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> Lucky Bastard, A new quality up for review
post Sep 15 2006, 06:05 PM
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After my last session we were kicking around the thought that it would be kind of neet if you could just convert your Edge uses into a pool of bonus dice that could be added as needed, kind of like pools from SR3, but refreshing like normal Edge. So here's my version of a Quality that would do just that.

Lucky Bastard (10 or 5) - Instead of spending Edge normally, this Quality converts your uses of Edge into a pool of Luck Points equal to Edge x Edge. A number of these Luck points may be spent, up to Edge, to add an equal number of dice to any roll. These dice may be added to a roll before it is made, or after the roll has been made, but before the GM have declared the results of the roll, adding any successes to successes from the origional roll. Dice made be added both before and after the same roll, but no more than Edge in dice may ever be added to a single roll by spending Luck Points. These added dice, and only the added dice, are subject to the Rule of Six. Alternately, a number of Luck Points equal to your Edge may be spent to produce any of the effects normally generated by spending Edge such as gaining an additional Initiative pass, or adding Edge in dice to a roll that has not yet been made and granting all dice the Rule of Six. If a character with this quality also has the quality Unlucky, check to see if the use of Luck Points has the opposite effect any time Luck points are spent, as if they had just spent Edge. Any time this character would recover Edge, they instead recover Edge x "Uses Recovered" in Luck Points. This character can still Burn Edge normally. If this character ever chooses to Burn Edge, their current Luck Points are reduced to "New Edge" x "New Edge" - Points spent, to a minimum of 0.

So, too powerful to even be considered, to cheap, too expensive, should Lucky be a requirement? Daisy, Daisy, Give me you answer, do....

EDIT: Made some changes after pondering during my lunch break. You can add dice before or after the roll, makeint it more useful for Buying Successes. Still not sure if it should be 10 or 5.
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post Sep 15 2006, 06:11 PM
Post #2

Genuine Artificial Intelligence

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So, let me see if I'm reading this right. Basically, it works just like edge for pretty much everything. For getting extra dice, you get the same total number of extra dice when all is said and done. The only real difference is that a character who has, for example, six edge, doesn't have to use six dice at a time, six times, they can add a lesser number and thus "save" the rest of the dice for later. Right?
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post Sep 15 2006, 06:19 PM
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Yes. It's intended to add greater versitility to you use of Edge. And it's really only a good buy for character with Edge around 6-8 I'd guess. Sometimes you just don't want or need 8 extra dice.
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post Sep 15 2006, 06:24 PM
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Running Target

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That's my reading as well. I think that's just fine for 10 BP.

It also inspires:

Unlucky Bastard (-10 bp):

Sometimes, it just doesn't work out for you.

Whenever you spend an Edge point to gain bonus dice, you add one less die than your Edge. If you spend Edge to reroll, you reroll one less die.

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post Sep 15 2006, 06:25 PM
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jacked in

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I don't know... with a high Edge you got enough uses normally, so you don't really need to worry about splitting that up. And with low Edge it doesn't give much mileage.

Not worth 10 BP, IMHO.

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post Sep 15 2006, 06:32 PM
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Well, look at it this way. What if you only need one more success? You can spend Edge and roll a bunch of dice that you don't need, or spend 4 Luck points, buy a success, and have dice left over for later.

But you may be right Thanee, considering the realitively narrow range of usefulness, it's probably only worth 5 points.
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post Sep 15 2006, 07:02 PM
Post #7

jacked in

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QUOTE (Metasigil)
Well, look at it this way. What if you only need one more success? You can spend Edge and roll a bunch of dice that you don't need, or spend 4 Luck points, buy a success, and have dice left over for later.

Sure. The point is, that only has any effect at all, if you also need to use up your remaining Edge *and* then have another such situation, regularily, before your pool refreshes.

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post Sep 15 2006, 07:07 PM
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Moving Target

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If you could add more than your edge in dice to a single test, then it could be worth 10 points. Maybe up to edgeX2 or something.
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Steak and Spirit...
post Sep 15 2006, 07:37 PM
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Moving Target

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Hrm. Definitely a cool start for an idea. Have you tried playing around with it yet?
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post Sep 15 2006, 09:51 PM
Post #10

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Metasigil)
Well, look at it this way. What if you only need one more success? You can spend Edge and roll a bunch of dice that you don't need, or spend 4 Luck points, buy a success, and have dice left over for later.

except that on anything important, you don't buy successes, you have to roll for them.
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post Sep 15 2006, 09:54 PM
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Lagomorph - Edgex2 just seems excessive.

Steak and Spirits - We haven't had a chance to play test it at all.

Jaid - I'll admit, my GM is pretty forgiving on what we can and can't buy successes on. Your mileage may vary

Everyone - I did some pondering over my lunch break and re-wrote Lucky Bastard. Now you can add dice both before and after a roll, up to Edge. I think this makes it much more useful, because it's very convenient for buying successes. Again, forgiving GM, mileage may vary. Take a look and give me your comments please.
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Steak and Spirit...
post Sep 15 2006, 10:05 PM
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Moving Target

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As it stands now, dice can be added to a test with edge - However, I don't believe that successes can be purchased with edge. While I do agree that being able to buy successes is a very useful ability, I would question how unbalancing it could become?

And isn't the quality named 'Lucky Bastard', and not 'Assured of Success' bastard? ;)
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post Sep 15 2006, 10:31 PM
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I think lucky bastard could be more amusing if every time, before you rolled edge, you rolled 1d6 and got the result as additional dice. Then price that at 10BP (maybe even 15, meh).
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post Sep 15 2006, 11:16 PM
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Steak and Spirits - It's not that successes can be purchase with Edge, it's that they can be purchased with dice. You can trade in 4 dice for 1 success in some circumstances. In my group, it's just a lot of circumstances. There are times where I would gladly turn in my dice for a minimal success if I only had just one or two more dice. And as for Assured of Success instead of Lucky Bastard, you ever met someone that can do no wrong, where everything just goes right for no apparent reason? That's a Lucky Bastard, and you kind of hate him for it. At least here, their luck will run out eventually... And then it all goes to hell. :evil:
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