PLAY ONLINE, Online campaign... |
PLAY ONLINE, Online campaign... |
Sep 21 2006, 03:32 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
I'm looking for 4 shadowrun players for an online game. Thsi means meeting at certain times on the net for the game. Anyone interested? E. |
Sep 21 2006, 09:08 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 80 Joined: 21-May 06 From: San Diego, CA Member No.: 8,581 |
D-Franco83's working on organizing an online campaign in this thread if you're looking to play. If you're looking to GM, all I can say is g'luck!
Sep 21 2006, 11:31 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Thank you Tekumel,
I am looking to GM actually. I don't quite understand why it is so hard to find shadowrun players... E. |
Sep 22 2006, 12:23 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,241 Joined: 10-August 02 Member No.: 3,083 |
I would be interested, depending on what time we would be meeting.
Sep 22 2006, 01:17 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 4 Joined: 6-September 06 Member No.: 9,317 |
I might be interested.
What do you plan for online? irc or other? What kind of schedule? |
Sep 22 2006, 04:59 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Thank you for your replies.
Well, I'll be frank, I like RPG (pen and paper). I'm looking for people who have the same hobby/passion. The schedule is to determined with all of us, depending on our free time (which I have a lot of). I want brand new characters. I'm looking for people who are good at roleplaying. This is the real thing, maps, miniatures, dice rolling, death and life. The Mission is already done. It's a simple mission but which requires skills from different type of characters (brawn, tech, magic, decker,). A fair amount of combat (I like the strategy of combat). To give you a better idea of a battlemap, please check here: IMPORTANT: I don't want to take months to finish the mission. I would like us to meet online and then proceed from there. This is why I am looking for a few players, only three or four so meeting won't be a problem. I would like to meet three times a week I think. Maybe more or less, depending on the players. I use the 4th edition ruleset. Here's a sample of a map I did for AD&D for my online gaming. A battle with undead in front of a tavern: A small house: Lots of strategy, LOTS of fun. I works really well actually. I've GMed for 10 years more or less, so I know what I'm doing :-). |
Sep 22 2006, 10:03 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Here, this is the introduction, to give the player an idea.
Seattle, 8:34 a.m., Chinatown. You finally make it to the restaurant. You are quite surprised of the building’s appearance, considering the surrounding poverty. The facade of the building is well kept which is quite a contrast from street. Two crystalline windows allows passerby, mostly individuals who will never have the chance of putting one foot in the restaurant, to see what they are missing. Expensive furniture, original paintings, antique chandeliers, candles, classical music, the whole deal. In between the windows, Two massive man stand guard in front of the entrance. You could swear they were statue if they didn’t scan the area every once in a while. They are both heavily armed with automatic rifles. The eating place is five stories high. On the last floor, a massive dragon hologram breathe mirage fire on the pedestrians, all the way down in the streets. “赤龙” Chi Long, the Red Dragon. A slight drizzle is keeping most people inside today. The poor and the needy, however, hardly consider the weather when it comes to get enough Nuyen to get something to eat. A look at their desperate expressions whips your motivation to meet Mr. Johnson and most importantly, reap the big bucks that rewards a job well done. Unfortunately you don’t know much about your future employer. All you know is the password to get your sorry hide in the deluxe establishment: “希望’’, Xi Wang, Hope. You are to meet Johnson at exactly 9:00 a.m. Being one second late, after this deadline, would result in the loss of the contract. Manners are also of the utmost importance… |
Sep 22 2006, 01:17 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 4 Joined: 6-September 06 Member No.: 9,317 |
This looks really interesting (tu parles francais?) but I don't think I can play as regularly as you're asking due to a pretty harsh RL schedule, so I'll pass. :S
Sep 23 2006, 04:55 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
I am quite sorry to hear that.
As I've mentioned, the frequency of our meetings would be determined by the group, not me. I will wait for a few more days. If I have no participants, I will cancel the game. I've been looking for quite a while and the lack of interest is rather disheartening. I guess the pen and paper days are now making way for the computer ones. E. PS: Oui, je parle ta langue et je peux même dire avec quasi certitude que tu es Québécois (comme moi d'ailleurs). |
Sep 24 2006, 12:52 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Just wanted to let you know that I"ve decided to cancel, due to lack of interest.
All the best, S. |
Sep 25 2006, 12:42 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 69 Joined: 10-September 06 From: Hainesville, IL Member No.: 9,354 |
I don't mean to sound like a dick or anything. But, I mean what is the problem. I have been playing RPG's for a few years, but that experience is enough to know that you need patience. Hell I am here in Western hanging out with my old gaming buddies and I have been only able to squeeze in one game. Everyone else has lives to live. If you want players, you need patience. I have been trying to get players together and the hold up is that everyone is trying to get their characters created and finished. I would not mind being a player. I already have tons of different characters I can play. If you really want to game that badly online. You will get people. I can hold my game and just get the players if you really want to gm and such.
Sep 25 2006, 02:47 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Hello D-Franco83.
