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> New Armor Idea, Breat plate and shoulder guard armor..
post Oct 18 2003, 07:41 PM
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Moving Target

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I came up with this idea after looking at the new cadian Imperial Guard units from warhammer 40k, and got the idea that design would be excellent armor below security grade armor. The breast plate and shoulder guards would make an excellent armor for those that want good protection provided by security armor with out the extra weight and the high cost. But I am trying to make where is as good as security armor but with out looking like light security armor, but also where the cost is right where is would make it worth buying of the armored jacket. I figured that it would have better impact then the armored jacket maybe something like an impact rating of 4 or 5, be able to incorporate features that you can get on security and hardened military grade armor, and have a helmet. I have added in one of my own features for the military version where it has a single hard point for mounting solid framed back packs that can be (de)attached faster.

Light Application Armor

Light Application Armor or laa as it is other wise known, was designed with high protection at lower cost in mind, making it a favorite with front line troops. LAA is a breast plate and shoulder guard design, the armor is approximately 3cm at its thickest section and 2cm at its thinnest section. The breast plate and shoulder guards are composed of thin layers of cemite bonded to gather by reinforcing acrylic and polymer resin, this combination gives this armor great protective abilities. This makes the LAA able to stop light caliber rifle ammunition and most light-heavy caliber pistol ammunition, LAA has been proven to increase survival rates by 20%. The LAA is often worn over ballistic clothing to offer more protection to areas not covered by the LAA, it is recommended that all personnel wear helmets to over maximum over all protection. Combined with lower costs, and high protective capabilities, the LAA is fast becoming more spread out through military and security forces around the world.

Name :::::::::::::::: Conceal :: Ballistic :: Impact :: Weight :: Avail. :::::::::::: Cost ::::::::::: SI :: legality
LAA Mk. I S ::::::::: 0 :::::::::: 5 :::::::::: 4 :::::::::: 10 :::::::: 6/3 days :::::::: 1,500 :::::::: 1 :::::::: 6P-K
LAA Mk. I M ::::::::: 0 :::::::::: 5 :::::::::: 5 ::::::::: 14 ::::::::: 6/3 days :::::::: 2,000 :::::::: 1 :::::::: 6P-K
LAA Helmet ::::::::: - :::::::::: +1 ::::::::: +2 ::::::: - ::::::::::: 6/3 days :::::::: 250 :::::::::: 1 :::::::: (-1)P-K

The LAA does not stack with armored long coats, and jackets, only stacks with with one layer of armored clothing.

The LAA Mk. I M has 1 hard mount on the back to attach a modular quick release LBR or load bearing rack.
1* Requires one simple action to release LBR from hard mount
2* Use Ruck Sack rules from SOTA 2063.

The LAA is capable of incorporating the following gear
Helmet Enhancement
->100Mp HUD (1,000) ->10x Electro-Optical Magnification (Rating 2 - 600) ->10x Optical Magnification (Rating 2 - 800)
->Low-light (700) ->Thermographic (700) ->Ultrasound (1,000) ->Smart Goggles (3,000)
->Transceiver (250 x Rating) ->Tracking Signal (100 x Rating) ->Signal Locator (1,000 x Rating)
Enviromental Control
->Chemical Seal (12,000)
1* Comes with special ballistic cloth that has 3/0 ballistic-impact rating and a weight of .2kg.
2* as notes in Cannon Companion.
->Resperator (500)
1*as noted in Cannon Companion.
->Gas Mask (50 +1,000 with air tank)
1* as noted in Shadowrun 3rd Edition.
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post Oct 18 2003, 08:50 PM
Post #2

Ain Soph Aur

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1.5mm is not gonna stop anything. Did you mean cm? It's also too expensive expensive.
You can't put chemical seal on something that doesn't completely enclose a person, either.
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post Oct 18 2003, 09:20 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Oops sorry about that typo error, mm should be cm, thanks Backgammon. I know nothing of how thick armor material should be, what would be a reasonable thickness for this type of armor. I am now thinking of increasing the thickness to 2.5-3cm of thickness in the thick areas while having 2cm in the thinnest areas. And when you get the chemical seal option the armor comes with a chemical suit that is made of ballistic/polymer cloth composition, and the armor also gets some extra features that help it seal too. Maybe the price should be dropped to 1,000-2,000 :?.
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post Oct 19 2003, 01:40 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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It kinda reminds me of Juicer body armour (from RIFTS), eh?
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post Oct 19 2003, 01:52 AM
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From the description, you're talking a partial suit of heavy armor (from SR 1), dropped on a chem suit.

