other accuracy penalty. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:33 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 404 Joined: 22-June 05 From: Canada eh! Member No.: 7,455 |
you can reduce the movement in your shoulders by angling your arms to one side, similar to a bow. I agree with you that the range tables are a simplification, but as a GM I never say that a target is 501 meters out. Do you? I look at the range table, and get an idea of distance then make a judgement from there.
A +1 for each range category, possibly... seems to be a little more inline with the difficulty factor. |
Jan 19 2006, 06:41 PM
Running, running, running Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 2,220 Joined: 18-October 04 From: North Carolina Member No.: 6,769 |
or, do what i did above, take SMG ranges out to extreme, and start stacking them ontop of themselves out to the max range of your stockless gun. You keep short range TN's "acceptable" and then once you start crossing that line, it keeps getting tougher and tougher (twice as difficult, as a matter of fact, for every 150 meters) |
Jan 19 2006, 07:23 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
eh, that's... yeah, sure, that works, i guess. but it's incongruous with the rest of the rules. you're basically allowing stockless ARs to be fired at targets beyond Extreme range--but why only stockless ARs? why not SMGs, why not pistols? these weapons are, realistically, no less likely to miss at ranges beyond Extreme than a stockless AR, but you're giving stockless ARs special treatment.
Jan 19 2006, 07:29 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 257 Joined: 25-May 05 Member No.: 7,414 |
And remember, with probabilities being what they are in this system, adding the same penalty to both short and extreme ranges results in a vastly different effect on success percentage. A TN penalty will satisfy the need for simplicity and create a greater impact at farther ranges. |
Jan 19 2006, 07:33 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
but it's nonsensical. if you cut the stock off an AR, you've basically got an SMG. SMGs don't face a TN penalty, so why should a chopped-down AR?
Jan 19 2006, 07:34 PM
Running, running, running Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 2,220 Joined: 18-October 04 From: North Carolina Member No.: 6,769 |
eh, it's only special because a normal AR can be fired at those ranges, you're just upping the dificulty for a stockless AR to do it, and thats what you're saying is happening.
Like i said before, my understanding of the ranges, is not only accuracy, but also the ability for the bullt to acctually do damage at the range. someone asked earlier what we thought happened to a bullt when it hits that magical extreme range. I think it keeps flying (albeit it for a short distance, rapidly losing volecity and curing to the ground) but has, for the most part, lost the majority of it's penetrating and damage power. I'm sure, if someone wanted too, they could make a damage adjuster, similar to the flechette rules, to show that beyond the "extreme" range, you could still do damage. My point is, stocked or stockless, you're STILL firing an assualt rifle., and it doesnt lose power simply because you choped the stock off. So, adding a stock to an SMG or pistol won't make it shoot further EDIT: MFB, are you saying that by cutting off the stock of an AR you will only get the total distance as an SMG? That seems funny, to me, considering that from what i've read, and SMG is using pistol firing mechanisms, and the AR is using the Rifle mechanisms, and is, thus, by default, ALOT more powerful |
Jan 19 2006, 07:39 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
that's not what happens at all. an M-16A2 has an effective single-target range of 500 yards; a M-249 has an effective single-target range of 1,000 yards. both these weapons fire the same round. the bullet's trajectory isn't different, the M-16 doesn't fire the bullet less. the M-16 is just inherently less likely to hit a single target at ranges beyond 500 yards. a bullet is going to get pulled down to the earth by gravity way, way before it loses a significant portion of its velocity due to air resistance. (if you're wondering, the M-249's effective range is longer because, when used correctly, you're firing 3-5 round bursts, which means you're more likely to score a hit at any range.) |
Jan 19 2006, 07:52 PM
Running, running, running Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 2,220 Joined: 18-October 04 From: North Carolina Member No.: 6,769 |
Thats in this icky Real life that we have to deal with. I've never seen the book saying anything about what the extend of the range amounts too. However, because all AR's have an assualt rifle Range, i have to assume that there is no mechanical difference in how well they preform at a given distance. All AR's are going to have the same deviation at short, at a medium, at a long, or at an extreme range, flat out, regardless of what "real life" tells us (this gun can only fire effectively to 500 yards, while this once can go to 1500) As far as SR is concerned, they are both AR's, and can thus, at extreme range, with stocks, fire to 550 meters.