You don't sound like a "dick" at all. I respect your opinion, what you are saying is wise and is making a lot of sense. I should tell you I've been looking for players online for quite a while now, without success... So my patience has run out... I do wish you the best with your game however, I hope it works out and that you have a lot of fun (which I wished I would've!) There seems to be a rather strong community for the allmighty D20 and WoC monopoly. I wish that was the case for Shadowrun. I honestly thought people would seize the opportunity to participate in an online game. It's just so covenient. I know I spend countless hours making mine, mapping everything, descriptions, you name it. I'll probably upload it somewhere for GM, would be a waste not to share it. There's something I'm missing here, because I think it really is a good opportunity for players to participate. All the best. |
Sep 25 2006, 03:23 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,000 Joined: 17-November 05 From: Halifax, Canada Member No.: 7,975 |
Considering you gave it less than 3 days to see if there's enough interest, I think patience is quite the issue... if you're this impatient to find players, how will you be like as a GM?
I work nights, which is why I've had to resort myself to play-by-post. Few people - outside of Australians and Asians have the same hours as I do. That said, I did run a weekly game for 4 hours every Sat, I put the group on haitus for the summer, and should be starting it up sometime soon. You do need a lot of patience for an online group, seriously.. a lot more than you seem to have. That said, if you're still looking for players, relaunch your recruitment.. though name your thread more appropriately... something like "Recruiting : Looking for players for online game." Might get you a few more.. |
Sep 25 2006, 04:33 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Thank you for your suggestion.
I'll keep that in mind should I ever want to GM again (rather unlikely :( ). |
Sep 25 2006, 05:45 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 745 Joined: 12-August 06 Member No.: 9,097 |
Unless you're really dead set against the play-by-post style, you can always mosey over to the Welcome to the Shadows forum and host your game there.
Sep 25 2006, 09:46 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Yes, I am dead set against play-by-post.
Although it has many advantages, it kills the rythm (that's just my opinion). I'll keep an eye out though, who knows, maybe someday. |
Sep 25 2006, 09:48 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Yes, I am dead set against play-by-post.
Although it has many advantages, it kills the rythm (that's just my opinion). Okay, well, I'll give it a few more days if you seem convinced that it would make a difference. I never had any problems finding players for my AD&D games however. I'll post: "The Wrath of the Red Dragon" in the other section. |
Sep 28 2006, 01:27 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Hello again, here's a sample of one of the maps I use.
For the record, this is part of China Town in Seattle. Took me more than 10 hours to make. The cars and almost anything is done by hand, with photoshop . I take the pictures of the cars of the net but modify them by hand. You might notice the police car has a black star on it's top with the Lone Star tag. The dragon on the restaurant also had to be modified quite a lot... The tokens you can see represents NPC or PC. I put them there just to give you an idea. Most of my maps are detailed like that. I think it adds a lot to the Roleplay. I also do the same for the Matrix maps. Here's the link: Etienne Enjoy. |
Sep 28 2006, 01:40 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 6 Joined: 27-September 06 From: Marietta, GA Member No.: 9,485 |
Is this game on, what's the format?
Sep 28 2006, 02:55 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Hello Vheni4e,
Well, I would like the game to be on. I would like to meet with my players once or twice a week for gaming. I'm thiking of using play-by-post and online meeting once a week. So no, the game hasn't started yet. UPDATE: I've decided to use the 3rd edition rules. I don't like the 4th edition. |
Sep 28 2006, 05:28 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 69 Joined: 10-September 06 From: Hainesville, IL Member No.: 9,354 |
what's wrong with 4th edition?
Sep 28 2006, 08:53 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
I don't think there's anything wrong with the edition itself. Some people like it, others don't.
I prefer the 3rd edition because I'm used to it's rules. Just a personal preference. SoP. |
Sep 29 2006, 03:32 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Ok, the spur the popularity of game (which is nonexistent).
