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> What do wagemages do?
emo samurai
post Sep 12 2006, 11:04 PM
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I heard that they can quicken spells, which would be quite valuable. But why would they do that if they could use it to initiate instead? I'm not sure "Because the company tells me to" is good enough; that's a shitload of life force and opportunity you're giving up.

So what would they do in a corporate setting?
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Herald of Verjig...
post Sep 12 2006, 11:14 PM
Post #2


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Summon watchers, spirits and/or elementals to patrol for unwanted visitors. Establish massive wards on secure zones. Unleash the invisible genetically modified dogs that bark bees at invading shadowrunners. Make a few anchored spells and recharge them if the event triggers.

Really, they can do a lot for a corp without even getting LoS to an intruder.
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emo samurai
post Sep 12 2006, 11:19 PM
Post #3


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Yeah, that, and detect enemy spells to draw out shadowrunners.

What about non-security uses?
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post Sep 12 2006, 11:26 PM
Post #4

Immortal Elf

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i'd say that 99% of a wagemage's job is making and maintaining wards. wards are damn handy, and they're pretty man-hour intensive.
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Slithery D
post Sep 13 2006, 12:35 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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True dat. The only real uses for a magical economy seem to be enchanting toys to make magicians more powerful and security against other mages. All other uses are either illegal (mind probe) or can generally more efficiently be performed by technology. FrankTrollman's idea of having an earth elemental to provide Movement and Guard on pretty much every long haul truck, with air spirits to do the same for aircraft, seems the best to me - it would really pay to hire even an average mage to summon a force 3 and knock lots of time off transit and reduce your accident rate. But it's such a good idea that it's weird anyone wouldn't do it, and having magic so in your face part of the economy in such a niche field seems strange since it's not mentioned in the fluff.

Lessee - water spirits could provide rain with Weather Control, but probably not more cheaply than irrigation. Clean Element might be able to clean pollution better than tech methods, but between needing 4-5 successes and overcoming background count... Shape Element could replace bulldozers...no, not going to happen.
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post Sep 13 2006, 12:45 AM
Post #6

Manus Celer Dei

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Most mages don't initiate.

If any of them have initiated academically, there's always magical research.

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Slithery D
post Sep 13 2006, 12:48 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Most mages don't initiate.

Some disagree. There's a good enough karma trade off for one metamagic at the price of a couple of skill points that you can justify a pretty good wack of people with a single grade of initiation. Mages could still have average skills of 3; they'd just have a couple less skills and the ability to Quicken or whatever.
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Wounded Ronin
post Sep 13 2006, 02:36 AM
Post #8

Great Dragon

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Since the mage, being in control of astral security, is probably in effect responsible to no one unless something bad happens at the site, he probably hangs out astrally oogling the women who go to the restroom to take a crap.
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post Sep 13 2006, 03:14 AM
Post #9

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Slithery D)
All other uses are either illegal (mind probe)...

well, not really. that's the nice thing about extraterritoriality; the laws of your host nation don't apply inside your walls.

and even in the government sector, i don't believe that mind probe and the like are actually illegal, they're just a) very tightly restricted, and b) can't be used to convict the probe-ee.
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Slithery D
post Sep 13 2006, 04:27 AM
Post #10

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Agreed, and I'd meant to mention something like that - I just meant that the best "magic only" products aren't really suitable for all mages to use to make a living.
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Tiger Eyes
post Sep 13 2006, 06:03 AM
Post #11

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Magical research-like, oh, say...
*meta-genetic research (awakened genetics are a booming business);
*awakened biologicals (botany, biology) like experimenting on plants, growing fun strains of algae, awakened fruit flies, etc, etc;
*architecture (read runner havens Hong Kong section to hear about the highly paid wage-mages who do interior design);
*academics such as researching old stuff (archeology);
*human resources (now for the aura-reading portion of your prehire testing) and even 'crowd control' (business, psycology)
*researching magical dragon lines (again, read the HK section of Runner Havens)/astral shallows/useful metaplanes, etc, etc;
*medical personel, including the ever-popular corporate shrink.
*and the always fun spell-design guy

Actually, I figure that less than 10% of mages/shaman work in the 'security' field for corps.
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post Sep 13 2006, 07:49 AM
Post #12

Karma Police

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There's a mage in every dispatch of Lone Star detectives. Mages are invaluable in forensics in a world were magic can be used to commit crime. There's a lot of spells that can make finding regular criminals easier too.
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post Sep 13 2006, 08:53 AM
Post #13

Shadow Cartographer

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1. Summon Spirits.
2. Bind Spirits
3. Repeat.

Seriously, from setting spirits to guard important corporate execs to arranging patrols of secure compounds and guarding watchers, a wagemage could be employed forever just handling spirits.

