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> Some Random Questions
post Apr 26 2006, 06:43 AM
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I searched for a few of these but didn't seem to have much luck with answers specific enough to the questions:

Question 1: It doesn't specifically seem to say so but I'd assume that any hacker attempting to hack someone's comlink in order to get to any of the 'advanced' segments of a person's PAN (Linked cyberware, other devices, etc.) would need to achieve admin status on the comlink. This would impose the +6 threshold for admin access if I'm reading this correctly. Making someone with a firewall of 6 on their comlink require a Hacking + Exploit (12, 1 Initiative Pass) in order to gain access to the comlink correct?

Question 2: Mystic armor, the adept power costs .5 per level and adds 1 point of ballistic and impact armor with each level taken. Since it doesn't list a limit then I assume someone could take as many levels of this as they would like. Is there some sort of practical limitation elsewhere in the rules that would prevent someone from doing this other than good GM judgement? (IE. does it count against the armor encumbrance rules?)

Question 3: In the previous edition there were rules somewhere for the duration of a hospital stay (and for time to implant) new cyberware / bioware. I can't seem to find anything in 4th edition for this. If it is anywhere could someone point it out. Or if there are any rules someone has come up with which seem to make sense for this I'd love to hear them.

Question 4: On detecting hidden mode wireless nodes -- I'm assuming that 'knowing what you're looking for' means that you know the access ID of the node you're looking for. (You've interacted with the node in some way before or seen it when it was active). This means that if you see John Q. Smith wandering down the street with his comlink in hidden mode, that to even detect his node you'd need to make the threshold of 15+ not the normal variable threshold test correct? And if you have seen or interacted with John's comlink in the past when it was active, your comlink would remember the ID and it would take the threshold of 4 instead?
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post Apr 26 2006, 06:47 AM
Post #2


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Don't know about the rest but I can answer one question:

Q2: Page 187, first paragraph under "Adept Powers" says: The maximum level an adept may have in any power is equal to the adept's Magic attribute."
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post Apr 26 2006, 06:59 AM
Post #3

Neophyte Runner

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I think I an help with number 3 (well not so much help as point out the rules are not out yet)

The rules for implant times and other medical stuff where in man and machine. Presumably they will reappear in the SR4 cyber wear book.

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post Apr 26 2006, 07:14 AM
Post #4

Running Target

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Wasn't implantation surgery considered a deadly wound? Just that due to being in the hospital, it doesn't actually kill you.
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post Apr 26 2006, 03:50 PM
Post #5

Neophyte Runner

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the wound level for implantation surgery was proportional to the essence cost, you had to be getting several points of essence done to take a deadly wound.

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post Apr 26 2006, 05:44 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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for Q4, I had imagined that you got the bonus if you "knew there was a hidden node around" not nessisarily that you've got an ID or have interacted with it before.
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post Apr 26 2006, 05:54 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Q1: Commlinks only have one level of access, that of the user. He can do anything he wants with his commlink. No security or admin level.

Q3: With the new regeneration rules in SR4 there is absolutely no reason for anyone to stay in a hospital when wounded. :D
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post Apr 26 2006, 06:19 PM
Post #8


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Until the cyberware book comes out and clues me in about it being any different, I'm working on the "overnight stay" assumption for cyber implantation. You go into the hospital, you come out the next day with your ware. The cost of surgery, etc, is included in the listed cost in the book (that is, the "book cost" isn't just the unit price for a cyberarm, it includes all the stuff they have to do for it to end up attached to your shoulder). The character might have some interesting patches and nanotech floating around in his system, and might be a little altered by painkillers for the next couple of days, but the surgery has gotten so precise and effective that there's really no reason for them to be kept around.

Some things (wired reflexes, bone lacing, etc) could be done almost entirely via nanotech. Temporarily slap a nanotech controller around the character's arm, inject them full of the stuff to do the work, and give them the supplements they should be eating for the next week or so... asides from some twitching, itching, and indigestion, they're only going to have to stop by the hospital if they experience "side effects." At the end of the week, they've got the upgrade.

This will almost certainly be thoroughly blown out of the water by the cyber book, but it works for me at the moment.
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James McMurray
post Apr 26 2006, 06:23 PM
Post #9

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QUOTE (UndeadPoet @ Apr 26 2006, 12:54 PM)
Q1: Commlinks only have one level of access, that of the user. He can do anything he wants with his commlink. No security or admin level.

Is that written somewhere? Can you really not have two accounts on your commlink: one for you and one porn-free one for your kids?

Edit: I assume that most general users would be admins on their commlink, and not have other users. But the security conscious folks would probably seperate them out, just like today's security conscious folks do.
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post Apr 26 2006, 06:35 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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This won't help Dymus at all, but since I saw the thread title, I figured I'd throw in my .02 :nuyen: as well. Under Reflex Recorder it says:
The reflex recorder adds +1 dice pool bonus to a specific skill or skill group (Combat and Physical skills only).
Which leads me to my questions.

1.) How the heck does a reflex recorder help with skills like:
a.) Disguise
b.) Navigation
c.) Perception
d.) Tracking

2.) And why doesn't it help with skills like:
a.) Gunnery
b.) Pilot (of any kind).

Sorry if this has been taken up before.
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post Apr 26 2006, 08:19 PM
Post #11

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (James McMurray)
QUOTE (UndeadPoet @ Apr 26 2006, 12:54 PM)
Q1: Commlinks only have one level of access, that of the user. He can do anything he wants with his commlink. No security or admin level.

Is that written somewhere? Can you really not have two accounts on your commlink: one for you and one porn-free one for your kids?

Edit: I assume that most general users would be admins on their commlink, and not have other users. But the security conscious folks would probably seperate them out, just like today's security conscious folks do.

There is a mention that devices only have Admin accounts.
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post Apr 26 2006, 08:19 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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Q1: Commlinks only have one level of access, that of the user. He can do anything he wants with his commlink. No security or admin level.

The rules state that if any electronic device has a minimum of 1 access level: Admin. This is under the section for "generic electronic device hacking". It is GM's discretion when a particular device has multiple access levels, but the rules are pretty clear that the Admin level is the "minimum".
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post Apr 26 2006, 08:22 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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QUOTE (mdynna)
Q1: Commlinks only have one level of access, that of the user. He can do anything he wants with his commlink. No security or admin level.

The rules state that if any electronic device has a minimum of 1 access level: Admin. This is under the section for "generic electronic device hacking". It is GM's discretion when a particular device has multiple access levels, but the rules are pretty clear that the Admin level is the "minimum".

This just made things a thousand times better for me when dealing with a certain hacker in my group who attempts to hack everything he sees, including doorknobs and dumpsters.
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post Apr 26 2006, 08:26 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Q1: I agree with you. Commlinks only have Admin access "by default". If your PC's want, I suppose you could/should let them create other access levels on their Commlinks.

Q2: Limited only by the Adepts Magic attribute. Also, no, I would not count it as part of armour encumberance as it is "magical" in nature. If your PC Adept wants to go nuts on the Mystic Armor, let them.

Q4: I was ruling that "knowing what to look for" meant "I'm looking for a hidden node on that person/in that area." The 15+ threshold would be for you "accidentally" detecting a hidden node. Pretty darn difficult.
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