Here's the prologue to the actual mission. I am still looking for three players. I've decided to compromise on the format. I would like to meet once a week and use play-by-psot the rest of the week. Is that something that might interest some of you? If that's the case, drop me a line. I may be a lef-wing commie, but I don't eat babies for breakfast. The Birth of the Red Dragon. It all began on a quiet, autumn night, in the busy streets of Chinatown. The last five years had been especially bad for the Sino-community. A certain number of police officers, corrupted to the bone has established a “protection” racket which had taken ampler at a terrifying speed. The Lone Star officers, by the number of 9, were quickly nicknamed “黑爪”, Hei Zhua, the “Black Claw”. They weren’t really bad individuals, the situation in Seattle for the law enforcers had broken most idealist who believed that values could hold their own against the almighty Nuyen. And so those 9 men, slowly saw their dream of justice fade away, on a daily basis, until it vanished and was gone forever. Lost, they left the right path for a different one, a more lucrative one. Resistance was non-existent in Little China. The four families who pretty much controlled what happened in their realm had reached a point of “no return” state of passivity. They were much too busy enjoying life to lift a finger to make it any better. One must understand that Chinatown was a city of it’s own, with it’s own rules. “What happens in Chinatown, stays in Chinatown.” Poverty had become a blatant critical crisis and Chinese could often be seen gnawing at some leftover bone from an errant dog or cat. Rumors of cannibalism in certain part of town kept most cautious citizens behind locked doors as the sun was setting. Chinatown had seen it’s share of dismayed mothers wandering down the dirty streets screaming their children’s name in vain, only answered by the echoes of their voices. How had things turned so bad? Why wouldn't anyone do something? BLT (“Better Than Life”) chips could be blamed. The chip junkies were spreading like a nasty virus and most of them had just given up on real life and it’s inconsistencies. And so, it is in this grim setting, that on a quiet autumn night, as a midnight wind was carelessly blowing leaves of fading colors, a couple of young Sino-Elves were walking back to their humble firework store. They weren’t good or bad, just human, although they were respected in their community. After many years or dealing with the ordeals of Little China, they were still very much in love. They were striding down ruined streets, under a sky long covered with toxic clouds, but they would not notice. Only their love mattered, nothing else but their love. Respect, as all things in this world, would not be earned without any reason. 例会,Li Hui, the man and father, was a stubborn idealist. His friends and family could not understand his determination to believe into things which they could not see. Li Hui was one of those determined soul who listen to no one but his own words for a very good reason, he had an excellent judgment. He somehow managed to make the best decision no matter what, no matter the options. But Li Hui’s luck had run out. His flawless judgment had been dented a few weeks ago when he refused to pay two rather imposing law officers who came for their weekly deposit. He refused categorically, “不是” he said… “No.” No threats, no insult would move him for he had the patience of a mountain no vicious winds or harmful gale could shake his determination. What could also be said about Li Hui was that he was quite traditional. He had mastered Kung Fu long ago and had once displayed prowess in the style of the “虎爪子”. Sure enough his skills weren’t as sharp as in is youth, but his reflexes were still astounding and his lean muscular body could still deliver devastating blows, should such violence be ever required. And so, following his refusal, the two men were none too pleased. Although pacific, there were certain things which turned the wise Li Hui into a raging demon. He was quite protective of his wife, 流弹。One of the officer, a burly middle aged man, furious with the unexpected refusal, decided it would be fitting to display his anger by spitting his body fluids in Liu Dan’s face. And so he did, smiling at his mischief like a misbehaved kid. Both men left the simple store, but did not go far. Li Hui had been angered. His tolerance had failed, and his whole being was resounding with the murderous anger. Focusing his “Chi”, like his ancestors for more generations that man could fathom had dibe, he practiced his art, the art of fighting to the greatest and most furious of abilities. His movements flowed like a vengeful tsunami, unstoppable and deadly like the bolts of a storm. They could’ve fought, had they ever had the time. But Li Hui had become something beyond man and his will bended the very rules of physics as he struck down the offenders. Two men died on that day, and no one in Chinatown shed one tear on that night. Their body were never found, and we can presume that none of the Chinese, so hungry as they were, tasted their foul flesh. Li Hui had fought for something he believed in, he had been driven by the searing flame of his convictions, but little did he know that flame of his conviction would drown his world in an ocean of hellish blaze. On that quiet Autumn night, a Lone Star patrol car had been following the couple from the market. On that night, as the couple entered Li Hui’s famous shortcut, a rather dark and deserted alley, the car followed, slowly, creeping in, like the shadows of the moon. On that night, as full moonlight bathed the couple, the car stopped and two men got out and walked to the couple. They did not talk, they merely flexed their muscles and grabbed our hero by surprise. None but Li Hui and the silent moon know what happened on that night. On that otherwise peaceful night, the two officer, which happened to be good friends of Li Hui’s victims, took their time to ruin a work of art, Liu Dan’s beautiful physique. They did it with the attention and care of professional, ignoring scream, pleas for help or even the tears of the innocent. With a mono-whip they scarred her face and with a knife they severed her head. One man kissed the dead lifeless lips and after pounding the flesh of a man who had lost it’s most treasure possession, they left him for dead, both in and out, under the gaze of a silent moon. But Life acts in mysterious ways sometimes and Li Hui did not die on that night. His heart kept on beating, but he had died in some other way. His patient and kind self had vanished with the life of his love and he had been reborn into something too scary to describe. His appearance was the same, but something inside of him had been born on that night, something from a world of nightmare, a being of hate, pure, crystalline hate, untainted by anything good. From that day on, Li Hui would be a stranger to both Compassion and Justice. How does the tale end then? In the next weeks, Lone Star patrol cars mysteriously disappeared in Chinatown. It got to the point where no man who belonged to put one foot into it’s dreaded street. The Chinese had a new hero, invisible and deadly. They called him “气的赤龙”, Qi De Chi Long, the “Wrath of the Red Dragon”… |
Sep 29 2006, 05:51 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 269 Joined: 25-September 06 Member No.: 9,467 |
I'm interested, would love to bring in my Technomancer, if you have openings...
Sep 29 2006, 05:52 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 82 Joined: 21-September 06 Member No.: 9,450 |
Sure I've got openings. All three of them.
Could you send me your Character by PM? Remember that I'll be using the 3rd edition rules. |
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