And given the rarity of magicians on staff, I'd think having a guardian spirit would be a significant honour for a corporate exec. Beats a key to your own washroom, anyday.
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post Sep 13 2006, 12:18 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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QUOTE (emo samurai)
I heard that they can quicken spells, which would be quite valuable. But why would they do that if they could use it to initiate instead?

I view the various references that appear, to me, to suggest that wage mages spend whatever karma they have to anchor spells, make wards permanent, or bind spirits for a year, to be something that doesn't happen in my milieu except, perhaps, for the CEO of a megacorp or similar ranking person, basically a group of less than 100 individuals worldwide.

There is only so much karma available among extant NPC wage mages, and if all the people in the SR milieu who could easily afford, say, 100k nuyen per point of karma expended binding spirits for year long service did so, every NPC wage mage on the planet would be sucked dry of their available karma. Some people do, of course, have the authority to order karma expended, regardless of payment, but that only makes the scarcity situation worse.

(I've only played in about a half-dozen games, some short, but I've never seen these types of options used by PC mages.)

Wage mages use whatever karma they do have to increase skills, bond foci, and initiate. Initiated magi are super-valuable to corps, having a guardian wage mage around with shielding could be quite a bit more useful than having a bound spirit.


As for what wage mages do?
  • Create Wards (permanence w/Karma would be super-rare, IMO).
  • Patrol Astrally.
  • Bodyguard/Shielding Duty.
  • Summon Elementals (binding w/Karma would be super-rare, IMO).
  • Summon Watchers.
Things like anchoring spells or attaching Anchoring Foci would also be super-rare, IMO.

Summoning Elementals would practically be an industrial operation for megacorps. They have many personnel and sites that need guarding. I bet there are ranks of wage mages who spend eight hours a day summoning Force 4 elementals. Hmm, I bet there could be Metamagic powers, enchanced Hermetic Circles, and other types of Elementally-related Foci that could all aid in this "assembly line" summoning of elementals.

Hmm, one could take the idea of "assembly line" and Hermetic Circles to mean that it is possible to build large Hermetic "Constructs" (large expensive structures, say, Force x Large Amount of nuyen) that aided the summoning process, typically reducing the time required.

I seem to recall a topic about group Conjuring. That could tie in with the above, as well.
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post Sep 13 2006, 05:02 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Perment hermetic circles, spirit foci and *cough*ritual conjuring*cough*
Allows average stated mages to summon elementals that challege the super charged magical criminal that is the average shadow running magician.
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post Sep 13 2006, 08:54 PM
Post #16


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I'd think a huge chunk of the existing wagemage population works in research or in manatech manufacturing. A lot of employees aren't down with getting stuck in security (where you can get your brain burned) just because they were born magical.
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post Sep 14 2006, 02:30 PM
Post #17

Shadow Cartographer

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QUOTE (RainOfSteel)

Wage mages use whatever karma they do have to increase skills, bond foci, and initiate. Initiated magi are super-valuable to corps, having a guardian wage mage around with shielding could be quite a bit more useful than having a bound spirit.

In real world terms, I could quite easily spend my day studying foreign languages, working out, meditating etc. In SR terms, these would all be opportunities to spend karma and develop my skills, attributes or initiation level (respectively). Sadly I don't because I need to work, my energy (karma if you will) goes to my employers who give me :nuyen: in return.

I see this as the same for wagemages. Initiation is a big chunk of karma (a lot of sitting around doing nothing), when the corporation wants the employee to be setting up those spirits, warding areas, etc.

As to a guardian wage mage being more valuable than a bound spirit. Well yes she is. But really - all the time that your wage mage is following your executive around playing bodyguard (and maybe being useful once in three years. Maybe), is time that the same mage isn't churning out spirit guardians on other employees or areas (perhaps in shifts with other mages once their bound limit is reached) and communicating with and re-organising existing spirits. The economics of having a wagemage bodyguard just don't bear out for anyone other than the most critical CEOs (who will already have some high force spirit protection).

And all this is aside from the average attribute being 3 and a skill of 3 representing professional level of competence. It might be nice to initiate once you've hit magic 6, conjuring 5 or 6 and sorcery 5, but these represent much higher levels of achievement than the typical mage so there's plenty of room for improvement in ways that are more directly useful to a wagemage's career than initiation. Also these improvements are incremental which are the more natural progression path for abilities than a sudden radical enlightenment. If karma represents effort and energy, then remember that initiation is the equivalent of going from never-tried-it to karate black belt.