Basically, you're re-inventing the wheel when the same effect could be achieved with armor already existing in game.

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post Oct 19 2003, 02:13 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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Never player 1st of 2nd edition, so I never heard of partial heavy armor or what ever you called it. What where the statistics of this partial security armor that you mention siege, you got me interested in them when you mentioned that I basically redone them. If I have there stats that will save me a lot of work that I other wise would have to do, and I can add my own touchs like the hard-point mounting back pack.
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post Oct 19 2003, 02:28 AM
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The partial heavy was rated, if memory serves, 6/4.

The picture suggests the toros/shoulder combination that you're describing.

All you're doing is throwing a bodysuit into the mix with a toxic seal and wrapping it into one package.


Edit: Oops, sorry
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post Oct 19 2003, 02:47 AM
Post #8

Immoral Elf

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Geosh!ties does not support linking directly to images. Use this link and the click the Human Merc. :)
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post Oct 19 2003, 06:16 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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The hard armor sections only cover the upper torso and and the shoulders the rest of the armor is composed of soft armor. The hard armor sections are mainly to protect the lungs and heart will the soft armor section to protect all the other sections. The main goal of me making this armor was something I could give to the military units that my group was going to fight against, I am running a So Cal campaign where we often run it Pueblo soldiers. And need some type of armor that would be reasonable enough that it would be issued to the primary grunt and yet provide superior protect then the an armored jacket. And it appears that partial security armor is what I am looking for. So what was the price, avail, and other important stats on the partial security armor?

If I was able to get a good picture of what the armors actually looked like I would provide a link, but there is not. All the pictures I have found don't show much detail of what the armor looks like, and usually a of multiple units so ones that appear to have some armor detail are not visible.
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post Oct 19 2003, 04:06 PM
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Even in 2060, you standard infantryman probably isn't going to wear armor like this. I've always given my soldiers armored vests with plates in situations where they're pretty sure they'll be shot and armored clothing in most situations.

RL soldiers don't really wear armor. It's uncomfortable, heavy, and causes heat exhaustion, and most of what they're being shot at with will kill them anyway.
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post Oct 19 2003, 06:03 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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That is what I am trying to change in my game, I already play the soldiers as intelligent npcs, now I am just sprucing them up now. And I I noticed that most soldiers do get armored vest with plates, I just wanted something a little tougher but not over the top. Does any body know the weight or the approxment weight of the partial heavy armor, if the weight is reasonable I'll use that and change things here and there like the name and some features.
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post Oct 20 2003, 08:11 AM
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Actually, Zach, since Vietnam, US Army soldiers have had body armor as standard issue. They don't always wear it for the reasons mentioned, but then, it's their own damn fault. In Vietnam it was flak vests, which wouldn't stop a bullet, but were great on keeping shrapnel from penetrating. I dunno what they use these days... Raygun, assist?
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post Oct 20 2003, 03:12 PM
Post #13


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Ray mentioned two forms of current body armor:


And the Ranger model.

The link for this information was posted in a thread on "SR canon caliber".

I have this inability to create thread links, but it's around here somewhere.

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post Oct 20 2003, 03:20 PM
Post #14


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It occurs to me that a player can create a standard armor form like what you're describing using the existing mechanics:

Armor Jacket (5/3) + Chemical Seal (per Canon/Cannon Companion)

I've created a "standard combo" that is stocked regularly:

The spook suit: level 3 form-fitting armor + chemical seal. The final cost for the package is: 3,000 nuyen, SI 1.25, 6/2 weeks + 12 hours

My local fixer and my armorer stock this new brand of "Ares Spec-op Spook Suit" that, mechanically is a tweaked suit of existing armor.

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post Oct 20 2003, 03:32 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Thanks seige, so just make armor jacket, formfitting armor incorporated, with chem seal. Then some fluff stuff added here and there and I have what I am looking for.
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