Now, what you're telling me, is that, if you saw that stock off, than, theres NO WAY that that AR could fire past 150 meters (the max for an SMG at extreme) And i'm saying, i'm not one to artificially chop the range at what something can be done at, when the gun is powered to do it to a certain extent, simply because you didn't unfold your stock, i still can't understand WHY that gun would only be able to shoot a bullet to 150 meters. Couldnt the AR without the stock still be useful in a paint and spray capacity out to it's max range? |
Jan 19 2006, 07:53 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 257 Joined: 25-May 05 Member No.: 7,414 |
??? Does not compute: Won't that 5 round burst actually increase your TN by 5? At extreme range under ideal conditions that decreases your probability of a hit from 1:9 per die (TN 8 ,stationary) to 1:36 per die (TN 13). Even with recoil comp the best you can hope for is no change. |
Jan 19 2006, 07:54 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,070 Joined: 7-February 04 From: NYC Member No.: 6,058 |
Of course, realistically speaking, SMGs without a stock should face serious penalties. You should either stay consistent with the current rules (nonsensical though they might be) and allow stockless ARs to fire without penalty, or develop specific rules for penalties for not using a stock with every type of firearm originally designed to be used with a stock: SMGs, rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, light and medium machine guns, certain kinds of machine pistols (well, almost all of them, really, since without a stock they're virtually useless as practical weapons beyond point blank range)... |
Jan 19 2006, 07:55 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
hey, look, you're the one trying to insert realism into SR. if you don't want realism, then simply don't change the rules at all--ARs fire the same with or without stocks. but if you are trying to insert some realism, then you're going about it slightly wonky. your suggestion about using extended SMG ranges works, but like i said, it's incongruous--ARs suddenly become the only weapon that have a range past Extreme. what i meant was, if you're going to allow ARs to have ranges beyond Extreme, why not just do that for all weapons? SMGs were not 'originally' designed to be fired with a stock--nor were they 'originally' designed to be fired without one. there are stocked and stockless SMGs and carbines, and they are all different. if you want to be more realistic, i'd use Raygun's Carbine ranges for stocked SMGs and SR's SMG ranges for stockless SMGs.
i'm talking about real life, DiGriz. yes, in SR, a 5-round burst will make you less accurate. in real life, it will make you more likely to hit. |
Jan 19 2006, 08:05 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,070 Joined: 7-February 04 From: NYC Member No.: 6,058 |
Fine... "Designed in such a way that they function best with a stock" then, if you want to be anal. That way the handful of SMGs designed without a decent stock and the 2 carbines designed from the ground up without one (I never heard of one, but considering that people built guns with bent barrells designed to shoot around corners...) are not mistakenly included in that category. |
Jan 19 2006, 08:12 PM
Running, running, running Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 2,220 Joined: 18-October 04 From: North Carolina Member No.: 6,769 |
While i've been using AR's in my example, i've been meaning everything larger than an SMG that is already, stocked as a rule. So that means, off the top of my head, sport rifles, sniper's (why, i anyone would, i dont know but...) and ARs
Jan 19 2006, 08:12 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
i'm not being anal, i'm just saying. to me, SMGs already face harsh enough penalties--if you think of the range categories as penalties. an SMG and an AR have roughly similar damage codes, yet an AR's max range is something like 300% longer than an SMG's. that means that an SMG is facing a TN of 9 in situations where an AR faces a TN of 5; that, in turn, means that an AR gets a -4 TN at medium range for having a stock.
Jan 19 2006, 08:27 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 404 Joined: 22-June 05 From: Canada eh! Member No.: 7,455 |
How long are the barells? The SMG's bullets are smaller than an AR, and the barrels are shorter. |
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