I see initiates in a corporation as being either specialist researchers or wildly gifted upstarts and mavericks getting away with murder because of their sheer brilliance. The standard professional, as the book says, is a guy with Magic 3 and Sorcery / Conjuring the same. Shadowrunners are exceptional people. Many people may not even have the potential to initiate. We can all study hard or train hard, and we'll get good, but how many of us can become Einstein or Bruce Lee?
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emo samurai
post Sep 14 2006, 02:55 PM
Post #18


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But then again, what about magical research? I'm sure they'd want as many researchers as possible. To do magical research, you need metaplanar access.
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post Sep 14 2006, 03:05 PM
Post #19

Ain Soph Aur

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I also think Security Mages must be, by far, the least attractive job for a mage and the least profitable for a corp.

Using magic for research in all areas, not just magical theory, would be extremely useful and have a much higher payout that selling wards.
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post Sep 14 2006, 03:07 PM
Post #20

jacked in

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I'd guess that it is split somewhat evenly between security (simply because it's necessary) and research purposes.

Depends a lot on what the corp in question does, of course.

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post Sep 14 2006, 03:22 PM
Post #21

Running Target

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I'd see company-sponsored initiation to be similar to current-day company-sponsored graduate degrees. The company would support the process fianancially, as long as you could show a direct benifit to the company in terms of your improved skillset, and you'd have to do it on your own time. And, like RL graduate degrees, most mages probably wouldn't bother with them until they'd gotten a few years experience under their belt (i.e. spending their karma on upping their skills and expanding their spell list).
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Slithery D
post Sep 14 2006, 03:32 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Backgammon @ Sep 14 2006, 10:05 AM)
I also think Security Mages must be, by far, the least attractive job for a mage and the least profitable for a corp.

People keep saying this, but identify something that mages can do to make money that technology can't do better. There simply aren't any mass magical occupations that make sense other than security/law enforcement fields. Long haul trucking with an earth spirit is the best idea I've seen so far. Now there's something more glamorous than security! Well, magical healing is a better answer, but then you've got to explain why 90% of magicians aren't healers and why they haven't displaced a lot of medical fuctions performed by doctors. They should, but it's hard to retcon that into a game that doesn't anticipate such a thing.

Or you can make very expensive foci and orichalcum to sell. To sell to mages, who make the money to buy them...how?

Research? Research what? Ways for magicians to do new magical things that still won't make money for anyone else? Fine, but how do other magicians pay your researchers for their discoveries? It's just intellectual foci/orichalcum, a continuation of the great magical circle jerk of building a vary narrow sort of personal power that isn't very marketable.

To mundanes, magic is a threat without many benefits.

Don't tell me other uses of mages are more profitable. Tell me how they are more profitable. Tell me what uses. Name a spell or a spirit ability that they can use several times a day (and not a lot more, due to drain) that is worth much money, is legal, and can't be done cheaper by technology or other mundane methods. The only exceptions are security against other mages, health spells that are faster (Heal) or more generalized and without side effects (anti-poison/disease) that medicine would have, and transportation services provided by spirits with Guard and Movement.
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post Sep 14 2006, 03:36 PM
Post #23

Shadow Cartographer

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QUOTE (Apathy)
I'd see company-sponsored initiation to be similar to current-day company-sponsored graduate degrees. The company would support the process fianancially, as long as you could show a direct benifit to the company in terms of your improved skillset, and you'd have to do it on your own time. And, like RL graduate degrees, most mages probably wouldn't bother with them until they'd gotten a few years experience under their belt (i.e. spending their karma on upping their skills and expanding their spell list).

I think that works. The corporation will support it and like it, but it's something for the high-flyers. The reality is that once someone has become successful and comfortable, they very seldom break their back trying to achieve more. At least not in their career. Mages are humans too and any wage mage already has a cushy thing going. The corp might always be pressuring them for greater output, but both parties know that the reality is the mage is hard to replace. He earns a high wage, can impress most people he meets in a bar and he can go elsewhere if he can get away with it. The truly dedicated will pursue initiation but the rest will eventually start a family, watch the trid and do all that stuff people do once they've attained High Lifestyle.
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post Sep 14 2006, 05:35 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Most mages don't initiate.

I realy dont get how people can still think this. The developers have come around several times and posted that most mages with any amount of education DO initiate at least once or twice. I realy wonder where everyone is getting the idea that it is rare.
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post Sep 14 2006, 05:59 PM
Post #25

Shadow Cartographer

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QUOTE (Halabis)
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Sep 12 2006, 06:45 PM)
Most mages don't initiate.

I realy dont get how people can still think this. The developers have come around several times and posted that most mages with any amount of education DO initiate at least once or twice. I realy wonder where everyone is getting the idea that it is rare.

Internal consistency and logic. I've explained my reasoning in my earlier post. If the designers wrote themselves into a corner, it's not my fault. ;)

Seriously, though - people can play how they like, but bog standard initiation as part of the career just doesn't extend logically from what is written in the BBB, in my opinion.
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