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> IC: Reign of Shadows
Yum Donuts
post Apr 8 2004, 12:12 AM
Post #376

Moving Target

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Dropping the spell as soon as I see it didn't work (probably during the same action).

"Bah, knew it wouldn't be that simple. oh well..."

OOC: did my catalog spell tell me anything about the canisters?
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post Apr 8 2004, 12:15 AM
Post #377


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Todd's eyes open up, "Well, they know. Alarms going off all over the place. Lets just call the fixer and finish this up, alright?"
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post Apr 8 2004, 12:51 PM
Post #378


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With a grin Mirage walks into the apartment's small kitchen unit and switches on the coffee machine, "No chem-lab I'm afraid, just coffee."

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post Apr 8 2004, 02:15 PM
Post #379

Moving Target

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Sinking back into the small sofa Jim says cheerily "well thats good enough for me!! strong black please!"
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Yum Donuts
post Apr 8 2004, 03:48 PM
Post #380

Moving Target

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"Music to my ears. I want mine not just strong, but mean too."

"Speaking, of dark, strong, things that'll keep you up at night, I second the motion to phone the Johnson. Todd, can you get some kinda haze on our end of the phone call in case they try to trace it back to here?"

holding my hands in front of me, palms up, I ask two of my watchers to manifest in physical plane (it looks like a comet with eyes one sitting in each palm)
"Go look inside the canisters for a few seconds. tell me if you see something interresting."
I send one into each canister, when they come out, I'll listen to what they say, but I highly doubt it'll be anything worthwhile, I'm mostly just checking to make sure there's not FAB, or something else in there that would eat me if I went in.

"If you want me to, later, I can try to put a ward up around this place. I don't really have time to do a big one, but even a small one will let me know if someone's coming in to check on us astrally, and provide a bit of a buffer against any kind of ritual casting."
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post Apr 8 2004, 09:50 PM
Post #381

Moving Target

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Kim walks towards the kitchen to help Mirage with the coffee by searching the cupboards for some mugs and maybe do some necessary cleaning. Trying to make some small talk she says "That was really impressive..."
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post Apr 8 2004, 10:05 PM
Post #382

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The watchers vanish for a moment before reappearing. Each one reports the same: the canisters hold some sort of mundane fluid.
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post Apr 8 2004, 10:11 PM
Post #383


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Todd shrugs, "I can't do anything that a phone encryption module can't do. The effort I'd have to go through to do that isn't worth the time, lets just make the call and bail. I wanna get this drek over with."
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Yum Donuts
post Apr 10 2004, 12:15 AM
Post #384

Moving Target

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Smiling at Kim for being noticed (Always was a bit of a show off). "Nah, my stuff just looks flashy. Todd here's the real wizard, we just don't get to see it." to Todd "You'd know better than I would." And back to Kim, "Ok, Kim, lets make this call. You've been nominated."
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post Apr 10 2004, 02:43 PM
Post #385

Moving Target

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Feeling better at not being the nominated team leader like earlier... Jim sits back with his coffee and takes it all in. He always was better at following orders then giving them out. Must be a side effect of his army days.
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post Apr 11 2004, 01:33 PM
Post #386

Moving Target

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"Sure, I'll arrange to meet somewhere." After getting the number from Jim, Kim makes the call.
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post Apr 12 2004, 07:03 AM
Post #387

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Reign's voice is calm and urbane on the other end of the line.

"You've completed the task? Excellent. Eight p.m. tonight at the parking garage, we can make the exchange. I look forward to seeing you again."
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post Apr 12 2004, 02:53 PM
Post #388

Moving Target

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Kim doesn't feel too happy about Reign needing so much time to meet. It sounds too much like she needs time to organize something for it, which can't be good. Especially not if that something involves keeping everything secret.

"Why not in .. let's say ... half an hour, since we're awake anyway? It's gonna be tough to suppress our curiosity for long, so we want to get this over with. Besides I thought you wanted it as soon as possible, so why wait almost a whole day?"
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post Apr 12 2004, 03:08 PM
Post #389

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"Security, mostly. I'd prefer to wait a little while and see if you've stirred up any unwanted consequences. But sooner is probably better than later. Meet me in the parking garage in one hour."
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post Apr 12 2004, 06:55 PM
Post #390

Moving Target

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"Sure, we'll meet in an hour then. Goodbye."
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Yum Donuts
post Apr 12 2004, 08:00 PM
Post #391

Moving Target

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"Nicely done. now, a whole hour before the meet. I say we take a minute to relax and enjoy that we're not dead yet." He takes a deep breath and is quiet for a few seconds, takes another deep breath and says, "Ok, back the fun. anyone need to do anything to get ready? If not, I'm kinda hungry, but other than that, I'm good to go."

Pretty soon, all the drain should be gone, when I feel up to it, I'm going to re-summon my watchers.

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post Apr 12 2004, 08:08 PM
Post #392


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"I'm hungery too, I'll see what I've got in here. Nothing fresh here though, hope you all like soy."

Mirage heads back into the kitchen unit.

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post Apr 12 2004, 08:40 PM
Post #393

Moving Target

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Kim looks around to see if she's the only one who got really nervous about that call. She can't believe some even got hungry, when Reign's reaction suggests this isn't over yet. She wanted to wait a day to see if someone could trace the canisters, but changed her mind quickly after hearing how curious we are.

"Did we check those things for bugs?"
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Yum Donuts
post Apr 13 2004, 12:43 AM
Post #394

Moving Target

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"Kind of. My spell didn't detect any bugs or tracers, but if it's some wierd kind that I wouldn't recognize, then the spell wouldn't notice it either. Either way, I suggest not staying in one place too long. I'm anxious to get to Reign and find out what the real job is."
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post Apr 15 2004, 07:07 AM
Post #395

Moving Target

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Firmpoint's answer reassures Kim enough to drop the subject. As the minutes pass she realizes noone will find them there. This would be a good time to find out if someone could find her at her home though. Should she try to hire Todd or would there be something else she could offer him? "Hey Todd, where do you live?"
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Yum Donuts
post Apr 15 2004, 09:52 AM
Post #396

Moving Target

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"Unless anyone has anything they need to do in prep here, I suggest we get going."

Unless someone voices an objection, he stands up, and heads towards the door.

While in the car when they're drawing near, he'll cast an armor spell on himself.
Firmpoint is suddenly surrounded by a soft blue glow
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post Apr 15 2004, 04:34 PM
Post #397


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Todd gets his things together and heads out with the group.

"I got a shithole down in Redmond, why?"
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post Apr 15 2004, 06:42 PM
Post #398

Moving Target

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"Never mind, we're leaving already."
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post Apr 15 2004, 08:52 PM
Post #399

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The parking garage appears much the same as it did during the first meeting with Reign. In fact, apart from the time of day, nothing appears to have changed. The third floor is relatively devoid of parked vehicles, leaving you plenty of options about where to park.
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post Apr 20 2004, 08:04 PM
Post #400

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Five minutes before the scheduled meet time, the sleek black Westwind idles to a stop in the parking spot adjacent to the stairway in the northwest corner. Trance steps out of the driver's side, scanning the near empty garage for a moment before opening up the passenger door for Reign.
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